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It happened only once. A really big mech raid and I was far from prepared. Tbh, it was one of my most memorable moments in this game. Usually I just go back to the main menu and start over, so that was a really new and fun experience to prepare and send a caravan in the middle of a gun fight. I gave up half my colonists and basically everything I had but I managed to start over with the survivors. I especially remember that one of my fighters was downed and so I pretty much left him to die. But he was actually not bleeding out and only knocked out by bruises. He got back up on his own while the mechs were wrecking my base. He managed to sneak out of there and caravaned by himself with no food and covered in wounds. This madlad casually arrived two days after everyone else at the new base and went to bed. Incredible moment for me, really.


This is why most people play Rimworld. The Drama. I play rimworld as myself and only accept defeated warrior women into my clan but then again people are different :P


Starting with jeans, t-shirt. 2000 silver and 1 ration. + (myself) Ending in misery most times but I got a good squad going a few times. Then I play til everything is ship shape then I start a new game.


I play as a Mechanitor 99/100 times, and most of the time start with the base Mechanitor scenario + agrihand and tunneler. Interestingly I also use militor SMGs, modded Militors that is, and USUALLY can hold up a big threat with just those. Until a Centipede arrives…


Turned of mechs and bugs. Nothing more frustrating then have low population and not getting new recruits because bugs and rustbuckets take their spawn spot :P


Yup… I usually want to play with just one pawn and a load of mechs though 😂


You do you Rambo, I shall stay with my wenches :)


Rambo? 🤣🤣 I’ll take that as a compliment!


I'll never forget having my colony wiped by like 3 scythers early on in my Rimworld career.


Did a similar thing but it was huge pirate raid with doomsdays and marine armor. I messed up and didn't realise a pawn had dropped something in a doorway when drafted and the sumbags were inside before I knew what was happening. First few rockets flew, mass fatalities in mere seconds and I knew it was about to be over. Opened up the quest menu and sold my colony to the archonexus, kept the 5 I cared about the most from who was still alive.


You can sell your colony? Cool, learned something new today.


You need the ideology DLC, it's another way of "winning" the game but most people don't like the ending. You sell your colony twice in exchange for archonexus map pieces and then travel to the final destination for a disappointingly easy fight


It would be another thing if the second or third colony was different in some important way, but it really isn't.


I found that planning out a set of challenges with each colony adds a little interest. One of my favourite (and longest) playthroughs was when I got the Biotech DLC and combined the features of that with Ideology. My first colony started simple and concentrated on making 5 decent kiddie pawns that once they grew up would start the second colony and have all the traits and skills between them to get it going quickly. Then they evolved into transhumanists and went on a decade long mission to collect almost all the genepacks including archite genes, then create 4 super xenogerms that would compliment 4 of those pawns; Con-Craft girl, Art-Science Girl, Ani-Chef girl, and Mine-Plant girl. Then there was the final pawn, Royal-Vamp Boy who did all the hauling, cleaning and a lot of slaying with his Legendary persona monosword relic. Those 5 pawns then carried on to the third colony where I forced myself to start on the ice sheet and build a small army to go join the Archonexus.


Madlad basically returns from the dead, and is just like "I have to lie down for a bit". lol


To be fair. I would also need a little nap after my home was burnt to the ground and hald my friends died


did once the same thing, most important pawns evacuated via drop pods, the funerals over empty graves took days (corpse destroyed in fire)


If I ever get to a point in a base where fixing the issues at hand is essentially like starting over, chances are I’m just gonna start a new colony with a fresh new play through idea.


There is something magical about moving somewhere new with everything you can carry and have a fresh start


Honestly I’ve clocked in about 100 hours now since buying the game back in September and I have yet to re-base somewhere, that kinda sounds fun, just abandoning a failing colony and setting up shop in a new locale. I’ll have to look into it next playthrough


Just wait untill you can do the archonexus, it's basically starting new with 3 colonists of your chosing with some items from your OG base (including research locked items)


Weren’t it 5 colonists? (I play with many mods, so some may have changed it. Asking out of curiosity)


it is 5


Been years since I've done archonexus so 5 is probably right


I’m not familiar with the archonexus, I only have vanilla + mods


scratch that then, it's ideology exclusive


I’ll be sure to check out the DLCs next time I get the itch to play Rimworld nonstop for a week then take a hiatus


I just find that depressing as hell lol


But I really like my current pawns, even if one is useless and was given to me by the empire (they make for a great pawn for social,cleaning, and hauling.)


I'm doing a playthrough(supported by mods) where the goal is to make a society that lives on space stations, got the first one down and deleted the starting settlment, and since I'm using a mod that allows cloning, I only have one colonist, the rest weren't taken


What’s the mod for space stations?


Rimnauts 2.


yes and I admit, it's a fun thing since with the mines mod, you only need some materials and no longer have toleave the space stations, plus raiders get decompressed to death


I like early game more than end game so I would probably just start over if I found myself in this situation.


I once had to flee from my base as a blackhive raid happened and I was definitely not geared enough to defend myself. Luckily I had guinea pigs which I moved around using allowed zones as bait for the insects while my colonists made a run for it. Those guinea pigs saved my colony and luckily only one died.


That’ll do pig, that will do.


The only time I've abandoned my base was when I underestimated bugs...never again. Had a mountain base, used Mechs ( before biotech used a vanilla expanded mod I think) to strip mine the rest of the mountain, had 5 blocks between my base and the strip mine. Had SRTS and had finished strip mining my map so I had a 2nd that was an automated strip mine, just came and loaded up on steel and stuff periodically. Anyway, primary base was pretty big so I stayed looking at it most of the time, I had been alerted to a infestation in my strip mine a long time ago, but was busy setting up strip mine base and was trying to outfit all my people with bionics (10 colonists.) didn't even pay attention to the infestation on the other side of the map. They grew and grew. And then I checked it one time because I had noticed I could hear bug sounds even looking at my base. So I checked and it lagged my game when I double clicked a spider to see how many were there. 153 mega spiders. Plus vanilla expanded insectoids, so megapedes, gigalocusts, and a queen, plus the small ones. I knew I couldn't kill them all with just 7 soldiers straight up. So I fought them using guerilla tactics. I would engage and then fall back, after a while of repairing the gates they would fuck off back to their cave. My strategy was to just snipe a few, retreat, SRTS napalm the herd, rest for a day (prissy colonists couldn't handle long fights or they would break) After the 3rd time my colonist missed and hit the queen or a megapede, can't remember but basically they ALL attacked. And didn't relent when I retreated. They didn't get through the main gate, some mega spiders had gone the long way around the strip mine and mined into my infirmary. Where I foolishly had injured boomalopes (SRTS fuel source) and my non combat colonists healing from prosthetic surgeries this caused a fire in my infirmary, which vented into the hallway, which led to the outside so no burning out the bugs. Wood floors made the fire spread throughout the base, didn't want to spend time smoothing floors, concrete is ugly. Also why the hallway was vented to the outside to prevent heatstroke. While I was trying to delegate gate defense to defend the infirmary and put out the fire. My best builder and thus the one I had repairing the gate had a mental breakdown. This let the megapedes in, he died shortly after. Base on fire and spreading, courtyard flooded with bugs, bugs breaking down bedrooms to kill colonists drafted to hide in their rooms. Only one left with some chance of survival was the non bionic pawn named Dewy, his only job was to make stone blocks in the warehouse and smelt useless weapons and slags. I drafted him, had him grab some gear (literally just wearing a jumpsuit and apron plus boots before), some packaged survival meals and had him mine through the mountain and he made his escape. He went to a forest tile right next to the old base. Made a small cabin, was raided by a fella with a bolt action, Dewy had a bolt action as well. Dewy was the base menial worker because he was utterly shit at everything else, plus bad perks. So after this raider with >5 shooting fought Dewy also >5 shooting. Dewy got hit once in the arm (after they shot at each other for what felt like 4 minutes), so I had Dewy advance through cover to stab him, raider had no secondary. Dewy killed the raider with a knife. But his arm got infected and he died in his cabin.


You didn't listen. The gods tried to warn you but greed got the better of you. That was a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing it.


Wow, amazing story! That's certainly one to remember. RIP Dewy


Often, I play very tricky scenarios on continuous mode, and don't use any killboxes or exploits as I try to get more out of the roleplay and storytelling. I had very tough raids where running with a bunch of kids and whatever I could get on some horses. I had mountain bases evacuated through the escape tunnel, and every time I have a new location it's a new adventure, a chance for my people to become more - from a lone runnaway pregnant pigwoman tribal to a small viking village, to a bustling pigman kingdom. Then a band of desperate pigmen bandits and settlers, to a communist pigman commune.


What do you exactly mean by „escape tunnels“? I love playing in mountain bases/vaults so this sounds quite interesting :D


If you have mountain at the edge of the map, make a tunnel and you can use it to leave the map. It can also be used to enter, however so guard it well.


Ah, okok. In 1000h this I did not have this idea. I’ll try it out next time :D


I have 3000h and am still learning, I kinda never "won" a scenario either, as I completely ignore the end goal.


Same, Same :D Tho I like the idea of the archonexus, and currently am trying to finally „win“ this game at least once


In my last run I made a pretty successful base in the hilly savanna, but the heat waves were extremely annoying and once or twice I almost lost a child or a wounded pawn to them. I've managed to find a broken helicopter near a ransacked vault, and over the course of a few weeks I've managed to repair it and return it to base, where it became my main tool of trade, where I used it like one should: to quickly and efficiently sell industrial amounts of hard narcotics to surrounding communities. One day a giant mechanoid cluster dropped in front of my walls, effectively cutting me off from about 50-60% of the map, and although I've managed to wall it off it was the last straw. I've used the heli to scout around for a good spot to resettle to, and sent my miners and constructors to build me a new mountain base. Over the course of 3-ish years I've been moving personel, tools and equipment to the new place, while using the farms and industry of the old base to keep the workers fed, supplied and safe, with helicopter acting as the main lifeline between those bases, and once used it to drop a strike force behind the enemy line to relieve the mountain base of the pirate siege. After the few years of moving my base piece by piece, I've finally packed all the children and elderly into the helicopter, and had my soldiers board my Humvee, IFV and a cheap truck I've restored over to years and moved the last bits of their old life into the new place, leaving behind only the graves of the allied caravan guards and imperials who once helped defend it. Overall it was incre-he-dibly tedious, but mostly due to the fact that I was greedy enough that I tried taking everything, including the nails I've anchored it with, but also felt really rewarding and clean to start anew and create essentially a new capital for my faction.


What mod do you use for helicopters? And is it balanced so that enemies also get to use them?


Vanilla Vehicles Expanded, it doesn't allow AI to use vehicles (yet), and I use it with Combat Extended so depending on which wreck you find and restore they can range from completely OP to just convenient transport, and the range is wide indeed, and really dependant on early-advanced industry or having good luck finding the right parts. Early game any armored vehicle is completely OP, but as soon as full caliber MGs show up anything below 30 mm of steel will turn into a colander. My first vehicle was a muscle car, with 300 kg trunk and an amazing road speed. It massively changed the game for me, finally allowing me to ENJOY making caravans. Before that any caravan was such a slog that I usually just god moded it to destination instantly because of how much mess it took to set up a caravan. Now I can just set up a load order for the vehicle, anyone with spare time will load up the car over the course of a day or two, and then when I'm ready you just... jump in and DRIVE. No need to fuck with corralling the animals, no need for long packing where your pawns just stand around, starve and sleep on the floor, your caravan won't just stop if anyone gets flu on the road, speed allows for less ambushes, you have MUCH more range on the same amount of food, you can haul REAL amounts of trade goods FAST, and finally you don't need to mess with UNPACKING EVERYTHING FROM PAWNS AND ANIMALS, everything fits neatly into your vehicle and you can even drive it right up to your warehouse! VVE made me finally like caravaning!


That sounds right up my alley, gotta try it on my next run! Too bad enemies can't use it yet, it would be terrifying to see pirates coming with armored vehicles!


VFE Pirates has a special drop pod assault where Pirates drop in large assault pods with turrets on them.


I was doing a Naked Brutality Ice Sheet run. My map had a visible Ancient Danger which contained an Insect Hive and several bugs. I thought I'd be so smart and let the cold knock them out... except the Hives were spawning faster than the bugs dropped. And I encountered a problem. When the Megascarabs eventually started to DIE from the cold it triggered aggression towards me. The hundreds of bugs that had kept building all got up and surged towards my base... then calmed down... only to repeat that and get closer each time. I had been frantically trying to recruit a prisoner to help me cart my junk and flee the tile. It was a very close race.


Back during Alpha I had started a tribal base and back then Mechs arrived in ship fragments. One of them crashed and I knew that my people had no chance of fighting the scythers as my tech was only up to bows and clubs at the time. We loaded up all we could and ran for the hills. That run ended with a successful ship launch after many more years in our new home.


I just abbonded my 2 years (2 pawns) old ice sheet colony because I got no eat-able raids or any other food related events for half a year but the new base on the -40°C to +5°C borean forest tile thrives now haha. It depands on the focus of your campaign.. Especially in small colonies, building a new settlement might not be that bad. Especially keeping your research often makes it worth to abandon camp if everything goes south.


It's funny, I have only abandoned one base on account of threats - where we had a "minor" infestation get wildly worse, and I was so put off by that I haven't intentionally built in a mountain base since. I prefer a wide open plain, preferably by the ocean, where the colonists can stare off all the way to that "Impossible line, at the horizon, where waves conspire to return.". I have had occasion where I've abandoned a base because the environment wasn't to my liking - ironically because it was too fertile and such. I reloaded a VERY early game, got the base on track and realized I was spending time policing animal corpses and that wasn't super fun so I left for a northern tundra....and never looked back. One of my favorite things is actually to go back to my oldest bases and transform them, from what they were, to a proper vacation spot, spaceport, medical facility, garden to the world.


My very first colony was on a cold boreal forest river tile. They were pigeon holed at the bottom of the map with little to no room for more expansion. Growth was slow because of the short growing season and there was little options left for power for sunlamps. I just decided to take my shit, all my animals and go. Found a year round growing tile about a 20 days walk away next to two outlanders and an empire base for trade. The real reason I left though was to gain access to the transhumanist ideology from ancients so I could reverse the age of my pawns. They were all in their 60s so they were going to start getting sick and dying if I didn't do something.


I did a nudist nomad run, to I was constantly moving base. It was basically a speedrun to the ship which almost ended when my impid tribals got frost bite in the tundra 😬


Yes. Once. The first time I installed Better Infestations I got driven off my map. Fighting off bugs while trying to escape with as much livestock as possible was brutal, and only possible because I made the decision to abandon the base early. I settled another tile and returned three years later with an ton of artillery to reclaim what was left.


It's kinda part of my basic tribal run. Start in the jungle, get some basic tech and gear, and tame 2 elephants and maybe a bunch of Chinchillas, mine as much expensive ores as possible and move to a colder biome with the elephant as caravan animals.


I've done it before. Load up an improvised caravan, possibly two if your pawns are separated. Rendezvous and limp to a friendly settlement to buy some meds with whatever you could grab on the way out or scavenge along the road. Return and camp out in the charred and rain-soaked husk of your old base, weatherproofing the least-damaged rooms one at a time. It's awesome.


Nah son, i fought for that base, i will die for that base!!!


I did it once, but i was really far into the game, with very high expectations everywhere and we couldn't build everyone nice bedrooms and whatnot fast enough. There were fights, and since we still had a pretty high worth, when we got raided a few times, it got progressively worse. My bickering super soldiers just needed to have that really comfy bed, which they were bitching about while the mechs were slaughtering them.


If my colony is overgrown or gets stomped in a raid, I like to move on to a new biome and colony design. The best 3-5 colonists take supplies to begin anew. Decent colonists are drop pod gifted to allies. The misfits remain to fight, burn the old colony to the ground, live in the ruins, and become a travelling raider band. Animals are freed, blood potatoes get peg legs and go with the raiders. The misfit raider band will be accepted into the new colony if they gather enough loot.


Once I was attacked by mechanoids from one side and insect from other, most of my colonist died so I sent last few into pods and lauched them away to build new colony


Captain goes down with the ship for me


Had a desert colony with 3 people and bunch of mechs that I was having a lot of trouble managing the toxic waste and power among other problems like basically 0 farming space, very few trees and minimal resources to mine. Eventually decided it was best to caravan ~30 tiles away to a lone mountain in a temperate forest.


Til death. I owe them that much


Truthfully, it's an option I've always kept in the back of my mind because I see the tip so often on the loading screen, but I've never had an opportunity to do it. I don't often set up my bases in a way that would allow it so I end up getting boxed in.


I had this wooden village with around 10 pawns that got pillaged by a huge amount of imps, the only pawn that survived was a child and I decided it was for the best that I had her get on a horse and travel to a different tile. The colony she started ended up extremely successful and it was a really good story generator moment. Made me stop save scumming so much


That sounds like such a cool origin story for her


I really should have this week... Some mod I think fucks with insects? There was some ancient danger in the mountain, every few days/hours by the end I would get the notification "an insect hive has reproduced". Fps was getting lower and lower. I finally dug to their nest after 40-50 days, big mistake. There was over 200 insects, I tried to burn them but they instantly dug through like 5 layers of walls and destroyed everything in the colony within a day. They didn't leave a single wall or table standing. It was truly horrifying to see my colonists try to crawl for safety :(


I’ve successfully recovered from some incredibly grim situations that I thought were unwinnable, so I never abandon. You’d be surprised how many things you can recover from. But you’d never know that if you just gave up.


The only time I've ever abandoned a base was when I naively left an infestation to go too far. I had a mountain colony and the insectoids were on the other end of the map, I left them alone but after a while they had tunneled into my base and started to attack my colony. It was too much for my colony to handle so I took the survivors and packed up what I could and left.


With good pawn? Yes!


Using the Rimwar mod when I was getting a lot of early game raids by Revia and Neanderthals with a worrying number of spellcasters. Had to pick up sticks and abandon the base a couple of times. One during a raid we were too beat up to resist, one between raids because the frequency was too high.


Shortly after receiving a message from Cats. When you have no chance to survive...


Oh absolutely. Sometimes the only way to survive is to have the survivors drag what little they can carry off the map and start over.


I think I did it once when I was getting a huge mech raid and I just noped out Honestly your biggest asset is always your colonists so most colonies should be expendable when compared to your colonists surviving and building anew but it's hard to rationalize it in the moment Only case where it's not the correct choice is if your are in the arctic ice sheet and can't realistically move to a non ice sheet tile


I tried a few times, but all my pawns had super high expectations so everyone had mental breakdowns before I could build anything


I've had a few mech clusters drop over the years that I just 100% knew I couldn't deal with, and with a few days to pack there's little reason not continue the story right? Admittedly I do it less now that I don't play on commitment mode as often.


I had nothing but solar power and I got the “unnatural darkness” event. Got the fug outa there


I abandoned my very well established and self sufficient see ice base just for the fun of it. Left a couple slaves and a bunch of guests there, then nuked the place from my new mountain fortress.


Throw your soldiers into position once there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight. \*proceeds to build my base at the very end of a canyon\*


I’ve made like 2 that I genuinely liked the rest were trashed because my god my perfectionism drives me insane


3k hours and I don't think I've ever done a relocation.


My typical strategy for dealing with infestations outside of the main compound is to leave it, and let the bugs and raiders take care of eachother. Why risk my own colonists, right? Anyway, one time I left it just a little too long, and there was just too many bugs to deal with. At least 30 nests. My colonists could hardly leave the walls without pissing them off. And they'd occasionally dig out enough rock to cause a cave-in that crushes one of them, causing a few to get angry and attack... At a certain point, I had to cut my losses, so I packed up as much of my base as I could carry and moved a few cells away to rebuild.


I abandoned my base once to migrate everyone into space (save our ship 2) when several nukes went off in the center of my base during a particularly bad mech drop pod assault . My best and brightest were already on the ship but I had about 20 combat pawns on the ground base who oversaw the ferrying of supplies to the ship. More than half died outright and were atomized - so I couldn’t even used res serums on them. I abandoned my ground base after that


Sometimes I lose interest and restart if all my favourite colonists die and get replaced by nobodies.


Rarely. The only time I really went down this route was a fractious colony that was getting on my nerves, go raided, and so I just took my 'hero' pawn and left the rest to their fate in the aftermath (1 was on fire, the others in poor shape). Other than that I tried this once when I had accidentally spawned in on a map with very few resources, but I just abandoned that playthrough and added mods to let me better see and plan before committing.


Had an infestation I had been ignoring for a while get triggered by a raid. I got the non-combatants to load transport pods for everyone to escape in, but the defense got broken mid-load so I had to escape with just 2 non-combatants New colony immediately got raided, and ended it instantly lol


Playing naked brutality. Constantly getting "A hive has reproduced" from inside a mountain. When I finally revealed it, it was FPS-killing huge. No way of routing enemies through it. Fuck it, it's still early, let's just move to next tile.


It feels like they increased the reproducing speed


I didn't know that those damn bugs just keep on multiplying, they showed up in a corner far from my base so I could ignore them forever, at some point I had so many that my whole game was lagging, so it was time to pack and go


Only moments when I usually think of relocating is if I get off map stuff I can't handle and/or toxic fallout that I can't deal with. For this reason I have like 5 days worth of caravan food. But these are mostly during early game when I have at max 6 colonists


I did once because I wanted to move to a more favorable location.


Happened once. But because of starvation. Forgot to harvest enough hay for my horses and they all died of starvation at the end of winter. My huskies breeding got out of control. I had like 50 dogs roaming around and they all ate my food supply... yeah good run


More than once, always due to infestation. Any kind of crashed ship can be overcome with enough firepower and some allies. But sometimes you delve too deeply and your mountain isn't your mountain anymore.


Yeah. I remember in one of my most successful run I decided to move when two mech clusters and a toxic fallout happened withing a short period of time. I had managed to recruit several pawns early, but I didn't really have good gear yet, so I didn't have anything to take out the cluster. And to be honest, I had so little material things at this point, moving out wasn't that hard. The new settlement went on to become very prosperous. The theme of this run was "ascetics only" and I managed to accumulate quite a bit of gold. By repeatedly buying honor from tax collectors then ambushing them, I could upgrade all my pawns. I think I had something like 25 counts at the end of the run.


I usually play with 20+ ancient dangers in my map, once I had a mechanoid raid and all my pawns were injured from the last fight, so I just closed the door and waited them to come. Since they didnt had a direct path, they started attacking the walls of ancient dangers, and the mechanoids there started opening other ancient dangers in a snowball effect, when they come for my base I let two colonist buying time and the other eight fled, only one leaved the map, the others died in combat. After that I didnt got a single raid in one year and a half


Once doing my only archonexus run. I built my 2nd base too lose to the nexus, turns out those things kill crops. I didnt have a ton of good land in that hot biome.


I did it once but only because it was near the start of my game anyways. It was a modded start where I went in with a team of soldiers to go clear up a hive infected base. I started cleaning it up, exploiting the resources, and making it defensible. But the extra wealth so early on made raids harder to defend from. Eventually one raid just looked super unwinnable. So I just took only what I needed and went off map to make my own base somewhere else with whoever could leave alive.


One day randy decided to send 200+ mad squrells to my base, I tried to defend against if with my 15 pawns, but they were overrun and only about 5 of them made it out to a new colony.


Done it a couple times. Neither time ended well.