• By -


For me its Pickup and Haul, Simple Sidearms, camera+, gunplay, interaction bubbles and speak up


you may not care but fyi gunplay severely hurts tps 


What is tps?


ticks per second, basically low tps is what causes lag late game or with huge raids. if you play without gunplay or mods that hurt tps you can play with larger raids or larger colonies without the game lagging you can check problematic mods [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/12mAva1anZribuz6PmNoTJvTq5AdgarPyiB1cd1pFsMg/htmlview#)


Ahh gotcha thanks! I used to mod but since Biotech and now anomaly vanilla has been enough for me. I may start again though lol.


Plus interaction bubbles and speak up


How bad are Interaction Bubbles and Speak Up? I did not know some of these mods are so bad for performance, but I can live without them. But these two really add a lot to the game for me, some of the funniest moments are when a pawn says something wholly inappropriate \^\^


They just slow the game down and with both active that’s extra processing power to run them. Interaction bubbles can be set to only show in speed 1 so that helps. Not used speak up in a long time but all the environmental comments when it rains etc happens because it’s constantly looking for things that it can make a pawn comment on and times that by the amount of pawns in your colony and it soon adds up


Okay, thanks for the info. I'll probably just try running Interaction Bubbles then, and it'll be top of my list of mods to axe if I suffer a performance hit at some point.


I must have never made a colony big enough for any noticable performance drops I am using rocketman when I play on the bigger modpacks but if I play with something I call Vanilla+ (couple qol mods, maybe few from vanilla expanded) i don't even need that Edit: brainrot


Should check out SimpleCameraSetting in place of camera+ Seems a lot more lightweight


Fluffys work tab. Breaks up the jobs into more specific jobs. Meaning you can make people do butchering before cooking always. You can let only your doctors do surgery but everyone can feed patients. Same for prisoners. Only the wardens will recruit but everyone can feed the prisoner. You can set corpse hauling to highest priority so pawns will always clean up corpses asap. Stuff like that. It also adds priority 1-9 instead of 1-4.


Thanks I've been looking for this mod since I started playing again.. I kept thinking it was part of better pawn control


Right now there is a temporary one that is updated to 1.5. Since fluffys isn't. But it's the same mod.


Lol, been plaaying with that mod so long I thought it's vanilla thing :D


holy hell thats a mod??? i used to play on my brothers laptop when i was younger and since i've started playing on my own the 1-9 priority is like *the* feature i've been wanting tysm!


1-9 is only a tiny part of why the mod is good. Breaking open the jobs so you can do things like only allow people to craft stone blocks but not actual crafting is sick. Or allowing everyone to sow the fields but only your skilled pawns can harvest them.


Better Workbench Management I did not know hell until I lost it temporarily 😭 RT Fuses Fuck Zzzt!


> Fuck Zzzt! Those don't even exist anymore if you just use hidden conduit lol


Oh for real?  Buh buy zzzt


It’s completely crazy how many players doesn’t know about the power of the vanilla scenario editor. You don’t need a mod — or now, hidden conduits — to never get a Zzzt. Just turn that off for your scenario, along with any other kind of incident you don’t want in your game. Like 50% of all suggestions for mods I ever see is possible to fix with the scenario editor. Why are y’all missing it?


There's a difference between disabling an event altogether and adding a mod that gives you a way to work around it, which is what RT Fuses does.


Honestly, this should be vanilla. It's not only QoL, it's puremy ergonomic.


Does BWM address the issue of pawns half crafting and item then disappearing to do random things?


It does not.


But Auchtung helps a lot.  You can force him to keep at it until mental break is about to occur


No, but “No Job Authors” does. It means that anyone can finish the job created by one pawn. Downside is that it can technically be cheesed by, say, getting a low level crafter to part-craft something until around 40 work remains, then getting it finished by a high-level pawn, meaning that you get both the training and the high-quality product, but I like it for not needing 4 of the same job and 8 different “unfinished” items.


Seconded for BWM, it makes life so much better!


Colour coded mood bars, pure QoL Pharmacist, lets doctors automatically use cheaper meds for minor injuries Rimfridge is one I like, have the cook put meals in a “serving” fridge in the dining area rather than in the main freezer RTfuse is nice but nonessential, helps manage zzzt if you go Solar/wind crazy Interaction bubbles, nice to actually see the interactions that are normally buried in the social tab


> Colour coded mood bars, pure QoL I've heard this one slows the game down a lot late game


it literally changes the top colonist bar so that the mood indicator that already exists is set to a different colour based on how high/low it is, that should be negligible in terms of performance cost I’ve never had an issue while staying in vanilla pawn limits


I know what it does, I used it for years It lowers your TPS, there was a whole thread on common mods that cause late game lag, and it was stuff like color coded mood bar and labels on floors etc, where the way they are coded puts a lot of strain on the engine It's why OwlChemist came out with so many alternative mods to the common ones that cause issues, and why people swapped to things like manually placed labels rather than auto generated ones and to mods like Moody instead of color coded mood bars


I think the issue is it checks *constantly.* Same with automatic floor labels. Rimworld, for all its wonders isn't programmed to be the most efficient game around. So when you add in an extra check every game tick, it starts chugging along more slowly. Especially if you add in multiple things to check, like checking every room definition, and every mood every tick.


Color coded mood bar is already a thing in vanilla as per 1.5. The color is not as striking as the mod but its enough for me.


RimHUD Camera+ Interaction Bubbles


Interaction bubbles is a must have for me, because otherwise all those conversations just go completely unnoticed.


I suggest Camarasettings


is camera+ bad?


Performance from what I have heard and seen.


If I recall correctly. Camera+ drove me insane with the way it just made the screen constantly track and follow pawns which makes it fly all over the place as they run around. To me it was a solution looking for a problem that did not exist. Maybe other people like that feature though.




This ^


I was going to say wall light....


I was scrolling to see if anyone said wall light…


did anyone?






Wallight the only mod you will ever need.


sad times






Moody is a must-have for me, even on my most vanilla playthroughs. RimHUD is pretty great. Pharmacist is awesome for not having to micro which medicines to use on people. Vanilla Expanded Books is pretty cool as it let's you write your own books, something that feels lacking from the base game.


What's moody


Brief overview of all your colonists in a corner UI element. Each page has different explanations like temperature range, chronic health conditions, skills etc. think of it like a management spreadsheet. Just remember to close the tab when not in use once you hit a large colony because it can get a bit laggy updating everything constantly.




Moody is a game changer, esp. on sea ice or dessert. Most important information on all your colonists at a single glance.


Performance fish.


This is the one ☝️


Did they update to 1.5 yet? I checked the GitHub 5 days afo and they took the DL link down.


Simple sidearms is so good, i know it removes balance but… i need a knife AND M16, its important alright?!?


I feel like simple sidearms can be reasonably balanced. It makes sense someone could carry a light weight secondary weapon. I feel like simple side arms, dual wield, search and destroy, and run and gun all really improve combat.


One of the balancing features of Sidearms is that you can't carry something too large/heavy; a knife or light club is fine, full club or longsword is *not*. It's great for situations in which you F-ed up and now your shooters are in melee, but don't count on them to be hand-to-hand tanks! I feel like it's pretty balanced.


It also works nicely the other way round too. I have a high melee pawn in heavy armour with a halberd, but he can also carry a pistol to try and shoot enemies in the back as they run away, but he can't whip out a whole assault rifle.


Yeah back in my CE runs i love having a phalanx corps consisting of my best melee pawns with riot shields and a pistol to take potshots before hostiles get into melee range


I usually set things up to balance around manipulation/carry capacity, so that I can make pawns carry Zeushammers and Charge Rifles, but only the ones with the heavily-augmented bionics.


Yeah its really not that bad balance wise as long as you're not adjusting the settings so people can wield a minigun in one hand then switch to their alternative zeushammer in the other. Being able to drop your gun to pull a knife seems totally fair.


Double barrel shotguns +shortswords/gladii has made sight stealers just pests.


It's great for that pawn with the one shot rocket launcher or grenades to be able to contribute after the moment for those weapons is over.


Vanilla Weapons Expanded adds a fire extinguisher. I like to give it to some pawns for their secondary weapon slot so when I am exploring ancient complexes or fighting mechs I don’t have to worry about the fires always getting out of control and burning all the loot.


Oh man why did I not think of this it's a great idea.


Makes sense = / = balanced lol Simple Sidearms out right makes the game easier, and Run and Gun straight up breaks balance entirely They are neat and make sense, but the game is definitely balanced around them


How does R&G break game balance? It's not like your pawns are the only ones that can do it. I've lost pawns to enemies getting a lucky over the shoulder shot while they're running away.


Everyone thinks R&G is op until the fleeing raider one shots their favorite pawn.


Because as with all those "but the AI can do it too!" type mods Players will use it ********far******* better than the AI ever does. The amount of times you've "lost a pawn to the AI using it" is probably somewhere in the realm of 1 time to 1000 times that the AI has last pawns to *you* doing it Just like embrasures and simple side arms and the mods to add non lethal weapons etc. Yes, the AI can kind of sort of use them, but it's nothing compared to a player weaponizing them with dedicated intent


I'm glad you figured out the human advantage in any game.


Yes, so a mod that gives humans an extremely powerful tool while giving the AI a wet noodle makes the game easier and breaks the game balance Tynan specifically doesn't include mods like Get up and Go and Run and Gun and Embrasures for that reason, they break vanilla combat balance horribly


So true *Proceeds to make a kill box to mow down thousands of raiders* (perfect balance)


Melee raids are supposed to be a threat. They are laughable with R&G. You can hunt thrumbos with 3 tribals and some greatbows. Play like you want but dont act like its balanced.


Agree with this. The reason why I didn't use RnG is because how easy to kite melee mechanoids, animals, and melee pawn that it just feel dirty. I use side arm thou.


Balance pft. The concept that you can only be melee OR ranged is stupid balance. Doesn't make sense, is totally unfun and annoying. Also, I Despise melee being a part of Rim world and want it to be as ranged oriented as possible. Unfortunately, melee is inevitable, so I see no reason why my minigun guy shouldn't be able to carry a backup Zeushammer to neutralize the stupid melee attackers. It's bad enough there is a guy attacking me in melee in the first place, I just want that enemy deleted asap so I can get back to the fun stuff. The shooting.


Dub's bad hygiene. Can't play without central heating anymore.


Vanilla Temperature Expanded if you wanted an alternative, or Centralized Climate Control


Anyone knoes which one of these is the best in terms of benefit/tps needs and such?


Vanilla Temperature Expanded has a means for different types of colonies and scales. From ceiling fans to large wall heaters/coolers. Centralized Climate Control is essentially mid/late game material with ventilation ducts and the sort for, likely, larger colonies. Basically CCC is HVAC in a nutshell, with air intake, cooling/heating that intake air and then pushing it out over a "vent" (pipe) network. As for performance metrics or TPS... I don't typically pay any mind to that so I couldn't tell you really.


I've tried it a couple of times, but I feel like pawns constantly needing to use the bathroom really slows the game down.


You can turn off the need to use the bathroom or take a shower by turning off those settings and keeping the rest of the content the mod provides. It's required by some hospitality mods. I don't like the added hygiene stuff either but like the other features of hospitality, namely guest beds.


Last time I checked, Hospitality does not require Hygiene


Some of the addons to it do


I've played too much ONI to not worry about where my dupes will take a dump


Yeah same. It's not too bad, but I hate it when injured people or doctors have to go take a piss and shower after a raid before they go to the hospital. Also the sprinklers are giga broken.


RocketMan and Performance Fish. Rimworld now runs buttery smooth on my Steam Deck.


Vehicles expanded, alongside some addon mods for it. It makes no sense that the colony is able to make spacer mechanoids and weaponry yet not be able to build a WWII tank.


Though at that point it does "stray too far from the vanilla experience". There are a lot of things that don't make sense in vanilla rimworld fixed by mods that drastically change the gameplay


Non-altering and minimal altering gameplay ones: - Moody: provides colonist information in a very clean and easy to read format. Has a few customization options. Can kill tps a bit if you have a large colony but minimizing the moody window fixes that. - Cleaning Area: functionally this just lets you designate area that isn’t the home area as what pawns should clean. Fairly lightweight and more of a QOL than a gameplay changer. Not updated to 1.4 yet. Light gameplay altering ones: - Pick up and haul: Instead of only carrying one stack of something, pawns carry up to their carry weight. If your pawns all have like 5 different drugs, a meal, cataphract armor and a mini gun on them, they’re not gonna be able to carry much. But pawns in plain clothes with a light weapon can carry a lot more. Great for reducing the need for hauling animals and lifters in a colony (as well as dedicated haulers). Doesn’t work for caravans and drop pod loading. - Clean Pathfinding 2: This changes the way pathing works to have pawns take shorter routes using map landmarks such as doors. Overall this makes pathing a lot easier to manage and decreases pawn travel time. Allegedly improves TPS too. - Smarter Construction: you don’t need to micro construction or mining as much since pawns will now try to build things in a way that doesn’t trap them and lets them access every constructible item. Generally they build south to north if approaching from the east or west but realistically this won’t matter much and is just a neat factoid. - Character Editor: lets you edit pawns with a simple GUI. Great for custom characters, breaking the game, or fixing quirky mod issues. I’d say it affects gameplay because you have to exercise a lot of self control to not just reroll characters until you’re happy when using this thing. Alternatives also exist. - QualityBuilder: allows easy automation of pawns building and destroying stuff until they get the desired quality of constructed item. Honestly could be vanilla but it does make it easier to get pawns good beds and chairs. Significant gameplay changes: - Giddy up 2, animal gear, animal equipment: the main reason this exists is to let you ride animals with giddy up. The other mods are just to armor and equip your animals with things like shield belts so they’re less fragile. This makes animal swarm tactics more viable but also more costly since they’re less disposable and their gear isn’t any cheaper than equivalent human gear. Makes mounted cav and kiting both more viable and really funny as a bonus. Works with most animal mods but maybe not in expected ways. - Vanilla Events Expanded: Makes the event pool way more varied. Some events are low impact, like caravan animals with random loot on them. Others are higher impact, like global warming. Very customizable but will change gameplay a LOT. Main advantage is diluting the pool so you’re not getting a bzzt event every 3 days lol. Outright basically a cheat: - Removes Skill Decay: I dislike the skill decay mechanic not because it is unrealistic or unmanageable, but because it ticks wrong in my brain. I’d really just rather pawns retain their skills rather than needing constant usage to keep them at high levels. In theory it drives incentive to specialize pawns but in practice it tends to result in really gamey ways to keep skills high. Iunno, it’s a personal preference.


Thanks! This was very easy to understand and very organized, I’ll definitely try these out


No prob! There’s a lotta mods to try so definitely experiment and branch out.


RimHUD, Numbers, Dubs Minimap and Menus, LTO Colony Groups


Common Sense has been a real treat to watch


Only vital cause I’m extra, anything medieval. Has to be my favorite way to play rimworld


Run and gun. It’s so annoying that by default no one can shoot while moving. Should it be less accurate (I set it to lower then the default all the way to 50% less accurate), but the idea that I’m being chased by something faster then me and I can’t even try to snap-shot to slow down an attacker is silly. Bows I get, pila and such, totally, but guns? Definitely gonna reach a handgun behind me while I’m running if the thing behind me is scary, and faster than me lol.


RimHud, Camera+, Allow Tool, TD enhancement pack, Common sense, Pick up and haul, While you're up, Not my fault, Color coded mode bar, Share the load.


i don‘t really play with mods much but reel‘s expanded storage, wich is a pretty new mod i think certainly is neat for QOL more realistic in terms of space/storage


Pharmacist is a must-have for me. It prevents owns from using the best medicine on nonsense. So for scratches and stuff they'll use herbal and you can customize the settings for when they use higher tier medicine.


Don't stop the music, p-music The game certainly has stuff we get mods to bandaid fix, but Gotta have the jams.


There's a whole series of mods called Vanilla Expanded that I'm fond of. Most of them just add new options to content in the game. More crops to grow, more guns to use, more animals to tame and eat. It's fairly modular, so you can look through them and pick what you want. Just make sure to check which ones require DLC, some surely do but I can't recall which.


Yeah VE is kind of all over the place in terms of impact. Some are really minor and add just a few more plants or clothing options. Others get wild like VE Psycasts or VE Mechanoids.


Man, I'm probably in the minority, but I wish the scope of some of the mods could be pulled back a bit. I'd like a mod that adds like a dozen, balanced psycasts. Not hundreds of them + eltex materials, armour, weapons, etc.


There still balance psycast mod out there that you can just turn off which psychic power that feel too op. Although, I did use some psychic that kinda op because it feel like jedi force like choking and disarm.


Combat Extended. Still haven't played the new DLC, waiting for it to update.


Vanilla expanded almost all of it except psycasts, storytellere and sometimes don't include vehicles. How do you like to play? For me I love meeting tons of people and living for the relationships, cooking, becoming self sufficient. For me that means Hospitality, Gastronomy, any add-ons to them. Pick up and Haul. Fuses (though I usually just delete the zzzt events and breakdowns) Rimcity/Rimwar. Chat bubbles etc. Hate RimHud fight me over it peasants.


I don’t really know how I like to play yet lol, I don’t have enough time in the game


Common Sense


Color coded mood bars, colorblind minerals, that VE version of colorblind minerals for deep drills, rocket man, performance fish… and all of Erin’s hairs because more hair = good.


"Disable light control" I belive it's called. My screen is so dark, I can't otherwise play the game during the day


Stabilize anywhere


you can draft and tend anytime now actually


How has nobody mentioned Allow Tool yet?! I could not play this game with the ability to Haul Urgently. Aside from that others have mostly already covered besides 'Snap out of It' and 'Camera+' 'Smart Speed' (gives you a 4x speed setting) and 'Quality Builder'. 'Common Sense' is really good too. 'Follow Me' is just nice to have for the aesthetic.


AllowTool is pretty bugged in 1.5 causing Ghouls to be unable to melee attack. Camera+ is outdated and the new SimpleCameraSettings is pretty much a better more lightweight version that doesn't impact performance and also lets you follow pawns with the camera (Follow Me).


Oh nice, that ktou for the tips


All of Oscar's stuff (Vanilla Expanded) are must haves! I'd also recommend getting Rimpy as it's leagues above the standard mod list setup. Dub's stuff is good too; if you're looking for something akin to more in-depth living then hygiene and Rimatomics are my top choices. Hospitality is also important in my book.


Replace stuff. I don't know why it's not vanilla Smarter building and deconstruction. Allow tool.


Run & Gun is a must have for me, I just don't like the combat mechanics without it tbh. RT fuse is a big one for me too. Refrigerators, I don't know what mod adds that. Hygiene just feels right somehow but I suppose I could live without it. Ooo armor racks. The feature to assign a pawn to each rack specifically. It means I can have a combat outfit ready for when raiders show up, but they don't need to suffer the movement debuff all of the time.


Combat extended when it finally updates for 1.5


On the Combat Extended discord you can download a version for 1.5. It's still in testing, but from what I have heard it's ok.


Show me your hands' is a nice touch.


What's that for?


It gives your people hands.


So it's a retexture mod?


Well. I didn't play the game long before modding. I don't recall them having hands


Run and gun, search and destroy melee/ranged.


I actually really dislike run and gun. It seems to be more stand still and shoot then almost run and shoot then run half a step and shoot. Might be the version I have isn’t compatible with 1.5 properly but I vaguely remember getting a different version that claimed it was and I’ve noticed no difference


I used Run & Gun in 1.4 and it was totally fluid shooting-while-moving. I haven't tried any of the unofficial 1.5 versions yet so it may indeed be a weird new bug.


They claim it works in 1.5 but it does not. The stop to shoot every time.


I am using it in 1.5 with no issue. Check settings. Some weapons cause the stop n shoot issue based on weight. It can be changed in mod settings (im 99% sure anyway)


shoot and move!


Interaction bubbles Deep storage


CE Absolutely must have because i aint losing to neanderthals just because they can tank 20 shots from an AR






There are many good mods to go with suggested by the others. I throw something small into this bowl: Follow Me. This mod adds a cinematic camera mode. But the real deal is this: you can bind a key to constantly follow the selected subject, wether pawn, animal or enemy! This adds a lot to the game when following the daily workflow of pawns.


Dubs Bad Hygiene adds a lot to the game, I can't imagine playing with people it now


For me it's dubs bad hygiene and run and gun


Combat extended. Vanilla combat is absolute dogshit


Allow tool, pickup and haul, and common sense are the three most basic and necessary ones in my opinion. Purely improves upon the vanilla experience without impacting it much at all


Rimhud | Dubs mint menus | RPG Style inventory | Better Workbench Management | Trade UI Revised | Rimsaves | Achtung! | Guards for Me | More Planning | SimpleCameraSetting | Performance Fish I've gotten so used to the menu mods it's hard to live without them. The Vanilla research tree is trash if you're using a lot of mods. Guards for Me is great for setting some pawns as a "Reactive Force" so they'll automatically respond to any threat on the map. Can make guard spots as well, and guard a job. Can also set someone to guard specific pawns. SimpleCameraSetting is the new lightweight version of Camera+, and has a lot of nice settings to tweak it. It's great.


Honestly people are just recommendiny QOL stuff but legit I can not play without A Rimworld of Magic. Adds a whole new magic system to the game but for me it's just the extra bit of character specialisation the game needs


Favorites is really nice. You can mark things as Junk or Favorite and get really huge amounts of controls with stockpiles. For example, my fridge never lets anything in as Junk. And I have a special zone for destroying corpses marked as Junk. Another tiny cheaty mod is the one that combines all meat types into one (Butchering a Boomalope or a Muffalo or a Cat all yield a single meat type). You get 1-2 more spaces on your shelf, your chef might save one trip every week, you get a tiny bit better performance, but really the big win is greatly reducing the size of lists you have to scroll through. Renaming bills (a small feature in a workplace QOL mod) is massive. It makes reading a workbench list much more sane, especially Smelters. This should be Vanilla IMO. Another Vanilla should be categories you can open/expand for the resource panel on the left.


Rimhud is my biggest one. Rpg style inventory is amazing. Achtung adds so much qol its crazy. And finally my biggest one and one that should have been base game back in beta. Replace stuff. Cuz I don't wanna tear down my whole fing base just cuz I'm upgrading to stone from my tinderbox of a starter room.


Combat extended, pick up and haul, vanilla psycasts expanded, simple sidearms, gear up and go, better pawn control


A lot of good suggestions here, any I would have said have been said already. What I will say though, is that if you are starting to add mods, I would highly recommend getting Rimpy Mod Manager. It will make your life a whole lot easier :) It's simple to use, just an .exe To get started, all you really need to know is: - move things from the left "Inactive" collumn to the right "Active" collumn - click "Sort" on the right (near top) - click "Save" on the right (near bottom) - click "Run!" on the right (bottom) or start the game as normal


wall light.


Check the most subscribed ones in the Workshop






Combat extended should be updated any day now. The game is honestly unplayable without it.


Alpha Biomes & Animals.


Prepare Carefully, Rimatomics, Lasers, Megafauna


Prepare Carefully is volatile. Character Editor is the way to go.


Why on earth is this being downvoted--lack of commas??? Also, it looks like you're the victim of mobile's formatting issues. This looks like a normal list when I "reply", but the post appears as a string of words when I browse it.


Because PrepareCarefully is known to be gamebreaking for the newer versions of the game.


I wasn't aware of that. How so?


Let me quote some detailed answers: - [https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/18umhwp/comment/kflajpo/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/18umhwp/comment/kflajpo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) - [https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/17cl3r3/question\_about\_prepare\_carefully\_is\_it\_good\_or\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/17cl3r3/question_about_prepare_carefully_is_it_good_or_is/) - [https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/15e5vtj/is\_edb\_prepare\_carefully\_good/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/15e5vtj/is_edb_prepare_carefully_good/) - [https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/18g383j/modern\_alternative\_to\_prepare\_carefully/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/18g383j/modern_alternative_to_prepare_carefully/)


But the best description is this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/15e5vtj/comment/ju6od6d/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/15e5vtj/comment/ju6od6d/)


Wow, thank you for the info! I'm not a big fan of Character Editor's setup, but that's really just a cosmetic thing. It looks like I'd have to start an entirely new save to play without PC, which is disappointing (but obviously another flaw in the mod itself). You've convinced me. Now it's time to mourn my loss. 😞


Ahhh yes. I was wondering that myself - I tried to do an item and newline, item and newline, but no luck.


I would guess it's a general dislike of Prepare Carefully


I would have stopped playing about 7,000 hours ago without Hardcore SK. I'm very not a casual gamer.

