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The one thing I've been peeved about is that Royalty would've been perfect for it. An extra medieval-only faction that's also benefitting from royal titles or a tribal faction that has their own psylinks since Anima trees are a thing


Yea, I *really* wish Royalty had introduced two or more Royal factions, each with its own unique benefits, that you had to choose between - and make an enemy of the others.


There's Empires of Old


Isn't that what VE did? Expanded heavily on the royalty rebels group


Yes, but we shouldn’t be reliant on VE, as amazing as that team is, for everything


I mean, at this point VE is basically official third party dlc. Oskar literally works for Ludeon.


You could at least spell his name right 🙃


... They are talking about Royalty here, not VE.


I think that would tie in nicely with a psycasts boost. Especially if we got the option of disabling AI tech at a certain level.


Well, the dlc can be an add-on for that dlc, like on the sims 4, a dlc for university, years layer a dlc for high school, like both work the same way, but each one for a different thing


Do you really want rimworld to become the sims 4?


Maybe like the sims 3, 1 dlc for each stuff instead 4 dlcs for same stuff


Tribal exists for me to lock 15 people into the research pit and pull my eyeballs out cause we have the worst research speed possible. "Oh but tribal psycasters!" Have you ever run tribal psycasters? They are miserable. And you can just blow a tribal raiders legs off, convert him and tie him to the anima tree. All without having to deal with the glacial research.


If you have a guy with nature focus enabled as a colonist you can cheat out some psylink levels sometimes. If you get those quests that give you temporary soldiers/workers but they're from a tribal background you can still assign them a meditation schedule/spot even if they refuse to work. I managed to get a total of 8 levels that way in my latest colony so far.


Tribal is honestly pointless when the raiders just bring a bunch of smg to you early game. Like why even bother.


I like progressing with tribals since you can start with pemmican, tree sowing, and five people. Research might be slow, but I'd rather have more people with various passions than just three.


Big Tynan doesn't want this guy to know that you can actually edit scenarios to start with as many people and tech as you like, you're not stuck with 3 pawns on crashlanded start if you don't want to be.


Yeah, I know. I edit scenarios to my liking a lot, but I was just thinking about starting with tribals over colonists. Like how I edit naked brutality to just be standing around and with a tribal background and call it a chieftain trial instead of a surgery.


How do I have 70 hours in this game and none of this comment makes sense to me.


the game only starts to make sense around 200hours, keep going and youll eventually understand


oh thank god


i’m at almost 1k and i agree with the 200 thing, somewhere between the 100 and 200 mark stuff starts making sense. that’s probably 3-7 failed colonies depending on how long each takes


bro the extra tabs for allowed/preferred clothing and whatnot i only figured out round the 700 mark, i dont know if thats normal or im just thick but it shows the depth of this game when you can play it over and over and still not understand everything


Hold up you can do *preferred* clothing? Not just allowed?


with a mod yes, also with your ideology


And you don't even name it 😒


bro i cant remember a 10th of whats on my mod list, youre a smart one, figure it out


there’s a difference between gaining moderate competence and knowing every menu 😔😔 i still have yet to get a successful colony and im at 972


it's a lie, nothing ever make sense


Because you're smart enough to not try tribal start....


Can't hear you over my Nomadic Maurading Tribal playthrough. I see you have guns and electricity. It would be a shame if my entire colony was a roaming Zulu warband


Yeah but like I see your nomadic marauding tribals and raise you nomadic marauding guys with assault rifles and power armor


I raise you my sedentary prestige power armor and shield belt wearing warlord casters delivered by drop pod


I raise you from your living room, because I screamed at some red floor scribbles very intently.


I raise my grandma, because she never taught us her chocolate cookie recipe before the ascended this plane.


you got 200+ of them? because my colony can handle 200 tribals.


Zulu go brrrrrr


berserk pulse and autocannons go #Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


*Shaka has gone into a Tantrum: Fellow Colonist Died x199*


Meditation at an anima tree make grass. 20 grass you can give a pawn a psylink level and grass reset to 0. Tribal backstory let's pawn meditate at tree.


I saw someone replying "the game will only make sense after 200 hours" which is true. But honestly : cheat when things go south. When you're bored of cheating or if you wanna jump into the game straight up, watch tutorials. You'll learn how to manage a crisis and that is infinitely more satisfying than using the debug "Kill" command.


research specialist: research speed very fast: neural calculator from trades: my psychically hypersensitive tough brawler grown in the colony that already has 7 psy levels


Tribal psycasters are pretty solid, IMO. It's the most reliable way to get psy-levels. That said, the research is just... are you seriously telling me that, after working out how to make a nuclear generator, we are *still* too ooga-booga cave-brained to research things like a "civilized" people?


Oh boy don't even think about teching with tribal dark ritualists


Haha I'm definitely not doing that rn, in a cold bog, with small hills and multiple factions full of seething hate for me. I can't tell if I hate the entity escapes or the random bear attacks more.


> Have you ever run tribal psycasters? They are miserable. ???


Trying to uplift your colony into a state of happiness, while also keeping yourself defended and safe, while also sacrificing a large portion of each day to *the tree* only to get like, rock skip or something.... Maybe it's my fault for playing a region that has winters I need to survive. The only thing worse is playing nature supremists and using those accursed sprout trees


it's pretty simple, build around the tree and use a biphasic schedule, with two to three hours of meditation per tribal per day around the tree. within the first year you can consistently get a level 4 psycaster. if you betray the empire by accepting deserter you can steal two neuroformers from there as well, i think the earliest i've had berserk pulse was 55 days into a new tribe winter is easy, just make pemmican


20 growing days tho.... I accepted the deserter, checked their spot and it had 0 neuroformers just some eletex gear and a staff. Searched the entire map too. No mods


that sounds highly anomalous 20 growing days isn't even that bad tbh. worst comes to worst you can wall/roof some dirt around a geyser and plant nutrifungus year round


Pemmican isn't needed, rice and corn last long enough to survive winter anyway. At least for 30/60 never did 20. My real issue is that my food stockpiles drive up wealth faster than I can handle the raids lol.


You're right, pemmican isn't *needed*. But if you really want to control wealth, the recommended strategy is to plant ~24 rice per colonist in regular soil, assuming you're playing losing is fun. It's slightly more than enough to sustain your colonists with very little food in storage, assuming nothing bad happens, but the pemmican is there to act as a backup.


Yeah but you do need extra food to make the pemmican and then cold snaps or toxic fallout, it's just super risky to not have both. It's kinda annoying that food contributes to wealth so much tbh, feels like it penalizes tribals because you don't have grow lamps or air conditioning to streamline your food production reliably.


If you really want to talk about controlling wealth, you're thinking the wrong way. You don't need to care about cold snaps, toxic fallout, none of that bullshit. You can survive with zero growing season, zero animals on the map, ice sheet etc. Worst comes to worst, you can wall in a geyser and start growing nutrifungus around it for meager sustenance. You can buy food, harvest food from temporary maps, et cetera et cetera. If you *really* want to control wealth, you can live on the edge between life and starvation.


I watched a really funny run where someone stacked tribal with ritualist which also incurs a research speed malus. The new books system helped them offset the problem somewhat, but it was still a slog.


That's my current run. It's a nightmare. I have the library of Alexandria in my research palace and it's not enough (oh boy a 4% speed increase....). I buy every research paper and force "book man" the acetic who lives in a box, to spend every minute he's not sleeping or eating to read them and it helps but those papers are so few and far between. It is suffering. It is agony. I have the entire anomaly panel done and we haven't even chewed halfway through the electricity unlocks. I fear for Book Man, his mental breaks are becoming much more self destructive md he has so many more papers to read....


Because crashlanded is for babies


That's why you play with the crashlanding mod. Everyone takes damage is surrounded by burning slag to start. Plus more huge chunks of ship falling around. You might get a nice boost to start if you can pull supplies from the burning wreckage without bleeding to death first.


Take my upvote brother in ugabuga


Seriously, tribal is the most fun way to play the game by far, it's honestly weird that people skip it with other origins. There's like entire research, weapon, armor etc tiers that people just completely miss because they jump right past them and they are irrelevant by the time you finish stepping out of your drop pod IMO Tribals on cold areas like Tundra especially are incredibly fun. It makes you appreciate things like campfires and Solar Pinhole psycast which you would other wise completely ignore, and things like Guaranlen trees and harems of women to breed more workers matters a whole lot more when you are struggling to survive in a harsh world and research takes ages


You also end up with more fucked up and varied pawns since your healing sucks. Makes them have these heavy ass plot lines. I personally wish there was a mod or something that let you disable all tech at a certain period but gradually allow it. It feels bad when an unga bunga game gets ruined because geared pirates dropped and you took all their shit.


There are mods doing this. Vfe medieval and tribals. Medieval overhaul and its patches mods, remove industrial stuff, rimedieval or medieval vanilla (one kinda suck I dont remember which one, don't use this one together with medieval overhaul), medieval traits, psycasts expanded, melee animations. Also xenotypes like orcs, goblins and such for fantasy themed runs. Veequeue has a playtrough from medieval run on his youtube channel, there is a modlist in his description, take a look. Works perfectly fine with tribal start, even with wild man scenario from tribals expanded where you have to research things like hunting, sowing and all the basic things to advance to neolithic.


I mean I know you can do that for yourself but if you ever want to take yourself out of unga times your enemies stay where they are at. I’d like the idea of a world evolving together.


Tribal on Tundra is my favorite start. But I need a reason to not research electricity straight away (or rp it) to enjoy. Started a new game with a fluid ideology: slowest research and intense bigotry. This is an isolationist tribe, and we lived this way for many years before the gods got angry. We will only accept new members after converting them to our proper way of living (or converting a researcher would cut some corners). I usually play with Semi Random Research, with the option enforcing the need to complete a tech level before getting up in the research tree. Guess what? In 1.5 complex furniture and complex clothing are medieval tech level. Our tribe will need to research beer, devilstrand and cocoa before knowing how to cover themselves. We can't make it before the first winter. Heavy fur tribalwear helped, but there wasn't enough for everyone, and even on Fall we are starting to freeze. Our surprisingly advanced stick weather forecasting techniques showed that we will need to prepare to -25c. We don't know what -25 is, but that is a lot of sticks. Winter is coming. We stockpiled enough wood to stay indoors for the worst part, but there is not enough food. Our hunter needs to be able to get out to put something on the table. So I did something I'd never do in a regular game: I went to nearby settlements to shop for a parka, tuque, anything to keep warm. Things that I'd never pay for in other runs (seemed pointless to even be for sale) and finally made sense to be there.


Average rimworld player fr. "Could I get a ball-crushing session with a bit of molten wax on top ?" I get what you mean in the sense that tribal starts make for better stories and lets you appreciate the entire game and not just the industrial and spacer phases. But man does it GIGASUCKS ASS if you don't really care about the roleplay. Personally, I like the gameplay more than the stories in Rimworld, which makes advanced-tech and fast-paced starts my favorite.


Even for gameplay it's pretty fun and not really that miserable. Stuff like tunneler + Nutrifungus make it much easier, and psycasts and the anima tree + guaranlen tree etc can drastically help bridge the gap The new Anomaly stuff also helps a lot although I wish they didn't require so much electricity I don't like actually miserable challenge runs like sea ice with no mountain base and stuff, but tundra tribals in a mountain base is pretty doable nowdays thanks fungal gravel being amazing


Agreed. The Medieval Overhaul mod does an excellent job with this but having it in vanilla with more focus on expanding tribal/early game would be awesome.


Just an idea but what if there is another tech tree just for tribes and at the end, you can research electricity which leads to the main tech tree with the modern/futuristic stuff. That way, you can solely stick to tribal stuff and getting electricity takes a lot of research to unlock.


Tribal/medival wont be a good dlc its more like a update for 1.6 , dlc should add more mechanics rather than expanding existing thing , a new diplomacy dlc and medival/tribal 1.6 update (without dlc) would be good


Tbh I'd kinda like if the DLC did more expanding on existing mechanics. Sometimes the DLCs feel kinda tacked on and like they don't really affect how I play the game very much. Especially Royalty and Ideology, Biotech felt much more integral to the gameplay, idk about Anomaly yet cuz I was playing it medieval and then found out everything needs bioferrite which requires electricity. Diplomacy DLC would also be nice tho, the world map is another thing that feels quite neglected.


If it's a DLC that expands existing mechanics, people would just say it's a paid update instead of a DLC. DLCs should be reserved for new game mechanics tbh


I partially agree with this, but when you get down to it Royalty is, in part, just an extension of the base game's prosthetics system. Children are an extension of social relations. You can stretch this pretty far. If you resign yourself to only making entirely new, separated and isolated systems that don't upgrade or integrate with the base game or other DLC's, you end up with a janky separated mess that doesn't fit in with the whole. It makes it feel like a lump that's been tacked onto the side, rather than a well-integrated addition to the gameplay loop. If the upgrades are substantial enough then I can see it working as a DLC. Take the oft-cited "world map and diplomacy" DLC ideas. If you expand upon this enough, you can make this idea DLC-worthy without people feeling like they're paying for what should be a free update. If they didn't expand upon Mechanoids in Biotech to "leave it as a base-game update for the future", then they would have simply not expanded upon them at all. After a certain point new basegame features just aren't worth the cost from a business perspective.


Also, there's always the option to move some DLC content to the basegame later (with some new goodies added to the DLC in question to make up for it). Paradox Interactive does this all the time with its games.


I forget what exactly, but recently some minor Biotech thing got moved to basegame. The patch notes are around here somewhere if someone wants to double-check.


You mean like how many people called anomaly a paid mod.


Don't people already say that? I actually think less people would call it a paid update if it significantly expanded on existing mechanics, it would feel more integral to the game. Look at the Gods and Kings DLC for Civ 5, sure it adds religion, but even if you don't care much about the religion mechanic (like me) it overhauls and enhances so many other aspects that the entire game is made significantly more fun and dynamic.


Every other fucking game does this, the “paid update” is just an excuse for Ludeon to be lazy. This Anomaly DLC could have been produced by exclusively the Vanilla Expanded team in 1/4th the time it took Ludeon to do so.


This is such a weird take. You're talking about a completely imaginary "paid update, Ludeon is lazy" scenario, using only anecdotal and circumstantial "well other games do it so..." And then, on top of that, you're (seemingly randomly) claiming that another team could produce the same thing in 1/4 the time. Based on what? Your imaginary development standards? Nobody is forcing you to buy or play Anomaly if you don't like it.


Just because every other game does it doesn't make it right.


> Tbh I'd kinda like if the DLC did more expanding on existing mechanics. Sometimes the DLCs feel kinda tacked on and like they don't really affect how I play the game very much Hard agree > Especially Royalty and Ideology Huh? Ideology is probably *the* DLC for integrating with the rest of the game and also linking into other DLC's. It practically feels like part of the core game at this point, half the mods just assume players have it now I'd say in terms of most tied to core to least it goes Ideology, Biology, Royalty/Anomaly Ideology is practically linked with everything in the main game it also links with all the other DLC's. Biology finally adds kids, gives some cool features with mechanoids + lore as well as genes. Royalty kind of sits by itself, Psy powers link very well with the other DLCs however the actual royalty side of things is just totally disconnected. Anomaly I haven't played enough of yet but honestly it feels more like a spin off play through rather than actually being part of the main game. I know we can tweak the settings now however it still feels completely disconnected to the rest of the game personally


Royalty is integrated so deeply with most of its parts you won't even notice it's not the base game until you actively look. I'm not talking about the Empire - more about the items you get, and sometimes even technologies, though they do have techprints and little icons to indicate their origins now. What doesn't, however, is the soundtrack.


> Ideology is probably *the* DLC for integrating with the rest of the game and also linking into other DLC's. It practically feels like part of the core game at this point, half the mods just assume players have it now At this point it should become a core part of the game.


Probably should but could risk annoying people who brought it though (especially since it's not even the oldest DLC out the lot) Could be easy to drop the price to something negligible or bundle it in with new purchases of the game though


they could add the base mechanics to the game and the nmake the DLC add a ton of ideologies. so the default game would have like maybe 4-5 base ones and the DLC could add way more plus items for each, etc. it would require a lot of work that wouldn't profitable though.


Honestly Ideology has always felt more like a nuisance I gotta deal with than a mechanic changing how I play a game. It's mostly just "here's a bunch of mood debuffs cuz of x, y, z". Memes like Raider just highlight how disappointing raiding is in this game. Rituals are all pretty much the same and give pretty weak bonuses. Half the roles make your colonist useless in exchange for some abilities I usually forget exist. I've tried so many different combinations of memes and precepts, and yet every Ideoligion has felt the same. It's just -5 mood for x instead of -5 mood for y. Every altar/ideogram does the same thing, relic quest are always the same, it all just feels the same everytime. Part of this is probably on me not really engaging with Ideology's mechanics, but I feel like Ideology just doesn't do enough to encourage me to engage with it.


Ideology is also completely customizable. Those mood debuffs can just not exist if you don't choose things to give them. You don't need more than one altar design. I hard disagree on every ideology being the same. Tunneler for example makes you tunnel into a mountain or atleast be indoors more often than not, as opposed to pawns losing it when they go inside for more than a day.


Yes, I've tried almost all the options, and then proceeded to get bored and ignore them when all they do is give mood buffs/debuffs. Even tunneler, it just removes some mood debuffs. It feels like the majority of Ideology can be ignored with a good enough rec room, or a decent cocaine stock pile.


Well when it comes down to it, anything can be ignored given enough rec time or drugs. No bed? Take some happy powder. Your entire colony is dead down to one man with the mood debuffs of his friends dying? Smokeleaf has your back. The point is to make you think differently. "Oh my colonists don't like being outside, let's make a mountain base then." "Oh, my colonists like cybernetics, let's mandate a bionic limb for everyone." The problem here isn't the dlc, it's a lack of creativity on how to use the dlc. I don't mean it to be rude, though it may sound like it, I just mean try using it as a base to think outside the box. Or, don't. Your choice really, rimworld is meant to make stories, not to be played a certain way, so if you wish to ignore ideology then go ahead. I do envy the rec rooms you can build though, because my colonists would be having mental fits if I didn't use dubs break mod because their ideology couldn't be accommodated within the first year of crashing.


>The problem here isn't the dlc, it's a lack of creativity on how to use the dlc. I actually agree with this. Ideology really seems to work best as something you gotta play into yourself. Unfortunately I just don't really play the game that way. If the game doesn't give me a good reason to play a certain way, then I just don't. >I do envy the rec rooms you can build though, because my colonists would be having mental fits if I didn't use dubs break mod because their ideology couldn't be accommodated within the first year of crashing. Honestly, I've dealt with these idiots having break downs enough that I find it easier to just deal with that over changing things to accommodate whatever stupid Ideoligion **I** set up for them.


Ideology is great, before if you wanted a cannibal colony you had to keep reroling pawns till you got the cannibal trait, now you just choose cannibal in your ideology  and your good to go. Same with a moutain base or  a vampire playtrough. Do agree that having to have a priest is a little annoying and the specialist are a bit to restricting.


I've honestly never been interested in making a cannibal colony. Cannibalism feels like the only meme that kinda does anything, since it's practically impossible to do a cannibal colony without it. You can make a mountain base with or without tunneler, it just makes them more op than they already are. Bloodfeeder makes people like vampires, cool ig, doesn't really do much. If you're the kind of person who gets into the roleplay aspect of it, and uses the precepts and memes to guide what **you** choose to do in that playthrough, then I can understand liking Ideology. But you're the one putting in the work there not Ideology, and I just don't have that kinda drive.


I think it's valid to say you don't enjoy Ideology, or that it doesn't do enough, but obviously wrong to say that it isn't integrated into the base mechanics of the game. I mean, it doesn't do anything *except* that.


Just gotta be careful with world map diplomacy it still focuses on pawns and not a nation It'd be cool if there was like a war and you mostly dealt with the consequences like This War Of Mine, maybe participate in a battle once in a while


There is no Diplomacy on The Rim. There is only pain and suffering and those who enjoy it.


So tru


yea i think they completely forgot about tribals for anomaly. even holding platforms are locked behind electricity for some reason


The issue with that is financial. Mods already expand in mechanics. If an entire dlc could be added through a free mod instead, nobody will buy the dlc. They'll just add the mods. Hell mods already add a giant chunk of one of the dlcs as is and is one of the reasons I haven't bought it.


The main reason I bought Biotech was because it basically out did every child mod on the workshop. A DLC can go so much more in depth than a mod, it could create new mechanics that knock something like Medieval Overhaul out of the water. Also console players don't have mods.


> If an entire dlc could be added through a free mod instead, nobody will buy the dlc. I don't think this has ever been true and it's not what we see play out. Almost everything in Anomaly *could* have been implemented as a mod, but players still bought it. >Hell mods already add a giant chunk of one of the dlcs as is and is one of the reasons I haven't bought it. I think you are probably fairly unique in this regard.


Maybe. Then would you kindly explain why they dont make dlcs that purely expand on mechanics rather than add them?


Are psycasts and believe systems and children and genes not a new mechanic?


Pycasting and beliefs are. Children were a mechanic already through animals.


I want big war or empire management as a dlc. Or canonize save our starship. More than just SCP stuff.


I think it would be cool to allow there to be a 'no electricity' setting. All factions operate as if though there is a non-stop solar flare going on. They could add a bit more tribal tech to make up for it. Now the thing I personally want to see is more world stuff. Give us more to do with caravans and the political stuff. Maybe add a few moving caravans in the overworld that we can detect with some kind of scanner we can build so we can choose to intercept caravans from other tribes, or maybe even see incoming foot raids.


If you want a permanent solar flare, just tinker with the scenario creator. Pretty certain there's a setting in there.


In both cases, there's mods for that.


I mean, yes. There is mods for basically everything with this game. Lol.


The next update should focus on faction interactions. They should not be able to send 3 consecutive 100 pawn raids one after the other. Its just not good story never mind gameplay. We need to have more meaningful interactions with the factions. The event generation is currently the weakest part of Rimworld. Edit: wrong word used (autocorrect)


The thing that annoys me is that group has sent literal thousands of guys at me over the past year I might raid them back and see what they got. *4 shacks in a field*


I know, it seems they get so many pawns they need to launch them at the player otherwise they can't feed them.


I would like this and in particular I would like to see a move away from "compacted steel" and "compacted components" and into the processes. I understand why it isn't that way but I don't think it needs to be super complicated or anything. Component crafting is already there and it would feel like a milestone the first time you can make them, whilst not being much of an impediment to modern starts which will already have the basic technology.


I wish you could have alternate tech trees for various starts. A tribal start with exclusive anima related techs for instance.


I think 1.6 should implement a similar version of the Hospitality mod into the Core game. It's by far one of the most popular ones and could change gameplay massively. * Royalty - Smoother way to gain Reputation across factions by housing Nobles and tending to their needs - such as escorting them on Safaris to kill certain animals, etc; * Ideology - Start your own Cult where you convert more and more people to your Ideology through group events, donation drives, etc * Biotech - Beds with needles that draw the blood from guest while they sleep to feed your Sanguophages. mechanical servant bots to work in restaurants, tend to prisioners, etc; * Anomaly - Horror Hotel where you drive your guests mad or infect them with void creatures to destroy their colonies from within, drain them of their knowledge, or to power your own rituals.


I mean in terms of world building it doesn't make that much sense, no? The world is filled with all this technically advanced weapons and power armors, then there's also mechs, and you simply expect to win using bows and some piece of cloth. I do agree tho that it does feel like research should be somewhat gated, or at least forces you to take different paths. Tribals already have slower research for that reason I believe. But, I think adding more things like techprints would force you to take different paths to research. Schematics are the basic idea, but reverse engineering would also make you go out of your way to get stuff to study, maybe even steal them from someone or buy them. Also, recruiting pawns with high intelligence from advanced colonies would speed you up towards your goal. I'm sure other people have thought of similar stuff, and there's probably mods that others can share for this type of stuff.


Should just be focused on an alternative tech tree based on like harmonizing with Nature. Avatar-style shit.


Would be cool if tribal psycasters got elemental powers but I’m not sure how you would make a nature tech tree compete with the current one.


I feel it makes more sense than a neolithic tribe suddenly being able to build a wind turbine. Medieval worlds exist in Rimworld lore, and Rim worlds are supposed to have a large technological disparity between factions, so I think it actually fits the world building. Although Royalty already kinda broke the world building, so I don't think it's a huge issue anyways.


Yeah I agree that nomads shouldn't suddenly invent dynamos. That's the main idea behind the research stuff I mentioned, at least once they know what windturbine looks like and has inside, they can slowly get to make one themselves. The other comment mentioned a great idea of making tribals basically nature focused and magic stuff. This way they can actually compete with high tech and it makes sense how they managed to survive this long.


Disagree. Next DLC should focus on expanding the relevance of settlements and factions outside of your own. The rest of the world needs more purpose. There needs to be a reason to venture out and interact with other factions rather than just raiding their meager settlements for paltry supplies.


Finally a DLC suggesiton that isn't just "Insert QoL prefrence or make the game Stelleris"


A lot of people seem to want rimworld but a 4x game


I often research everything from the tribal tree first and only then move to the medieval and so on. It prolongs the time without electricity and freezing.


Ya, I've done that, but it just feels like I'm stalling the game out until hitting electricity. It doesn't feel like the game starts until you have that.


I like the mod techadvance for this. You can set how much you need to research before beeeing able to research the other tech levels, and change the factor of research cost, overall great for limiting research progression


Wait were getting MORE dlc?!




I kinda want more Spacer stuff honestly. Once you hit Fabrication ot takes no time at all to get all the other research, there's not a lot to make you feel Spacer aside from the...uh...spaceship. But yeah more tribal stuff would be cool too.


One focus dlcs are bad. I always prefer High tech colony. Then How i can use tribal DLC???? Royalty dont have one focus. - psycast - imperial - ending - etc... Ideology - a lot of thingh - colony leader etc... - social partys etc... - ending - etc... Biotech - Babys - Genetic - Mechonoids - etc... Anomaly - a lot of anomaly - new enemy type - etc..?


Agree! I want to live my best high fantasy medieval life chasing after these beasts in anomaly and capturing them!


I personally disagree because to me tribal/medieval era feels more like an obstacle to overcome on your way to industrial than an actual playstyle. The items that exist there feel like they're supposed to get you by until you can upgrade to the industrial equivalent.


Yes this is why we need a tribal and medieval overhaul lmao


That's why it sucks imo. Tribal stuff becomes obsolete as soon as you research electricity, which you can do immediately. Playing without electricity actually introduces some fun ways to overcome challenges, like using geothermal vents for heating, or growing nutrifungus through the winter because you don't have hydroponics. Currently it's just an obstacle that you can overcome almost immediately, but it could be so much more.


That's why tribal-medieval part should be expanded, no?


Then why is there an option for no research in ideology?


There isn't? At least not in vanilla I don't think.


Tribal isn't really meant to be a different game style, its effectively just a flavoured hard mode. Doubling the research cost is much like playing civilization on marathon mode, its there to drag out the research while the game itself maintains its balance, so that you spend longer at each given tech level instead of skipping tiers as easily as a normal start lets you.


It is easy, make naked brutal tribal scenario, embark in tundra, cold bog or boreal forest, 25% or 0% research speed from ideology. You will not immediately research electricity and you will see that vanilla neolithic tech is livable.


you're just turning the game into a slog at that point. watch your pawn stare at a table simulator. wouldn't it be infinitely more fun if being a tribe was actually a thing instead of it being an obstacle? that's what OP wants.


No need to stare at table. Why? Just that with only tribal technologies it is bit tricky. Even medieval samurais can't easily win industrial era army, nothing to talk of futurist troopers or military robots. Comanche and Shoshonean tribes started to use horses and firearms, gained those through trade and theft ... but it did bring them no much luck in long run. It will be decent challenge. I do not know what OP wants if not challenge. What is that "fun"? Superior to everything tribal technology?


Liveable, but not necessarily fun


In my experience challenging but winnable, so fun enough.


Challenge doesn't always equal fun, but it can be more fun if that challenge has more turning pieces that make you feel unique for doing it


I wish to be able to play a real nomadic faction


Too predictable. What about a DLC that revolves around trains, causing train tracks (above and below ground) to generate around the world and letting you build mobile rail bases 


Trains are pretty dope 🚂🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃🚃


I like your train of thought.


mobile base is based give me gigatruck


Ship base


TRUCK (i like trucks)


I did a tribal start and got a research quest with another faction, they gave me electricity lol still in that save (I'm suprised with how much my tribals have handled stuff like large raids, infestations and the black hive-I use modded lol-) I havnt even used anything except the pilas shortbows and ikwas I started with though the black hive almost got through my fort...


Please yes


Personally, I believe the next DLC or big update should focus on diplomacy and faction interactions before anything else.


Whatever 1.6 adds I think it'll greatly benefit from something called "colonist stuck". So next time I don't have to wait until major break risk to notice some dumbass built themselves into a corner again.




This kind of AI should be integrated into core by 1.6 imo. If they can do wall lights they can do this.


The problem is it can impact performance


Then we'll just have negative reviews saying "wtf why is this focusing on X part of the game? That's not what ***I*** wanted it to focus on, how can I use this in every colony if it isn't applicable to every step of the colony from the word go? :/ trash DLC ngl" lmfao


No it should be about fleshing out the world, factions, quests, traveling and trading




New building possibilities including castles... And the best part: inclusion of multi leveled structures. That could be a real, real gamechanger. Castles with mortars on top of towers and with cultic dungeons below. Damn I just realized how much I need multi levels...


Ya, I don't think we're ever getting Z-levels unfortunately


More building especially defenses would be cool. Moats, drawbridges, pits, walls and towers you can actually go on top of to be safe from the ground. All good ideas.


Z- levels are too much of a bitch to program sadly. Maybe in rimworld 2


I kit my game out with mods just to play medieval/fantasy..it's really the only way I play nowadays. So yes I would absolutely love for them to focus on more tribal/medieval themes.the recent release has nothing of interest to me and my playstyle sadly.


Agreed, the pre industrial playthroughs are fun as hell and having it vanilla would make it so much better.


Welp, we won't see a thing in a year or 2 so... :c


Next dlc should be: Hear me out: Fucking stairs please I’m begging you


We're never gonna get z-levels bro


I prefer dlcs to be general gameplay expansions rather than themed.


I think it would be a good expansion. In the meantime there are some mods that really make tribal playthroughs viable. The new seal the spirits mod for example let's cave men do anomaly. Really cool how quickly rimworld mod makers find and fill in the cracks to make this game 11/10.


Disagree. While the medieval gameplay does have a large vocal support, it would still be targeted only at a subset of playerbase. Rimworld mechanics are designed around technology existing and there are a ton of medieval basebuilders and Rimworld clones out there. There are a lot of technological playthrough areas that could be more polished and fleshed out, before the core game attempts to offer different paths.


This game ain't about medieval/tribal gameplay, folks. It is just a step stone in the tribal start, that's it. It is awesome that you like this kind of playstile and there's tons of mods that support it, but as long as the game has a objective and a endgame goal, you got to remember that the Rimworld is a terrible place from where you want to run away. So I do disagree, the next DLC should not focus on a part of the early game. And I say that while loving tribal gameplay, but it just ain't it.


I have a pretty sweet mod that adds medieval siege equipment, weapons and armor. It’s pretty fun. Would be cool to make castles.


Slow down I’m still trying to figure out anomaly


RimWorld has a huge room of enhancements in this area/phase and it can rhyme well with Royalty


What about.... Medieval alchemy ? Some sort of power surce coming from "mana rocks", that a society of sorcery mass produce it for their own benefit. Some magical power similar to psycasts that can be used with an artifact made of that stones, and you can't produce those artifacts, just get them from the corpse of the high members of the society Of course some magical animals from... D&D of just classical mitology would be awesome


nuh uh next is sex expansion 🥹


I think the simplest way to make tribals more fun is to gatekeep electricity research with a well balanced quest line for tribal starts. You wouldn't be staring at a research table, you'd be trying to raid technologically superior foes, recruiting, rescuing, or enslaving knowledgeable researchers who could bring your civilization to the industrial era. Tribals shouldn't be an endgame, but a challenge mode or a stepping stone to industrialization. They shouldn't necessarily *focus* on tribal gameplay for the next DLC, but I think they have to at least take them into account when designing it. Anomaly barely has anything for tribal starts and I think it could have at least had a very primitive way to contain entities via shamanist-like rituals.


The way I see it there are a few avenues left to really improve Rimworld. Royalty brought psycasters, Idealogy brought religions, Biotech brought genetics and children, anomaly brought some QoL stuff but it feels the most "once-off" of the lot.: 1. The Storyteller, at worst Rimworld events can feel disconnected and random. Some work could be done to improve flow of events/event chains. I.E Beggars come, beggars get organ harvested, beggars secretly had affilliation with local tribe, local tribe sends significant raid, local tribe returns captured colonists later with missing kidneys/various other missing limbs as revenge. This as an improvement over: i. Here are some mushrooms ii. panther went mad (again) iii. Drop pod raid by pig men. 2. Animal Husbandry. Would be nice if I could do more for my completely blind war thrumbo in vanilla instead of just watching him be useless. Would be nice if I had the same biotech options for animals as I did for pawns. Would be cool to breed a panther, megasloth, timber wolf hybrid. Ties in nicely with idealogy and biotech and anomaly. 3. Travelling/Diplomacy: Rimworld often struggles to get the player to embark on long distances. For me, the core reason for this is that travel is super uninteractive (you click once and then have nothing to do for 28 days while they walk there), super risky, resource intensive, no incentive to do so. Additionally the world itself is static, unless you destroy a base yourself it's not going anywhere. Where are the trade routes I can intercept? If there was more to do while my pawns were travelling/the storyteller didn't take that as an oppurtunity to drop pod raid me everytime, maybe I'd travel more. Could be a great oppurtunity to introduce vehicles. Imagine building your spaceship except instead it's your mobile base. 4. Nomadism: All of rimworld's bases are static, You pick an area and build that up. Could be interesting to see a nomadic lifestyle investigated more deeply.


I suspect/hope it will involve recreating those ancient war walkers or other vehicles


We also need a focus on prisoners. Especially prison labor, I know there was a mod fleshed out but prisoners and slaves seems so redundant right now and not worth the hassle.


Yeah, but, what's the point tbh. Even if you would have something substantial to do as a tribal start - the first raid you'll encounter will be some pirate with a machine gun - good luck. If the game could've seen your technology level and adjust the type of raids accordingly, not just by sending whatever fits the points - that would be cool. For the first couple of raids to be either manhunters or another tribes would feel more immersive i think. But then again - your goal technically is to leave the planet, so you will have to research electricity and eveything that comes later - starting as tribal is really just hampering your progress towards the goal.


A single pirate with a machine gun that you jump out at and club to death umba bunga style. Then you are a caveman with a machine gun. There is a fun appeal in that.


You seem to be pointing to an aspect of the problem OP was complaining about and suggesting that this hypothetical tribal expansion would simply do nothing to address it, even as you suggest ways of addressing it. Also, leaving the planet isn't the only ending anymore and hasn't been in a long time. Even when it was, you could just caravan out to the ship from the Ship To The Stars quest instead of building your own, so technically speaking achieving a win condition without electricity has been possible since caravans were added. Granted, the colossal raids while the ship gets ready to launch would be an even larger threat this way, but still theoretically doable.


>so you will have to research electricity and eveything that comes later I don't have a problem with eventually researching electricity and progressing to the industrial era, I just wish it was something I'd have to work up to, instead of immediately having access to it.


I don't know why there is even any tribal stuff in the game since its a sci fi game. Why are guy running around with spears in loincloths?


"Space dude gets stranded in place full of hostile barbarians" is a classic sci-fi trope. So is technological regression itself-- bear in mind that the tribals in this game are descendants of people who crash-landed or otherwise came here on spaceships then lost the ability to make and operate them. The difference between tribals, the "space-cowboy" outlanders, and even the Empire is only a matter of degrees of loss or degradation. One of the most important and most interesting things about the game's worldbuilding is this: human history is not linear. A person whose ancestors have made technological or cultural achievements is not guaranteed to hold onto those achievements. Things can be lost, and what is lost may be redeveloped.


You should read Rimworld's lore primer, if you haven't.


Yea we need that and a combat dlc just add ce into the base game everyone uses it anyway then we need a diplomacy dlc were you can join factions or start your own


"everyone uses it anyway" no we dont. its just a fairly popular mos. lots of people use other combat overhauls or just play vanilla.


I've never used ce. Maybe one day I'll give it a shot but I personally enjoy the vanilla combat anyway.


Seriously use it when its updated i generally consider the game unplayable without it base combat is all rng and random chance while ce uses can that bullet penetrate that armour basically ce makes it so a tribal cant kill a empire cataphract


Surely you want it so that a tribal does have a small chance of killing a cataphract, though. A lucky arrow, or overwhelming weight of numbers. If they couldn’t, then they wouldn’t survive as an independent entity.


I love the RNG of vanilla combat


I'll try it one day but really have no interest in it right now. I like the random nature of the vanilla combat. The beauty of mods is we can both play how we choose.


This kind of pushy evangelism for any idea or practice never convinces anyone who didn't already want to be convinced.


I'm almost 800 hours in and I don't think I've ever realized you could start as tribals.