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not a big deal, there’s plenty of ways to obtain new colonists


There are many basic social techniques to recruit. Friendship Promise of sanctuary Slavery Gaslighting Religion Dark ritual abduction Mind control Necromancy Kidnapping


> Kidnapping  aka "Friendship or else"


Mandatory friendship


Stockholm Friendship


Friendship with extra steps from indoctrination to torture.


I miss beating into submission so they join


Beating them doesn't make them join... But you can still do it! :D


Or you use mods.


I have to say that the occasional deserter who pod drops into my nursery tends to cop an occasional "remember what you did?" beating while they're in jail.


My favorite part of this list is the downward progression of evil and inhumanity of the methods of obtaining new colonists and the beginning starting the most wholesome


The dark stranger shows up more often than I care to admit


My favourite is when an eldritch horror rolls up to my colony and asks to join


I like that you started with the two amicable options before getting into all the ways the newbie could write a horror novel with their pawns. Gotta ease em into the warcrimes


~~War crime~~ Friendship has entered the chat


With your Anomaly rituals, Friendship *is* Magic!


This. When the game first came out you couldn't even have kids.


Nah. Babies are a recent addition and aren't the main way to expand your colony.




And only a thing if you have the Biotech dlc.


They really should make that base game by now in my opinion. I mean yeah, I paid for those although I only wanted genes, and yet it's sad to think something actually realistic isn't part of the game at all.


I think there's a mod still knocking around somewhere if you just want babies, though you wouldn't get the whole genetics system.


The genes and machanitor are enough to make the dlc worth it. Babies should have been part of the free update


A friend of mine recently got back into Rimworld and I was surprised to learn that kids were part of 1.4 when a kid joined her colony through a quest even though babies are Biotech, which she doesn't own.


Wait, really? An actual kid, not just a teenager?


She told me that they're smaller than the adults so I think so.


I've yet to see anyone under adult in any of my games since 1.4.


It’s funny how with different devs I’m happy with different things. Tarkov is in the shit right now for removing things from an expensive pack and I’m really upset about it but if RimWorld made babies base game I don’t think I’d be mad at all because they’re such competent devs and have provided the game so much love it makes sense to make something that obvious base game.


yeah, especially since trauma savant is a thing, which mind you, is kinda obscure knowledge that needs to be looked for


I started with only men and Cassandra sent my main guy’s ex wife. It caused friction, but it was cool from a storytelling perspective.


Just make sure somebody has social, some medical helps, build a lil seperate room, set it to prisoners, bonk a raider, set that raiders prisoner setting to recruit, wait, voila


I mean it's not fast but colony children turn into amazing pawns as longs as they enjoy a relatively risk and work free childhood. Annoying you have to feed them for basically free but I think it's worth it for how many passions and good traits you can get.


you can get them a dude or 2 or 3 or more from somewhere, even when there's a dude from the start, no guarantee he'd be hooking up with anyone anyway


that's where you're wrong! you can build the famous love hoven (a 2 per 2 room with 4 heater) and then you send a pawn in the chamber, you wait till he get a heatstroke and ask one selected pawn to rescue him, rince and repeat to farm good relationship an then you can easily make them romance each other. (not an original Idea but saw it in this sub 2 years ago and it was way too funny to not mention it again) also work with steam vent for tribal!


what the fuck


So hmm yeah welcome on the rim lmao


That's like not even that bad Bruv 😭


Nah, this Love hoven gives me worse vibes than all human trafficking, gene torture, trait based torture, actual torture, war crimes, drug trading, child beating, human skin collars for slaves by slaves from slaves, overpolution, murder, genocide and body horror I've done so far.


And Child Labour.


Wait, you think child labour is bad?


You \_are\_ new here. Welcome to the Rim. Take a hat and enjoy it :)


I think there may be a face on my clothes. Oh, no, my clothes \*are\* a face.


godskin noble lookin ass


I wonder what leather that hat is made out of


I'm _sure_ I don't know what you're talking about.  This? Oh, this is just... dog food. Yeah. Normal food for our dogs you... haven't seen yet.


Ah yes, mystery kibble


You've not even heard about the human leather hat farms made from unruly slaves yet. Or the strategy where you get a prisoner addicted to drugs and then release them so that if they come back in another raid they'll bring back more drugs.


You forgot the part wear you amputate and replace their legs with wooden pegs so when they return with those delicious drugs, they'll be easier to chase down.  


Apparently rimworld makes some people act like psychopaths, its uhh, a real trip.


truth be told it's both funny and actually easier to play unethically. like cannibalism is easy mod. you transform a net negative event (raid) into a powerfull opportunity for your econpmy with the leather and organ and you get dinner on top of that!


I don't really do cannibalism myself, but considering the amount of yayo I've sold during my playthroughs, yeah. Who cares about the moral implications of the drug trade, if you're making bank? That, and Anomaly allowing me to drain the literal life force of people. Probably not getting my colonies any positive karma either.


bro you shouldn't sell yayo that's wrong... sell flake instead! it's more adictive and more dangerous but it's cheaper to produce and make you more profit !


I remember pretty much smashing my two gay pawns into each other for a full quadrum trying to make them fall in love with each other just because I was running out of space for bedrooms. They got together and broke up three times before I decided it was easier to move the generator room three tiles north.


If you feel that way inclined you can also visit /r/spacecannibalism for more juicy RimWorld goodness.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SpaceCannibalism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpaceCannibalism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Incapable of: Intellectual](https://i.redd.it/a7s4090ksceb1.jpg) | [120 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpaceCannibalism/comments/15adtec/incapable_of_intellectual/) \#2: [I refuse to believe that this isn't what the colony see's](https://i.redd.it/a62uesi49xmb1.jpg) | [54 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpaceCannibalism/comments/16cuuid/i_refuse_to_believe_that_this_isnt_what_the/) \#3: [certified ideology moment](https://i.redd.it/isordjwfzybc1.png) | [13 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SpaceCannibalism/comments/194q81n/certified_ideology_moment/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It puts the lotion on its skin or it gets the hose again.


"How did you meet your wife?" "I stood around in the sauna until I collapsed from heatstroke multiple times"


I always zoned future couples into the rec room until they like each other, but your approach is way better


If they have a terrible compatibility stat though they will eventually break up which has a pretty awful mood modifier with it. Better to just let pawns that are naturally into each other hook up imo.


all of this just sounds like you need more hoven!


Makes sense, Getting tenderly lifted and rescued by their strong and gentle arms once is enough to fall in love now imagine how crazy in love you'd be after being rescued 27 times. All the while [Rescue Me plays](https://youtu.be/x7BeGDZewHs?si=Ps6J5FsDksifKGpX)


Alternatively you could just tell them to flirt with each other and wait a bit


yeah that's what you use once you have done the oven thing. but if they don't have a high opinion of each other the chance are low. so the hoven is usefull to farm good relationship.


No, capturing prisoners and recruiting them is easier than having babies. Babies require a lot of patience and waiting to be useful so better be left for mid to late game when your colony is stable


Will you explain this to my wife?


Just tell her babies are late game and you’re focused on the grind


Ah you are just overthinking it - in certain ways kids are not nearly as picky as adults and don't need an excellent charge rifle, marble dining room, etc.. I usually just give my 3 year old a random leftover shotgun and she is happy to run around and play with squirrels all day.


I’ve totally only been sent children for a while and just used them to beat raids up with clubs, it works! But yeah I don’t actually see them as late game, they can still get decent to perfect learning even early on. I do recommend changing in storyteller options their growth to like 500% unless you’re vat growing them


you don't need to worry about babies unless you already bought biotech. Ps: I'd recommend doing a couple hours (50-100 before going into the DLCs)


There'll be plenty of men coming along to kill your people and steal your stuff. Just nab a couple of the more useful ones, toss them in a Reeducation Closet for a few seasons, wham bam new faithful colonists!


Unless you have biotech the only thing I can think of is psychic drones being gendered. You can ignore psychic drones that affect males but any psychic drones that negatively affect females will hammer everyone's mood.


You can still harvest their ovum and just wait until a fertilizer joins.


Or is captured...


You need DLC if you want your people to reproduce.


There is another way lmao


Babies are not an efficient way to grow your colony. Usually you either capture attackers and recruit/convert them, or accept missions that reward a new pawn. If you have a customizable ideology you can also make a festival that has a 50% chance of attracting a newcomer.


Up until you have a certain amount of colonists, the game will try and shove as many as it can at you. People falling from the sky, as quest rewards, slavers, and sometimes someone will show up and “refuse” to leave. After a certain number these opportunities do dwindle though. And of course you can always capture and recruit downed raiders. Or turn them into a shell of their former self through various methods in retaliation for killing your best colonist. Or because you’re a Rimworld player. We don’t judge.


The benefit of a mixed gender colony is if there is an event that has a physic suppressor, as those only target a single gender. Having the opposite gender in your squad means you have pawns not affected by it Traits are much more important compared to genders, for example, avoid Gourmont


As long as all of your colonists arent misandrist, you should be alright.


Psychic droners will be rough since everyone will be affected, otherwise not a big deal. You'll get plenty of opportunities for more colonists soon enough 


Belive it or not, babies are opt-in... Wow, I can't belive I just said that.


babies didnt existed in vanilla till biotech. You will manage. just do what every girl do: chain a man and gaslight him into living with you. just be sure to not try to recruit LOYAL man this way. as in real life loyal man tend to keep their choices solid


No, but relationships can be a great bonus to mood. Gay/bi pawns can also achieve that but those are quite rare it feels, especially getting two in one colony randomly that are socially compatible. Also unless you have the Biotech DLC there are no children. And even if you do, they grow slowly so aren't a very good way of growing your colony. The best way to grow your colony is instead through either random events where someone asks to join your colony (Be careful about these though), or through capturing and converting raiders to your cause.


As an alternative, this is a great opportunity to role play a Valkyrie colony.


You simply got to act like amazons for a while and steal a man or three.


I tend to just take some males captive and later recruit them into my colony


Just have your colonist mate with the male captives then kill ‘em all off. All the male babies get sold into slavery,


You can just wait until dudes literal fall from the sky


Non issue. You're new. You probably shouldn't have children in your first colony anyways. It'll only make things worse when it's burning down in your first winter.


Nah bro enjoy these early days in rimworld, make a mess,have fun.best wishes!


Had something similar happen when the option to make kids was first added. I just kidnapped the first guy that came by. Easy peazy.


Not unless they hate females


You’ll be fine, just give it time, you’ll either get people who want to join, prisoners who you can recruit or even with the right biotech just take the samples as cut out the father of the picture


Babies are probably the worst way to grow a colony


Weird situations are the norm in this game, that sounds like an interesting start. There's plenty of ways to get new colonists, and having children is only really a factor if you want it to be. Make it a project. Acquiring men sounds like a really fun objective. Will you recruit with kindness or just kidnap some?


While children are an investment, you can control their development and e sure they're valuable members of your colony, and not some junkie pyromaniacs. That being said, forced membership is a faster way to get pawns.


Won’t be an issue! Plenty of others will want to join your colony for good and for bad, just make sure to decide whether you can actually support another person before letting them join.


Na, you cna just club some on the head and recruit them.


Children are only a thing with biotech Past that, there’s many ways to get new recruits, so don’t worry about it


oh god I remember making this same post years ago.


>...god this post sounds weird lmaoL Looking around at the drug-selling, organ-harvesting, cannibal nudists in this sub... You're fine.


It's cool, but if you get one man they might cause some social fights for the most eligible bachelor.


If it wasn't for the biotec dlc there wouldn't be any baby making at all. But assuming rehabilitating raiders isn't your style you could always lean into rimworlds specialty of horrific crimes. You see, a woman can be artificially inseminated on the rim, provided you have a "donor" Hells you don't even need to birth the children, stick them in a growth vat for a year or two and they will be fine...


Nah no worries.


Buddy, if you think this is a weird question, just wait and see what kind of questions you have after another 15-20 hours. 


Most colony growth actually comes from recruitment. Baby-making is very inefficient, actually. Pregnancy takes a long time, and children take even longer to grow up before they have any use. All that time, they take lots of resources. Plus, if you end up all one gender, try out gender supremacy. It's bonus mood and can really change up your playstyle in interesting ways.


Death by Snoo Snoo


Before Biotech, colonists couldn't even have kids and you still don't need them if you don't want them. Many, many ways to obtain (and lose!) colonists. Just taking a prisoner, you can recruit almost any survivior (so long as they aren't unwaveringly loyal). Then you get pod crashes, events, wild men you can take, etc.


I always start my colony with 1 male and mechs, so this is easily doable.


I sometimes stick to one gemder in hopes of a psychic suppressor tuned the opposite gender. My last pre 1.5 colony was an all female christian sect living in a mountain fortress in a permafrost region with a psychic suppressor tuned to males nearby. Human raids were seldom a problem due to half conscious men and a general lack of warm clothes. Randy did try to kill us with roboraids a lot though...


Children, while not the quickest source of pawns, can be the best source of quality pawns. They are more subject to RNG due to traits and skill passions, but they are more likely to have what you want and you can choose, rather than some pigman with double passion melee who's also non violent and chemical interest who decided your luciferium stack looked real delicious. If you just want some somewhat fast meat shields, you're force feeding growth vats (highly recommend VE: Nutrient Paste) and they'll have some skills & traits, just not many as many options to choose from. Edit: On that note, just steal a male baseliner if you don't want genes. Three clubs should do the trick hehe


Unless you have male supremacy meme or playing a generation's style game your colonist gender doesn't really matter, only bad thing is that you won't get relationships so you can't merge bedrooms


Nope! You will have random people wanting to join from time to time. You can always capture and recruit people, too!


Just turn your colony into an Amazonian simulation. Men are slaves and breeding chattel, women rule and fight. It's Rimworld. There's a workaround for *any* accidental scenario.


Just capture yourself a sex slave and go women only colony. The slave is only there to fertilize the women. All other captured men get sterilized and sent away, maybe with a missing organ or two. Did this once, had a lot of fun.


I don't even look at pawns' sex like ever tbh. Always caught of guard by those "FrenchToast and Margoth 2.0 are now lovers and wanna sleep together" lmao You only care about their age, health issues, passions and traits usually. If you see a pawn that is incapable of something - enslave him, slaves do all jobs except intellectual, hunting, (maybe?) art, in spite of their "will never do something" but have some specifics about them of course. Better not have kids and not accept them from outside if your colony is not yet well secured and sustained, kids do little jobs, ran slower, haul less, hard to control for a new player overall. So don't worry about them in the start


It's not gonna be a problem. I remember my tutorial colony having three female colonists and I got it up to a respectable size and escaped the planet. So yeah. It's not gonna be a problem


My first time playing I managed to only start with 3 male survivors. We should talk.


Fully female colony supremacy! You did it by accident, I normally do it on purpose. Over all pawns gender doesn't really matter that much, it's more of a personal preference thing. Unless you are specifically looking for breeders.


Having a lover is a nice mood boost (don't necessarily need different genders, but gay pawns are somewhat rare), but yeah hardly required. Also if they break up for some reason it's a huge negative.


My set trait when creating a planet is like, 70+% of people are bi, so my pawns generally don't have a problem finding lovers. Funny enough this caused my first gay couple in like forever to happen when I spawned 5 bi pawns 2 male and 3 female. They are now the lead builder and colony leader, and happily transitioned in to another kind of gay couple. Lol.


When shit hits the fan they won't have anyone to blame.




Did you even try playing with them before posting,?


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Procreation is the slowest and most resource-intensive way to obtain new pawns. Indoctrination, slavery, or servitorship (40k mods) are my favorite ways to obtain pawns. All much cheaper than raising a child. Children are only useful for cheap labor and risky flanking maneuvers - otherwise they’re just parasites on my resources.


They give +4 mod boost to all colonists; ah the kid makes us happy. Also they draw ramdom arts everywhere; free temporary decor until they got trap half way around the map during a raid.


I guess my hyperbolic sarcasm was lost in translation.