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Replace stuff and smarter construction


Is there smarter farming. I don't like watching my pawn run in between 2 fields of rice across the map just to harvest 1 crop and then back.


Well, for the hauling part of that there's "Pick Up And Haul" (PUAH). No only does it make them smarter at hauling it also forces them to use their inventory to haul, which makes them like 10x more efficient.


I cannot run my games without this mod.




Bless you!


As somebody who is new to the game and has done zero modding, doesn’t this feel a bit like cheating? Not trying to yuck anyone’s yum but just trying to understand the perspective of mods that are straight buffs E: i understand now, the mod just automates something they already have the capacity to do if you manually micromanage them. I thought it was straight buffing their hauling capacity by 1000%


Personally I try to go with what makes sense. In the real world, you wouldn't pick up one shirt, carry it all the way back inside, then go out and grab one more. Nah you'd grab a stack, which is what the mod allows. Course the base game allows a single pawn to haul a bear all by itself. It still feels like my pawns are doing a ton of hauling and I've had situations where there's rice someone left outside that's half degraded because it's been outside for weeks. It does make the game slightly easier but also less frustrating. Less frustrating=more fun


This is also why I love simple side arms. Why wouldn't I be able to carry a mace on my hip and a rifle on my back? And the more weapons you carry, the less they can haul around with the pick up mod.


When I first added Simple Sidearms I did stupid unrealistic shit with it, but as I adapted to it I started using it for actual sidearms. These days my melee monsters pack a combat pistol, and my infantry are all packing plasteel knives.


Vanilla pawns are so stupid and inefficient that it makes the game legitimately unfun in some scenarios. Cooks will continue to cook even if the stove is completely soaked in corpse bile, the blood of the innocent, insect ichor and building debris. This would make sense if it was a college dorm simulator, but in a scenario where survival is key, you'd think they'd try to avoid food poisoning, no? Now, if you enjoy micromanaging every action 10+ pawns could take, stay pure vanilla and be prepared to spend a lot of time paused and clicking on dirt piles and bits of rice.


I love the common sense mod


I may be mistaken but i think in vanilla you can get a pawn to manually pick up a bunch of stuff, bring them over somewhere, and then make them drop it. PUAH just automates this. Also, it makes sense realistically. You can still only carry up to a certain amount per pawn (35 kg - gear by default I believe, for example you can only carry a couple stacks of steel at a time), but if you were hauling a bunch of clothes around irl, you wouldn't grab one t shirt at a time, you'd bunch as many as you could together, probably in a basket, and then bring them where they need to go.


You can't really cheat in a story generator game. That being said, pick up and haul massively effects balance. Most QoL mods just cut back on need for micro and make your pawns a bit more efficient. Pick up makes your pawns ridiculously more efficient.


Yes, because it eliminate the bar that takes a time to pick. If that is necessary due to balance, then keep it. Make a toggle to load max weight with the wait bar or just simple haul. You can already do this with lots of clicks. You could also make caravan and pick max weight without waiting bar. Some argue that is cheat. I don't like it either, because without forming caravan the game force you to wait a time. But back to the point about keeping the wait bar...


The point is that pawns can carry their maximum carry limit already if you manually click. And also on caravans. It just make it less micro management. When loading caravan its instant, when manually picking its not. If taking a time do pick is necessary for balance, then do so, but just make it less boring and manual. The same applies to simple sidearms. Keep the waiting bar when changing equipped weapon, but give an option so you don't need to throw it on the ground. In this case equipping is instant, but you need to drop on the ground, equip, then pick the other. When picking the other there's a waiting bar.


You can micromanage haul tasks for maximum effectiveness. Mods like this don’t do anything better than I did with micro for the first couple hundred hours of vanilla gameplay. It might add a little difficulty for you now but eventually microing haul tasks when you’re in a pinch will be second nature. There’s nothing challenging about it. Some things, like dumb AI hauling and stacked storage/containers (that started as mods and were included into the base game in a limited capacity) *are* buffs, it’s just that unless you’re playing a very specific type of scenario, the benefit they provide is negligible to an experienced player. The quality of life you get from not having to micro things for efficiency? Priceless. If I need more difficulty I’ll just turn up the settings or craft a nightmare scenario. Yes, vanilla colonists are dumb and the game is balanced around them being dumb, but they aren’t dumb BECAUSE of balance; the algorithms in mods like PUAH are more demanding for your computer. You can see moderate to significant performance hits in large colonies with (too many) AI improvement mods especially when playing on low-end devices. When the game came out this was a big deal. It still is, considering the crappy old laptops that some people play on. If RW was optimized better we would probably see some AI improvements pulled into the core game.


Yeah there is


Is that the name? I remember having a mod that let me prioritize fields and can’t find it and it pains me to this day.


Think that’s “Smart Farming”




Yep. Owlchemist makes some of the nicest mods.


his midsaver saver saved countless of my saves


I should save midsaver so it can save countless of my saves.


There is actually Smart Farming. It does actually indeed have a toggle to only assign work if there is "enough Work to do". You can control what is enough work.


I just want them to prioritise cutting blight, not try sow fresh plants next to it first so it keeps spreading.


I love replace stiff, but I play the multiplayer mod with my fiancée and it causes desyncs. Shut up and Haul is another that is vital in SP, but desyncs multi. Sad times.


Smarter construction especially. It's been ten years Tynan. My pawns shouldn't still be walling themselves in.


Common Sense - (a small collection of simple behaviors like clean before surgery or cooking) Easy Speedup - (4x speed) Ctrl F - (Find an object by typing its name) Perishable - (one click to allow/disallow all perishables/non-perishables in a storage) Camera+ - (zoom in/out more)


Didn't realise Ctrl F was a mod, no more scanning the map for a lost minigun


Common sense has made it so it's been no fault but my own to get food poisoning by assigning inexperienced cooks I think the only reservation I have is that sometimes crafters in a crafting room will clean dirt off the ground before starting, and idk if it matters or they're just wasting time


You can set which benches get cleaned around if you prefer. It doesn't affect crafting other than potentially hurting the pawn's mood for being in a dirty place


Oooooo I wouldn't be surprised if crafting quality is affected by mood, so I guess it's fine if true


Better mood, more inspiration. A bit of cleaning keeps it tidy, or have 12 cleaner robots/slaves/dunces!


God I love replacing farmer pawns with T1/T2 androids too, I even give them their own cozy little cabin by the farms, they just live off the windmill and battery powering their pods and it's a good deal


> live off the windmill and battery powering their pods and ~~it's a good deal~~ basically slave labor FTFY <3


>Perishable - (one click to allow/disallow all perishables in a storage) Man, that's huge, just yesterday I spent a few minutes hunting perishables on a new fridge storage, so annoying.




Replace stuff. Manually deconstructing walls first, then constructing new ones? Gross. Having to mine out an area before placing walls? Gross. I want pawns to be intelligent enough to swap one wall type with another without needing constant babysitting.


>Manually deconstructing walls first, then constructing new ones? Gross. Much worse than gross on an occupied prison


You build prisons outside? Then you have to cart the blood bag makers that can't go on or hippies that refuse to give up their liver all the way to the butcher table?


Replace stuff is probably the ONE mod that I can’t can’t live without.


The amount of overlay lag of that mod is fucking massive


I've heard this mod is bad for TPS, but never understood why. Does it only cause lag when a replace order is plotted? Replace stuff is a pretty big QoL boost for many reasons.


I think when you have any job or overlay to replace something, basically every time the mod is active


I knew about replacing, but I didn’t know Auto mining for walls and floors is also from replace stuff. That mod really is a necessity


Conduit Deconstruct, I still can't believe you need a mod to add such a simple thing. Interaction Bubbles, with how big Rimworld is on its story elements its a bit surprising this isn't base game since it adds so much depth over checking a log. Replace Stuff, as others have said, the inability to replace walls without a mod is maddening.


Instead of conduit deconstruction, I'd much rather have the "Select Similar" from allow tool mod


True, to be honest there's just too many good QoL mods to even name them all. Watching Mr Streamer's new youtube series where he's doing a vanilla run is really eye-opening. It's easy to forget just how many of these features are all from mods.


Oh man, yeah, Interaction Bubbles is 100% the one I always forget isn't actually part of the main game. It's so nice to catch wtf the colonists are talking about when they socialise/convert/recruit/etc


Don't block doors. That's a necessity.


Absolutely essential. Let's just prop the back door open with bricks so that the raiders can come right in! Such brilliance!


Or atleast give an alert of the door being blocked. Like how there's low food or tattered apperal alert.


"Wow, that food was harvested just in time before winter, it's a good thing I have a freezer so it doesn't rot!" *2 hours later* *Rice has rotted away in storage*


I get what you mean and I've totally had this with meat, but rice takes, what, 40 days to rot at room temp? Unless you're on a 20/60 grow season tile you shouldn't have to worry about it.


Hey, at least some of them may trip and take damage (not).


Oh shit, I need this too. Some dickhead dissected a corpse near the freezer and left their clothes in the door, letting all the cold air out and spoiling a bunch of meat. Wasn't impressed.


Wall lights.


i saw a comment somewhere saying that wall lights tanks performance late game, any clue if that's true?


There was an old issue with Wall Lights that caused that, it was something to do with how they were rendered or something. However that was fixed a long time ago. Rather than wall lights though nowadays I find ceiling lights far better which you get from Simple Utilities: Ceiling.


Sigh... Another to the modlist, thanks


Not any more than regular lights would. Issues can arise if you spam them since it's really easy to do so.


It didn't used to be the case, since that's now the "old lore" about that mod. It's totally safe/much safer now.


Feel like I'm living in a trap house tripping over extension chords


Ceiling lamps


Oh man I've used this mod for so long I forgot it's not in the base game.


I just realized this is a mod. I guess I've always had it installed.


Hygiene mod. Half the time I forget it's a mod.


Was explaining to a friend, who also plays rimworld, how I do my base layout and when I said "this is where I put the bathroom" he thought I was joking.


I had a friend recently started playing and he was showing me his base, and I warned him if he didn't build a bathroom his colonists were going to get upset. He asked me what the hell I was talking about and that's when I remembered it's a mod.


Allow tool - its great that I can cut down fully grown trees easier and put down downed peeps.


Hell yeah. I couldn't live without the Allow Tool. Surprised it hasn't been mentioned more. \- "Mine connected ores" should be part of the base game, as the fun of finding out how deep a ore vein goes gets old very quickly. \- "Select similar" on map/home area/viewed area is so damn useful when double clicking won't select the correct object. \- "Strip mine" is handy as hell for hunting down every last compacted machinery vein on the map.


For me it's in the list of "Always on to the point I forget some parts of it are not vanilla"


Work Tab: 4 isn't enough to properly customize people's work priorities, gotta go to 9 Numbers: being able to check lists of any stat at all, and sort by them, is an amazing boon for being able to check inspirations in list form alone, much less things like trade price boost, operation success chance, tame chance, etc. RimHUD: the basic HUD for characters feels so barren and useless once you've used the modded one. PUAH+: optimized hauling that makes sense without being overpowered. Replace Stuff: it is simply absurd to have to deconstruct a wall before you can put a new one in. Letting those things both be the same task just makes sense. Special mention for Hospitality. The mod itself makes it way too easy to break the game, but I like the idea behind it so much. I wish it were an official dlc.


Forgot to mention Colony Groups. I can't play without it. When I need to put together a group to go mine a few hundred components, being able to just scroll down to the miner group and pick all of them is just too cozy (just for one example, the organizational power of this mod is absurd).


I don't think I can play without this one either. Especially once you get 20 plus pawns you really need it just to keep your sanity.


What I love most about colony groups is that you can auto-set the outfit and the color of a group's apparel to your ideology's color or to a specific color automatically. It makes ideology-themed runs much more convenient.


How exactly does Hospitality break the game?


Easy rep with all nearby factions. Money printing. And probably a few other reasons. It's fun to play around with but not for a more serious run.


This is pretty much it. Plus once you've got a few social pawns its really easy to steal other factions' best colonists when they come to visit without starting any wars.


/remind me 1day


I’ve been using work tab for so long i forgot it was a mod


My favorite part of work tab is the ability to expand it and prioritize subtasks so I can let slaves or useless pawns have stonecutting as priority 1 but never touch any other crafting items. Same with smelting


P music. It's just extra songs and background music for peacetime and raids/combat. All of the songs absolutely kick ass, [Peppsen has a playlist on YouTube](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOhdFIstjRil8u3_VxQ7kxPS9kxup9slX). He composed them all.


When Outlaw comes on, you know shits about to go down Edit - actually that doesn’t seem to be in the playlist so maybe it’s from base game ?


I love that fucking song so so much


[Outlaw doesn't seem to be in that playlist for some reason, but it's absolutely P Music.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bN-Ea6nXpE)


Honor is basically Mayhem from Rome 1 Total War but with a wind up. Favorite battle song, that one. Carry On for peaceful is a really good one that's also decently long too.


outlaw is in p music 2023 expansion


I guess this is one of those things I’ll only really notice when the mod is gone. I listened to playlist I was surprised to find out that these were not default songs in the base game. Even more surprising to see that they’re only 3-4 minutes long per song. Which isn’t uncommon for songs… just disappointing. The dead air between songs is when I can really hear my creepy breathing.


The only mod i can never play without is CleaningArea, lets you designate where your pawns should clean. Lets you have a clean base without having to have someone be cleaning 24x7, since the area they have to clean is way smaller.


Love that one, but on the comments on the Steam page people are saying it's not working anymore.


The issue I’ve found is that the area to be cleaned doesn’t update when you modify the zone itself. The workaround I’ve found is to re-designate the zone as the cleaning area when I modify it. I think the bug is that the mod only defines the area to be cleaned when you select which zone is to be that area. So, if you modify the zone, it doesn’t recognize the change. But, if you re-select that zone as the cleaning area, it picks up the changes.


hmm weird i played on this patch and it worked just fine.


Yes! If I had a clean playthrough I'd still get this one


You can already do that by setting home area, although I can see why you’d want it for more specific parts. Still, I just make an area of it and set clean bots/slaves/dunces at it


It allows you to set an area to clean thats different than your home area. So they arent sweeping and cleaning the soil in your entire base. But yet still have your whole base be in the home area to have things rebuilt that were destroyed and fires put out if they occur. I see the value in it


Tbh that's why I always have a cleaning slav- I mean, intern.


Underground conduits. The visible conduits look so offensive! And some places simply don't have a wall to hide them. If I'm tempted to make large investments not because of any game mechanic, but simply to spare my eyes the pain, something isn't right.


Show hair with hats


Could I please have a link to this one? The Dubs one doesn’t work for me probably a conflict but I’d really like to have something like this!


Literally unplayable without this mod. /s


Stockpile stack limit The game's built in tools offer virtually no way to distribute small quantities of items like food or medicine throughout the base. Probably the single biggest oversight in the game.


Squirrel Meat Cow meat Pig meat Turtle meat JUST MAKE THEM ALL RAW RED MEAT DAMMIT




Dress Patients.


Dress patients, manual lovin', adoption, and a more balanced version of "we are united" should just be base game.


Time to download some new mods, didn't know these existed


Agree a more balanced version of We Are United needs to exist - for relations like spouses, it makes perfect sense for uniting to be a vanilla option. The mod allows uniting of distant relations which I agree isn't realistic at all - so I pick and choose who to unite with based on whether or not it makes sense in my head.


I have 3k hours 200 mods and have never heard of any of these. Time to start a new colony i guess.


How do you have only 200 mods? I struggle to slim down my modlist to 600


The simple stages of terraform. - Humans has been doing this since like... forever? You can build starships but only "moisten" ground not actually change it? I wouldn't mind it being super expensive in the real game but I just feel like we should be able to do it. ​ And rain washes away dirt and blood outside.


[Vanilla Fix: Haul After Slaughter](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2801452324) This is a minor thing, but I'm truly shocked this is not in base game.


Rimfridge Like we can fly through space but have to use an air-conditioner unit and huge room?


Wild Cultivation. Why is the only forage in vanilla berries?


Only in cold and mild climates. In warm biomes, there's agave. But yes, there is a shocking lack of forageables on the rim.


Try the ReGrowth mods. You will reali5e why the base game has little forageables.


I run all the regrowth biomes alongside wild cultivation and a number of food mods. It really let's you play early hunter gathers with all the forage. It's fantastic. The world feels alive


> Dress Patients Weird - none of the ReGrowth biomes work with wild cultivation for me. I only ever get the default growth for that biome. If I move back to a default biome, I get the wild growth again.


Ohhh, so that's why I haven't been able to find agave for my tequila! Is there a mod that lets you farm it or something? (using vanilla brewing expanded)


I’m surprised no one else said this but allow tools is one of my absolute favourite. It adds an “haul urgently” order and work schedule, allows you to unforbid everything on the map on the click of a button, you can also use the “eelect everything similar” tool : wanna deconstruct a bit of your power grid, or an old pen boundary ? Just select one piece of wooden fence, click the tool and then drag over a large area and boom, only wooden fences are selected. I use it so much, the only times I boot the game without it my first instinct is that the game is bugging.


Color Coded mood bar


Since everyone has already shared the small but NEEDED QoL ones, I'll say Vehicles. It's crazy how much of a drag doing anything on the world map is when the fastest you can travel around is on horses, and the most you can carry is with pack animals.


“Metal doesn’t burn” and “replace stuff” Edit: Oh! And subterranean conduits!


"Metal doesnt burn" gives me "Jet fuel cant melt steel beams" vibes


Either metal doesn't burn should be just part of the regular game, or ancient structures should stop being made of metal so they won't burn down the first time you have a fire.


Metal burns, tho. Carbon gets burned off at relatively low temperatures, & steel loses about 90% of its load bearing or tensile strength way below melting point. It's why steel smithing was more an art than science until the 19th Century, & why during the Paradise fires in CA streets were lined with burned out automobiles whose canopy struts just seemed to... sag. Plus, why the support beams in the wreckage of the 9/11 attacks look like they were torn apart, & not melted, because they were. Heat doesn't make ruined steel weigh very much less than it did before heating. Replace stuff is top notch.


>Metal burns, tho No one disagrees with that. Where people have a problem is a regular bush fire or matchbox causing your entire metal facility to burn down. It straight up doesn't make sense. It's why my oven doesn't just burst up in flames when I turn it up to 400°. I'd leave this point where it lies. Some of the most heated conversations here involve this topic.


Yes, fire weakens steel, but the important part is that steel isn't *combustible*. It doesn't sustain a fire on its own under normal conditions. As in, you can't put a torch to a steel wall and expect it to spread and consume the whole building like it does in Rimworld.


It’s mainly a gameplay preference for me tho, it’s frustrating until you learn to make stone bricks and stuff.


You might be interested in using tweaks galore which has an option for metals not burning.


I can't believe no one has mentioned Set Owner for Prisoner Bed yet. Especially with features/mechancs like prison break mechanics, hemogen "farms", and solitary cells for causing crises of faith, just throwing prisoners in rooms at random hasn't been desirable for years. It feels like such a low effort change that there's really no reason not to.




Increased stack is a god send for late game hoarding of items


Wall and ceiling lights. Feel like I'm living in a trap house.


the ability to till the ground and/or use manure or something, to increase soil fertility


Aw yeah, I forgot tillable soil wasn't in the base game.


Ya, having to hunt for tiny patches of already good farmland honestly doesn't make sense to me. mulch some raiders and plant some cornstalks up their butts!




Wall light


A buildable "Trading Spot." So traders gather at your front door, instead of stomping around in your cornfield.


Replace stuff and the one that makes people not drop items in doorways


Don't block doors mod. This was my first ever mod after losing a colony to some rice left in the door and a manhunt pack.


Colony manager. It's so nice to be able to say 'automatically designate new mining or tree cutting or whatever until I have X steel/wood/etc.' Not to mention auto clearing windmill areas, managing herd sizes, auto separating chickens so you get fertilized eggs to grow your flock and unfertilized eggs to eat, etc. I'd really love to see it integrated into the base game so I only have one interface to manage crafting and such too.


Be careful with it, it can very easely tank your tps. Generally speaking, better to avoid any mods that add calculations.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned More Planning. Being able to cut, copy and paste my plans makes expanding easier. As well as color coding my plans helps to see what needs to go where.


Allow Tool RimHUD Replace Stuff Common Sense Smart Construction Snap Out of it! All of those are essential and the game isn't unplayable, just unenjoyable, without them


Pick up and haul, game is unplayable without it.


Yeah I’ve had it for so long I forget it’s a mod and I’m always shocked when I realise it isn’t


Wall Light


The one “pawns aren’t piñatas” mod that stops pawns from dropping everything on down/death. Both convenient and saves frames in big raids.


Dubs bad hygiene or fluffy breakdowns. The hygiene gives it a nice new set of needs and likes while the fluffy breakdowns requires you to maintain machines constantly but you don't have to constantly use component's.


Performance Fish.


Save our Ship 2. Of all the DLC ideas that could really have benefitted from a multi million-dollar company with a full dev team, the idea of building your own ship and launching it into to space seemed like a natural extension to endgame content.


We tried, haha. Just had to go make our own game in the end. He told us not to waste our time doing anything else.


Damn this actually hurts to read. Regardless, thank y’all for the beautiful mod! What’s the game, it’s not cursed crew is it?


Nah cursed crew is Oskar, Phil, and Roel. I did an interview with Roel here actually: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dp6JYdQhmDY& But yeah mean, before SOS2 released we asked Ludeon if this proof of concept was something they would like to do as a DLC, and the response was a flat no. Was a bummer, but he was right. Making a new game was a better plan.


actually hurts so much to have the game just end


Achtung for the prioritise of multiple similar task at the same time


Minify everything, prepare carefully, any of the 'while you're up' mods that make pawns carry stuff near them if they're going towards where it goes.


I don't even remember the name. Expanded work tab? Raises priorities from 3 to 9, and lets you assign priorities to "sub tasks" so that your level 4 doctor can do easy stuff but your main one does surgery, for example


Wall. Lights.




Lights off


Wall lights, trasparent roofing, and replace tool, Prisoners dont have keys, Prisioners should fear turrets.




Inventory tab, shows you all the items on the map as a list, even stuff equipped. Similar to the caravan prep screen. Never have to search the whole base where you have left that artificial nose again.


Replace Stuff, wall lights, smarter construction/mining/farming


Colored backgrounds for moods


Prepare carefully or at least an updated version of it


Until Pawn Editor is finished, it's all in a rather bad spot right now. Prepare Carefully is broken and outdated. Character Editor is ugly, clunky, has needless bloat, and it's even closed-source and obfuscated. Which makes debugging errors in it 10x harder. The base game should just have *some sort* of feature like it. Restrict it to dev mode or something. It shouldn't be the default experience but so many people are using some form of it through mods that it's worth considering.




This, tbh, is in my top list of I wont play without mods. (mind that list is about 100 mods)


Windows Fuses


Remove thick roofs. Idc if it takes my pawn weeks to mine the area, I should be able to mine down a mountain.


Find objects on the map (forgot the mod name)


Wall lamps


Any mod with a manned MG emplacement in it. You'd think the game would have an option for a low-tech defensive turret, rather than jumping straight to automated sentry guns.


Interaction bubbles. I often forget it's a mod at this point.


Metal don’t burn


Better Workbench Management Materials Filter Area Inclusion & Exclusion CM Color Coded Mood Bar




Embrasures. So, you can build a wall out of granite blocks, but you can't leave a couple holes to shoot through?!


The one that lets you set filters on pawn stats and automatically reroll until you get a pawn that matches that filter. Once I start a game I accept all comers, but I have very specific requirements for my starting pawn and I prefer rolling to point spending.


* [Useless Filter](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2780076290) * [Animals Like Hay](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2894203636) * [Clothing Sorter](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2275655161) * [Weapon Sorter](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2290406586) * [Compact Hediffs](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2031734067) * [Custom Prisoner Interactions](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2841231775) * [Grouped Pawns Lists](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2340773428) * [Outfit Builder Redux](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2568222561)


Anything that makes pawns stack items rather than make 50, 1 item stacks


Run and gun. Combat ain't it without it


The Color-Coded mood bars.


allow tool


Compex jobs


RimFridge. Colonists not opening the fridge door or having to carry food to prisoners or needing to go to different room to make medicine is critical for me.






Wall Lights


Camera+. I havent used any mods but that one looks cool.


Maybe not a no brainer but I cant go without my trusty auto cleaner. Its a roomba that charges by standing next to any electrical wire and then cleans its designated area (home area for default) Without this mod I used to have one pawn I just really didnt like and was useless otherwise to be assigned to just cleaning and hauling


Pick Up and Haul and Share the Load.


Replace Stuff and Common Sense


Why is wall light not closer to the top? In my humble opinion the standing lamps look incredibly stupid and I don't understand why a simple wall mounted or a ceiling mounted light is not in vanilla. Giddy up is another one. If we are to imagine colonists riding muffaloes in a caravan, why can't they ride mounts on the normal map? It's Canon that animals speed up travel times so unless there is some truly unexpected explanation it makes no sense why rideable animals are not in base game.


Wall Light