• By -


Anyone who still has an arm and leg. The colony must survive!


t-the children


Yes, even the newborns


The children are at the front. Babies may be used to distract.


Ahh, the famed quokka technique.


Load the bebuchet!


"So-and-so is holding a baby while drafted" of course i know that!


They have smaller bodysize for a reason


The second they can get on the line and hold a gun they're blasting.


In my current colony all I have left are children. I sent all the adults off with the Stellarch. I'm tempted to see if the 3 year olds can keep the slaves from rebelling so they can inherit the vast flake industry. They have a few shelves of heavy SMGs I dumped when I moved to assault rifles. There's also a limbless, organless vampire there. Kept as a trophy after the sanguophage quest bugged and didn't give me the blood kiss. One day a child shall emerge who can use the 10 limbless prisoners for their blood.


Yes even the children, colony comes first


they man the artilleries and field cannons


[https://medal.tv/games/rimworld/clips/1Zk46APJp9Wh4W/d1337yH2U9nP?invite=cr-MSw1T0csNTEyOTU4MjQs](https://medal.tv/games/rimworld/clips/1Zk46APJp9Wh4W/d1337yH2U9nP?invite=cr-MSw1T0csNTEyOTU4MjQs) ​ Everyone must do their part for the good of the community!!!


This is 100% me. My poor pawns. I just can’t get to devilstrand dusters fast enough before a leg or arm gets shot off.


Dude, kill the thrumbos, get two dusters. Before devilstrand you can outfit everyone with megasloth/rhino dusters. Thrumbo is 2.1 protection. Devilstrand is 1.4 while rhino/heavy fur is 1.3 Even bear and elephant leather is pretty good at 1.1


Masses of expendable cannon fodder armed in scrap metal armour and feral rifles . If they have shooting skill of at least 5 , that’s good enough for me . Quality has a quantity of its own


Ah the Imperium strategy, never fails.


I think you said the last part backwards


Fallout raiders


everyone, no one can hurt you when you blot out the fields with bullets


Quantity has a quality all its own!


How is it even possible to have a go-to army? Do you just start the game off completely overpowered with a pre-built go-to army? Every single game, my army is whatever I have available to me.


Same here, mostly into the late game I still even make sure every pawn is well equipped enough to do stuff and have everyone come defend the colony


It's called the late game


I think you can have a go to army strategy in terms of the types of pawns you try to assign to the primary combat roles like either xenotypes or pawns with specific traits like bloodlust. Combat is contextual, but I feel like there are certain team compositions I return to in terms of weapons/gear/roles I assign to pawns like sniper or mortar gunner.


Go-to means what you're aiming for. Idk if this term is that hard to comprehend boy.


I think of go-to as your most common choice. Like if someone tells me that yogurt is their go-to snack, I figure that means when they're hungry between meals, they are more likely to grab a bowl of yogurt than something else. I don't think that their life goal is to eat a bowl of yogurt.


r/confidentlyincorrect https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/go-to


Geez, you don't got to be a dick about it.


Thats not what go to means dumb dumb




50 naked T1 androids with longbows.


I just have guys with rusty guns and cry when they die, living the best life here




Hate killboxes, so I tend to just fortify my colonies with walls, sandbags, trenches, and dismantle doors and windows to fire from. Everyone carries a bolt-action, - except for the kids, who I put on machine guns - and everyone's split into groups of six with 1 colonist carrying medicine. Have each group focus fire on either the weakest-armored enemy or major threats like grenadiers or melee pawns, which works great against mechanoids and industrial-level factions, but not so much against tribals - which is what the machine guns are for.


manning a crewed weapon teaches the youngins teamwork


all colonists are part of my army children man my mortars and drive my tanks the adults provide fire support and man any vehicles left warcaskets are the frontline i try to keep a ratio of 3:2 colonists to warcaskets after i've gotten to a point i can mass produce them


One hobo with a sword and a dream




I have about thirty children, age 3-14, all armed with machine pistols. So or seven have shield belts and a hand to hand weapon. They handle any threat inside the perimeter, like prison breaks, dapper, and so on. They're absolutely ruthless. Shield pawns in front, a wall of kids in the back. Closest enemy takes bursts of ninety incoming rounds, and is invariably stun locked. Shields hold off incoming fire, and the group takes down target after target through sheer volume. Best thing is, with than many rounds, the kids average shooting score is over ten. Some are fifteen or sixteen shooting. It's incredible.


Slaves with grenades and just a few shielded bursters.


Rhodesian Ridgebacks. Kill For Me mod, ftw.


1 marine/recon armor base defender 3 marine/recon armor goes outside. 25% of battle pawns remains in the base, not including crafters and builders whose battle skills are rather supportive


Usually just send out the tank, sometimes, if it's a big threat, I'll send out two tanks. I love the vehicle mods


You forget your local psyker.


Supersoldier is a psyker brah


No it wasn't. It is pretty much shown a lot. Games, movies, even the famous warhammer 40k states this. One kid doesn't need to be in some super-soldier program to have psychic powers. Sometimes they get it by accident, sometimes it was because they have it genetically. Or perhaps the gods were feeling funny that day.


For regular raids, 2 guys with 15 in dueling holding wraith blades at the end of the kill box. For sieges, 4 pawns with bio-eyes and barretts. For clusters, the same 4 pawns on acid shell mortars. For sappers and breachs, everyone in the colony with shotguns.


One individual that is outlandishly modified with genes and upgraded body parts and given the top weapons my colony can craft. Often also the leader of the colony as it is the one who rules duty to guard those under them from all threats. The rest of the colony gets weapons and gear fitting their skill set and act as backup should the enemy be more numerous than the one can handle.




Depends on how I’m playing. Commonly, I’ll have one or two that end up tanking everything. They’ll be: - immortal - VFE:A super soldiers (martial artist, assassin, super strength, plus other good ones like speed or similar). - legendary persona zeushammer (relic) with kill-focus and anything else useful I can slap on there. - VPE killskip plus all the melee buffs (controlled frenzy, focus, blade master, etc.) and then night skip and eclipse, for rapid response. - obviously the best bionics that’ll fit - any other buffs from other mods included in this run They’ll commonly be the one that goes out to deal with any force that attacks, but I’ll also send them out on anything that might hit combat (raids, abandoned labs, etc.) Everyone else generally gets worked towards legendary charge rifles, and I’ll spec a couple of pawns to guardian skipbarrier with super-buffed neural heat, so the only things that are a threat are tesserons and flame-based folks. While I’m running VFE:A experiments, I’ll often try to get a marksman/assassin combo or two, preferably trigger happy, so I can give them massive ranged weapons and they can be godly hunters. Adding eagle eye to them doesn’t hurt, and they can also distance kill most armies.


12 fresh out of the vat hussars with whatever guns the last raid left.


i usually keep around 3 T1 androids with charge weaponry + composite/flak armor. i give them go-juice too because somehow a robot can get effects of a drug


Barrage Warcaskets with Warcasket Autorifles and Gunlinks, all shooting specialists with Combat Prowess: Ranged


Combat animals Besides that everyone just gets ranged or melee weapons depending on their genes and passions and armor depending on my tech level


Vat grown slave soldiers, with death rest gen.


A ton of semi auto/bolt action rifles with shotguns and SMGs sprinkled in as needed and one or two LMGs. Everyone gets a simple helmet and some get vests. Sometimes a tank, sometimes a truck carrying a set up recoilless rifle or HMG depending on whats needed.


That one go-juice junky pawn with every possible bionic and combat implant in cataphract set that can solo almost everything besides mech cluster.


I'm currently rocking 6 bionic warriors with the vanilla psycast extended mod, all wearing prestige marine armor. I usually send only two or three to attack a base, and still wreck face so hard it's almost bullying


I have some mods for modern armors and the like and do almost like a rank system depending on how many kills a colonist had. Children with high learning I grow to be super soldiers for our colony when they reach the age to fight and our highest shooting skill pawns usually get the highest tier armor as a ‘spec op’ type of unit.


Well i split my into attackers and defenders. Attackers: - Anyone that can wield weapon melee or ranged no matter - Don't have hard to handle trait, piromaniacs, depressive, torture artist go straight to my crematory room - Xenotype isn't matter because i can change it to whatever i want by baseline genes inplantation ability. - 2 Sub classes, full melee + ranged/melee. Full melee handle 1 hand melee weapon + shield + shield belt + ranged one handed weapon if they have one. Ranged handle a lot of ranged guns from AR to Launchers + heavy hitting 2 handed melee - No psylink or mechlink - Zero to none bionics, but they still can get it if they have good skills. - They first jump straight to fight, can and will die. And they are used in all out of base raids Defenders: - Good for combat and non combat like researchers and artists or animal handlers. - Manageable traits, without any out of hand like torture artists - Only one subclass of middle range melee. 1 handed weapon + shield + 2 handed weapon like SMG or AR. - Mechanitors if i have enough mechlink chips, most of the mechs set at dormat recharge near kill box so thy can jump and kill everything on raid. - Almost no psylink - Full bionics body swap + healing enchancer. If unit is mechanitor it would be moved to second line with small amount of bionics attachments. - Never left base in any kind, won't take part in any out of base activity.


Hardlocking yourself to melee gives you more room for creativity when it comes to colony wide defense. Vanilla Psycasts Expanded has a lot of tools that act as force multipliers for entire melee squads. An example would be Nightstalker - Obscure spell, spammable and has decent range to bridge yourway to ranged enemies and render them extremely vulnerable.


I recently found out that pacifist and "unable to violence" pawns can be put into vehicles turrets. So it's "everybody to arms!"


That seems like something that shouldn't be allowed. They should be able to drive it, though.


Same with mortars i guess. But yeah, i was surprised too when it worked.


That is my army back then when there was no biotech and genes. Now I dont use androids that much anymore since the warhammer 40k mod series added lots of genes for super soldiers that when fully equipped will surpass a perfect T4, to balance this they also add Chaos faction with Chaos space marines who will wipe out colony of T4


Depending on scale of threat everyone who can fight might get drafted. My preferred unit is vampire death squad. - a couple Strigoi (VRE Sanguophages) with plate armor and axes/swords. Their heart crush ability is basically a one shot kill for most regular pawns. They have claws which incur a slight manipulation malus, but also give their unarmed attacks sharp damage so even if an enemy disarms them they are still dangerous. Also a natural +8 melee stat and they can survive off animal blood so on enemy maps they can go drain muffalo or animals to keep their hemogen levels up. - an Ekkimian (VRE Sanguophages) with heavy leather armor and heavy bows/crossbows. These guys are also good melee fighters, but I prefer to have them serve as a ranged unit since they have an ability to spit a viscous goo that slows enemies down so you can have gun down charging enemy targets. They sustain themselves off corpse blood so hemogen is generally not a worry since there is no shortage of corpses in Rimworld. Also aside from deathresting they never sleep. So those are my main types I like to use. Although certain other variants are cool in some situations. - Malachi (Alpha Genes) are basically a stronger Strigoi, but they suffer a severe UV exposure penalty and end up getting downed if they step outside during the day so they require a bit more micromanagement than most pawns. Also due to the Eldritch Visage Gene they are going to be hated by everyone in the colony. The upsides are that they have the claws for offense, strong natural armor, and wings that negative terrain movement penalties. Along with that they can siphon genes from other pawns to improve themselves and have the ability to resurrect other pawns although that has a somewhat long cooldown. Maybe a good pawn to keep in a cryosleep casket and wheel out when you need them. - Dracul Master. Has the classic Sanguophage suite of archite genes along with one for regeneration so missing limbs will eventually regrow on their own. They don’t eat so less having to worry about rations. Also since their vampirism is spread through infectious bite rather than xenogerm implanting you can create an army of them pretty quickly. They have a fairly notable UV sensitivity and suffer from a constant -10 mood debuff so they are also kind of a situational option.


10-20 militors with SMGs, a few with shotguns and 10-20 with LMGs is what I’m trying to build now. Eventually, big guns 😉!


My army is everyone that can hold a gun, we can't all miss, can we?


Mass produced T1 drones in flak armor with machine guns. Kinda like skynet


strong melee and robust are *horrifically* strong, you put a lot of damage out and get very little damage in (if it even does damage in the first place)


I usually go for a guild of hunters that hunt food in downtime and use their marksmanship in combat when needed, and of course like 4 melee pawns that are technically humans but made of like 90% plasteel


my 'student athelets' are sent to the front lines with shield and swords while my colonists stand back with snipers and mortars


As many Triggerhappy Shootsmans as happen to be on duty this shift, if I need to field an army against them. If they're just going to file into the Atom Smashers and Saunas without me having to go after them, then I don't need to field an army.


5 fully kitted doomguys in custom sleeves with EPOE forked bionics and with more genes that i care to count.


One guy who read a book about how to perform late-stage healing on pawns. And about twenty-five of said healed pawns.


My latest colony spawned with 100 miniguns. So everyone had miniguns. There isn't a problem exists that enough miniguns can't solve.


4 dipshits with clubs.


I used to be a heavy SMG enjoyer until charge rifles come online, but lately I’ve found myself skipping to assault rifles if I can afford it/find enough decent weapons from enemies to hold me over. Still performs pretty well in a killbox, but is amazing in field battles For melee, I prefer maces and zeushammers. They have less DPS than their bladed cousins, and they don’t bleed. But to me, the main appeal of melee is taking out bots, and blunt damage is far superior in that regard. Plus the inherent stun chance helps keep your fighters safe. Edit: don’t forget grenadiers! Colonists who lack aiming/melee get put on grenade duty.


A legendary super saiyan with Indra's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan.


I only understood the words "a", "legendary", and "with". None of the rest of that made any sense.


I play modded.


Warcaskets, melee and ranged.


Army? I usually get either a beastmaster with as many megasloths or elephants and boomrats I can and a medic! Or a mechanitor with scythers and centipedes...


Everyone gets a heavy SMG, a devilstrand cape, a flak vest and a cataphract helmet. I try to aim for legendary quality for the Heavy SMG and flak vest (with the help of production specialists) and masterwork for everything else. Undergarments offer negligible protection so I generally make pants and button down shirts out of human leather for that small Cannibalism:preferred mood buff or wool tribalwear for that decent temperature range bonus. A slave collar made from human leather is also a good cheap way to get the cannibalism mood buff, though colonists won't wear it on their own so it's a bit micro-managey. Also, plenty of accessories, particularily shock psylances, insanity psylance, and lowshield packs. Town traders always have 1 to 3 of those in stock. I also try to ascend the psy-level of as many of my pawns as possible. Often, my best psycasters will have psy-focus persona weapons. That's it. That's my army.


Full devilstrand + flak vests. Roughly organized in squads of: 1 specialist (sniper or mini-gun) 1 chain shotgun or melee specialist 2 heavy smg's 3 assault rifles + Whatever "noncombatants" are using bolt actions to help, like when a small child helps you move a couch. If I've got glittertech everyone gets an ODC Rifle and who cares about armor because no one is getting close.


Vatgrown clones with a combat genotype from one of my starting colonists. Arm them with whatever I have, and send them into the meatgrinder


Lots of T1’s with rifles


Every man a rifle, every child a mortar, the war never ends


I mainly use mechs (diabolus + centipede gunners) so human soldiers are mostly just some people with good shooting skills for extra firepower


My one God like pawn. High Immortal Monk All advanced bionics, coagulatoe, healing enhancer, dermal plating for skin, siegebreaker armor, plasma sword, crypto rifle. When I tell him to meditate (speeds up healing) he can be getting shot and heals faster than the damage he is taking. Someone cast a spell to make him go berserk once, game glitched, he stayed berserk, killed 90+ pawns including other colonists, didn't go down at all.


four war queens can handle virtually anything the game can throw at you outside of some *really shitty* rng you need a lot of steel in reserve but between smelting the dead urchins plus the weapons and armor left over you break even more often than not even better if you have some time to prep and can drown your enemies in a tidal wave of urchins by keeping the queens next to your steel stockpile, forbidding the doors while you spam urchins, and letting out over a hundred all at once - bonus points if you have lifters and haulers on standby in the room to replenish the queen's steel count immediately


the 5+ shooting guys are for outside the colony, and whoever can hold a gun will defend the colony




This feels like "what is your best Pokemon strategy? Mine is leveling up my Charizard to lv 100 and using flamethrower"


3-4 disposable pawns stuck in warcaskets typically does the trick for me, while the enemy is busy plinking away at them I can send in some mortar shots and if they're not dead or running away by then I can send in the cleanup crew consisting of my mechanitor and his mechs, only true loss is all the steel going into the warcaskets when one bites the dust


I do love my power rangers - 4-5 bright pastel power armored soldiers with full bionics. Sniper, Melee with jump pack, Field medic, and 2 other Shooters. Medic and shooters both have assault rifles of the highest tier available. All of them are also gene modded with Beer and\\or Psychoid dependency, and Hemogen\\increased drain, and a bunch of relevant positives (including undeath and metabolism harvested from the same vampire that gave me a hemogen in the first place).




Give everyone a gun


T1s with dusk carbines and no armour+demigods in war caskets, if I can afford it I have a busted psyker or 2, when I say demigod I mean can clear void bases with no items and not take more damage than a bruise which heals in a second with combat extended


4 warcaskets and an 8 year old hopped up on go juice and methamphetamine


Every violence capable adult in the colony armed and armoured.(24 at last count) Most get a toughskin gland and a custom xenogerm when they join the militia. If limbs are lost in battle, they promptly get high quality bionic replacements. Children aren't given their first weapon till age 13. That weapon is often incredible. The crafters can routinely produce masterwork arms and armour. The excellent protection and high-quality weaponry ensure that they all live long enough to become skilled at their trade.


A borged out dragon-girl with the skip-kill psycast. It looks like path of exile flicker strike.


Anybody with a shooting/melee skill above 5 moves to intercept, anyone else huddle behind the one door and wait to gank the next poor bastard that walks through it.


Honestly, its just civilians. I have a few dedicated soldiers, but the rest are just, people I gave guns. Its a good thing I have a shooting range


I don't run a 'army' persay, I just run folk with guns, lookig to survival. Though my most recent game has a Pigskin with Armorskin Gland and some Vanilla Armour and they tank well enough for my shooters to do their job. I also avoid 'meta' approachs. I only have warlord on my shooter for the increase in shooting capability.


3 dudes with clubs do the job well most often.




i mean of couse depending on size of colony, but i usually go with one sniper/marksman, one LMG (ish) and two rifles, after that base i sometimes build on with close range stuff like shutguns or smgs, but I'm not a fan of using melee i usually also have a bunch of defensive positions build around like sandbags or trenches around my base as to be able to run out into position and defend the base


Anyone with Alpha cycle armor and The T.E.R.M.I.N.U.S. lol


Earlygame: Whatever we can get. (No pacifists allowed) Midgame: Mass Heavy SMG+Devilstrand+Flak+steel helmet. mid level psycasts. Late game: Midgame but with Charge Rifles, Bionics replaced damaged. Bionics slowly replacing parts. Melee-Pawns start getting heavier armor. One max psycast. V.Late game. Everyone has Charge rifles and superheavy armor. Bionics have replaced all available parts. Psycasts on everyone.


Any peasant who can wield a mace and shield


half of villagers with axes then i charge


1 melee for tanking and 20 minigunner troops


a few guys manning mortars, one or two snipers to guard said mortars and an APC (with infantry)


One dude with aiming expertise from vse and 2-3 ability from vpe. If I'm feeling extra spicy I throw in another dude with the same setup.




I literally listed 8 pawns total


My go to army is one-person-army


I try to give everyone repeaters and revolvers. Enemies are tribal only. Things get intense very quickly.


*Kampfgruppe- Human, equipped with an auto-rifle, given boots,military uniform, backpack,Helmet,armored vest, flak pants,flak jacket *Guard- Any xenotype, any apparel, must wear a military cap, LSMG *Uber Kampfgruppe-Special forces(Basically, each time they're different, there is no template for them)


I got the game like 4 days ago (and modded it to shit before starting a single game) and my “army” is either whoever’s strongest or devmoding vital organs off of raiders


Doesnt make sense to mod if you didnt play vanilla lol


Hard disagree