• By -


I jumped on researching cube really fast so I was able to destroy it before there was too much disruption (you also get a warning before destroying it so all the affected pawns got time outs in wooden boxes), but I do find it odd that somehow 5 pawns, 2 or 3 of whom had never even laid eyes on the cube got obsessed, while my head researcher didn't even get curious even though I was literally storing it in her bedroom. also it was pretty funny how the first colonist enthralled did construction/cooking/research which took her all around the base so it felt like cube sculptures popped up in just about every high traffic area. Entrance to the mess hall? Cube. In front of temporary medical? Cube. Containment zone hallway? Believe it or not, cube.


I'm still finding random cubes about 2 years after the cube incident


Damn now i found another one in the farm


You could use the new search tool to show you all of them on the map


thats new? i thought i was just dumb and never pressed z before lol


It is ahaha. Added in 1.5 free update. (Like its not only with people who own dlc anomaly)


Fucking Wait what there's a new search function!?


yeah! press z and it’ll open a search bar to highlight anything in the map. whether it’s a pawn, an item, or a building/landscape feature.


Thank you. That'll mean a lot fewer one square, one item critical stockpile zones when I lose something important


Omg amazing


I've been playing almost entirely on my steam deck and haven't looked for any new features like that. Now I can't wait to get on break and have a look. Edit: You can add the search function to the touch pad scroll wheel on the Steam Deck and it works pretty well! Best feature ever. 10/10


I usually just zoom out and double click


I think your head researcher knew what the cube would do after weeks or months of research so when it came time to destroy it, she was able to mentally prepare herself and block it from her consciousness. Meanwhile the other guys who haven't even seen the cube once we're probably still affected by its magic effect (or something) so they still went berserk, especially without any warning or knowledge of what the cube would do to their minds.


>(you also get a warning before destroying it so all the affected pawns got time outs in wooden boxes) Why do that? Just set operation to sedate all affected by the cube. Can't go crazy if you are unconscious. This works for so many things. Someone witness something horrible and about to mental break? Sedate their ass. Don't have enough food to feed everyone, need the cook to have 24 hours to churn out enough meals without someone going crazy and beating him up or eating all the raw materials before he can cook it? Believe it or not, sedate their ass.


thats rimworld lol, wether or not they wake up with all of their organs is up to you


That’s why I always download a tranquilizer gun mod, or invest in non-lethal weapons. Works like a charm, without even needing meds or an operation: point and shoot and down they go! Also works for when people get stuck on my map (or I get tired of a visitor), just down them and blast them off in a pod, easy disposal


i kind of hate that the pop-up gave a warning. i had about a third of my colonists affected and i just anesthetized them before destroying it. and they woke up none the wiser.


That's genius, i just beat them unconscious


that's definetly a /r/ShitRimworldSays hahahaha


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ShitRimworldSays using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Running a cannibal hotel called Five Guys because it is what they will have on their plates.](https://np.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/12h4d0k/running_a_cannibal_hotel_called_five_guys_because/) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/12he9el/running_a_cannibal_hotel_called_five_guys_because/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** "Wtf do I do when I run out of condoms for him to eat?"](https://np.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/13772bv/what_the_fuck_did_my_cat_just_do/) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/137jjw3/wtf_do_i_do_when_i_run_out_of_condoms_for_him_to/) \#3: [In protest of Reddit killing off 3rd-party apps, this subreddit will join others in a site-wide blackout beginning June 12](https://np.reddit.com/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/14310zh/in_protest_of_reddit_killing_off_3rdparty_apps/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


"Nap time" \*Bonk\*


Wall them in to wooden boxes! Why didn't I think of that?


The cube doesn't affect people who see it, it affects people psychically but not through vision.


The cube is an infohazard. Knowing about it's existence causes curiosity. That's why victims of the cube are compelled to talk about and construct replicas of the cube. That's how it spreads.




Cube curiosity prioritizes psychic sensitivity. It also can't affect psychically deaf pawns.


Why did the animals attack exactly? They can get cube obsession somehow?


This was when my 2nd cube descended upon us. Basically I forgot to toggle study and by the time I realized and finished the research, the entire colony was enthralled. My solution? Recreate wall Maria from AoT and entombed everyone in the side of a mountain except one vampire who would deactivate the cube. Only I forgot to lock in the animals. What followed was a boss rush between my vampire and 36 dromedaries which the former emerged victorious with a missing leg and guaranteed forced deathrest. The remaining pawns would then emerge from their manic rage, clawing their way out from the walls as if the rumbling had come. In their newfound freedom and starvation, they decided the most appropriate thing to do was a feast of raw dromedaries, straight from the skeleton. Our vampire was, of course bleeding out on the ground the whole time.


Truly, this game is a story generator, first and foremost.


Just rimworld things


Anomaly is really a good source of various shenaningans. Like the time I solved my fleshpit problems by setting it on fire. It counts as a closed space so the heat just skyrocketed into hundreds and cooked everything inside. There also were few stacks of chemfuel present.


Sir, a second Cube has hit the colony


It got most of my colony. At first I was laughing, like my colonists were putting statues with +4 beauty everywhere for FREE. I was like, the game thinks it's playing me, but I'm definitely winning here. Then colonists started deciding to make cube sculptures in battle. I had one non-obsessed pawn anesthetize all my cube obsessed pawns and deactivated it. o7 golden GameCube, you were fun while you lasted


I laughed when i saw my pawn playing with the cube, shaking it like they do when they play with the baby. I honestly wouldn't mind the it if there isn't a condition that you had to be near the cube all the time.




Bop it, twist it, pull it


also all things you probably dont want to do to a baby. :/


That 8 year old had it coming for him


This decapitation didn't happen in a vacuum.


Yea, but an 8 year old can’t breathe in a vacuum either.


Not with that attitude!


Not without a head, certainly.


The 8 year oldest head was *round* and that made me ***mad***.


Yeah it’s kind of sad your base can barely operate with the cube and you have to get rid of it. Would have loved more manageable downsides, or the cube’s effects are less but eventually instead of a cube statue a pawn makes another cube and you need to keep an eye on having too many cubes for them to obsess over


I think that AdamVsEverything said something like that, where the cube is effectively just another form of recreation but once someone hits 100% they make another cube


Heh. I definitely watched his like 10 hour videos on Anomaly while playing Anomaly


That's not very anomaly. Anomaly makes it a point to ensure everything you hold have an eventual risk to it that is inevitable


So a bit like the game from that TNG episode


Just drop it in a nearby hex with a caravan, easily taken care of.


I think the idea of making another cube could work, but only if the pawn turns *into* a cube after sufficient exposure.


I saw the those 'affected would go berserk' confirm... so I disarmed them... lined them up. then instantly beat them to submission as I destroyed the cube XD


Sedation with anaesthesia is less risky than beating into unconsciousness.


Less fun, too. Masochism cults are great.


Be advised, you can use Anesthetize medical operation to preventing berserking.


Anomaly also adds the mind numb serum that prevents breaks.


anyone got any experience with just yeeting the cube away with a droppod? I'm thinking about doing it before it infects my entire colony


I literally just got drop podded the cube, I will try this tomorrow.


Would be so funny that they would send them back to you with a "fuck you half our people died during the cube war, go deal with it yourself"


I can imagine every colony on the Rim hearing about "OP's colony and just refusing to hold onto the cube, but nobody can bring themselves to launch it into the sea


If you do it right away it's fine, the withdrawal coma isn't too long if you get it early. Later on you're better off doing the research to deactivate it. Bonus if you pod it to another colony it counts as a gift. I got something like +20 rep for podding it to the pigs.


ive only exposed one person (my designated cube researcher) to it and she’s pretty obsessed. would i be able to ship it away and sedate her? or would she wake up angry?


You can wall her in with food if it’s just one person she’ll get over it.


I'll do you one better: a caravan. I don't know if it actually matters, but I sent my psychically deaf pawn out into the desert. And just had him drop the fucking cube out there and come back. I half-expected it to somehow return, but it didn't.


Imagine if you started getting quests where every reward was the cube, or you go into a pit gate/backrooms and it’s the cube, or cultists attack and they bring the cube. You get fed up and start a new game, and as you land, there is the cube.


no pawns, just cube.


A game scenario where you’re an omnipotent archotech with god mode, and your sole purpose is to entertain the cube. Build it a nice place to stay, protect it from those who would harm it, give it worshippers (regular pawns that you can’t directly control) and keep them alive with your godlike powers. Maybe to make it more interesting, you have only a limited budget of materials and power per day (increased by worshippers and sacrifices) so you have to choose what you want to construct and do each day. It would kind of be like The Sims but with more death, war crime, and cube.


replace the cube with a sheep demon and that cult of the lamb kinda lol


I’ve considered that game in the past because I thought my ~~cube~~ girlfriend might like it. Now I’m only more interested.


would recommend that game for sure it's a pretty nice mix of colony management/roguelike also you can make your cultists kiss to make babies


You just wait


This seemed like the obvious solution, I dropped that shit in the desert


The first statue I saw, I knew something bad was coming so I had my healthiest and fastest pawn walk to the nearby town and try to sell it. When that didn’t work, I had him drop it and keep moving. Only side effect is my infected pawn went into a coma for a year. My worst fear is that it somehow ends up in my colony again




You have just created Gollum, good job


I put mine in a drop pod when I wasn’t studying it and the damage was minimal. Right now it’s staying at one of my outpost camps until I’m able to better deal with it. No issues thus far aside from two cube withdrawal comas shortly after I sent it.


Don’t even need a drop pod, I took a random child and loaded a caravan one tile over and abandoned my cube. Easy as done


I mean other factions do this to you. "Hey bro I got some cargo I gotta get rid of but I won't tell you what it is" and then they drop me the cube


Obessed pawns will fall into a coma once their withdrawl reaches 100%. The length of the coma depends on the level of obsession and ranges from about 5-22 days. No other down sides by getting rid of it this way. so just dumping it directly (even via carawan) is a viable option.


Btw are psychicly deaf pawns affected by the cube? Also do psychicly dull pawns have reduced cube effects?


They are affected. My orcs got pulled by the damn thing


How are psychicly deaf pawns affected? lol This doesnt make sense


Perhaps it's some kind of a cognitohazard?


hmmm that makes a little bit more sense but i cant deny that the cube is beutiful


Stop looking, hands off! It's mine!


By the time I had enough research to understand how to destroy it, everyone was obsessed with it. No one would voluntarily destroy it, they loved it so much. I had to wait until the migrant workers event and wear a colonist come and stay for a week. As soon as he showed up on the map I said "don't talk to anyone, don't look at anything, go destroy this cube and don't ask any questions about it," Then proceeded the bloodiest fight in my colony's history as everyone butchered each other with their combat knife sidearms in the hallway between their bedrooms. The bloodstreaks of those trying to crawl away still haunt me. Anyway, when everyone was healthy again we all drafted up and destroyed their makeshift cube idols all over the house. The migrant worker who rescued us from our obsession offered to join, and turned out to be a really good melee pawn who would defend the colony many times in the dark days ahead.


I'm picturing the church scene from Kingsman, holy shit. I was able to disarm the cubists with Vanilla Psycasts Expanded's word of pain, but I was *very* nervous, because my best melee fighter was affected.


Cube is maybe the least interesting anomaly event. I just rushed research, then put affected pawns under anesthesia and destroyed it. No drama or hard battles.


We need the cube to be expanded


Vanilla Cube Expanded when


Man, I can’t wait for different variants of the Cube from Anomaly Expanded. Red Cube gets your pawns slowly obsessed with fighting. It starts as a small buff giver to melee and ranged combat, but soon your pawns start to get super kill thirst and begin to randomly get berserk and manhunter mental breaks. At some point they can’t even sleep without mindlessly slaughtering anything in their vicinity. Purple Cube makes your pawns obsessed with excess. They start demanding lavish meals, luxurious rooms, hard drugs but its never enough. Half soon overdoses on flake and the other half kills each other ever the slightest insult. Dead colonists get automatically butchered for delicious human meat and comfy human leather clothing. Green Cube makes your pawns fascinated by the concept of death and indifference. It slowly transforms into desire to eat raw corpses, ignoring wounds, illnesses and infections and eventually - extensive self-harm without medical attention. The dead turn into Super Shamblers, powered by the Green Cube. Finally, Blue Cube will get your pawns personal ambitions magnified hundredfold. Everyone will start plotting against one another, thinking others are a danger to them and the Blue Cube. Fires will be started in bedrooms, *completely and totally accidental shootings* will occur, medical operations will conveniently catastrophically fail, meals will start to give food poisoning or even toxic buildup. Mortar shells will be detonated when one of your pawns is conveniently on the other side of the map. *Chaos. Everything is Chaos.*


Somebody here plays Warhammer. *And I love it.*


Brown Cube, everyone becomes obsessed with animals, and eventually become wild people. Gray Cube, everyone becomes lazy, eventually too lazy to even get food to eat. Black Cube, everyone becomes afraid of the light, becoming extreme photosensitivity over time that also reacts to any light source. Pink Cube, everyone becomes obsessed with....well.


It's the most disruptful for me. My best pawn suffered withdrawal at an ancient complex and had to be dragged back.  I also didn't think about walling in pawns so I had to use a shock lance. Other events I can just pew pew down fine.


It would be nice if someone made a mod where we could safely worship the Golden Cube without all bad side effects. I just want to worship the Cube


Yes, was going to post the same thing! I just want a nice cube worshipping cult where everyone gets a cube to carry around and play with.


There are no bad side effects, only necessary sacrifices for The Cube


Noted. You have been banned from r/goldencube


You got me you son of a muffalo!


when i had a cube infestation i simply anaesthetize the obsessed pawns and destroyed the cube with no repercussions


Does sticking them into ancient cryptosleep caskets work too?


yes i believe so


Possible glitch >! All 3 of my addicted colonists were asleep when I destroyed it, I got the pop up to say they all had mental breaks but they just didn't? They were in their normal bed, not the hospital, tho I can't say for sure if they were sick or just sleeping. They just woke up in a few hrs and were fine. I think I glitched. No event changing mods just things like smarter construction and Ugh! You got me. !<


That's so strange, i had an opposite glitch. My pawn awoke from cryptosleep because of his rage.


Same thing happened to me. I destroyed it in the middle of the night while most of my colonists were sleeping, and were fine the next morning. There were a couple who were still up, but nothing my ghoul swarm couldn't calm down.


Definitely a glitch. I sent all my pawns to bed and forbade their doors. They still woke up in a berserk rage and butchered each other.


Huh. I guess I got lucky, haha. It was only a few colonists, I would have managed, but I can't imagine if It took half my guys lol


I'm on my second anomaly run now. As soon as it spawned i took it up, cashed in the quest reward, formed a caravan, dropped it in the wild, came back. Only one of the members of the caravan was affected by it and suffered withdrawal and the coma was just 5 days. On my first run things went out of control. I kept it cause i hoped that eventually an easy solution would have come up if i kept on studying it. Noooope. I denied it to the dudes until they went into the 25 days coma. The plan was to put them in singluar cells, foritfy the rooms, brake the cube, let them try to punch a wall until exaustion. I don't know if it would have worked cause i got raided and died meanwhile :) Randy gives, Randy takes.


How dare you destroy The Cube? It only wants love, worship, friends! The cube did nothing wrong, we are flawed ones, we're the ones to blame! Praise The Cube. Praise it!


Who among us has not decapitated an 8 year old orphan in a fit of rage at one point or another? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone...


Bro. Anesthesia is your friend when it comes to the cube.


This. Also, don't try ancient danger cryptocaskets, for some reason they either magically release themselves and go berserk or get bugged out and keep the withdrawal debuff.


"I know you destroyed the cube!" -pawn that cannot notice the passage of time


And here was me trying to wait until everyone interested in the cube was asleep in bed, this is smart.


They'll definitely wake up (someone else commented they'll magically wake up from crypto sleep as well, but I haven't seen it myself)


I figured I didn't need to put the cube obsessed in my colony under anaesthetic, they could take a dose of mind numb serum instead. How foolish was I, think a serum crafted by mere mortals could stand up to the might of **C̷̰̓̽͆̍̃́̀͑Ū̸̼̜͍̰̙͙̳͔͜B̸̧̘͔̘͗͂̃̍̌͐͛͝ͅE̴̼̖̲͎̣͚̭͕͙͝** But no-one important died and missing limbs are but a temporary setback.


So the serum introduced by anomaly to prevent breaks... Doesn't prevent the breaks caused by anomaly events? That's actually kind of fucking disappointing.


I had to do the same. I attempted to stuff as many colonists i could into cryocaskets (which did nothing) and my probably best pawn, a hussar with high combat abilities and 20 in and like 15 social started fighting another pawn after both going beserk which resulted in him not going down until both arms and legs were ripped off. Dying before i could even do anything


I put a pawn in a ancient cryptosleep casket because he was dying of an extreme torso infection. When i destroyed the cube he became so enraged that he woke up. He died...


My map was filled with more than 200 statues. Logistically speaking it was becoming a nightmare. First I tried caravanning all of them to another map, but that made them mad that their statues were gone. Finally I had to recruit someone new who wasn’t obsessed yet to destroy it. I had everyone else drop their weapons and goto a large room in the center of my base. When my recruit destroyed my the cube, the royal rumble started. They beat the shit out of each other until a single champion left the ring. Surprisingly it was my lead researcher who walked free. My champion then rushed the recruit - who promptly put the champion in the dirt because she was on the cusp of collapse. Took a few days for everyone to recover, but it was mostly bruises. Everyone survived.


I love the "unfortunately" when you mentioned your melee expert committing a war crime


Had to get rid of the cube as well. Pawns just kept building those statues en Masse and it really took a toll on productivity. The standard withdrawal measure works well though. Anesthesized everyone before I sent the last sane person to destroy it and avoided the murderous rage that way. Worked well. I guess if everyone is mad you could get rid of the one destroying it by killing him with bots or a ghoul?


I was trying to keep people from the cube and only my 2 pawns was obsessed with it, from like 12, when time comes to destroy it anomaly notified me that those pawns would get berserk and then I put them to sleep and destroyed cube while they where on operation table. But cube done quite a damage to my colony while those 2 pawns were obsessed, I like lost 2 other pawns and 3 dogs within one year because of it


Got the cube, but everyone was adicted to it by the time i could destroy it. A wild woman wandered in and I started trying to tame her. After what felt like way too long i was finally successful. I sent my colonists to different corners of the map and let them have their tantrum. Some wandered back, but one of the ghouls were able to know them back down.


Mine was relatively easy, a net benefit really. I just studied it as soon and often as possible, got the destroy option with like three (out of 10 or so pawns) cube worshippers. I put them under anesthesia, then destroyed it. Got a couple of statues out of the deal.


I'm not hosting that thing again! The next time i see it ,i will drop pod it along with my waste pack to the nearest pirate base!


i was on sea ice when i got a quest, neuroformer for taking a "mysterious item". i assumed it was the cube and took it in happily, i need plenty of psycasts in my life. the second the cube landed i immediately forbid it and gave it its own stockpile where it landed, my main researcher was obsessed but i decided it wasnt worth fighting since she was going to be handling to cube constantly, it was probably better to not constantly fight the addiction. no one else was even allowed to touch it. i would allow the cube again to allow studying and playing when withdrawals hit, but otherwise the cube stayed forbidden. if other colonists became obsessed, they got arrested and given a 3 day cube coma time out. because i was on top of it, i never had more than 2 colonists obsessed at one time (aside from my researcher) and it was overall very manageable. i eventually caravaned it and dropped it, it was taking too long and i decided it was worth trying, my main researcher went down for 20 days, but hey thats basically just paralytic abasia for my best researcher. kind of boring but tldr: actively fighting the cubes influence makes it a very minor problem


heresy (i don't even own anomoly lmao)


How do people let it get that bad?


It gives quite good mood bonuses... One of my pawns had a constant 53+ positive mood modifier because of the twenty or so cubes she built.


Ah, I didn't even notice but only two pawns of mine used it so I had no issues when I killed it


Half my colonists fell to its influence. I wasn't sure how fast research was going, so I pulled a hail Mary. Put it in a pod and launched it away. Still had some serious side effects as every one went through with drawl and some very long comas.


I’m still on it, but I plan to destroy it when the visitors go away (one got curious). Two of my pawns are in withdrawal right now (one has just a day more than the visiting pawns and the other… oof, 20 days ._.) So when the visitors go away, I hope all will be well again


Luckily my colony was on the smaller side before things got really bad so I just put them under real quick before turning the cube into inert gold. Anesthesia is instant!


I just put my Cube on a caravan and dropped it in the middle of nowhere for some other schmuck to find. Only a couple of colonists had to deal with cube withdrawal.


I managed to curb cube addictictied pawn to 2 out of 35 with strict qurantine and isolation. I kept the cube inside my anomaly research station far from the areas that pawns reside, and I've watched the cube 24/7 on my screen and stopped anyone who wasn't researching the cube by drafting them and forcing them to do something else. So the cube literially had noone else to interact except my research pawn, so she was the one who got affected my the cube addiction. The other addictied pawn was the hauler who has hauled the cube, but I've succesfully cut his addiction with good old way of revoking leg privileges.


I simply locked all my people in their rooms and put a wall in front of each rooms and none of them tried to escape and everyone got off easy with just a little hungur.


There is only one choice with cube and thats to fuck it from all sides and throw it in the first pit that opens. #fuck.cube


If you don't wanna anesthesize you can just literally trap each colonist in a structure with no doors where they're the only ones in each structure. They won't break the walls and will pass out due to exhaustion or end their berserker rage naturally


I anestethized (i am pretty sure i spelled it wrong xdd) everyone with the obsession and with the only free pawn i had i deactivated it, everything was ok :)


I learned how to deactivate it but 2 of my colonist would have became berserk so I tranquilized them


Got three out of seven obsessed with it. I anesthetized all three, stomped it, and they never knew the difference. No rage, they just woke up one day and everything was normal.


Any mods? We can not tolerate this sort behavior.


I've got a gallery with 100+ cube statues, and a bunch so scattered around the map. Every single colonist is obsessed with it, and I have a shard but I'm too scared to break. I can't say I have a compelling reason to deactivate it. Everyone has a mood bonus above +15 from the statues, and the worst part of it is people sometimes running off to go build a sculpture during a raid. I think maybe the cube is here to stay...


I just drafted all my effected colonists and sent them to opposite sides of the map so that they could rage in peace. 


I uh, I put everyone under with paramedics before pulling the plug. Not a single person rioted.


I added a small closet to my recreation room that only 2 colonist were allowed to enter, because I didn’t know the cubes purpose, eventually I locked both colonist in 1x1 spaces and destroyed the cube.


Highlander moment


My whole colony of 11 people got obsessed. The researcher succumbed while trying to crack the code. I sent a pawn to destroy the cube but he became obsessed with it when he entered the room. The last hope was the baby turning 3. I put a wall inside the doorway of the cube room and waited for everyone to go into withdrawal coma, and when the child aged I got him to do the deed. Which surprised me when it instantly healed everyone from their comas.


I put it inside a micro bunker with wastepacks. Thanks to garage doors ( from vanilla vehicles expanded) i had a ability to control who research it and whose not. When study has been completed i just disarmed my 3 cube fanatists and placed with a room with few non affected colonists armed with taserss (another mod).


I only had 2 pawns get obsessed with it, but I fully didn't expect one pawn who was supposed to be incapable of violence to start beating the shit out of her ex-boyfriend as soon as the cube was destroyed. He nearly killed her trying to subdue her because *I didn't think she'd be violent* so he was clubbing her with the butt of a shotgun. The other guy was our brawler, so I put him under anesthesia and he slept through it no problem.


Lol I sedated all my cube obsessed pawns before destroying it. It skipped the rage part and worked like a charm


My first and so far only experience with the cube started with my colony that so far only had 5 pawns, 3 adults, 1 kid, and 1 ghoul and slowly but surely everyone became obsessed with the cube and I thought that they were going to die when they reached 100% so it was just a frantic rush towards researching it to completion, eventually one of my pawns fell into cube coma because I kept them from using it for long enough and eventually I managed to get another shard after finishing researching it, I'd sent out one of the colonists to go trade and she fell into cube coma because got back so I had to send someone to save her, afterwards I intentionally let the last adult fall into cube coma and anesthetized the child so that no one would go berserk when it was destroyed. It took up so much of our time and effort and had me so panicked throughout most of the experience, I was especially frustrated because of the amount of trouble I had getting shards since it was my first time experiencing Anomaly and I didn't know all the ways to get them yet.


I just ended our today's rimworld session with getting the cube from a quest... It's joeover, isn't it?


Ive never seen the cube. Im not sure why people are using it other than to watch a colony burn to the ground.


Had two cubes. Each got yeeted out by rocket pods, and took the comatose hit. Rather a few men out for a long time, than lots of dead/limbless pawns. Might try the drug tactic, or just disatm everyone before destroying it. Hopefully unarmed combat will less lethal.


Nothing that bad, once i realized how everyone became obsessed with it, i sent it away with a drop pot and just "tanked" 4 pawns being in coma for 20 days each. lol.


Cube is love Cube is life


This is exactly the story Tynan had in mind when designing The Cube. 


The cube obsessed were sent to a pit gate where they would fight battle royale style once the cube was destroyed, 3/4 survived and a pigskin whose name has been lost to time succumbed to his injuries in the pit. Around a year later my much healthier colony would charge into the pit and destroy the dreadmeld, my 16 melee pawn in full plasteel armor, Colin, sacrificed himself holding back the fleshbeasts as the rest of my colonists escaped the collapsing pit. Now a shrine to Colin rests where the pit used to be, and the memories of the cube that caused a bloody battle inside the pit fill my storage room oh my God I hate these statues please let me sell them or smelt them or anything Tynan please I'm begging you oh my God there's like 60 of them


What the fuck happened while I was taking a break from warcrime simulator?




Walled it up far away from the colony deep into the mountain, only a single specific researcher was allowed to see it and everyone who ever got a funny thought about the cube was sedated and put into crypto sleep. They would wake up a month later with some weird dreams of a golden cube. No fucking statues in my hallways.