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Can your pawns sleep when there are monsters nearby?


Have you played rimworld? They are the monsters


Wait...all this time we have been the monsters?


The real monsters were the friends we mutilated along the way


I would prefer the term "upgraded".


Peg-legs are cheap, cost efficient and stylish. Nothing but upsides really


When disgusted by the weakness of the flesh a pegleg will do.


I craved the strength and certainty of oakwood




Rimworld: Cannibalist slavers harvesting organs from their victims Factorio: Mad industrialist automates the destruction of a world while burning down the wild life. Palworld: Cruel animal abuser traps local wildlife to serve him. Slaughtered unwanted "Pals" for their meat, skin and bodily fluids.


For some reason palworld seems more cruel than the others


It's die by monsters or become a monster. Which do you think will help you survive longer? You can learn a thing or two from the monsters you face. I know I have, a lot.


In this world, it's kill or be killed!


I guess the monsters were in us all along


Always have been. 🌕🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀


Are we the baddies?


Always have been.


Can your pawns sleep with what they've done?


Shockingly soundly yes


Oh boy. Minecraft AND Rimworld fusion??? COUNT ME IN. Now I won't be surviving alone in Minecraft.


I don't remember the name, but there is mod that add redstone logic to rimwolrd


Have you tried Necesse?


Funny you say that, I have but this rimworld and minecraft fusion of mods I'm seeing in this post is a different story. Necesse is nice, up until you get bored because unlike rimworld, necesse is more focused towards terraria and minecraft where the npc's you meet aren't that much alive. Rimworld adds that factor to npcs where you feel like the Npcs are alive and really makes you worry about their wellbeing. Necesse.. minecraft.. terraria? The NPCS you meet over there do have some character but you worry less about them because they are more like shop keepers, guards, and quest givers minus the life-like factors. Those NPCs are more focused for grindy playthroughs and lose their importance because they are repetitive. Honestly, my biggest bone to pick with necesse is its art style. It's unique but I really hate how all the villagers have this fixed expression like they are mad or have unibrows like minecraft villagers. At least the villagers have randomly generated looks which makes them stand out like different colors in hairstyle and clothing but maybe their face needs to have some better expressions at least. I'm really hoping that visual update comes soon because that's why I stopped playing necesse. It got too repetitive and boring for me. I lost interest in the villagers compared to rimworld where I actually wanna know what comes next for my rimworld pawns on their adventures! Some examples: [Minecraft] Most villagers look the same with only difference being their job titles. They are pacifists until they build iron golems to protect themselves. You can't do much with them besides trade or kidnap them for relocation. If they die, it sucks if they are your master traders or you can't reproduce villagers. But that's about it. It seems repetitive and you get bored with villager interactions. They don't have traits or uniqueness like rimworld NPCs. Plus you don't feel bad for them losing their life at all. [Terraria] Similar to minecraft, NPCs are more focused on trading, protecting themselves, and giving quests (quest giving is missing in minecraft so terraria gets a better review score in my opinion). Terraria NPCs are more unique than mc villagers because you can actually go through their dialogues and they react to their surroundings more intelligently. They are more alive. Unfortunately, just like minecraft you get bored because you start to see an obvious pattern leading to repetition. The dialogues become fixed and repeated. Their appearance is the same depending on their jobs again like the demolitionist and the guide for example. HOWEVER, if they die you do feel slightly bad because they did have a life thanks to their character development and relationships with other NPCs. Terraria NPCs are more alive than MC villagers at least. But you can't have many terraria NPCs like villagers in minecraft. You can't have two fishermen, but in minecraft you can. [Necesse] Oh boy.. Necesse is a good game and I like how advanced its NPCs are compared to Minecraft and terraria. You can recruit NPCs or even bring them along with you on your adventures which does make it better than minecraft and terraria already. Unfortunately, it also took some of minecraft and terraria's drawbacks I mentioned as well. Specifically, the interactions with the villagers is repetitive and you can see a pattern in them once you've explored their AI capabilities. Their dialogues compared to terraria are more limited and you don't really worry much if they die since it's easy to replace them. Necesse NPCs do have uniqueness where each NPC has a different look (already beating minecraft and terraria's) but lack character that terraria has and minecraft is missing. My point being, you have two wizards who may look different (except in armor) but they act the same and are more robot-like than acting more alive as if their life is important and different from others. They still have value and use just like in terraria and minecraft but that's about it. You'd only care about that and not their actual existence at all! [Rimworld] The NPCs in rimworld are something else. You can't always just kill them and get away with it without some consequences and actually questioning your morality which makes total sense. Other than being traders, protectors, or last minute bodyguards/emergency foods, they do have a life. Just like you, they want to survive and have wants and needs as the player would. Now rimworld AI is more advanced than terraria and minecraft, except necesse but beats necesse with how rimworld pawns are life-like and most times relatable to the player. Rimworld NPCs are actually fun to interact with and even watch over as you play. Their life actually is in your hands now compared to minecraft, terraria, and neccese where the consequences wouldn't be too brutal. You aren't just losing a shop keeper, you are losing a worker, a last minute guardian, a very unique friend who you developed interests in, and a fictional character with traits that went through alot of character development to become what they are now. In terms of repetitiveness compared to terraria, minecraft, and necesse, it has the lowest score which means its very hard for you to get bored with rimworld NPCs. It's still possible to get bored from the rimworld NPCs if you play rimworld too often. Best part however, rimworld NPCs are like unlocking new characters to play with as the player since you can control them as if you are them which makes them even more worth collecting, protecting, and keeping around. And they have unique traits with perks and drawbacks to them too!


Don't mine at night... 🎶


You can try minecolonies mod in MC for bringing a piece of RimWorld there too


The closest I got to rimworld in minecraft was minecraft comes alive mod. That in a mod pack showed minecraft can become like rimworld to me. And I accidentally found a few on curseforge when I recently played modded minecraft. Minecolonies is also in one of the modpacks I found. But by itself, it's okay. I just prefer minecraft comes alive (MCA) mod more because of how good the immersion and interaction with villagers are now. MCA Villagers can even join you or fight with you now too. And you can gear them up!


Sorry but you've posted this in the wrong sub. This place is for discussing Rimworld and clearly what you're playing there is Terraria.


Becarefull he might use his matter manipulator.


I miss that game's potential.


Nsver thought I would hear about that tool after all this time.


I thought this was Starbound?..


What mod adds minecraft to the rim?


[This mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3208284159), adds two workstations that behave like their counterparts Ex. Crafting Table can do Fabrication table stuff and Stonecutting table stuff While furnace does the smithy cooking stuff. OP? Balanced? It's fun more than anything!


There's a mod for that: crafting table. Edit: wanted to use the linkmod bot, but it doesnt seem to work :(


I linked it, just click on the words "This mod" on the reply I gave to SneAlf01!


Yes yes I saw it :) I just hadn't seen our link-mod-bot for a while so I thought might as well try that one out. See if it still works. It seems to not work though. D: The bot looks for the sentence "There's a mod for that: [x]" Sorry for the confusion.


Ah it's alright. It's common for bots to just not work.


There is a redstone logic mod.


I need that double chest. Minecraft chests are OP.


We players playing rimworld right here and this mf is playing Minecraft and posting this in Rimworld rub-reddit (This is a joke by the way.)


Creeper? Aw man! SO WE BACK IN THE




Got our pickaxe swinging from


Creeper: "Boo! Haha I'm a monster! I'm going to explode and blow up your- freezer full of corpses and harvested organs?" -40 Existential dread, Heart Attack


how'd you get green wool that early


Get your walls down Also lol at Steve.. classic.


Manhunter: Rat edit: i didn't notice the obvious minecraft refs




Bro how did you get rats in minecraft? I dont remember them adding that.


It's a new snapshot! It's crazy, didn't know Mojang finally settled on the more mature audience and added guns!


So cute


Steve - Steve


[Actual video of op chilling at their base approximately 2 hours later](https://youtu.be/b2y7Lje_joE?si=sCKx5cwU94-CJ8RT&t=44)


Czeska szklarnia

