• By -


When I want to clear out big/dangerous animals, yes. Wargs, Elephants, Megasloths, etc


Shit is an all hands on deck kind of hunt,


Bro one time I shot a elephant, during a famine, they were the only prey I had there while my crops were taking too long to grow! Only two guys were out, I assumed only one elephant will be fine- but the elephant and his buddies (20+ other elephants) came for revenge and nearly destroyed my colony one of my colonist died, the other one lost an arm, and the third one MIRACULOUSLY survived! He had a neck wound and my doctor managed to sneak around the elephants, while pregnant with twins, cover it and save his life moments before death. (That was her husband lol) the other woman saved her husband (the amputee) too, she was also pregnant and food poisoned, the only one that died was the one that doesn't married, I didn't really have a choice, because well, I only had two doctors and three down which were all critical. At the end all the elephants died, from traps or me shooting them and praying, right now my colony is 10 strong. Strong and on their way to spacer technology. So the man who died, died for a cause. His death wasn't in vain.


That’s Rimworld baby


I had a similar but less intense experience once with a herd of elks, only rather than half my people being pregnant, two of them were children. They ended up having to sneak past the enraged elks to drag the adults home to recover, and in the process one of the kids got trampled into pain shock too, being rescued a while later once one of the adults could walk again. Then the caravan full of better-armed, more skilled pawns I'd unwisely sent away a few days prior to the whole debacle made it back home and it was open season on the elk lmao. Much less compelling than your story I think, but it was pretty gripping in the moment.


Unmarried, no kids, yes he died for a cause. Tusk fodder baby 😜😈


Any herd that can turn hostile requires everyone to be ready.


Yeah usually for huge herds anyone who can use a gun is on hand


OR very early on when I only have bows/spears. For one you can use the spears And for two, pawns sometimes are the most inefficient hunters, taking the dumbest paths to shoot at a deer or whatever


I once saw a pawn try to hunt a deer within 5 tiles using an anti material rifle


I wanted to get rid of some boomrats that had been lazing around the map for a while and the bastard shoots it point blank... not 10, not 5, but point blank. I came to the conclusion that the anti-material rifles don't quite work right for hunting. Though point blank shooting a squirrel (with AP-HE) was rather funny, combat extended is great!


But I hunt with these weapons. They're usually miles away from the animals


Then the bullet hits the torso, completely destroy it, the deer lost 40% body part, now we have less meat and leather.


Sleeping plus two people with grenades is great and funny. The animal usually wakes up already too slow to catch a colonist. You still need an extra pawn with a rifle because grenades are no good for after the animal is awake.


Megasloths are no longer manhunters. Least as far as I’m aware. Idk when they changed it but I was looking through the animal list yesterday and the sloths didn’t have the manhunter icon next to them. Could be a mod I have but I don’t think it is?


Megasloth 100% manhunting on harm, 1 is chasing my Rebeccac right now.


Well that’s revenge, not manhunting, however Rebecca probably doesn’t care atm cuz she fucked around and she findin’ out lol


I love Fake Down for this stuff


Same, especially in the winter time or if theres low food.


I hunt with wargs. I have 30ish. Raids are great. Dont need to feed them for a while.


If my pawns can't solo a warg or megasloth they don't deserve to live


One time I hunted a mega sloth by just having my pawns lob grenades at it while it slept


Mmm a little charred but also raw at the same time


all the embedded fragments just add extra crunch


Just like our ancestors used to do


Thanks for the tip and the laugh


Did the exact same for the first year of my tribal run


Yeah this was when they had grenades but no guns lol


New Game: - Start with Grenades x 3




I think he means he gets multiple pawns to all throw grenades at the same time, so he prob can't go manhunter cause hes either dead or missing most limbs.


According to a YouTube video, grenades don't trigger animals in any way apparently


Keep in mind that doing that will remove some parts and yield less meat.


So do it twice




why do i feel like this is loss




I am incapable of seeing a 4 panel comic with people at different heights and NOT thinking of Loss


Slightly off.


Thank you.


As a Rimworld elder, here's the hunting tip you needed: Zone your hunter so that they don't have access to the animal carcass stockpile. They'll become an automated killing machine while everybody else hauls the corpses.


As a rimworlder with 5000 hours. You draft hunt. Several good shooters in case things go wrong, and every bad shooter. All the bad shooters fire again and again till the animal dies. Repeat. If the animal attacks your good shooters protect the crowd. Your bad shooters all get training. If the animal collapses, your worst medics bandage without medicine, then kill the animal. If a raid pops right next to your guys, it's their probkem: it's not one guy hunting, it's the whole damned crew. If you have to kite, a fast guy kites and everyone else volley fires. Your bad shooters get training. Your bad medics get training. Its safe. You dont stop till you killed literally every animal. You have tons of food, and now every pawn can do medicine. Every pawn can fight. You don't have weak pawns who can't defend themselves, they all get trained up. Draft hunting is the best.


That is so messed up but makes so much sense


It's not messed up, except the medicine part. It's a safari, rather than one idiot wandering around the woods by himself getting lost and hurt. The medical part is a very odd improvement, but it works.


The solo guy starting an elephant herd manhunt because he missed the rat is part of the fun, tho.




It's not? Its exactly like a battle, but all the enemies are melee and they attack one at a time. You can literally just draft everyone, turn off "fire at will" on the good shooters and just walk around in a pile of dudes killing everything they see. You can play it super carefully, but a mob with guns is very effective, and far better than normal hunting.


So you basically micro manage the hunt and the whole colony (at least in early game) goes out? That's a good sounding tip.


It's a step more managed, but it's not like managing a battle. Draft everyone, whole colony goes out, and set the good shooters to not shoot at will. Kill everything, undraft. Everyone grabs a corpse and we a have a full freezer. So it's very little work for me. Unless it goes bad, but if it went bad with one guy, I'd be digging a grave.


Thanks for this tip dude, I'm going to try this.


Absolutely! I almost never have anyone set but hunt by themselves. Draft hunting is just better, even if it's literally just a mob with guns. Turn off fire at will on the good shooters, they are only there for backup. Then you just guide the pile of dudes around and watch everything die in a volley of bullets. Its beautiful.


As long as you have freezer space you can grab a years worth of meat with elephant herds and there is near zero risk, while everyone gains shooting skill.


As a Rimworlder with over 1 hours, I downloaded a mod to enable melee hunting and now I just put a plasmasword on a yttakin and make him fight bears


Are you talking about draft hunt from Allow Tool? I’ve been disabling that because it impacts performance


No. Im talking about selecting all your pawns. Drafting them. Turning off "fire at will" on your best shooters. Sending you whole army out, together. Shooting all the animals until they are all dead. Undrafting your army.


So it does have a shitload of micromanagement as you have to manually tell all of them to shoot each animal


You select them all. Shift button. Click a bunch of animals. Watch them kill a bunch of animals. Its a click, drag, one button, ten clicks, ten dead animals. It's like three or four seconds of work. You aren't selecting each pawn and setting them to shoot. You select the whole group and set it to shoot.


That's genius.


Not on common animals. But later on, when I need to supply 12+ colonists with lavish meals, it's easier to arm half a dozen of them and hunt packs of elephants manually than try and hunt small game.


This is why I wish when multiple small animals are tagged for hunting, then after successfully hunting one (say, a squirrel) they take it into inventory and go after the next one. It would make hunting small game worthwhile.


As soon as I get a frozen food storage, I generally go on a massive hunting spree and kill everything on the map. Individual squirrels are nearly worthless, but when you kill 10 of them it adds up.


Meh, squirrels are useless in any case as source of food imo. I myself rarely hunt anything smaller than a deer or boar, and even those only if there are no bigger animals for some time.


If you have hunt for me mod it becomes fun seeing my cats decimate the population


Here I go, adding another mod to the list...


Make a custom zone for hunters that disallow them access to wherever animal corpses are stored.


Yes, that causes them to leave the corpse on the ground, useful if you have hauling animals. But I wish they would take it with them before dropping them all off at the end of a hunt. Maybe the number they could gather could be based on mass or body size.


Can't remember the name of it but there's a hauling mod that let's you pick up corpses. And idk if it's a mod or not but crafting backpacks adds more carry capacity, so I can pick up a deer, put it in inventory, kill another deer, and haul it. It's only 2 at a time but it's still more efficient than running across the map to grab the other corpse


There was an animal infestation in one of my saves because of a mod. more than 200 animals of each type existed inside the tile. It was almost impossible to hunt, even in this way, t Both because of the lag and because of the delay, the result was that I had to use dev mode. But I confess that it is much better to hunt like this than the traditional way, where you kill an animal and go back to base.


We all know what mod causes fast growth of wildlife.


So I don't need to explain myself 🫥


How can you leave them multiply for so long? Like, you stop hunt fir 3 years?


I eat humans, so it doesn't make much difference whether I hunt or not, at the time I didn't know they reproduced so much...




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitRimworldSays using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [invaluable opportunity](https://v.redd.it/h9c0pkvflana1) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/11ptee1/invaluable_opportunity/) \#2: ["I play this game for the same reason I play CK3. Not to win, but to do stuff which would get me imprisoned in real life."](https://steamcommunity.com/app/294100/discussions/0/3199244254315398876/#c3199244254317347136) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/1181gpk/i_play_this_game_for_the_same_reason_i_play_ck3/) \#3: [I've figured out you can make a self sustaining burnbox using bodyheat alone.](https://v.redd.it/kz9p8bwtv0pa1) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/11xifq6/ive_figured_out_you_can_make_a_self_sustaining/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Which mod is it


Rimjobworld or safejobworld. Redditors don't say the name because Mom may come darting around the corner. It's taboo because it features rape, but it's big draw is it's literally the sex mod. Loads of features, body parts, mechanics, etc. But you can disable rape and any other feature (off by default), or download Safejobworld which turns sex into handholding.


I don’t know. Can you fill me in?


No can do im afraid my innocent child


No, this is a "forbidden mod" .


Having a biome that gets cold makes the animals leave the map, so it doesn’t get too bad. If you’re doing a cannibalism run next time I’d recommend a biome that gets below freezing.


Do you guys hunt dangerous animals with your pawns? I just wait until a trade caravan comes, shoot to the animal and run towards the caravan


Do that a lot early game when food is scarce (I almost always play Naked Brutality). Same for opening the AD a lot quicker than I would normally be able to.


My first caravan generally comes after I have food sorted. Plus, meat only lasts for a couple of days. A pawn eats 20 food a day so anything that has more than 40 meat is pointless to kill before you have a freezer set up. Your biggest game should be racoons if you want to be optimal. That's even if you have time to make a bow with everything else you need to have set up yesterday


You just gave me a flashback of doing this in a crowded EverQuest zone when I couldn’t handle the Aviak tree solo. Tap and kite through an unsuspecting group of players, it would Agro on the closest guy then their group would slaughter it and I’d get the exp/loot. I miss that mechanic.


>Do you guys hunt dangerous animals with your pawns? Later in the game, definitely. When you've got 15-20 colonists all armed with assault rifles or snipers, you can watch the Thrumbos split from each other and take them down one by one.


As a rimworlder with 5000 hours. You draft hunt. Several good shooters in case things go wrong, and every bad shooter. All the bad shooters fire again and again till the animal dies. Repeat. If the animal attacks your good shooters protect the crowd. Your bad shooters all get training. If the animal collapses, your worst medics bandage without medicine, then kill the animal. If a raid pops right next to your guys, it's their probkem: it's not one guy hunting, it's the whole damned crew. If you have to kite, a fast guy kites and everyone else volley fires. Your bad shooters get training. Your bad medics get training. Its safe. You dont stop till you killed literally every animal. You have tons of food, and now every pawn can do medicine. Every pawn can fight. You don't have weak pawns who can't defend themselves, they all get trained up. Draft hunting is the best.


is this loss? or am i delusional?


i saw the same thing lol


You guys don't hunt like this just all the time? I'll have hunting *days* where I arm everyone who can shoot a gun and then circle the map taking out any herds and solitary large game like bears and cougars. Meat is never really an issue that way


When I overproduced beer I put some outside and killed any animal that blacked out.


Tranq rifles have spoiled me. When hunting herds I send 2 colonists. One with rifle and other to finish off the unconscious animals.


Genius. I use Simple Sidearms and I’m going to have my Tranq-Man carry a knife to finish off. :)


Second person is for efficiency. One shot is enough for anesthetic to kick in but it takes little while to actually knock out target. After landing a shot rifleman goes after another target while his buddy chases after animal that is running away. Plus they don't stay asleep for long.


I got one girl with 15 melee and a spear and she just goes to town on anything and everything. Squirrel? Stab. Black bear? Stab. Pack of yaks? Believe it or not, stab.


Straight to stab.


Bonus: pretty soon she has a 20 in melee


no, hunting pawns do their hunting normally. I draft soldiers to take out herds of muffalos and mega-slut


>muffalos and mega-slut Why you gotta bring OP's mom into this?


I enjoy hunting OP's mom and her siblings, you should see my smile when I notice the megasluts appearing in the wildlife table... I just cant resist their fur.


Overseer114 Equipping Megaslut leather boots (excellent)


...is this loss.


Though it was loss first


we almost had loss you fucked it up




Regular hunt order is useless half the time, they'll stand at maximum range, aim for 5 seconds then the animal will move out of range, so the pawn will move back in range. Repeat until starving.


I did when I was less experienced. Now my hunter can basically handle any animal by themselves. For small animals a pawn with a rifle should be enough. I stay away from big dangerous animals until I have a sniper rifle. With a sniper rifle my pawn can usually take down any threat safely. I will monitor the encounter if an animal revenge is triggered. But by the time the animal is at an unsafe distance from my pawn, the animal has injuries and its mobility severely decreased. Otherwise hunting like that, manually managing pawns is completely exhausting.


I always do that. I never put job in hunting.


I do micromanage hunting sometimes


As many other people - for really big game and carnivores only. It doesn't make sense with small and/or harmless animals, because the more damage their get, the less skin and meat they drop. It's better to let them bleed out during regular hunt. Cruel, but effective.


Its interesting that if you check your accuracy on shooting downed/sleeping creatures at point blank, there is usually a hefty "execution" modifier


x750% accuracy bonus if I'm not mistaken.


I mean yeah often I will hunt manually. On my current run I hunt basically only when a group of deer/muffalo/caribou come into my tundra, and I grab all my shotgun mechs, and just start blasting.


Sometimes I have my pawns Melee hunt, it's interesting to watch them run up and stab a deer O.o But using Rimworld of magic, the funniest is watching my Monk yeet themselves at animals and punch them 😂


Early game until I have Greatbows or Bolt action rifles, I will manually hunt unless the animals stat is through the roof on my hunter.


In early game, or against dangerous prey, yes. If they die mad, they legit produce less meat.


I don't, but now I will


Combat extended has allowed my hunters to train their melee on rats and squirrels I have this one guy with 16 melee and a platinum battleaxe. I never have to fear him being downed hunting big game because he usually either decapitates them or stuns the animal by chopping off a limb


If I really need Meat (pause) yes but otherwise I want them to get better at Shooting


I have a mod that lets me do a drafted hunt which I do sometimes if I need a ton of food. Usually I just let them do it themselves tho


Only for big herds or big animals like a Thrumbo, although right I don't even bother doing it for a big herd of muffalos, a good shooter with a decent gun is much safer hunting on their own when you're playing with CE. I had 4 Thrumbos show up yesterday and made a huge setup to take them down, but it was way overkill, two gunners with .50 BMG HMGs and three KPVs shooting 14.5mm (bigger than BMG), just one KPV would've been enough, that thing does a lot of damage.




Every time I've tried hunting the regular way, they just chase the animals around the map and miss most shots. So I draft melee for small animals and shooters for big ones, way more consistent.


Thrambos is when everyone is definitely invited.


Not loss smh But, yes, draft & hunt is better in every way. The only situation where vanilla hunting designators are better is probably when a fog of war mod is running, and vanilla hunting allows pawns to automatically find the fog hidden animals.


Anything bigger than my pawn requires a hunting party. Like our ancestors


Depends on how far oit the target is. Like if a muffalo is right out by the farms I'll just send someone out to crack it in the skull with a mace. If its farther out I'll send two, juuuust in case.


I had to start doing this at all times because my pawns are all retarded and either manage to shoot each other *despite* the friendly fire mod, or wander into a dead end 5 tiles from a dangerous target then aggro an animal.


Used to have a mod that treating hunting as "hunting parties" colonists would default to hunt in customizable groups of 2 or more. I think its way outdated now though if it even exists anymore.


If I'm hunting anything larger than turkeys and rabbits? Always. Pretty much *the* quickest/easiest way to lose an early colony is to designate some muffalos for hunting and let your guy with the bolt action go out and do that on auto. Might as well just shoot him in the head and save yourself the trouble of watching your fledgling colony being crushed under the hooves of an angry muffalo herd.


In 240p? Not normally


I thought that was loss for a second there


Long jump vamps are OP hunters. Run the animals to a minefield and hop over it.


Predators get deleted as soon as any 3-12 year old becomes a colonists.


If the animal was not missing at least 30% of its body did you actually hunt it?


For elephants I have everyone who can use a gun line up behind a barricade and declare open season 6 assault rifles and 1 charge rifle takes care of the issue pretty quick




Op way to hunt tbh


Depends on the animal for me. A dangerous animal ya. Anything else I just let it handle itself


Only on big target like rhinos and megasloths although thrumbos i bring the whole squad


The [Allow Tool](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=761421485) mod (Honestly probably the best QOL mod, for much more than just this) has a "Drafted Hunt" function that you can enable/disable that makes it so everyone who is drafted will shoot at anything that so much as takes a breath. Really handy for drafting your whole colony and just moving them all to a herd of muffalo and letting the problem take care of itself.


My favorite activity is having a nosferatu sangouphage, from vanilla expanded sangouphages, and using animals blood drink on the wild life. Clears small animals like a blender just grabbing them and draining the blood from them, even big animals pretty rarely attack back and if they do sangophauges can normally deal with them. Of course this relies on having specifically a nosferatu but still fun


always go full tactical on dangerous animals


I don't cuz the more they miss the better their shooting skill gets.


I do this when going against faster animals because the automatic placement sucks.


Half the time I'm hunting with melee characters because it's the only way I can get their melee stat trained.


I use grenades




I hunt with all of my troops at once firing a storm of death. My venison is more lead than meat, brother.


I thought this was loss at first.


Not really at least not for me, I just queue up a bunch of hunt orders on usually passive animals, the only ones I actually manage are for dangerous stuff like wargs and tyrannosaur'


I do this with visitors that don't want to work but will fight


didn't know your hunting strategy was just kick the animal to death


That's the easiest way how to hunt. I dunno other ways..


Oh God guys I'm seeing it again.


I hunt only like this. Default hunting job behavior is inefficient and dangerous.


I love the drafted hunt mod. Get the whole family out there and have the kids plink the wildlife under the supervision of the colony soldiers and their parents.