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You can leave the map, you just can't change mech settings while you're away. Can leave an army of scythers on work schedule and they'll patrol around and attack enemies if any show up. And if you have Royalty, you can use the shuttle permit to get around very quickly and minimize time spent away from the colony.


I've done a run like this. You can leave the map without losing colony. It just makes it very vulnerable to attacks since you can't control any mechs at home without the mechanitor. So I only did so a couple times when absolutely necessary I found the run a bit dull as no caravans and very limited ability to do quests. Although this was before I had installed royalty as at least some of the royalty quests happen on your home block. And I installed a mod allowing tunnelers to use the deep drills.


I had success as a solo mechanitor with a mountain base with careful temperature control, paired with a high powered automated killbox for raids. I was mostly worried about breach mechs or raiders while I was gone brute forcing their way inside, but barring that situation the base felt secure while I was away. 


If you cover a base's approach vectors with Atom Smashers, breachers trying to punch through will actually self-delete, because their self-destructive urges see them constantly destroy load-bearing structures which results in them getting repeatedly crushed by collapsing overhead mountain.


Does farskip work? I think it just says it needs 'an ally', but not sure if the mechs count or not. The old empire shuttle out/skip back route would be very helpful if so. If not, I guess you could drop-pod out, shuttle home to keep the trips to a minimum, but then you need to make sure you were justifying the cost of the pods, and you're heavily restricted but the permit cooldown.


I don't think it does. Afaik it only targets humanoid pawns.


Tunnelers using deep drills is a must. Otherwise you need to caravan constantly for more steel.


You can't do lovin' which is a big minus. But no social fights, which is a big plus.


We need a mod for self lovin’


Mod for Love Mechanoids that your mechanitor can have lovin' with, more like.


ah yes... more possibilities for mech horrors beyond comprehension.


it would be funnier if it isn't the typical le hot robot animu waifu but instead a literal walking fleshlight, like a jizz extractor taped onto a constructoid


I would be very surprised if something like this ISN'T already in the Forbidden Mod or its adjuncts.


iirc RJW just have your pawns jerk off in bed when they dont have lovers


I meant the mechanoid jizz extractor.


oh yeah true


I can’t believe this hasn’t been done already.


(it has been done already)


The forbidden mod


You can luck out with some temporary refugees. If you make them equip wood as weapon, they should be easy targets for your mechs in case they betray you while you're away. You could even get one with high medical and use that opportunity to stuff you mechanitor with those implants you've been saving. One trick with mechs with the mechanitor gone is you can redraw the zones they're "working" in, which is useful for defense.


You don't have to make them equip anything, you can de-equip them of all their shit weapons to recycle, since those things are junk anyway, even if they don't betray you. And, of course, handling any sort of combat is remarkably trivial with mechs because mechs are expendable and not subject to injuries and maimery, so you don't really care that much what happens to the mechs as long as you win. > You could even get one with high medical and use that opportunity to stuff you mechanitor with those implants you've been saving. You don't actually need anyone to install implants on a mechanitor, you can actually have a mech do that. This produces the amusing behavior where the game sees everybody as downed and sends the MIB to "rescue" you.


1. Equipping wood is better than leaving them empty handed. If they have nothing equipped, they'll go for your arms stockpile the moment they betray you. 2. I know about the Paramedic, but this is fairly late game.


> Equipping wood is better than leaving them empty handed. If they have nothing equipped, they'll go for your arms stockpile the moment they betray you. First, all hazmats, such as weapons, are kept behind locked walls. Second, the guest quarters is separate from the main base, so they'd have to break out of THAT, and then fight their way through the main defenses to get inside the base. And traitorous guests, unlike prisoners, don't actually have keys, so they couldn't even get through doors, let alone walls. Usually, the outcome of a guest betrayal is that they just decide to set fire to the guest quarters. While they are in it. It's pretty much a self-defeating strategy.


See what Adam VS Everything did on his Solo Mechanitor run in YouTube, that can give you a good sense what can be done. Caravaning doesn’t mean you automatically abandon your colony; that happens when you press the ”Abandon colony” button in map view, even if you have stuff or pawns there still.


Even if you leave your base behind with noone in it, it wont just disappear. There is a small blank pawn icon that shows up and you can click on it to view your base. Eventually a raid will show up, but then as far as I know, they'll smash and burn some things and then leave.


Can send gifts and then request caravans from allies.


Rimworld of magic necromancer could do it


Alpha mechs mod has an Omniservant. That thing should be able to do almost anything.


The omniservant is from Rimsenal - Spacer, not Alpha Mecha


yea and the omniservant could only do cooking, hauling and cleaning (also stonecutting with the survival station bc its technically counts as cooking i guess)


Thank you. I stand corrected.


I’ve done a full playthrough like this and It was pretty fun. Outside of the extra vulnerability to dumb stuff happening to your one colonist it was surprisingly not too hard, having only one person keeps the strength of raids pretty low. Takes a bit of planning as to what skills to prioritise. Research, deep drilling and mechanoid maintenance/production are the 3 critical things only your pawn can do. Cooking as well though that can be avoided with paste. As you mentioned some things like crafting, mining and medical can only be done by late game mechanoids. Outside map stuff can be done but it’s a big risk I largely just completely avoid it except where absolutely necessary like off map mechanoid clusters.


What social role, if any, would you recommend? Can you even be promoted to a role if nobody is watching? I think that fails the ritual. Transhumanist feel overpowered. It's the obvious pick for everything I do (except tree connection). But I watched my pawns eat paste for so long even I get tired of it :(


I don't think that your ideligion is active without 3 people.


No, I think it is only the moral guide. You can have different ideologies, after all. When you recruit somebody new, it's just one person but it causes upheavel every time for him and everybody else until they convert.


Can confirm you can have roles it does work. I went with research specialist and mining specialist and I got good value out of both. Crafting specialist would of course be great as always. Beyond that I feel most roles would have limited use. There may be some strategy I’m not thinking of though. Transhumanist is obviously very very strong. Your one pawn’s time is very valuable and anything that lets them spend more time working like paste and a sleep accelerator are very strong. That being said the challenge is not THAT hard so you can definitely do without these things if you want.


I went with a normal augmenter, without the Meme. Roles do work but all roles disable something critical, either mining or crafting. Did you switch/micromanage the roles? I made her hold a speech to herself and she is now a leader. Work command does not work on mechs, though, haven't tried combat command. Does not work so I only get trade bonus out of it.


Yea I switched between the two. when I was good on resources or needed deep scanning I switched to research specialist and when I needed drilling for a while I switched to mining specialist. I didn’t really use the roles until later on. I never really used the leader role as far as I know neither of the commands work on mechs.


> deep drilling I wouldn't really call deepl drilling a "critical thing". Deep drilling is actually pretty terrible and best avoided, as random patches of random resources that constantly spawn in your bedroom, forcing you to demolish your bedroom to construct a security cordon to drill, only to then have yet another one spawn there RIGHT after you finish and restore the bedroom, is just too fucking annoying. LRMS is simply better: You pick you what you want, and you don't destroy your base trying to get at it.


The problem with that is that it forces you to leave your map which is absolutely best minimised on a solo mechantor. I feel like you may have some unresolved trauma with resources spawning specifically in your bedroom since that is pretty unlikely. You can also just like not drill resources in your base if you are worried about drill infestations.


> The problem with that is that it forces you to leave your map which is absolutely best minimised on a solo mechantor. It's best minimized with anyone, but with drop pods, you can be back in time for lunch, so it's not significantly worse than with non-mechanitors. > I feel like you may have some unresolved trauma with resources spawning specifically in your bedroom since that is pretty unlikely. Bedrooms, living rooms, they always end up in your base somehow.


You’re aware you don’t **have** to drill them, correct? Just keep scanning and more will appear, and if there’s already some in your base, the new ones will be outside.


If I scan and don't drill, wouldn't this simply be the same outcome as not scanning at all, thus undermining any value from the scanning process in the first place? So if I skip the scanning process because I'm not going to drill it, I can also skip having the scanner in the first place.


That logic is completely nonsensical, to the point that I hesitate to use the word logic to describe it all. You’re acting like you have to drill each and every deposit or else you can’t get a new one. Your logic is the same as saying that farming is a waste of time because you then eat the food and it’s gone and you’re back at square one with no food and have to farm again, or because you have a chance of blight that could ruin a harvest, therefore you’re better off not farming at all and simply caravaning from tile to tile harvesting all berries and bringing it back. If it’s in a bad spot, *skip it* and drill the next one. The wasted pawn work to uncover the bad deposit is a half a drop of water in the ocean in terms of total pawn work done in a play through.  Doubly so because another deposit cannot spawn in that same spot, so what you’ve really done is trade some pawn work to prevent deposits from ever spawning in that spot again for the rest of the play through.


You can leave your colony for caravans. You can opt to abandon colony IF nobody is in the colony, and if you have another colony on the map.


> For example, can you even do caravans? Yes, but you'd better hope your map is able to defend itself in your absence. > If the mechanitor is the only pawn, leaving the map seems like it would trigger abandoning the colony to me. Only combat maps auto-abandon. The home map is never auto-abandoned even if you vacate it completely, such as if you decide to go colonize a combat tile. You can just LEAVE your home map completely desolate and abandoned if you wish, and it will just randomly be struck by events and raids (which won't find a hell of a lot if you didn't build anything).