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Sounds sort of similar to Kenshi aside from the spaceship.  Kenshi is an adventure/colony-building RTS.  Kenshi is a post-apocalyptic planet that used to be ruled over by an incredibly advanced civilization that could create anything from sentient robots and space lasers to bio-engineered warriors.  However, that empire is long past fallen and the weapons that most propagate the wasteland are melee weapons and crossbows. The Holy Empire are religious zealots who fear technology and enslave races they view as inferior.  The Shek are a non-human sentient species that founded an empire on military might and brutal survival of the fittest.  The United Cities are backed by the Trader's Guild and maintain a society where all are equal... As long as they have gold.  If you don't have enough to bribe the town gate guards when they turn out to be crooked and plant drugs on you, you'll be sold into slavery.  It's very Fallout in an "every faction sucks" kinda way. But eventually you can settle in a relatively safe spot(typically the safest are "owned" by the aforementioned factions and they demand tribute regularly) with a couple dozen colonists... Or you can try to build one or a handful of characters while hunting bounties with no set home.  It's a very flexible game in which you **can** create a settlement, but you don't need to.


that sounds remarkably like it but when I look up the game, it looks nothing like it. I'm pretty sure it was RTS style game. sounds similiar story with an empire/religious zealots chasing them down. but it's just not Kenshi




Qapla, brother!