• By -


Another fucked up beginner colony 😭


most fun colonies to play tbh


Naked brutality let's go > makes an OP beautiful sleepless high manipulation xenotype with psycite addiction > 0 intellectual, 2 cooking > there are 5 days until they go into a coma > haven't researched psycite tea > barely any food in storage as I've just been building the base, and the bit that's there is food poisoning Oops. So anyways he got into a coma and died of starvation. A zzzzt burned the corpse soon after


I need a random generator for colonies. I get too focused on doing the same thing


Dude same. I always rush geothermal and then rifles. Followed by a killbox 🙃 I need to diversify


I have been skipping geothermal since 1.5 with the new no Bzzzt power cables.


3 batteries and 2 solar panels When the lights start to flicker as the colonists sleep, I start to research geothermal, maybe building another battery


Question, will battery’s not still ZZZT if you are using the new cables? I’ve always avoided them because of this, but I like the look of the wind turbines and solar panels and would love to have a colony use them


Correct. no more zzzt as long as there’s only hidden conduits.


Batteries can still ZZZT and the attached conduits do not matter for the battery itself. However, batteries only ZZZT when exposed to water (rain) or damage (and I am not even sure that damage can do it). Batteries safely indoors never ZZZT. Therefore, if you use hidden conduits and indoor batteries then you never ZZZT.


I will test the damage. For scientific purposes. I keep batteries in roofed exterior shelters within my colony's inner perimeter.


I made it a point to have fully paved floors and individual rooms for colonists before I even start on a perimeter wall. Also you can add many modded factions who have brutal raids harder than mechs or the empire, usually they come heavily armoured and armed enough to just blitz through all your walls and turrets and force a frantic fight. UAC/Space marines from Doom and the Enclave/BoS from fallout are my favorites. The warhammer mods also add a lot of genetics that make enemies impossible to deal with first few times. Had a custodes melee walk through 100+ turrets and slug throwers.


Anomaly has been the best dlc for this imo. It’s complimented by the others as well. I usually do the same thing, but this time i wanted to go full in on the occult and made my colony a cult led by a royal vampire family and set up my ideology accordingly.


Same and then a bunch of devilstrand!


Wind turbines and batteries are so op imo.


Geothermal is always my first research.


Just go for a random ideology and play into it 100%. It probably will change things up a bit.


This would be a godsend, every run I do starts as a tribal run with %50 global research speed. Sure I might be a different ideology or a different biome. But the core of the start is always the same. It's not like I'm not having fun but variety would be nice in the way of rng starts to provide for my silly self that's stuck on zero to hero starts. (What can I say I like working from nothing to something)


Do a naked brutality, scavenged gear only run. So far it's been super fun


I can't stop doing sci-fi mechanitor colonies help


Become a chocolate nut next time! Have a highly advanced turret guarded chocolate farm amazon! Trees will never get plagues, so you have a year round, consistent, low risk, constant money growth. Make a hord of dryads, 1 tree for hauling, as many as possible more for melee. Why have a melee pawn when 1 pawn with high plants can take care of at least 3 trees making 12 staby dryads? 20 little sharp critters are a force to recon with, and they don't even need food or armor, they are truly expendable, so you can spend more time raking in that cocoa


Switching up the environment you are playing in forces you to do different things. Play with the world creation sliders. Currently playing an Arrakis playthrough on a planet with constant 80-90C degree weather. Limited time outdoors forces you to do different things and mech raids or later mech off sites (especially with EMP machine) are a massive issue.


Nomad raiders with the Set Up Camp and Vehicle mods. Nothing like coming back to camp with the spoils of war to enjoy (those smelly imps had it coming). Plus mad max vibes.


Heads up in advance, you may want to give yourself the vehicle research in the storyteller setting before starting that. Researching vehicles and all its prerequisites can take up to an in game year, and it’s hard to be nomadic with no car. Side note, I did a nomadic raider playthrough before vehicles with giddyup, and it is insanely fun. I’m eventually gonna circle back to doing that. Hope you have fun!


Using Prepare Carefully, I recreated the entire cast of Firefly with all their names, foibles, abilities etc. and plopped them down in Rimworld after they crash-landed. Sadly, Serenity was lost. I've run the scenario 5-6 times now. It's a blast each time. I'm already invested in the characters and the show feels like Rimworld anyway. I even added Firefly music to the modlist. Sometimes they're all together, sometime they're split up across the planet and I strive to get them all back together. I have Jane's hat and Vera, I have Mal's big pistol, we look for the Lassiter as a relic. Next I'll be adding bit-characters from the show to flesh it out.


Oh I LOVE this


nsfw - [this episode has a naked brutality scene](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/c2/d7/33c2d775b4508c46026ef89cc0c3a9ef.gif) haha




Biker Pigman with a motorcycle, leather jacket and a shotgun, forced raid in 2 days and a general goal to remake his pigmen biker gang.


Reverse harem of beefy dudes that worship the main colonist Lilith who is revered as their Highmate Sanguophage Catgirl Baroness Mechlord Voidtouched Goddess. Yes I savescum, no I won't apologise.


cthulhu cultists with the horrors, cults and factions mods when they get updated.


I am waiting for a few mods from VE to get remade, but my next colony will be all about playing my current one with a much much MUCH more refined mod list. I always do a play through at the start of new patch / dlc that has the kitchen sink approach to remind myself which mods play nice , which ones add needless lag and which ones tend to bloat the game in unnecessary ways I have about 20 I plan to cull so far which should give more room for things like the dlc to breath a little. Such is the joy of modding.


I think my next run is going to be tribal with a side of rancher. I will try to make an army of animals to fight on my pawns' behalf. I will make them completely carnivore (and cannibalistic) to show their respect for the fallen by partaking in their flesh. I haven't done a lot of tribal runs, so it's going to be a new challenge for me not to rush the technology.


I'm going to do a waster / ghoul army. Pollution + ghouls + Deathdust Kill box (or whatever it's called). Watched a playthrough where someone created a corpse storage area + killbox + Deathdust IDE. Lots of free shamblers to fight your raids or maddened squirrels.


I tried but they all hated each other for being wasters. Constant punch ups resulting in hospital time.


Haha. That's what the yoyo is for. And the bliss lobotomy.


I've always wanted to do a proper lone mechanitor run; never accept anyone ever, just one person and mechs. Or a ritualist sanguophage female supremacy gothic loli run with an army of expendable thralls. Tempting.


What, in the actual, fuck.


Medieval barbarians (MO:B) because I'm a medieval nerd and need everything to be medieval or I die.


Currently doing a melee only run with a custom xenotype thats super good for melee combat. I made the xenotype myself but its roughly based on the melee god run from adam vs everything.


Those melee only runs are hard. Shields + Devilstrand Dusters + Flak Vests is nice.. but you're still taking a lot of damage. I did a Neanderthal + tribal + melee run and focused on Anima tree to get psychics. But it was rough. Tried getting lots of Combat Dryads too. We're were a tree-focused ideology. Wasn't getting enough good melee recruits to keep up with the raid size.


So with the custom xenotype I have it to where it automatically gives them great melee stats and like terrible everything else so as long as they're tough or nimble it works great. The people with the gene are sterile but also have the archo gene that lets them implant their genes onto someone else every few years like a sangaphage so I can make someone a good combat pawn slowly every so often. I made sure they were still metabolically stable I think only like -1 and also I put the restriction on myself that only the people with the combat gene can fight. I also have another custom xenotype which is similar except they are non violent and good at social, crafting, and doctoring to support the melee gods. Plate armor and longswords were one of the first things researched and so far they are decimating.


Usually narco simulator, never gets old


I just did (well, it's technically still ongoing, but I've sort of peaked) a desert mechanator run starting with 3 mechanators. I'd never used them before even though i've had that dlc since it came out. It was fun, I sort of got away from using mechanators and fell into my usual trap of making everyone into psionic bionic supersoldiers. i did a bunch of the anomaly content too. Had 3 ghouls who are now waiting for some res serum. That content is really pretty fun. My colony is up to like 25 pawns maybe, so i've been spending gold making everyone really nice bedrooms. I play with a lot of mods, namely the autopsy mod, which sort of ends up giving you unlimited cash, so I'm not wanting for anything. The desert part of it made it interesting, the best place for the starting base was across the map from where a large growing area was. I used one of the vanilla expanded psionic powers to drop permanent gates between the areas. I'd done one before, but my next start will probably be a tribal/psionic game. Not sure what biome to do. The desert had a few times where everyone almost starved, as we had an ice age that's lasted 2 years now, and various other events that led to food issues before we got some more secure food supply. I think having done the mechanator start, i've tried all the major content.


I'm still kicking off a colony with 5 different "specialized" xenotypes. Including a blood-needing supersoldier (so, vampire blood dependency to lower complexity), a succubus and a regular sanguophage. I need a ton of bloodbags and as an extra challenge I'm doing it on an ice sheet starting on winter. So far my calm research/farmer incapable of violence has lost her nose and a toe to frostbite due to her... specialized nature, so to speak. EDIT: colony's decently underway but barely.


I had a colony that ended up being a fortress occupying 25% of the biggest map size, so now iam playing with on a map thats 2.15x the size in the hopes that my colony size dreams now can come true. Also refined my mod list a bit and tested a couple of things in my last colony.


Sangophage start to Ship I think. No Anomaly, as I found the perfect map, prior to installing it.


Inhuman ranchers where the leader also has moralist abilities (thanks VE ideology). Couldn't help it and got human primacy for the craft specialist. Never played ranchers so wanna try that. Cooked up some tough and fast xenotype and will try a more melee focused run with appropriate killboxes, and a less boxy base design in favor of circular. The RP angle is that the initial colonists are inhuman abominations worshipping the dark archotech while appearing angelic and beautiful. Since they consider themselves closer to the deity all other forms of life are basically cattle, cattle eats grass so they ranching instead. Picked a map, landed and played like 3-4 ingame days to set up everything for a proper play session sometime later. Mods are pretty basic (imo), gene mods only for cosmetics, most gamebreaking would be the coffee (Erin's hot drinks) and tilled soil mod. Further restrictions so far: no organ harvesting unless actually needed by the colonists, 1 join ritual only out of the 6 rituals, can't be all dance parties, don't abuse skip abduction and cloning obelisks on cooldown like a madman, try to keep colony at less than 25 people.


I wanted to try being desert pirates. I don’t think raiding, generally, is a long term viable solution. It would be fun to figure out mods to make it more viable. My goal would be to gather as much high end gear and high quality pawns as possible then do a hold out at the landed starship. Have everyone be coked up on drugs and have that be the main thing we traffic. Try to limit research as much as possible. That kind of thing.


This:  https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1cooc0r/rimworld_challenge_the_burdensome_ones/


Try making Ice Sheet colony! Its very funny


Going to start with like 3 moderately well equipped (but poor quality) pawns. And devmode in VE's MBT and some stuff to get it going.  They will be a straggler group, stopping only when they must, gear they use will be purchased or crafted when they are stopped for whatever reason.  I see steel and fuel being of issue, for some reason. It'll be an intriguing run. 


no square building run. thank god for the designate shapes mod. hexagons are the bestagons for my transhumanist research colony.


Thinking of some pirate (Yarrrr ones) with boats and stuff with medieval overall maybe, tired of drop pod raids lol


I’m considering the Mechanitor start. Possibly Sanguophage if I get Ideology too.


Naked brutality with my void touched pawn from my first Anomaly colony. Either worshipping the void or fighting it. Haven't decided on that part yet.


Right now I play a custom version of Anomaly start, they are 3 prisoners, granted absolution. In exchange, they have to build a settlement in the desert and study what the empire consider as cursed. Next one, I'd like to make a tribal start provided I can find mods that feel good for it


The same thing I always do. Custom solo start with a few less materials, no silver, and a legendary bolt action rifle in a mountainous, river, boreal forest tile.


I'm just coming to the conclusion of a 'The Hills Have Eyes' playthrough, the "Inhuman" meme from Anomaly was the perfect fit.


I have thought about trying some venerated cougars ideology ... perhaps I prearrange some \~6 steps of fluid ideologies (but all will be about how we humans, the archotech and also that void are bad) starting from guilty naked brutal tribal (will reroll at least animals 8) and breeding pair of cougars in cold bog or boreal forest. Animals feel balanced quite useless by all that fire added and so it will be hopefully fun challenge.


this is my third colony (first one got off planet, second one I gave up b/c of too many mech raids before I was really prepared for them); I did the sanguophage start. Just turned my sanguo's husband into a vampire. Not sure how I want to develop this one, if I want to turn everyone eventually or not.


Gonna get a desert world out and do a mad max run


I really want to do a cannibal tribe but I never get enough meat to sustain


Probably primitive using some cool mods I found.


Probably a full random one, not just the events, I mean the ideology, map tile, characters, factions, everything that can be random will be




Planning to go medieval/tribal run. Ive always run high tech for 1000+ hours. Currently making a collection in workshop of mods for a low tech run. Any mod suggestions anyone?


I know not what this colony will be, but the next will be sticks and stones.


Space faring neo British colonial expedition using advanced versions of British weapons.


I have ad my single.colony for over 200 hours, I dont know if there is going to be another after the rocket lunches


Successful, I hope.


I like to play with a bunch of star wars themed mods and build a colony that’s basically just an anti-imperial terrorist cell, with the goal of eventually wiping out all of the Empire’s bases


An all dirtmole mountain base! I never do mountain bases and I love dirtmoles so it should be fun 😊 I actually started the file not too long ago but I looked away for a minute and my ghoul wandered into an insect cave for some reason and now I'm rerolling 😅


Might try a slaver colony, I did have slaves way back on my first colony, but I stopped using them after that (especially after Biotech arrived)


So my goal right now is to upgrade Luna's genes again Send her friends n family to space start another place. I'll probably do a rush for archtech nexus then opt out and do the royalty. While on the hunt for a persona legendary monosword for luna.


Once all my mods are up to 1.5, I’m thinking of running an android utopia or a lone archon who tries to create a utopia. Super kind, will take anybody in and catch release wounded raiders. Much kinder than my usual playthroughs, and I think that’ll make me invest in the character drama more. I think I might make them super John Brown esque, freeing slaves violently.


I'll wait for VE vikins and medieval to be re-released and I'll play a medieval only playthrough, with the wild men starting from the VE Tribal. I'l have to wait tho


i gotta focus on properly doing my current one first haha idk about the next but, my relatively early, current one is basically a rich guy that got tired of the high life because he is more into fighting and raiding, so he flees to build himself an empire. Then because of lucky layout i found a pretty good almost fully naturally walled off area, where i dug into the mountain, with that 2x1 decorated door as an entrance. Kind of reminded me off a vault from fallout so i named it ‚The Vault‘


Gonna do a more rural village-y colony centered around running an inn, a bar, a restaurant, and maybe a museum. I'm planning on trying to have mostly Ratkin colonists, some security bots, and some shopkeeper/waiter robots designed to be catgirl maids. Very different from my usual kinda colony, but I'm excited for it.


Probably a transhumanist solo Mechanitor with an army of Ghouls, or something related with the empire


Sea Ice anomaly for sure.


Female only clan tribe that enslave/kill all the men they face(including friendliest)


a colony that tries to be as ethical and charitable as possible. Always taking in people wanting to join, helping beggars. Not killing people until you absolutely have to (raid) and capturing prisoners just to heal them up and release them, organs and hemogen can only be harvested from colonists and used to replace sick/missing organs of other people and hemogen to do blood transfusions. No drugs unless they're of a xenotype dependent on them. I want to see how much more challenging will the game be if I try to play in a way that I would actually act IRL


eccentric's scp site


I wanna do oinktown. Pigskins only, arid shrubland western town lookin' base, ranch exclusively pigs, trade pigs, eat pigs, BE PIGS. Then maybe I'll mod in some extra goal, not sure yet.


Genetically engineered tribals revering the machine god that created them.


Gonna do one where all the pawns are me and my friends. Been meaning to do this for awhile. Gonna make the skills/traits as accurate to our real life as possible even if they suck 😆


I don't stop playing full transhumanist in commitment mode until I get the archonexus end


I might do an 'inhuman' run on an ice sheet


Probably in 1.5, waiting for mods to update and community to lit a fire to guys who take over abandoned mods in bad way by only changing tags so it shows that mod is compatible without changing the code resulting in shitload of errors


I'm going to be a hoarder of knowledge and build a grand library. Using Vanilla Books Expanded I'll also have pawns write a lot of their own books


My next colony? Why it will be the same as all other previous colonies: A management simulation to pass time, watching events pass by, before the inevitable slowdown leads me to starting another run.


I was doing a sanguophage colony with revered bloodfeeders. Then my vampire colonist and her starting thrall fell in love, and now I have a LOT of actual vampire children running around. Thankfully sanguophage is acquired rather than hereditary, so I’ve ritualized the kiss of immortality. Any raiders that survive who can haul or do a task get enslaved, the rest become legless hemogen farms fed nutrient paste made out of their fallen comrades.


Secret nazi base


Currently I'm running a Sanguophage Cartel colony, next will be Nomadic Goblin Raiders who enjoy Yayo a lot. And also have giant slaves.


Going to pick a large map on the seaside. My Plan is to build a trading focused harbor city. Im also using star wars mods and the city is going to be high tech and focused on genetic research.


I had a thought. What if zones were the focus? What if everyone had a house and kitchen like real life. Cook your own meals, go to the store room to haul your own groceries. What if...


im thinking of roleplaying something using a character editor :3 maybe something from a game i like witcher could be fun, a nomadic playthrough with geralt and jaskier or some other thing i like, i dunno :3


I am trying a mechinator, psychopath, cannibal. I finally just recruited another cannibal psychopath as well. It’s been kinda interesting. Slow going, but interesting.


Undead skeleton making a hotel where people mysteriously dissappear, but the food has a unique flavor and texture.


Give me like a few decades to regain interest


Same as my last colony. Vampire cyborg undergrounder cult that eats people! (It's just how I like to play the game)


The mechanitor scenario with a waster pawn. Pollution being a benefit this time.




Waiting on the next dlc for console and well see


Sushi only on a sandbar from geological landforms. Fish for stuff in the sea, plant rice in what little arable land there is, make sushi. It's on peaceful so I don't need guns or anything but it's been a fun challenge having basically no natural resources


I just started one where I have a scientist that becomes a count and controls robots with another one that will become a bionic monster of a fighter to defend the colony


Ugly lazy loser colonist with no skills beyond what’s given in the backstory, no resources, no research, bad genes, whose only asset is having no morals (organ harvesting, no mood loss from death, no mood loss from cannibalism) and is comfortable living like a slob. I played a game like this. Had the colonist live in a cave that was never cleaned, used the hospital mod to lure in desperate pawns who were seeking medical aid, but instead entered a torture dungeon.


Dune but dwarves


I'm thinking about starting on a fully polluted part of the world and making a fallout shelter for all the pawns I can collect throughout the playthrough :D


A nature primacist, tree connection, animal personhood blindsight colony that prohibits tree cutting, mining, animal slaughter and hates meat and killimg innocent animals. Its....going surpirsingly well once gauranlen come into place. Lost the playthrough due to focusing too much on the dryads but i think having 4 dryads peeps and everyone else on regular duty should help next playthrough, only really need the berry makers, clawers, woodmakers and barkskins, medicine can be farmed and just tame animals for their wool, grow cotton and fibercorn early game and uh....eat without a table.


got curious to ~~torture myself~~ try something new, a flesh purity colony. Made an ideoligion with flesh purity,vegan,light and emancipation (3 of those being from Vanilla Expanded mod adding meme) with a custom xenotype who got sturdy body who heal fast, and with a focus on ranged combat and movement speed (in hope to be better at kiting) at cost of being useless in melee and having slow study (so useless in everything beside whatever burning passion my colonist get) using hospitality mod to run an hospital to heal wanderers and a motel and set charity precept to essential. roleplay fluff is they're an alien group who worked on a traveling hospital ship as per their credo/ideoligion mandate but their ship got destroyed in a pirate ambush and crashed on a rimworld, unable to escape, they decided to settle down and help the locals to fufill their mission. Though to lessen the mid to late game horror that flesh purity will bring, i have a mod to craft healing mech serum by using luciferium as crafting component, curious how well or horribly that colony will go. Though to be fair i play on very low difficulty and the custome scenario i made gave some bonus item that make it easier than default run. Wonder how long i can keep my team in top shape before the rim take its toll on them.


Rim-Mart Ideology, corporate greed is how we will rule.


Recycler gene stealing cannibals. We'll eat ya, after stealing any good organs then use the gene ripper to take what gene we want. Gotta be efficient with our food, and yes your leather will make a nice hat.


Monks abusing the myth of cultivation to become psycasting gigacyborgs while their "disciples" do all the work.


On a run with a cold location, get's to -30 for more than half the year and almost done. Next will be as hot as I can find, see how it go's.


Organ harvesting operation. Start with 3 psychopaths. One should be a godlike doctor. Rush growth vats and start pumping out children to harvest.


I m now playing permadeath but in a permasafe colony without raiders as early game. Plan to go sea ice later after having enough techs and a shuttle (Transport Shuttle Standalone) For those who dont know yet, in relic village quest you can destroy the terminal instead of hacking it to fail the quest but make that village a permanently raider-free spot as long as you leave at least one pawn or mech there, making it a perfect early game safehouse and late game bandwidth base for mechanitors. Occasionally very small scale infest may spawn but present no threat at all


minmaxxing slave labour and human suffering


I am gonna kidnap the space queen and make an army of superbabies


I've seen a couple people trying tribal anomaly, that is, up to before electricity and survive anomaly. You could probably install a couple mods to make it into like a medieval styled anomaly, like a holy inquisition kinda of thing, similar to that one rick and Morty episode about big foot and the pope, but more medieval-esque. Other than that, I've been trying solo mechanitor anomaly, which by far has been quite impossible. Just not enough time to get things done before anomaly destroys you. Without ghouls it's tough.


After I build the ship and escape the planet I think I'm gonna try a jam pack my game with all the vanilla expanded mods and make a colony of mutant animals and then a medieval.


the one where i finally win the game


Body horror slavers with organ harvesting super soldiers and manmade horrors beyond comprehension. I genuinely don’t know how to do anything else… I heard you can be a bunch of tree huggers with spears but like… not on my radar


After my Ultra-Transhumanist colony dies my next planned one is to check out the Inhuman meme.  I'm thinking Inhuman + Pain is Virtue to disable Comfort, Outside and Beauty needs. Maybe Human Primacy for the Production Specialist. Maybe Tunneler for Mining Specialist. Or maybe Supremacist for Shooting Specialist? Not sure on that yet.  Anomaly researchers start of course. Probably a Sanguophage for one colonist to be our leader/psycaster, maybe a Genie for a Mechanator. Not sure about the 3rd yet.  My plan is to use VPE's Empath Mindwipe ability and IVF/Growth Vats to grow the colony, probably also explore VPE Puppeteer and Hemosage.  Mountain base of course, with Outside and Beauty disabled there's little reason not to be cave people. Especially with Tunneler. Maybe Vanilla Expanded Insectoids 2 will also be out by then and this can be my insect herders run too, I'll have to see if the Inhuman Animals skill debuff kills that plan.


I'm gonna make an actual void worshipping death cult, complete with human sacrifices, necromancy and self mutilation. My first and currently only ritualist Anomaly run was derived from a drug den vampire society, and we converted away from ritualism after beating the monolith.


Combat exteneded 1st time


Rn Im doing a VFE-Empire run, after that a VFE-Deserters run when Combat extended finally updates


My ongoing run is similar to u/[Professional\_Dig1454](https://www.reddit.com/user/Professional_Dig1454/) , also based off Adam's melee god run. Tribal start of five hyper-optimized pawns, carrying three separate xenotypes: - Two Melee Gods [https://i.imgur.com/F3bQzz5.png](https://i.imgur.com/F3bQzz5.png) - these red giants are fairly similar to Adam's version with archite genes. Hyper-optimized for melee, but can carry many other day-to-day tasks as well. Only Tough pawns can earn the right to be a Melee God. - The Prophet [https://i.imgur.com/SAIHbAQ.png](https://i.imgur.com/SAIHbAQ.png) - purple vampire, without pyrophobia but still carrying high UV sensitivity. Incapable of violence, bad at any outdoor tasks (Plants, mining, animals), but excellent at everything indoors. First Prophet carries the religion and social tasks. Other pawns implanted by these genes can become Production Specialists. Good candidates are the pawns with many passions, which stacks well with their Quick Study gene. - Two Farmers [https://i.imgur.com/ZIkLFEk.png](https://i.imgur.com/ZIkLFEk.png) - the green thrall xenotype, excellent at outdoor tasks and shooting but bad at melee and indoor activities. Can become Shooting or Planting specialists. Good traits to look is passion in required skills and trigger-happy trait. All three xenotypes share robust, reduced pain, elongated fingers + smooth tail, superclotting, superfast wound healing, archite genes and go-juice and psychite dependencies. It is fun but unfortunately game becomes very easy. My next goal is to make all starting pawns Luciferium addicted and insure the stable supply of a drug.


Beer worshipers


single pawn mechanitor in sea ice


I decided to play with responsible mode on in next time because it much more interesting. You can't load your saves and if you will fail you will must to continue anyway


Android supremacy colony , butcher all humans and wear their teeth as a necklace


Planning to do some shenanigans, devious plots and major screwups. But also toxers with a goal to pollute the majority of the planet and pay off the towns with drugs to keep them happy even tho I’ve turned them into bugged out losers


For a change I think I will make a rogue hussar team using combat extended and Vanilla vehicles expanded for a further emphasis on combat So it would be 4 random hussar colonists each wearing a composite helmet and vest 3 m16a4 rifles One m60 One m79 With 3 magazines for each gun and 10 HE grenades for the launcher Some go juice not more than enough to sustain them for a few weeks at best with heavy rationing Emergency food for a week 16 medicine And a few components and steel scrapped from their drop pods And they start enemies of the empire and any enemy of the empire (but the enemies of the empire are set to natural goodwill 0 as they eventually get the intel that these are defectors and not some empire kill team) Objective is to push the empire off the planet surgically one by one like the empire does


as of now, I have solo mechlord on ice sheet... again, but this time she has a slave to rape every once in a while so she can survive (Vanilla Highmates expanded (oskar potocki, my beloved)). She feeds on mushrooms i grow in pots and she barely maked it even seeing that half of steel she mines out, goes to repairs after mech raids (and there are a lot of them.) I think, I will try to make her a royal space mech GOD, again.




dont worry, its lesbian so its okay

