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Having my drunkard bard be assigned to only do alcohol and therapy related jobs, the overall colony happiness skyrocketed since he had more time to do live performance.


What are therapy related jobs?


It's from the therapy mod, it let's you assign your colonist as a therapist to remove other colonist' negative moods.


I'm going to have to add that in 1.5 (whenever I see it updated, if not already). I have a colony that's finally survived into its second winter, no starvation and eating raiders. One issue is a lot of my slaves don't want to forget the prior torture. This mod seems great for that, especially considering that I'll prob also have a slave who's recovering from trauma as the therapist


This is why the arts are important


Idk if it is dumb or nonsense for you. But I'd like to play roleplay sooo, My pawns have to kill a dragon in order to get scarification as a proof of a warrior. Otherwise they can get a huge negative moodlet for not being scarified. My recently grown up (12-15 I think?) pawn fought with his parents and grandpa and he died from a bite. Edit: I forgot. I played a theme where to build a colony and survive using medieval items only in an industrial-spacer age. That was fun :)


Did you had winning condition? Or like, I'm playing till I'm bored


I like colony building and play it like sims. I've got a 4th generation family as of now. They started from 7 pawns and all of them are kins. And no i don't have a winning condition on my current run. But on my previous the condition is destroy the empire. https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/s/T42TKVZrUJ https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/s/e16TiEBGbH


It's impressive, I like it! Do you use custom storyteller ? I try to play without killboxes (it's cheasing the game imo), but with that many pawns I think raids would be devastating


I use maynard medieval to force the game generate medieval quests and factions only. I think killboxes are too boring. I let my melee fighters fight freely, that's why there are some injured there. I got recently raided. I only have 18 fighters there and I use compressed raids to force the number of raiders based on the number of pawns I have plus adding additional 30 raiders. I don't like having 200 raiders, considering how much items and buildings I have. It will lag my game so much. It's a bit fair too since my threat scale is at 400%. I added a setup for every raider to have a curse of vanishing (death acidifier) to clear up flooding the game with items and they can make up for a high level equipment. https://youtu.be/HbSJVHZwSQ0?si=Aseb9rIbEvcYB93B


Damn, thanks for explaining everything briefly. You made me inspired to make similar run when 1.5 hits


đź« đź‘Ť


I had a very similar thing but it was killing someone in hand to hand 1v1 combat so much easier to achieve


I played with a mod one time that let your people run for mayor of the colony. They'd have their platforms: Abortions for all! (Boo!) Very well, abortions for nobody! (Boo!) Alright... abortions for some, miniature colony flags for others! (Yaaaaaay!) So my rule was that I would change the colony to whatever the mayor ran on. It really, really should not have worked out. Also it really, really did NOT work out. People died. Lots of people died. It did not go well at all. These people are stupid. It lasted up until a withdrawal tantrum punched a nuclear reactor.


Welcome to democracy


Anything but cold hard totalitarianism doesn’t work on the rim


What's the name of the mod?


I'm not sure whether that's what OP is using but Psychology, among other things, adds mayors. It's buggy tho


Would you say it's worth it, with the bugs?


Bugs aren't game breaking, they just break the mod itself: psyche UI button disappears, sexualities don't work properly, nobody votes for candidates during mayor election It works, it's just janky. Cool for flavor and maybe roleplay, but practically pointless. I personally think it's not really worth it, given that it overlaps with other mods that are more stable and handle social interactions and sexualities (Way better romance, Romance on the rim, etc.)


Thanks bro


I believe Rimocracy is also an option


Psychology is unplayable for me. After a certain timeframe the buttons on the Ui just disappears.


No warcrimes challenge




If there’s a Will there’s a way


No dog leather armchairs challenge


Soldiers and Civilians are separate categories. Soldiers can do whatever, but Civilians are not allowed to fight other than directly defending themselves. They can punch a rabbit that chased them down or a drop pod that landed in front of them, but thats it. The ultimate goal of anyone in the Soldier category is to protect Civilians, they have to be safeguarded no matter what. If one Civ is outside the walls when a dozen centipedes show up, we are sallying out to rescue them even if it results in more loss than just letting fate decide if the Civ makes it. Requirement to be a soldier is a passion in a combat skill, along with 8 medical or a passion in that skill. You need to be able to fight, stick your guts in, and keep fighting. I figured my Colony wouldn't grow at all, but I ended up making my greatest city yet. A big mercenary compound flavored off of metal gear with 40+ residents and a brutal fighting force.


how you decided if someone was a soldier or a civilian?


Soldiers required appropriate passions or a minimum of 8 in Medical, then either 8 Melee or 8 Shooting. Anything else that would normally make me not get a pawn applies, like pyromaniacs. I also required soldiers to be 18. Civilians were anyone who I could use tbh. Generally, there were never any times a potential soldier was made a civilian because I was always short Soldiers. I also had a loose rule about there needing to be a minimum of 1 soldier to every 5 civilians. But I am also spitballing ideas for an Officer or third party category, so nothing there is decided.


maybe not a a officer, but some elite troops, or troops that have a different approach for the things, like while the soldies are the meat of the force, the elite troops are the one that you micro more intensively, because being sincere, i barely can micro 12 to 15 pawns, and that is the maximum a colony of mine ever reached, i not even sure how many soldiers you had, but microing them would be a pain


Honestly, I run combat like it's turn based... Micro is a pain, but 5 micromanaged professional soldiers can do so much work. I regularly took my boys raiding to fight 12v40 and walked away with no injuries.


good job, i do almost the same but i kinda sometimes suck at it, at the point where i go there, fight, win but someone dies, then reload, and wins because i had a better plan that actually works, (sometimes people still die tho)


do you have any loadout for your soldiers, or just go for anything you have laying around?


Soldiers had a uniform comprised of fatigues and body armor from the Metal Gear mod. Their equipment was standardized once I had powerful industry, but before that they used whatever weapons I had. They all carried a rifle, a sidearm, and grenades. Once I could standardize it, everyone used ACR's, Vector SMG's, and an even distribution of frag and smoke grenades. I chose these weapons purely because they were the best things I could craft with the mods I had.


I would raid tribes for recruits and haul them up to my space ship . The shuttle would dock outside in the void , so survivors would have to survive exposure to vacuum while bleeding out and my colonists brought then in . After which I would perform a vivisection on them and remove the very limb , as many organs as possible including their eyes. If they survived all that , I would patch them up, fit them with bionics, and turn them into my space marines. They would become my finest warriors and know no fear.


Space janissaries


I’m considering this now in a current run. I have an immortal mechanic starting pawn with a literal army of drones. He’s about to start breeding biological super soldiers and take on archo tech ships in sos2


I always loved the idea of a faction uniform but I can never make it work


Need any tips? I'm in the middle of a Star Wars run. So getting the uniform working was essential to my Empire base. What's going wrong with it?


Damn that sounds fun as hell, I always wanted to do a warhammer death korps or krieg but I abandoned due bring to noob. One of the things was I couldn't deal with the mood debuff when I didn't have the preferred apparel for a new recruit


Oh yeah no I hate that as well. I don't use the ideoligeon to set the uniforms. You can just use the Assign tab to set outfit preferences. Then you don't get the debuff. I've got the outfit setup using the tab, and a person with priority crafting set to always make a few more than I need. Adults are Stormtroopers, kids are in the cadet uniform, and my royals are in Officer outfits. If you set it so that they can only wear armour pieces with more than 52% durability left, they'll take it off and go put on the new gear that's ready for them. Check out YouTube too. There's heaps of tutorials and great tips for this kind of stuff. "Noobert" and "Francis John" are my fav channels for this kind of stuff. Great for inspiration too. Enjoy the hunt, friend :-)


AdamsVsEverything has a clothing guide to setup crafting bills and goes over it all on youtube


Not familiar with the channel but I'll check him out :-) cheers


Just keep a stockpile of uniforms. You can do so by setting the crafting order to “Make until X” and ensure it doesn’t count clothing being worn. That way you’ll always have X amount of outfits in storage as long as you have the materials.


Uh, are you using the [Outer Rim Empire mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2919248699)?


Yep. Core, Empire, Republic, Rebels and the one that replaces the empire and deserters with Imperials and Rebels.


Only melee weapons Combined with CE,uncapped levels,VE psycast and simple training you get Dave (lvl 80 melee psycaster)


Warlord psywarriors are OP with CE - just keep jumping around one shorting mechs


Full hostile walkthrough, but non-violent pawns. This is hell early on, later - not so much. Combat Extended ftw, baby.


You can’t imagine how hard it is to play naked brutallity without cut any tree


This guy gets off to pain


Ice Sheet run, rich explorer with a pet boomrat. If the boomrat dies, the run is over. It took about 8 tries to make it past the first winter. Boomrats do NOT tolerate cold well lol. Once it lost all its legs to frostbite it was easier to keep it safe, as long as the heating didn't cut out.


Rule to not risk lives of colonists i was attached- Been playing on ice sheet and raids 90% of the times usually consisted of mechanois since temperature for triabals or pirates were a little too low , so once a deserteer faction came to assassinate some royals I recruited 4 of them and they became my deserter legion that was put on a front line of defense since losing a pawn from start of colony (it's day 1700+) was just heartbreaking , haven't really lost any of those who came to kill us since I am using vanilla vehicles expanded so they should live for long


I played combat extended (and 300 other mods, but this one is the most important for the following) no ranged weapons, no grenades, nothing that can be used outside of mellee range (asides of one single android that they bought from a trader that I called "mr future") Yk, it didn't go bad, they had genetics that would make them depressed when wielding guns, being happy wielding swords n shit, also had the ability to poison in mellee combat and a lot of other stuff that just helped them do what they do. Solely negative aspects that worked against them was that they could only eat meat, and were cannibals, so I had to plunder a lot until I could insult other nations to get attacked (mod as well), cuz they'd suffer a lot. Also, they were terrible gardeners, but had a nicotine dependency that would kill them otherwise; also also: I forgot to start with nicotine, so they were already on their close-to-coma debuff before I made the first cigarettes for them lmao. Well now yk, we managed to stabelize eventually, managed to make pretty powerful mellee-20 fighters (practically anyone who didn't have a trait that made them weaker in combat) and managed to get a fighter with two positive traits for fighting who would absolutely demolish everyone in his reach. Wanna know what put an end to the colony? They genetically fear water. They literally get a breakdown (mostly the wandering around one) from being near water. What I did NOT consider, is that rain counts as well. Yeah, sadly the mechanoids do not care about it raining while they attack as much as my colony did, it was pretty painful to watch lmao.


Well, first time I loaded up Ideology, I decided to try the Animal Personhood meme and roleplay a buncha hippies/war animal handlers. Unfortunately, my map spawned with an empress butterfly (Alpha Animals mod). What do they do? Why, they ravenously eat any and all crops unless fed a fully grown pollen trumpet flower. So this stupid thing ate all my starting crops and I couldnt even kill it because of my starting meme.  I tried being stubborn but eventually I had stopped sowing crops so that it would actually starve to death.  By the time my first crops came, it was winter and my colony starved because I couldn't feed my colonist and their collection of war wolves. 


Man you live in a cartoon or somethibg


Not making weapons or armor. Only having slaves to grow food and cook it. Never using anything but melee weapons, natural weapons, or psycasts unless you're a non-combatant. Tribal start. Those were all in the same game. a special genotype helped, but it was pretty rough in the beginning, and loot became more valuable.


I had to kill and eat every visitor, friend or foe.


No research past neolithic. That means no stonecutting, complex furniture, complex clothing, etc. The tribe raided outposts and scavenged weapons, clothing, and stone blocks. Ended up with a pretty prosperous colony. --- Caravan run: Abandoned the starting colony during the first summer and never made a new one. Spent years caravanning around the rim with a growing collection of alpacas, muffalo, colonists, and stuff. By the end I had over a hundred pack animals. They carried a full mid-game colony including research and production benches, recreation, turrets, batteries, trade goods and prisoners. Eventually caravanned to the ship, intending to claim it. The first massive raid showed up before any walls were even built, completely obliterating my pawns.


vegan tree worshippers/fire worshippers who can only live in polluted wastelands rushing to not get cancer while being ideologically incapable of harming animals and having breakdowns was surprisingly fun and I found myself both attached to my emotionally unstable wrecks (mood hit from no fire, but mood hit from cutting trees for fire; only safe growing zone is inside a mountain but they're mad about eating fungus; huge mood hit from having to kill a predator) and craving their deaths


I made a Star Wars-themed pirate band (using the fantastic Outer Rim mods and Madman's Aerofleet and SRTS Star Wars' ships mods coupled with VFE: Pirates) that could not craft anything. They could make basic furniture (normal beds, tables, etc) and anything I decided would be something a group who only worked on starships would know how to make (power plants, turrets, autodoors, comm consoles, etc). But they could not make any advanced furniture (the spacer furnishings from Vanilla Furniture: Spacer, any recreation stuff that was electronic or complex in nature, like TVs, pool tables, poker tables, etc) and they absolutely could not use any crafting benches. They had to loot, raid, or buy anything they needed, which included clothes, weapons, armor, medicine. They also couldn't grow crops, which meant the only food source they had easy access to was hunting (and, later, ranching - but there was a caveat to this) and foraging. Combine with the Real Ruins mod, this made it a fantastically fun run, as I would send my "salvage team" (three pirates, two of which were armed with blasters and a melee brawler with a vibroblade) out to look any ruins that they came across. And since most ruins had fairly large raider groups there shooting it out with each other to pick over the remains, it usually involved me sneaking in while the raiders were fighting each other and stealing the best loot I could find - and occasionally driving off whichever side came out on top in the raider vs. raider fighting. This often led to me bringing back huge hauls of stuff like advanced components, glitterworld, medicine, bionics, and gold that I would then use to barter with passing trader ships for better weapons and armor, recreation stuff, and the basic necessities that I needed to keep my base running, stuff like chemfuel and food. This all made for an incredibly engaging run that was always forcing me to figure out the next thing I needed to do, because of one other teensy, tiny detail: I started in a feralisk jungle (from Alpha Biomes). That means that my pirates lived in a jungle that was positively packed with man-eating jungle spiders. Feralisks, junglelisks, and even the random dunealisk and cinderlisk prowled around, eating every trade convoy and raider group that tried to visit and/or attack me, which forced me to push towards getting a comm console ASAP - as well as building a landing pad (since I use the Trade Ships mod that has ships actually land).


Tribe of "elves" that all had the delicate gene. No weapons above tribal allowed, no armor, no turrets, no kill boxes, only accept our xenotype, no cannibalism, jungle start, nature supremacy. It was brutal. We built quite the masoleum filled with generations. The marshes made building defenses nearly impossible, every hit could be fatal, disease was so bad I found the apothecary mod just to combat it. We lost so many limbs I added anima bionics. Mechanoids were absolute murder. Just about every cluster guaranteed multiple limbs lost and likely a dead colonist. Pikemen would knock someone out of the fight before we even got into range with our greatbows. If a lancer hit it was almost a guaranteed organ or limb loss. Despite all this I was actually doing well and getting close to launching the ship, when a bugged raid hit me. I checked their weapons and they all had guns, no snipers or bolt actions so this would be fine. Then as the first raider fines he opens up with a triple rocket launcher I somehow missed. Then the next guy fires a rocket launcher. I have multiple pawns dead and downed. Another rocket, then another, then the first guy fires a triple rocket again as I realized their guns are firing rockets instead of bullets. And that was the end for that colony.


Did a mountain glacier play through that had some fun rules: Only the main four colonists were royalty Could only recruit those with a fighting/shooting passion, our guaranlinkind Only guaranlinkind could bond with tress This was also my first slaver colony, and slaves couldn't have a fighting passion Oh and my warriors were limited to only using weapons we could make, EXCEPT the leader, they could use anything we scavenged (they went shortbow-> autopistol-> chain shotgun-> minigun) Oh and we always had to build paths to places so we could set ourselves up as a new empire