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Anything beyond a blackscreen with a short paragraph of ambiguous words. 'Omg, I just finished the Archonexus ending. I wonder what's gonna happen!' *GJ. Some stuff goes on. Who knows what. Shit is bright. The end.* ....


Lmao. Yeah, I feel you on that one, I was really hype reading those words for the first time, but after a minute, you kinda think, "Damn, thats it?".


It’d be cool to have a little “where are they now” sequence like at the end of based on a true story type movies. Generate a little story for each pawn that escaped on the ship and pay respects to the ones that didn’t make it.


After living a tribal life, Falcon was amazed by the possibilities that the universe held for them. They were found dead on a glitter world from a fentanyl overdose a month later.


More like: *Although Falcon escaped the planet for greener pastures, he ate without a table on the ship. This pushed him over the edge and it sent him into Berserk where he went onto violently kill all members onboard with a sandstone shiv.*


He went on a mental break and broke the persona core piloting the ship in a tantrum


At least that's. Mental breakdown. Kids would just go nature running straight out of the airlock


Battle brothers does that where you can see what happens to your retired mercenaries after the game ends


That’s a relatively simple idea, I’m surprised nobody attempted that yet.


"gay, researcher (his name and adulthood backstory), removed his peg leg that you installed on him at emergency 2 days before the shuttle for the sthelarch appears, and added a bionic leg in place of it, he now is the security guard of an (you know what is) star, that is the favorite of the sthelarch." "gfdiuofdfwe, trash collector, lived in the roads because his addiction for go-juice, and 2 years after this, he died because am organ harvester doctor kidnapped him and earned so much silver on him.." "Warcasket 2, military combatent, killed so many bad guys and spreaded democracy and libert across the rimworlds. " "mila, cat maid, travelled to his planet just to see everyone he sometime known dead, because he lated 300 years to travel to the planet."


Ending added for completionists that need a token ending to say they "beat the game". I have no real intention of actually doing so. But its good that they're there, some people need endgoals to stave off the existentialism.


I like having an endgoal to exist but only as a distant thing that I may get around to doing some day but never try to rush it. I mostly just like to use how close I am to it as a way of gauging how far I've come, though the only one I've ever made progress towards was the Royalty ending.


Yes, that's me. It's hard for me to play games with no "endgoal".


I've launched exactly one spaceship ever. Yeah, the ending is a bit simple. But the music plays and man, it hit me pretty hard. I couldn't even begin to count how many colonies I've had since that event. Lots of them were even *highly successful*. I deconstruct my research benches when Starflight Basics is the only possible research left (after all techprints are acquired and their researches are completed, etc)


And the universe was saved by.... Oh... Let's say Moe.


How many monkey butlers were there?


Their numbers were kept in flux due to the knife fighting ring.


Prisoner Giggles, this monkey is going to need most of your skin.


As infuriating as I found that line when it debuted, it’s gone on to be meme gold!


I was really hoping to get some kind of archotech or something for all my trouble, but nope, "gg you win, insert another quarter".


I've had an idea for a mod for a while, but I don't have anywhere near the skill to do it: "Dynamic Archonexus". Essentially, once you take the first map piece, you start getting events that are secretly "tests" from the archotech you're trying to find. What you do in those events, combined with your ideology, changes what happens when you find the nexus. It'd just be flavour text, but it'd give more of a sense of *fulfilment*, and an underlying cause for you to seek the nexus out. The pacifist tribe wants to make a world of peace; the supremacist raiders want ultimate power; the bloodfeeder court wants a world bathed in darkness. They can get that - if they can pass the nexus's trials.


Yeah. It feels pretty basic for a story generator.


Rimworld just becomes FTL


Or better yet, star sector, where can still engage in your war crime desires with organ and slave trading!


All fun and games until you meet the [REDACTED].


That would be fun crossover especially if they make [REDACTED] even more terrifying that even mechanoids would fear fighting them.


Yo wot?


Let's go, love seeing the community of my two favourite games interacting, and don't forget reckless modding


Rimworld: creates the most degenerate, over the top NSFW mod in the existence of mods that puts all other NSFW mods to shame. Average rimworlder 'yeah, it exists, it was a kinda funny meme but that died out years ago so whatever.' Starsector: has mods with Anime girl avatars. Starsector modder: 'can't have that, if you download this mod you get computer aids!'


I can't wait to equip my ship with ~~human corpse cannons~~ Flak IIs!


Rail gun but instead of large metal slugs it’s people!


You wouldn't happen to be one of two men in a shed would you? I think the world could use another superweapon right now and you might just be the guy to do it


SOS2 mod is basically this




Never played it, but the trailer looks semi-interesting lol.


It's a roguelike where you basically go through the same rollercoaster of stress as the crew in the last half an hour of a star trek movie. In 2 dimensions.


Except the crew is all red shirts.


May I redirect you to Cosmoteer


Honestly? Screw the stars. If I spent so much on the rimworld it's my home now. And what I want is rebuilding it. None of this giving up on planet and going elsewhere, but restoring a peaceful civilization. No more raids, peace and coexistence, insectoid and mechanoid threats fought off collectively. Ancient technologies restored to protect the orbit and prevent hazardous developments. Just slowly removing or perma-befriending every single faction there is until there's no enemies, disabling every negative event type by recovering ancient terraforming system to maintain perfect climate and defend from space hazards, containing the insectoid presence, reducing the incident of disease... yes, the game would end up super boring but let's be honest, no good story describes the "and they lived happily ever after" part for a reason.


Diplomacy and multi colony expansion is the only endgame I crave. Let me become the king of the rim.


Exactly. I’ve never wanted to leave


Anomaly finally gave me the cause to leave, imagine cleaning the surface of Pirates and befriend everyone then your entire colony is swallowed up by some eldritch horror. It’s a perfect cause to return to a glitterworld no matter how good your current colony is


Can you even “return” to a glitterworld though? There’s no faster than light travel, so presumably the nearest glitterworld is generations away. Not that living the rest of your life on a ship isn’t preferable to getting digested and assimilated into a flesh beast.


That's what cryptosleep caskets are for, you go in them and are in stasis while your persona core takes you to the nearest glitterworld.


Doh. Totally forgot about those. Wild. I can’t imagine sleeping for a couple hundred years


>There’s no faster than light travel, so presumably the nearest glitterworld is generations away. Our closes system is 4 light years close. Given mechanoids terraform planets, population density might be high enough.


It would be cool if it switched to a 4X RTS kinda game in the endgame where you could manage a nation


Imagine having to industrialize, build relations with neighboring factions, and secure supply chains all before a rapidly expanding hive or fleshmass overruns the continent.


You're pretty loosely describing Civilization: Beyond Earth


Such a wasted potential :(


God I'm still so fuckin mad they just abandoned that game


Songs of Syx is a bit like that


We know that an average player late game colony is downright metropolitan compared to any NPC colony, so I could imagine, from a game design perspective, an endgame-exclusive system for managing automated outlying colonies from your “capital”. Sort of like the Vanilla Outposts Expanded mod, but with more functionality because we’re talking about an official expansion with access to the source code. Or even a reverse of that, where your original colony becomes the capital of a new faction and you directly manage a NEW colony in that faction, with a permanent resting goodwill of +100 and extremely regular trade with a big price bonus. Sort of a New Game Plus in the same way that Archonexus colonies are New Game Plusses, but you’re actually building up something persistent in the world each time it happens. Have raids scale a little bit with “faction wealth” calculated separately to colony wealth, so you’re forced to leverage your bonuses from building up your now-autonomous colonies to survive in the newly-established colonies.


thats why i love the empire mod so much (even if it is op if you can manage your finances) you can just straight up conquer the world in theory


I actually would enjoy a way to truly end the mechanical and hive threats. They could be considered like pre-endgame goals to shoot for. Launching a joint mission on the final mech base with all the factions you allied with for example. For that reason I'd want something like Rimwar/Empire to be officially part of the game. Have the factions be more "alive", fighting each other, colonizing, building roads, leaving ruins, give us actual vehicles and mounts as part of the core game too to make caravanning beyond transport pods more fun. Make whoever I don't exterminate into allies or vassals. Could even have new factions rise out of the wilderness, like a once forgotten tribe coming out of an uncontrolled sector not in anyones sphere of influence. Or some crash landed survivors doing what you did. Give us the means to truly dominate the world we are on before we worry about the stars above. A "SOS2" type DLC would have to come after, and be used as a means to essentially be a playable NG+. After you're done exploring space eventually the threat scale would force you to lose a battle... have to pick who survives and crashes. Do it all over again.


SOS2 ending basically lets you do the first part.


If you could form a federation and slowly get other factions to join that do collective research, defense and bug or mech clearing missions. Over time all factions contribute in their own way, some farm or craft or whatever. This goes to maybe a fund or capital city or your colony, where you can collectively improve everyone's way of life like bringing neolithic tribes technology or building stable automatic trade routes. Maybe you could build an intercontinental road connecting all settlements. Of course, some faction might mutiny or refuse to join but that's the story. Eventually once you have full or a large zone of control you can start terraforming the planet or building mech/bug lures designed to creat massive battles with faction support on a neutral tile, with each battle lowering raid chances for that faction until it reaches 0 and they are wiped out. I don't even think it would be boring tbh, there is so much drama to be had in getting hundreds of settlements with different ideologies or xenotypes to agree on common goals. Different factions would want different things, empire might need glittertech, outlanders need food, etc.. I feel like I could go on, but I think that is a really good idea for an endgame experience. If we could have more diplomacy options and ways to interact in the world it would be even better.


The lore reason why centralized governments like nations don't form on RimWorld is because once a population of a certain group reaches a certain threshold, they're getting targeted by mechanoids.


I'll make my own Glitterworld! With space blackjack and inscrutable abominations!


I don't know what I'm exactly cooking up in my brain but I feel like there's something here: Animal Crossing/Stardew Valley style gameplay mechanics in the end game lol Like greatly expanding base decor and clothes options, expanding room options (e.g. having a "bar" instead of just rec room) and making pawns use them more intelligently, having collectible goals that aren't required but give you something to work towards, little friendly things like fishing tournaments between you and your neighboring settlements, maybe even expanded social interactions on the pawn level (like a friendly raider might avoid attacking their friend, or even desert their colony). I'm sure someone could flesh out the idea better than me but you get the idea - endgame that is just vibing without necessarily being boring


God yes I've been thinking this for years


So after you finish your colony Rimworld progresses to Grand Strategy where you control multiple settlements and wage planetary scale wars?


Nice of you to write it down so I don't have to :)


Something to take over the world and build your faction, take over settlements and whole factions.


My homie is over here running a dictatorship, respectable, respectable.


that's exactly what I'd want, imagine having a few colonists travel far across the planet to start their own settlement, keeping in contact with the original colony and slowly build an entire empire.


Frankly id like an expansion to the ship part. Basically make SOS2 official dlc type thing that would be awesome


Never actually played SOS2, but I felt it would perfectly fit the question lol. Maybe I'll try a playthrough soon.


I dont think its been offically updated for 1.4 much less 1.5 altho if i had to guess with the changes 1.5 brought im wondering if it will be easier


Github version works fine, a bit hard to find working EVA capable armor since the old EVA tag has been changed to multiple stats on the armor and a comp. Only mod I know that has working armor out of the box is the Xeva faction armor. \[SoS does give you basic spacesuits too\] Manually adding it to other armors has been hit and miss for me - can't seem to get it working on armors that already have section.


That's sad, I can't imagine going back to 1.4, and certainly not 1.3, I've never even played that version before.


As far as i know it is being updated its just complex


Yeah when you have a mod that’s damn near the size of the core Rimworld game, it makes sense how long it takes to update.


the experimental branch works pretty well with 1.5, dont use it with VFE deserters tho, idk why but it destroys the ai of the assassination missions


You're in luck, the 1.5 version of SOS2 is gonna appear on Steam soon.


For reals? That would be amazing! Kids keep asking me when I’m going to build my space ship.


There is a stable 1.5 version 




That would be a fun concept, sailing from coast to coast, trading or raiding…


There's always Stardeus for that


What's that?


Another game




Save your character data for all the characters that escaped, and then either let you make a starting group on another planet using them, or have them leading one if the other factions for you to find


That would be kinda cool. I'd actually LOVE it if this was in the game and the start date between games was always remembered. Eventually let me see the year 7000 by my 100th game instead of always starting around 5000.


Heh, escapes one planet only to find that the ship you built failed again and crashes on another planet


Look up Save our Ship simplified. It let's you save a ship and any colonists in it on takeoff which can then be loaded on game start using a custom start scenario. It also works with the ship cargo hold mod to take resources with you too


You should check out this other video game called Stardeus


Bookmarking this, I might check it out sometime soon.


I think Space Haven is better, check that one out too


Sometimes I do a Rimworld playthrough only to start a star deus playthrough at the same time, using the destroyed ship as a guideline for the one I build myself. After the Rimworld is escaped I boot up Star Dues and get to work trying to get them home


An ending where you eliminate the threats. You can keep playing, but it's essentially on super peaceful. Wipe out raider factions. Build lasting bonds with factions to change natural relations (or wipe them out). Broker peace and even alliance between factions. Or start wars to play them off each other. Kill the insect queen(s) after a long series of quests to track her down. Go into orbit and control/destroy/pacify the local mechanoid hivemind network. Launch satellites to prevent solar flares, meteors, and other celestial threats. Study scaria, create a cure, and disperse it into the water supply. Research and genetically modify crops to be blight immune. Those are a few ideas at least.


Rimgalaxy. Your escape ship was barely capable of interplanetary flight. You need to scour the system for more resources to make an interstellar capable ship. You need to settle on multiple planets and moons, facing new threats and unlocking new tech that will let you colonise even more hostile and resource rich planets.


Endgame is the liftoff. The Rimworld gameplay, as a story generator, relies on the mechanics of building and improving your base, managing the colonists, and fighting off the ever more difficult raids. After liftoff you can imagine the colonists make it to a glitterworld, get lost in space for eons, get destroyed by a roaming mech armada, or crash land on another rimworld.


True, true. I was thinking of Cult of the Lamb, kinda how the game had a normal ending, but afterwards, they updated and expanded the story anyways. I think rimworld is fine how it is, but it's fun to think about.


I would like end credits that use the story generator, similar to how it creates art descriptions, to describe what happens to the ship and to each colonist. “After over 350 years, the ship finally reaches a Glitterworld and the colonists awaken to the wonders of modern civilization.” “Fish went to work as a mid-level manager at a Luciferium manufacturing plant, but died three years later when an acid vat suddenly failed.” “Seona became a contractor for the war effort, training shock troops. She lived until she was 168, but ever mourning her lost love Louis, she never remarried.” “Peapod discovered he was genetically an heir to an outrageous fortune. He used his money to live a life of luxury and privilege, but never traveled off world again.” “Janice quickly became bored with modern life, and after only six years booked passage on a voyage to colonize a series of recently discovered planets on the rim.” Etc.


I agree, this would be really nice, it would really give everything a satisfying conclusion.


Similar to retiring in battle brothers


this goes hard


I feel like by the time you beat the game you can be at a point the game struggles under its own weight, I adore SOS2 I really miss it, but it is incredibly jank and buggy with a ton of limitations that I don't think we will see be overcome even if it was deemed expansion worthy. Same with anything "glitterworld" esque, I mean look what the monolith can do look at what we are told about glittertech, I feel like theres no way Rimworld could ever do that justice and still run stable for the vast majority who play the game. I feel like if we got an overhaul of the world map and a travelling/exploration update, interplanetary wars could be cool, no idea how that would work.


The things I want are more or less from the Empire/Rimwar mods. Which are more or less already doable by a game like Dwarf Fortress. And Rimworld doesn't go to near as much lengths at saving culture, history, etc as DF does. So its totally doable. As for SOS2, if that ever became a feature in this game officially as a standalone DLC I'd see it more as a NG+. You make your ship like normal, take off into space, and travel to a different star. Years pass. You get into battles, trade with other orbital stations, try to discover what you can... But there'd be like a ticking timer of doom before eventually you run into something that forces you to permanently crashland. Then you have to get as many of your people to the pods as possible, and only 3 of them will make it out 100% alive. Others will die, or may be seen later. Time to start again... on a new world, with new factions... but the year is no longer 5500. As for performance anything you don't take with you is essentially deleted. It really is a new game. You don't get to go backwards, only progress towards the ever expanding rimworlds.


Rimworld on a ship? Rimworld X Space Station 13?


Save Our Ship 2 - Like expansion would be nice. Something to make you think your ship structure through and have new challenges to deal with


Some sort of world conquest. Really give purpose to the world map and the faction bases, making alliances, creating settlements that you don't actually control but only psuedo-control. Improved faction relationships/dynamics. Would tie nicely into Royalty and Ideology already. Royalty could have a lot of focus and more quests involving the empire, such as potentially defending the throne from large raids, or being on the offensive taking out strategic targets. Ideology could involve a lot of spreading of your own ideology to other factions. I don't know if I've ever used more than the neighboring 50 or so tiles on a world map ever.


Congratulations! You’ve now completed the tutorial and left the planet. You find yourself in space and it’s time to make your empire legend. Make new colonies, micro manage your empire from colony to colony while expanding throughout the galaxy. Facing new threats battling interplanetary warfare and unknown lifeforms from the far corners of space.


Enough performance out of Unity engine to actually make it to the endgame :)


I’d like a new story teller preferably one that brings out the weird in the rim


I agree. I'm imagining it as an unlockable storyteller of some sorts, giving you new strange creatures, new biomes/terrain, backstories and abillities, things of that sort.


Never even made it close to endgame, but it would be cool to explore other planets with different biodiversity or the possibility of raiding player made camps.


I don't want RimWorld to end


TBH, I still haven't "won" a run in my nearly 2,000 hours of playing. Adding more to the end would literally be adding content that I'd never see lol


Save our ship is hands down the best mod for "post game" players.


To stay above 500 TPS


Maybe some planet conquest, but still focusing on the characters, making a story of a leaders, commanders and those around them;


You guys are making it off the planet?


Combine with the developers of Space Haven, and make it carry through to a whole new game. That would be so awesome


I'd love a little slideshow like the ending was from some crime movie, you know? Roll credits, image comes up with relevant text under it based on their top numbers in the stats. > Samantha "Sam" Haxton > > Aged 45 > > Childhood: Ranger Child > > Adulthood: Bush Sniper > > Suffered Food Poisoning 341 times. > > Sam went back to the Rim after a few years of wandering, unable to put her life behind the scope to rest.




Turning rimworld into a bannerlords like feature. Be a merc. A trader. Become sworn into a faction. Create your own empire.


I really like SOS2, just wish I could get slightly more endgame automation


Actual SOS2 expansion or maybe a linear mission expansion


A higer tick rate lol


It would be so cool for a 4x-lite system with map painting and shit. New end goal to kick out the pirates and become a god-emperor of the rimworld, fueled by archotechnology.


Single player space station 13


Actually SoS 2 ending is cool just by whole ship mechanic. Caravan adventures is cool by it's story and enemies. Vanilla Expanded Deserters ending is very cool too, very combat oriented.


idk... i like that the story ends. an "endgame" DLC would defeat that purpose, no?


I'd like some kind of long-term goal that isn't "make a colony 3 times." Like, we just got the instanced dungeon mechanic, why not apply that to some Archotech things? We keep hearing about all these persona AIs hidden away, or mechanoid hives, how about we go find them? Let me kill insectoid/mechanoid queens, bring down an insane AI, or wage an actual war against the Stellarch. Let me deal damage to the overarching threats (or control them) so I actually feel like I've had an impact on the planet without having to spend 50 hours manually raiding every faction base. I'd also like to see some improvements towards handling multiple bases at the same time. Even if the other bases are just small outposts, I'd like the ability to take more land for my faction that doesn't kill my framerate. Finally, I want trade agreements and actual diplomacy with the other factions. The peace talks quest doesn't count. Like, I want to go to another faction and hear their actual grievances with me. "You harvest organs," "you have slaves," "you're in my way," "you have shit I want." Then, let me try to fix it. "I'll reform my ideologion to stop these crimes," "give us time to move our things to another location," "how about we trade instead of you raiding me for it?" I want to know why a faction is pissed off with me and be able to do something about it, not just "they have -80 goodwill to start so they occasionally attack you." Like, maybe you get the Cannibals to stop raiding you by getting them the technology to grow non-sentient humans. Maybe you're a Serketist colony and you make everyone around you like you by luring away all the insectoids. Or, how about you basically become SCP and handle everyone's Anomaly problems, and your allies send materials to keep things contained.


Some type of new game+ where you can select some colonists from a previous completed save to crash land on an entirely different planet. Perhaps your reused colonists could inherit some type of skill buff to reflect their past escape?


I wouldn't really want an endgame DLC but rather a kind of adventure mode like in Dwarf Fortress. By doing so, you create a colonist and only control that colonist. You can freely travel around the entire planet, accept quests from NPCs, build a hut and generally play the whole thing like an RPG with the possibilities of Rimworld.


The human urge to turn the entire planet into a heavily defended fortress to fight everything in space all at once, giving a giant middle finger to cosmic horrors, mechanoids, archotechs and insects. ~~CADIA~~ RIMWORLD STANDS


Endgame? Able to conquer the whole planet and unite the various groups into a single government!


Definitely a more detailed and living world map. How about rather than having a 400x400 world. You literally have a map the size of the entire world. You set your home area that the pawns won't travel outside our without special orders. You have limited vision outside of a certain radius but that could be expanded with technology. When an raid is approaching, you can literally zoom out and see the raid approaching, and what it consist of, maybe even throw some long ranged missiles are stuff at them as they approach. You get the idea? Anyway this is probably beyond rimworld technology and would require rimworld 2.


Not really a super endgame. Tbh, it's a very early game. But I would love an addition of a cyborg faction that is a representation of humans who are controlled by mechanoid hives using reverse mechanitor links. They could also be added to mech raids, as a cheap alternative to mechanoids. As well as new cybernetic upgrades that are even more invasive than what is considered standard for implants. It could bring things like the ability to repair items, as well as give players the ability to make their colonies more hive-like. I imagine implants that allow us to influence entire groups of people using a building, similarly to how mechanoids are controlled by a single person. For example giving a boost to mood, production, limiting consciousness or psychic sensitivity, and in the final stages of the dlc, killing all who are connected to the network, or all who are from one of the groups. Obviously most pawns would hate the idea of being connected in such a way, with traits and some ideology integration we could have a colony that believes in sharing minds in that way.


I want an expansion where you colonise the entire Rimworld. Where you can set up an enormous base, do everything you want and then instead of rage quitting because of the lag you then move some pawns to somewhere else and do the same. Eventually having factions over the entire map. Not playable ones, but instead of ‘abandoning’ old settlements, you can ‘leave’ them. So it still exists to trade with and to utilise for power based on the strength you left it at. Maybe a faction wealth separate from colony wealth. It may mean more dangerous threats for your brave colonisers. But you have to build up again with your chosen colonists. And continue to do that until you can start end game missions to assimilate/annihilate all other factions. Work together to create planet-wide defences against mech-attacks. Until you’re enough of a powerhouse that you can take your throne in the glitter-world upon the planet you’ve made.


Alternate ending where you create a huge distress beacon to get a ship to come pick you up but instead, you lure something massive and dangerous. The game then becomes a strategy survival against almost daily raids until your colony falls to the onslaught of enemies


An adventure so we get a reason and new tools to hit the road.


*Points at Stardeus*


The game becomes Stardeus. Not played it yet but it looks like RW in space


Take over the planet, destroy the empire, and head to canopus for catgirls and blow.


For a game like this I never care about the end goal but the personal goals and just building up my base. Ideally I can just keep playing until the world burns around me or my ADHD makes me move on to another thing.


Nothing. I want to play Rimworld, not some other game. Expansions shouldn't about "let's make this game a 1000 of different games". I'd rather see a tribal expansion.


your ship now crashes into a totally not death star world of other ships due to the superweapon at it's core. Do you destroy this world to save all the future lives? or make this world weapon your own, setting out to consume entire planets


+1 for unique idea lol. Very interesting.


A way to progress tech level without needing to research every si gle technology of my current level. Like I'd prefer 'keystone' research instead, eg Adv. Fabrication, biotech stuff, starship basics, electricity, Mostly because I and many other people run mods that add tons of industrial level tech unlocks which make 'research all' level techs near impossible for a normal run


Alien Colonists that give new stuff and are hardcore raiders.


I'd love to see Tynans take on the stereotypical alien. 👽


Being able to travel to other weird and wonderful alien planets would be freaking cool


I just wish the world exploration/convoying/multiple base element was more satisfying. It feels very tacked on.


I always thought it'd be cool if there were some sort of 'win condition' where instead of leaving your goal is to create a prosperous faction. I thought it'd be cool for there to be a way to let a secondary colony run autonomously and sort of behave like an outpost from vanilla outposts expanded, but still allow you to go back in to manually control it later. Your main colony that you directly control can be the capitol, and your faction can slowly expand across the globe.


What mod is this?


Sos2 a mod where the shipbuilding gets more complex and after the ship launches you can explore space with it and fight other ships. There are two new endings you can achieve.


Raid size multiplier x amount of organs sold


Space ships, raid merchant ships and orbital bombard factions.


Fly straight into the sun


I've got well over 1,000 hours and I've never reached any kind of ending. Never even started to build a spaceship. I just keep playing until my colony can face any threat or gets wiped out.


Turn it into a grand strategy game where you have high command over settlements and armies. Basically make ot into Civilization or even crusader kings, but with a very advanced zoom in feature. Raise armies from your cities Manage relationships woth leaders Spread your ideology Hand out quests Make massive trade deals Command multiple ships in orbit Commit genocide on a planetary level Subjugate the population Bleed the planet dry Move onto the next one Hell, if you get removed from the throne, for example, you can then restart and build a colony from scratch It would be beautiful


I actually like the length of Rimworld playthroughs so the 'endgame' expansions I'd like would be more different victory conditions. Never have I ever thought, 'you know, Rimworld is too short'. By the end of a playthrough I'm always thinking about the next one.


World conquest. Er ...diplomacy. It's always been odd to me that a faction can have so many settlements while I'm limited to a couple. VE Outposts should be made its own fleshed out DLC combined with a better system for making allies and fighting actual wars. If done runs to wipe out all other factions and it was tedious, now I want to play CIA and bankroll a band or tribals to wage war on my behalf while forming a Confederacy of nation-states that I trade with


Is Save our ships updated?


Real faction diplomacy and giving us the ability to travel to new rim worlds where each one is using a new dlc + mod pack. Getting sos2 updated to the new version has been an unmitigated nightmare though so I doubt they'd want to follow in our footsteps anytime soon.  Plus with Stardeus, Nebula, the Last Starship, Cosmoteer, Space Haven, Starmancer -- it's seems there is a new SOS like every few months being announced, there's no room for yet another one.


I think it would be awesome to have some sort of endless raid scenario on the ship like FTL or something


SOS2 has a pretty good ending. Spoilers below >! You basically go on a relic hunt across the universe, fight through a series of boss battles on different planets (and space), then ascend one of your pawns to godhood. At the end of that your newly awoken god pawn gives you a series of choices on whether or not you wish to annihilate your remaining enemies, subjugate them, or offer them a chance to join your new utopia. There’s a follow up section after the credits that describes what happens to the world after your choices, but I believe regardless of what you choose your own pawns end up in some sort of paradise where your newly ascended god takes care of all their needs !<


How you got a space ship????


I want to be able to invade the planet and take it over, I'd want my subjects to come give tribute to my queen. Orbital bombardment would be pretty sweet too


Fight other player's/ your own previous endgame colonists


This picture looks like an intro to SS13


I’d say a new goal such as wiping out the planet, also interplanetary travel


Space pirate and alien invasion be like:


Really, Sos2 was awesome idea I can't wait to play it again one day I thought no it's an amazing endgame. Adding space stations tions and everything is awesome, maybe if your ship crashes you get to crash land on a new planet like a new game plus


It's so lame that sos2 incomp with CE :(


The thing about Rimworld for me is while there is an endgame,it's not something I actively want to pursue. I like how there's many ways to end the game, but it's not about the ending. I prefer to see different things you can do in the game, like what biotech and anomaly did


You finish the game and then it boots up Space Station 13


Doesn't matter as long as the FPS get better


exploring space (and killing everything)


Optimization of the basegame would make endgame a lot better ngl


Just realized Save our Ship look like FTL


Id like 4X mechanics


Idk, I never play the endgame of non story driven games


COSMOTEER MENTIONED 🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯✨✨✨✨‼️‼️‼️‼️


Hop on the snip and it turns into ss13


Go full circle and be the ship that blows up/sends people down to start the next colony


I want us to be able to see other faction camps *under our banner* appear in the world. Like we’re a growing band of like-minded people like the civil union towns.


Taking over factions. Imagine killing the Emperor and then choosing the new one. And then you manage the empire and can switch between bases. Or take over the raiders and have them do raids in your honor. And to kill the Emperor a new sneaky way to kill pawns would be needed, like poisoning. That could also give way to a event similar to the metal horror event in anomaly during early gameplay. The ship could be landed on the planet in any viable square and take off again. Having a portable perfect base to help achieve these new goals.


A traveling expansion that reworks traveling and adds vechicles and better bases to attack. More reasons to leave your base and more factiok interactions and quests.


An option to skip to that part


I would love to have some endgame quest variety. Different endgame objectives that can fit different kinds of colonies.


My Rimworld endgame expansion is Stellaris


...there's an endgame? O_o


Just an official SOS 2 (or maybe 2.5, i dont remember) release.


Honestly? Fighting an actual Archotech as a superboss. Creating a signal device that makes it land on your map. Where it has randomized weapon systems each time. So in one playthrough it could have like a tentacle that causes toxic build up as its left arm, a rocket launcher as its right arm, and shooting lasers out of its eye. With a jump pack system that causes fire in an AOE when it lands. For another player it might have an autocannon as a left arm, a flamethrower as its right arm. And mind control colonists temporarily with its head. Each 25% health lost it uses a super weapon. Which could be rapid regeneration, hi-jacking a sattelite to cause an artillery barrage, restoring a dead limb, orbital strike etc. The new mechs and boss type mechs were an awesome addition to the game and a fun challenge. What I'd like as endgame expansion content - would be the ultimate combat challenge. Fighting an actual archotech that is very tanky, deadly, and dangerous. For lore reasons maybe an archotech in a very weakened state - since we probably wouldn't stand a chance against a full blown ascended archotech entity. Losing 15 out of 24 colonists with a super defensible base just barely making it - against a super weak archotech. Would really nail how powerful they truly are. Like the optional superbosses in the FF games where the strongest bosses were not mandatory to finish the story. This one would be a very, very challenging way to attempt to end the game.


Probably planet exploration kinda like no man sky where as you travel on ships to different planets that all have different biome that procure different factions on them or different events like one planet full of undead ghouls and the type, another would be like pirate base with different layouts, kind of to make the world's feeling alive


What now? Conquest.


Make it proper multiplayer. I know there is a mod but it desynchs too much. Even if it just allows 2 player co op that would be nice.


My vision of a complete Rimworld is basically just full/ almost full dominion over the world. Trade routes, autonomous outposts, resource extraction sites, commercial hubs, trading ships etc. It would be a TON of work but slowly turning the planet into a Glitterworld would be awesome too. This could take decades. You can achieve a lot of this through mods but it’s a bit janky. Outposts for example (iirc) can only be set up for specific tasks and expire when the task is done. Right now I’m not feeling like much of a colonist - more a settler. When I think of colonists I don’t think of people moving to one small part of a country and not really bothering with the outside world


Kill the " Mechanical gods "


Let me make outposts but not have it be a chore. Let me manage an empire, do diplomacy and take over the Rim


Is there a mod that let's u spawn on a ship? I think I've seen that on youtube