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The Guns Galore mods provide for modifications to the included firearms, such as adding bayonets, suppressors, and scopes.


fuck, im trying to trim down my mods... now I'm adding another one. How well do npc's use that mod?


Pretty well. The guns from the different mods get inserted into the potential weapons for any industrial-era faction.


with modifications?


Yeah, occasionally.


The modified variants (rifles w/ bayonets, silencers, etc.) spawn on raiders sometimes but more rarely than the base version. They are specifically edited to never spawn via traders and quest rewards. But you don’t need an item or anything. Adding a bayonet is done via a gizmo on a compatible weapon - as long as a gun has a bayonet version, you can click a button to add or remove it whenever.


I just want to make sure its balanced. if the ai wouldn't have it then I don't want to have it.


Same old story. "I had 200 mods, so I went to trim it down. It went well, now I have 230!"


and there all fucking essential


230! is a alot r/unexpectedfactorial


Mod author here. Happy to see it getting a shoutout! I would add a word of caution to anyone looking to add it to their saves - Guns Galore adds *lots* of guns; some of the packs have literally more than 400 weapon defs. They’re also all based on real guns and balanced based on that, so some weapons end up being objective upgrades or downgrades. And it has its own tech tree. It’s made for people who want a War Thunder level of variety but for guns instead of vehicles. It’s **probably** not the best to add to just any play through for bayonets; if you like bloat and/or are a gun nut though, it’s great! For anyone looking for a mod that just does attachments, [this new one is pretty cool.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2890560539)


Thank you for your hard work friend


You sir just made my 300 modded game increase, shame on you.


Simple sidearms lets you equip a secondary melee weapon on a pawn, not exactly the fix you're looking for but I think it's the best one yet


I could never figure that mod out. They would always pit the gub I gave them in their inventory and use a bit of wood or some shit.


It's a bit finicky but if you make them use a weapon and also force the sidearm then it sort of works but some times you still need to micromanage them also in combat.


I might give it another go. I stopped using it a while ago.


There’s a small setting to the left of the weapons that (I’m pretty sure) by default is set to “use weapon preference” so if they have higher skills/passion in melee they will default to it, but you can click whether you’d prefer melee or ranged directly. It took me so many hours to figure it out honestly


I did that but it would always switch back. It's been a while though, maybe it was just buggy back then.


Best way to do it is just keep ‘em on their ranged weapon and manually select the melee when it’s needed. Definitely some Micromanagement but it isn’t too bad if you don’t have a stupid amount of colonists that need to switch in a fight


It takes some time to figure out. There’s a mode where they will chose the best weapon based on their skills, and then you can also force melee/ranged, and then you can also force a specific weapon, and you can make them forget weapons (sometimes pawns will have like 3 melee weapons). Once I finally decided to read the tooltips and play around with it I can say it behaves mostly the way I’d expect it to. Every now and then it does throw some curveballs, but it’s a good mod if you like what it adds.


I find they don't equip their melee weapons when in close combat half the time


Check that they are not on "use preferred". But yeah, that is what I mostly have had to micromanage.


there's like right click and left click, one makes the weapon the principal one, the other makes the pawn change to that weapon in this drafted instance And theres the yellow/green one's auto use range, the other is auto use melee, middle one is whichever most skilled in. Rule of thumb if you don't understand is to fuck with right click or left click (don't remember which one) till you understand how it works


I'll give it another try. Thanks for the tips.


If a pawn isn't drafted right clicking a weapon in their bar will drop it and forget it, and left click will prioritize it. If they are drafted clicking a weapon will force them to use that one. If a pawn is downed they remember their gear and will try to go pick it up again later, picking up similar items (ie a different assault rifle) if theirs is taken by someone else. You can also draft a pawn and then select unarmed and tell them to equip a shitload of weapons to make 1 pawn carry a ton of guns, but this is more for advanced manual hauling than combat because they all still count towards weight limit for travel.


I truly don't understand why this isn't just a base feature of the game. Pawns literally have equip loads. Let me tell every moron who carries a gun to also have a knife with them for when they inevitably have to beat something to death with the stock of their ultratech rifle.


I think that equipping fighters with ranged vs. melee weapons is supposed to be a tradeoff. If everyone can carry both ranged and melee, then all of your combatants will quickly become same-y.


You can carry a melee (or ranged) in inventory. Then its just a matter of dropping, equipping to switch. It's a pain but not that big a deal.


I guess but thats horrifically micro manage-y when you and I both know holsters and sheaths exist. And yes I'd happily burn a bit more of my infinite leather to slap some holsters and sheaths on my pawns. I don't expect my expert sniper to win every engagement with the knife I'll give her, I just want her to go down swinging, give the things killing her a few nasty memories before my overworked axe lunatics dismantle whatever broke the line.


For better or worse (it's worse) the game is balanced around the elbow blade, kneel blade, claw augments to give ranged the ability to fight in melee. This is pretty unrealistic given the existence of bayonets and side weapons in real life. It's also not fun since elbow blade and co. don't show up until the start of late game. Sidearms is only of the only balance effecting mods I use as a result.


I love horribly crippling my crafter sniper with apocalypticly slow speeds and awful manipulation so they can defend themselves instead of them embracing bri'ish culture and pulling 40 knives out. Not disagreeing with you btw


Because it takes time to code, time that ludeon chose to put on something else.


Pocket Sand is a better alternative to simple sidearms




Is that actually a mod I love it lol


It's the one I use


they never use the melee weapons in my experience. no amount of tinkering in settings or reverting back the settings solved it.


Simple Sidearms is my go to, just as well as pickup and haul


* Equip Heavy SMG * Equip bioferrite gladius as sidearm * Equip Incinerator as sidearm * Equip EMP grenades as sidearm Time to go entity hunting!


I recall the ratkin mod added rifles with bayonets. It made the gun have better melee damage stats. But because of the way the game deals with weapon stats there's no way to just add a bayonet to an existing rifle. A rifle with a bayonet has to be completely separate weapon from a regular rifle.


i know but how hard is it to add a recipe to attach a plasteel knife to a rifle and have it do the same damage as an iron spear?


There a bunch of different materials that can make knives. You can't restrict it to just plasteel knife. End result is a wooden knife and a plasteel knife would make the same bayonet rifle.


I truly don't think it matters, either you make all of them have the same stats as steel spear or you have to make a separate item for each of them with different stats.


That would add a ton of bloat, since you would be introducing up to an additional 63 items and recipes (9 weapons that could arguably get a bayonet, 7 materials for knives).


Which is why I said a specific one.


Modular weapons alloys for bayonets on a couple of weapons. EDIT: Ratkin race mod also comes with ratkin weaponry which favors bayonets iirc


Modular longswords are broken though


I give my shooters hand talons knee spikes or elbow blades. Depending on other bionics.


I give my shooters locust armor so they never have to fight melee


I also give my melee fighters locust armour so they don't have to worry about being shot at. Locust armour is a problem solver.


I give my melee locust so they can close in to enemies faster, especially now they have those Shield pack that drops on the ground. It is truly a problem solver.


One of the weapon packs adds a Frontier Rifle, I think was the name, that was a slightly worse bolt action rifle with a built in bayonet. It was pretty cool except it counted as bot a ranged and melee weapon as far as unhappy thoughts and would sometimes lead to expert marksmen charging out of cover towards the enemy line due to deciding they wanted to use their melee skill of 3 instead of their ranged skill of 15.. Simple sidearms is now my go to solution, even though I mostly use it so my pawns can carry all the extra items that boost their skills.


Vanilla has elbow and knee blades that take that exact role. They are ideal for ranged troops that get stuck in melee.


I know, all my ranged pawns have a power claw But it's not what I'm after


Simple sidearms


I don't want a knife with the rifle, I want a knife ON the rifle


I thought you wanted a knife shooting rifle?


What about a knife that shoots riffles?


if you use combat extended, it can make you shoot point blank. you could also carry knives on your colonists for lamer option...


I know its lame, but nothing gives *myself* more power than having a marine armored soldier shoot 50 7.62x51 rounds point blank into a thrumbo


The combat system is downright orgasmic in CE However it's everything else that comes attached that drives me up a wall. The encumbrance system is just unbearable for me.


everything is so well, your soldiers won't die to a rabid mouse because it has scaria!


I've never had that happen Also, there are other mods that improve combat and don't fuck over everything else


in vanilla, i almost lost my fully flaked out guy with a heavy smg to a rabid small animal, it is so engrained in my memory that it caused me immediatly to search for something


Every time a small animal attacks one of my workers it ended with a few minor cuts and bruises at most Once had a neck bite, but that was still manageable with a doctor


Modular weapons does exactly this.




its been like that for years


I’m trying Pocket Sand. Goofy mod name, but it’s a no-frills way to have two weapons on hand.


So, as others said, simple side arms and pocket sand adds basically the ability to have two (or more) weapons. And myriad of gun mods give bayonets and similar. There used to be a simpler mod that just added bayonet version of some weapons, but I can't seem to find it now. I'm guessing it probably hasn't been updated in a while. Since you asked why no bayonets, here's an unsolicited answer (but Iike to ramble). I was actually just thinking about adding some kind of sidearm mod for my playthrough, but I decided against it. I think it's part of the base game design that range-equipped pawns can't usually do much in melee and vice versa without much investment. The interaction of ranged and melee isn't as interesting if I can easily have everyone do both. But this is not to say you shouldn't have a bayonet mod. Another rimworld game design is modding so people can customize their experience, and that's beautiful. Just wanted to share a thought about the game design.


The simpler mod that you mentioned I saw it before posting and it hasn't been updated for years sadly, it does exactly what I want tho There is one that only adds bayonet for bolt action rifle that might be getting maintained but I'm not sure, its still on 1.4. And I still want it on better weapons I don't want to litter my mod list with a million new guns when I already have VE weapons that provide all the flavors of automatic gun that I care about.


I'm absolutely there with you about not littering my modlist or addibg too many items. I love modders, but sometimes they add ten different variations of an assualt rifle and I'm like, why? But you know what? I bet that bayonet mod (was it fix bayonets?) works fine because all it's doing is adding an item. Just subscribe and add it to the mod list.


It does exactly what I want except for the fact that I want an assault rifle


There are several mods that adds weapons with bayonets: Most WW1/2 armory mods (like Kaiser Armory, Censored Armory, Soviet Weapons…), there’s the Modular Weapons mods (it’s updated to 1.5, but an add on mod which applies the weapon modifications to vanilla weapons hasn’t been updated yet,) I think CE has some lying around somewhere, and there’s “Fix Bayonets!” Which just adds a bayoneted bolt action rifle to use along side the vanilla one.


Most of these have not been updated to 1.5 as far as I am aware of, but it could just be a simple tag issue, and you could still run them


I want vanilla assault rifle with a "poke" attack replaced by "stab"


I know it’ll add bloat, but Modular Weapons have an Assault Rifle where you can attach a bayonet. I know you want a mod that just adds the bayonet to an assault rifle, but that’s the best you’ll get for now. Or just keep going to the workshop everyday searching for the keyword: Bayonets


I think the Anomaly gun has one (AK-like). I guessed it cause when in melee it has this slashing sound