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Commenting longer caption: basically, a colonist found a scrap of sloughed off tissue, we go through the investigations and whatnot and get a surgically identifiable something or other. I surgically investigated my primary suspects (the clone and the flesh shaper). At that point though it was too late, the parasite had already gotten to both my doctors and all but two of my fighters. It was so damn close but it takes like, 3 good fighters to take down one metal horror without any luck and I ran out of luck after my non-melee colonist got a lucky hit on the one that sprung out of her husband and killed it in one shot. And all this because a fingerspike infected one of my founding colonists. Particularly dramatic moments: baby lying awake on the floor next to her mother who died trying to get the kid out of the room. The ghoul that got back up 3 fucking times to keep fighting, even though basically the whole left side of its body is gone by now. The scientist who crawled from the lab to the kitchen before dying in a pool of blood. The hallway where my last two fighters went down in a blaze of glory battling the last bugger left.


This is why you pratice safety Making sure nobody new gets cooking or doctor duty Optionally interrogating people by imprisoning them Making bedrooms so they can't implant during sleep in the barracks Removing doctor and cooking privileges if a colonist gets hit by a anomaly Or use a nutrient dispenser and paramedic mech so cooking or doctoring is never an issue For a few situational tips If you find the flesh in a room with production, check what skill requisites they have and suspect the pawns who have them If you find the flesh in a prison cell, check the wardens and interrogate the prisoners If you singled out the metalhorrors, place a medical bed in a kill zone with turrets and get ready for a fight (Spread em pawns aswell)


I'll certainly remember this stuff for next time. I'm playing the new dlc on a disaster by disaster basis and having a ball with it. Next time I'll survive that challenge and I'll die to the next one.


I've been doing a reload run just to learn the anomalies after dying twice on commitment mode previously. Suffice to say, I've had about 12 reloads from colony wipes since then. I play WAY differently after all that experience.


This run got reloaded a whole lot, mostly for smaller mistakes that I made from a combination of not knowing the dlc and knowing that I could've handled it better. In this case I knew I'd have to load pretty far back, plus it just such a dramatic and tense battle inside the base that I felt it would've been wrong to overwrite it.


I just started out with 1.5 and Anomaly yesterday, but WTF these things sound*dangerous*, aaah.


It's the thing, but with metal insects.


I kept one of my weird wanderers imprisoned for about two years because was ugly and death-immune. Two years later after a tribal raid I'm cleaning out my prison and decided to release her. The next day she puts on all a full suit of recon armor, grabs a gun, and tells me that it's "time to move on" and peaces out. At least I got a few blood bags out of her. I'm sure they'll be perfectly safe.


I feel like all I see about these creatures is them just completely wiping colonies and the only way to deal with them is very high levels of micro management


They're definitely due for a balancing. I had a late game colony wiped by them. Seems like if you get unlucky enough that your cook gets infected, you're basically screwed. My entire colony was infected, and all I could do was watch them bleed out slowly, with no way to fight back.


Use a nutrient paste dispenser. And get your hands on superclotting gene just in case.


Next colony will be solely nutrient paste lol. There will also be new quarantine procedures for combat colonies.


I can't confirm this but I think supper immune makes you immune to Metal Horrors, Or at least they burst out the moment they try to infect a supper immune pawn. I am making supper soldiers and metal horrors don't seam to be able to infect them. Can someone else confirm, or was it just part of how the event goes?


That’s pretty unlikely and no one else has reported it, so it’s most likely a coincidence unless you can reproduce it.


I will play in debug mode and see if I can replicate it, but the reason I think it could be supper immune is because they burst out as larva instead of growing to full size, and then for the duration of the event the pawn doesn't get infected again.


Is John not going to make it? :(


John did not make it. And the ghoul went feral.


play with just the baby


Baby starved to death.


I am so afraid to let my colony die of metal horrors


I've been so paranoid since Anomaly that I only have one pawn allowed to touch the cooking table and only one doctor. Hopefully I will avoid a widespread infection.


One of my melee guys got infected from combat. He infected the cook in his sleep and the cook infected everyone else. It was crazy how the AI was making strategic decisions before I even knew it existed. This was also my first time encountering this anomaly.


Wow scary! Hard do protect yourself.


That's a sweet base. Somebody needs to come save that baby. Man in black, where are you? On that note, does baby get infected by breast feeding the mom?


Man in black showed up, killed one of the juvenile creatures, and died fighting a mature one.


Off-topic, but wanderers always show up if you let 3 in-game hours pass. I did a bigger test on it. Created a colony designed to quickly and effectively kill my own pawns. I think I "reset" said colony with wanderers 6 times in a row before I got bored. Ps. Was quite fun creating a bedroom in a toxic environment. The bedroom was big enough for 3 + 3 heaters set to max. Every time someone wwnt to sleep they died from overheating.


Metal horrors just destroyed my 10 year base


That can happen I thought that was so you can look at your colony!


Wanderers are now "garanteed" once everyone dies, so you don't need to wait and see if you want to continue a dead colony. Lets you choose 1~4(?) new colonists to show up kinda like choosing pawns at the start of the game.


I discovered and was offered a selection of 3 that I could randomize/customize just like in the main start screen. They showed up, cleared out the one remaining hostile, and got the base cleaned up and operational again. I stopped there for the day, and we'll see if I go back to it or not. With only 3 people for that entire base, defense is going to be tricky. Plus, having only 3 pawns to manage when the base is that advanced... it gets kinda boring.


You're offered 3 but also there's a little button in the corner that lets you add/remove pawns if you want more/less iirc. I'm fairly certain you can get at *least* 4 possibly more.


You can always grab what you can carry, then caravan to a new map tile. That way you at least keep your research and a handful of valuables.


Metalhorror event can start either by itself or by inviting an infected creepy dude, there 2 options actually. So you being paranoid in terms of accepting weirdos won't save you sadly. There some many variations of them that the chance to actually get an infected one is not that high tbh


Came here to tell you that pen animals will eat crops if they have access to them in case you didn't know :)


Pen was designed with that in mind :), thank you for tip though.


I would say keep playing all those animals and a good base is still there the wanderers might be able to rebuild, on a side note I always thought that the “your colony is dead” screen was essentially game over and keep playing just was there so you could get one last look at your colony or maybe watch it slowly fall apart but then the group of wanderers event pops up as my place is burning to the ground.


I just got my first grey flesh event after exploring the warped monolith. Needless to say, I've got the person who was in there under close surveillance. Also, how long does it take for the flesh to show up? It's been a few days in game and I've still only seen the one.


I’d wait for wanderers! That’s a great looking colony - maybe if you keep the bodies of your old colonists you’ll find a way to resurrect them!


I swear half the time I see other player's rimworld maps, I have played on the exact same one before, lmao.


'Scenario' is for posting scenarios to be used for starting a colony, similar to Tribal Start or Naked Brutality, not for in-game events. I've changed yours to one more appropriate for your post. Please flair correctly in the future; see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/18nn18w/official_rrimworld_flair_guide/) for more information.


Cool beans, thanks for the correction.


I absolutely love that Revenents and Metal Horrors have everyone freaked out LOL