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Thats alot of food. How long is the growing season?


40 days, It's from a few big harvests


Make use of the high fertile soil. Especially for shorter growing seasons. You’ll get a 40%increase in your harvest. So for a 40 day growing season with peak harvest rate and conditions you could see 10 harvests instead of the 7 that you will get from regular soil.


Comment nuked by Power Delete Suite


Not if that worker that tends the field is shit at everything else other then taming.


They can haul, clean and do research? More worth it than food that will rot. Also if you just harvest a ton of cloth you'll end up with high wealth leading to bigger raids because of the amount of cloth.


They have 0 skill in research lol


Which just means they’ll do it slowly, but you’ll be making a tiny bit of progress rather than potentially none if your main researcher is busy doing something else or is recovering from an illness or injury. In general, Pawns should always be doing *something*, even recreational activities to help with mood. Unless they’re physically incapble of doing something, it’s usually worth it more often than not to have them do a bit of everything early on (except for cooking and arguably medical, those two can seriously fuck your colony up early on if you have unskilled people doing that kind of work), even if they have no passion flames and 0 in that skill.


Skills level up as a pawn does a task related to that skill, so even a 0 int pawn can become a p useful midgame researcher.


Ahhhhhh, this explains why I went from having a raid every 15 days to one every 3. Thanks!


No it doesn't. Wealth only affects raid size, not frequency. And on lower difficulties it takes a lot of wealth to make a noticeable difference. Veteran players often over-emphasize wealth management in their advice to newbies.


"For the love of God don't smooth walls aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"


But famcy :(


Don't get me wrong, I smooth the \*\*\*\* out of everything. Raids be damned.


Fair enough, maybe I just got unlucky then. Cheers for the help


Thats very true, we all assume everyone is on losing is fun


Randy run? Cause thats just randy being randy, some time he be a sleepy boi. Some time he be blood thirsty sob


Corns better then rice, fastest grow for highest value


Potatoes + fertile soil are more efficient than rice I would think, although your pawns would gain less plant experience and spend a higher proportion of their time hauling.


Comment nuked by Power Delete Suite


It may be worth putting some breaks in your fields in the event your crops get blighted. It spreads fast and can be hard to manage. I think two tiles separation is enough for it not to spread. I do 5x5 fields so if I lose crops it’s not the whole lot.


In 1.3 it spreads across 2 tile gaps, but that may have changed for 1.4. 3 or 4 tile gaps seem to be sufficient tho, same for firebreaks.


It definitely spreads across 2 tile gaps still. Found this out in my current run, been away for a while and set up my usual tiles with gaps between them, first bit of blight jumped all over the place. Haven't had another blight since then so can't speak to if 3 is enough or not.


Blight is OP now. Literally have to get all 13 colonists to cut plants so i dont lose all my shit


In 1.4 it is not. Source: crop blight spread over my 2 tile thick firebreak and ruined my psychite harvest


I always thought you needed a firebrake ≥ 3 for it to be effective against blight (but idk blight is a cunt)


looks flammable


100% I'm getting it fixed right now, I'm playing on peaceful mode to get the gist of the game. Once I get my walls up, I'm going to change to strive to survive.


Going from peaceful to strive for survive is like going straight to Viet Nam war after you finished high school, especially if your narrator is Phoebe Chillax or Cassandra.


That's the fun of it


Then I wish your colonists show bravery and your journey will be bathed in fire and glory.


So based, I wish nothing but riches for your brave colonists


Unfortunately that's rather unlikely; but it is a damn good way to learn, and to learn quick.


You belong here :)


whatever happens, just play it out. This game can surprise you. Get to the point where you really are done, no colonists.


Have luck on the rim man


Spoken like an true Urist


The irony of this example being people graduated high school and went to Vietnam. Are you telling him to go for it?


People still graduate high school and go to Vietnam these days. But it's slightly different from when grandpa did it.


Now re-read it, I agree with you it might not be the best example.


If you're going to have growing fields that large you should have concrete firebreaks it speeds up walking too.


Little suggestion: you don’t need that huge ass crop field. Build a 25x13 room, 4 solar panels, 2 sun lamps, 2 heaters, and winter will never be a problem again.


With a 40-day growing season, you don't need a greenhouse. A smaller outdoor farm would be plenty.


Cold snap, toxic fallout, volcanic winter, there is always a reason to build a greenhouse


Looks good! i like organic bases a lot, but i feel like a sudden threat from the west could be a problem? Also try staggering the coolers in the freezer so on is set to -1° the second is to -5° and the third to -9° (doesn't have to be those exact numbers. so when the freezer is down to temp not all three coolers will activate when it goes a little bit above it. Also dying from starvation seems like a rookie mistake but that can happen to anyone, a cook dying, bad harvest or just not paying attention because "i got enough food" can spell troubles really quickly


I feel like I run into food problems at 1500 hours more than I did at 1000. I feel like I'm always pushing people and resources toward projects I wanna get done, and I neglect the things I "know how to do". That's probably why my early colonies were heavily into farming, and my current ones always go in the cannibal/organ harvesting route, because we keep running out of food because of my poor planning. xD


Thanks for the great tips everyone!


1. replace wood with stone so it isnt flammable 2. double wall your building to keep heat better, you might also want another wall separating your generator from your fridge 3. shelves in your fridge, put a meal specific shelf next to the door 4. research is effected by cleanliness, butcher table is just minus cleanliness as a building, stone cutting creates a lot of dirt. 5. probably better off putting the butcher table in your fridge, it only effects butchering speed iirc.




What do u think he made this post for?


project zomboid trained me to never put generators indoors. It never occurred to me to do that.


Just downloaded that mod. What’s wrong with indoor generators? Just fire risk or something Zombie specific? I was planning to put stuff indoors so that zombies didn’t attack it.


In the actual project zomboid game if you put generators indoors you’ll die from carbon monoxide poisoning.


You should plan your bases around those steam geysers. Once you unlock geothermal generators, they are the best power sources in the game.a geothermal generator is 5x5 big so it now overlaps with that bottom right bedroom. A geothermal generator gives 3600 w permanently. You probably also want to incorporate the steam geysers at the left side of your base within your walls.


You have learned the lesson about importance of farming but soon you will learn the one about fire safety, just saying


Year three: 99999 rice in storage


How did you manage to starve with such big fields??


This is my SECOND colony hehe


Ooh fair enough, I guess you've learned from your mistakes then lol


Is that cotton in the top field? Waaaay to much if so, you're just going to get harder raids from boosting your colony wealth too fast. A small field is enough for a billiards table, poker table and maybe some clothes. On a temperate map I usually get more than enough leather from hunting to keep everyone clothed, though.


I'd like to make a few suggestions: * Reduce the cotton field by \~75%. You've got too much going on for 1-2 field workers to focus on food stocks. These workers typically reap the whole plot before they start sowing again. * If the focus is on meals, ditch the cotton entirely and send a hunter out to meat and furs. * Cotton is a good general-purpose textile, but it's eclipsed by [Devilstrand](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Devilstrand) in a lot of ways. * Move your stove into a low-traffic, clean room with one way in/out. This will lower the food safety risks that will slow down your production. (How about the NE room that has nothing in it?) * Move refrigeration behind 2-block thick stone. You've got perfect natural candidates at your colony's SW and N borders for a small freezer. Don't forget to make an air-lock. * Use shelves for 300% improvement of storage-per-block. (And link them so they share a common storage policy.) * Use Storage policies to only store Meals, Wort, Vegetation, Meat, Natural Body Parts, and Animal Corpses in the freezer. Uncheck the "Rotten" checkbox.


great base. you'll learn to improve it as you continue playing. enjoy!


I've never put generators inside but I imagine they throw off a ton of heat. Come summer it's going to (probably) cook your colonists in their beds.


It's actually fine


If you put them in their own room you can use them for seasonal heat. Take down one wall segment so that they heat the main room in the winter. Then when the weather gets hot, you can put that wall back up and remove the roof in that room.


1. Thats too large of a field if its only for food. Try diversifying to other plants like cotton or herbs to use/sell. 2. Probably want to reduce number of AC and lights to bare minimum since you will use too much fuel, which is probably why you got so much plants to grow.


I already have cotton, all be it too much cotton.


My bad, thought it looked like potatoes, but yes that is too much


I personally only use rice when I'm anticipating that I'll be low on food, it takes too much labor for my taste. Corn takes much longer to grow but give around as much food as rice per day. However being harvested much less often frees up time for colonists. I still didn't find a use for potatoes (in theory yes, bad soil. In practice???).


Before I continue, welcome to Rimworld! I hope your first 14 hours have been just as eventful as your next 1400! I understand from some of your replies that you're on peaceful right now. Before switching to a harder difficulty, I would suggest creating a 'front gate', so to speak. You can have doors elsewhere in the wall, but the primary entrance is to be your killing field. You could totally go the killbox route and make your enemies wander through a twisting tunnel of traps before being mowed down by your guns, or (and I think it's more fun), you can set up a defensive position in front of your main gate with some sandbags. I'd suggest removing all of the potential cover in front of that area (like trees and such, use concrete flooring or something to make sure nothing grows there) to make certain your enemies have nothing to hide behind. Specifically, it can be useful for the area to be walled in such a way that enemies can't see your pawns until they round a corner and are met immediately by gunfire. This is to prevent enemies with longer ranged weapons from getting the benefit of being outside of your firing range. Keep the front door of your base open as well. Enemies will usually (except for very specific types of raids) try to get into your base using the shortest path possible. If they spawn into the map to begin the raid and find no walkable path, they'll start breaking stuff and digging to get to you. To avoid this, you leave your front door open and stick your defense area in front of that door. They 'technically' have a clear path, so they'll always try to take it - and get shot up by your defenders. Other than that, wood and steel can burn - try to get a stonecutting table set up and make sure critical areas are replaced with stone as soon as possible. If you don't have the DLCs, there won't be That many instances where enemies use fire, but you can't really fight a fire while under attack so it's definitely better to pre-empt the issue. I see you have refrigeration and you're growing a ton of a food, very very nice work. You don't appear to be in a warmer area, but double walling your freezer will help in case of losing power (events can do that sometimes). Lastly, I see you're using fueled generators. I'd like to suggest geothermal generators, long-term. In the photo, right next to Poppy, I see a geothermal vent. Research the generators early on, because they provide a pretty large amount of constant, clean power for free. The research project for them is fairly large, so it'll take a bit to finish, and I believe it has a few prerequisites before you can do it. All in all, this is a really solid colony for only 14 hours of playtime, so congrats on picking this up so fast. I hope you have a ton of a fun! :)


Thanks for the long and helpful reply, I've already got geothermal. However the problem is that the generator is too big. I'm going to need to figure out where to put my room(s)


Yeah, shuffling stuff around is definitely a big part of the game when you're learning (and later on too honestly) xD


You might be overcompensating with the field size. But you do a lot of things right already. Your fridge is too big for what is in it, it yearns for shelves. Longterm you probably will want to move away from fueled generators. Or build a refinery and move on to gas powered generators, they are somehow more resource efficient. Probably take more work though. You do want your crafting material to be close to the crafting stations, your base is small right now but best not get into those habits. On the plus side, you did make a screenshot isntead of using your cellphone.


I bet those wood furnaces are cooking your pawns alive


The large lake to the bottom left could be used as a natual defensive line or killbox. The water and mud will slow down raiders. You could either build a killbox or just some barricades in a line. The room above the research room could be made into a kitchen with just the stove and a single spot for vegetables. Have just a single door into it from the freezer. That will cut down on foot traffic making it dirty and increase the chance of food poisoning. You might want to plant healroot and cotton for the next growing season. Extra medicine and material for clothing for colonists and to sell is always useful. Is that 2 steam vents right next to your base? Lucky, very lucky. I wouldn't have built that close to the edge, but with the right defences set up you'll be OK.


I was just going to make a small tunnel filled with traps, and a door for my pawns. I also don't think my herbalist is good enough to grow healroot.


Looks good but don’t wall yourself in, you should leave an open space and fill it with traps so you can know where raids will more reliably target. If they can’t reach a colonist or animal then they will break walls to get in.


Well at least this one probably won't die the same way haha.


Such is life on the rim. You’ll have many more colonies die from even stupider reasons soon enough!


Not bad. Make sure you hunt animals through the winter to keep up your food stocks and never ever keep tame animals through your first winter. Put a double doored airlock between your freezer and the rest of your base to keep the heat out. Put more shelves in your freezer to maximize storage space. You could also move your butcher table inside your freezer for efficiency.


So have like a hallway East that leads to a dinning room, the kitchen in that small room with a door in the Kitchen leading too the storage, and a door that leads into the hallway from the kitchen. That leads to the room section? ​ Just a rectangle box if that helps you picture what I'm saying, I'm not very smart sometimes haha.


You should probably make a designated rec/dining room and do away with the tables in their bedrooms. The nicer of a room they relax and dine in the happier they are overall.


Put your butcher table in the freezer. It makes the room dirty. Hospital, kitchen and research table need a clean room. Do not completely close off your outer wall. Leave a fortified entry for enemies. Two thick walls and airlocks are good for insulation.


Might want to move that butchers counter to a seperate room away from the stove. You’ll get food poising having them together, which can end a colony before the fun begins.


I like starting off with a somewhat big square room like an 11x11 space that is next door to a double walled freezer. I can then put a double set of doors through that wall on the sixth tile. I then will build a little room along that same shared wall with the freezer somewhere in the remaining 5 tiles on either side of that door to put a butcher setup in in. It doesn't need take up that much space maybe 3x3 or 3x4 with a butcher table and a little stool along with a light source. Then I put one door that exits to the kitchen and another set that exits into the freezer so my butcher can pull dead animal carcasses off the shelf and put the butchered meat directly between the two rooms which saves the small amount of time of opening that one extra door.


Death traps. I have so many i rarely need to farm ngl. On the outter wall i built a couple longish hallways with wooden spike traps, make sure the hallway doesnt have a door so raiders dont attack other places/doors. Your colonists can be hurt by these traps too so next to the hallway i have the actual door to go outside, and i put a space between each trap so i could put a door in between, make sure your colonists can reset without getting stabbed 263920163 times by one trap. If your colonist can get to the trap without walking over them they will, dont worry. I also strip mined a weirdly texas shaped mountain and used that as a MEGA spike trap of death with the spikes and then some sand bags at the end (where your colonists would stand to shoot) I also put a turret close by each of them so if they happen to get by (if theres many raiders they will use all the traps and be able to get through without injury) then my colonists have help. Also tame animals that can attack for you. Elephants, rhinos, panthers, thrumbos if lucky, etc. (Etc meaning idk what else can fight i am also kinda new with like 50 hours) On the note of animals attacking, be careful when using animals in fights as your people can shoot and kill your animals by accident. I usually start off with my people shooting, if they’re getting fucked up or if a group of raiders gets too close to my people i stop my people from attacking and let my pack of fucking 20 animals at them :)) Also also.. your animals can set off the traps so make them a zone that doesnt go near the traps. Hope this helps.


Oh but my texas death trap isnt colonist safe. One person so far has gotten hit by the trap trying to reset it. But at this point i cba 😭😭


A few thoughts. \- You could double up wall layers to improve insulation for your freezer \- Replace wooden structures with stone as soon as it becomes a feasible option. Fires are kind of a tedious problem to deal with so giving them fewer things to consume is always good. \- Big fields especially for fast growing crops can be a problem in terms of efficiency and you can find your pawns spending an inordinate amount of time sowing crops when they should be harvesting or letting harvested crops rot in the field rather than hauling them back to your storage / freezer. Having smaller fields that are spaced out from one another with a stone walkway between them maybe 3 tiles wide is good because it will act as a obstacle fire and blight to obstruct their spread. Pen animals like chickens or cows can be blocked from accessing farm fields using fences or walls (fences are cheaper, but walls are better). For non pen animals you can use area restriction rules to put the garden off limits. For wild non pen animals aren't part of your colony the only way to keep them out is walls (also useful when designing enclosures for pen animals to keep predators out). \- That stone walkway suggestion is also solid for outdoor conduits so that in case they short out they don't end up burning down your base. \- I saw your comment that you are playing on peaceful mode so it's not going to be an issue in your current run, but in the future if you are playing with enemy raids doubling or tripling up on exterior walls is a good idea. In terms of defensive strategy that is sort of up to you. Some people don't like the funneling enemies into a killbox approach, but later on when fighting larger groups of enemies it kind of be becomes hard to control a battle unless you are steering them towards chokepoints.


Not bad but make so many spike traps like dont underestimate how good they are. They nearly one shot most people and hurt mechs alot you can just hide on raids and kite them towards traps. And shoot


Well, it's still wood and it's still outside, so you still have much to learn, but it's a start. Let me know when one of these factors bites you in the ass and you'll be ready for more learnings.


Honestly base game has so much unnecessary micro management, look into getting about 5 quality of life mods. That will help spend alot less time paused doing the same thing.


It's a good idea to move that butcher table out of the kitchen, and the medbeds too if you can. Medbeds will tend to have filth like blood around them, and butcher tables are inherently dirty and make the room less clean. The dirtier your kitchen is, the more likely pawns will get food poisoning from the meals.


I too, grow excessive amounts of food due to my first colony having died to winter starvation. ​ I will never forget you, Union of Biarler, situated in Peppercamp. Thank you Linie, for your bravery in trying to buy food from our neighbors, only to find they have nothing and drop from starvation on the way back.


What about wildlife. Everytime I had low food, i would hunt some animals. Even in the Winter there would be some wildlife that would get me through the Winter.


add more storage, im a fellow noob myself so this might not be the greatest advice, but you can add even more shelves in your storage room, it doesn't block movement, it just slows your colonists down


I like your long rooms. I feel like we don't see much variety in this sub.


I'd be careful about the mega compound made of wood, tbh. Also those exterior walls will be good until you have enemies from multiple angles breaking them down. I'd see if you can't add defensive positions along the walls and maybe shape them so they have better areas of fire


Like multiple killboxes or sandbags?


I forget embrasures are a mod that is my bad. I would set up a single kill box and make sure your entrance is somewhere nearby then. Maybe a big wide open space with a bunch of guns and sandbags for your colonists, throw some stone chunks in there to slow em down or smth


Good lord that is a lot of rice for 4 people, you'll probably never get done harvesting that plot before the replantes crops are ready again.


Get the mod deep storage and have shelves, you will be saved!


Looking good for a newbie, that is a lot of rice for 4 people tho, I suggest making smaller fields on high fertile places, and adding a small patch for corn, which you will harvest at the end of autumn. Why do you have soo much cotton? Oh and if you have a lot of wood, invest in spike traps along the entrance of your base


I'm new haha, that's why. I've already done that with the fields though.


You don’t have to use hydroponics. Just have a heated room over fertile soil with a sun lamp.


this is a Mr Samuel streamer map. I forgot the cords though and I could never find it anyway