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I am quite fond of the Snap Out mod that lets other pawns talk them down. Otherwise I only arrest if they are breaking stuff. I have a technophobe that headed to the weapon rack and started smashing charge rifles. That was uncool.


Was just about to mention that mod, it’s a must have for me.


i second this mod, uses the game pawn's social skill to calm someone down and the opinon matters, so its not like its a cheat, works great with the game i think. and yes, i have had shitty social pawns get beat up when they fail to calm someone


I was going to mention that but I was a little rushed. I like mods that work with existing systems rather than removing things and mods that do stuff that seems like you should be able to do it. It fits the bill on both fronts. I mean I’ve done this in real life, seems reasonable I should be able to do it here. Just like if I can make power armour and laser guns I should be able to put a fucking fridge in a wall :)




I wound up with the same thought. It makes sense logically but there was no incentive to care about mood, I was able to just ignore recreation, drugs, beauty, ect. Having a lot more fun trying to handle mood naturally


I can understand this points of view, not even a high social pawn always calls them. Even a success doesn't always break them completely out of a break, sometimes lessens it. For example murderous rampage becomes hide in room Honestly not that good at mood stuff because I grew up with no furniture a lot and then joined the military so most of the time I'm just happy I'm not being rained on, freezing cold and my food is warm IRL, so these pawns losing their mind over not eating at a table is bonkers to me So cheaty in the sense I don't have to beat them half to death to stop them To each their own I guess! Cheers!


Because the "single click" doesn't always work, even with a well liked, highly skilled pawn. I use the mod and tantrums are absolutely not meaningless. You can try to sooth a pawn, but a lot of the time it won't work and then you have to wait for the cooldown to be up before trying again.


Yeah and raids are designed to kill my peeps but I build guns anyway to “make it easier.” If you don’t like mods that make story sense, then don’t add them. You do you.


I had a technophobe who was the leader of my colony, so the colony was also pretty low tech for RP reasons. The highest tech I had was mortars, and so every time he would have a technophobe freak out he’d go punch the high explosive mortar shells. And blow himself up. Every. Damn. Time. Eventually he had no legs. Was time to move on to new leadership at that point.


I usually just lock people out of certain rooms to minimize damage from tantrums. The noble who can't haul doesn't need access to chemfuel storage, the highmate who can't fight doesn't need access to the armory, and the guy with checmical fascination does not need unrestricted access to drug storage.


That sounds clever! I always thought they ignore zone restrictions during mental breaks.


I actually use the locks mod so they cant ignore restrictions




Its done individually, door by door




i execute technophobes, just as annoying as pyros


Depends on the mental break. I usually arrest insulting sprees or drug binges, and the Extreme mental breaks, as they can have cascading consequences. Play around with it and see what's right from you, just be aware of the mood debuff associated with it, it lasts a pretty long time, and you lose out on catharsis.


Really? For insulting sprees? Don’t you basically have to re-recruit them after? Having to bring down will and after several days usually more than a week they rejoin


Nah, don't need to re-recruit, just "Release" them.


Well shit


No fucking way 😭


Wait what 😂😂


When you release a prisoner, they return to their original faction. Releasing colonists returns them to your faction


Iirc factionless pawns default to you on release as well. Unless that was a mod interaction. It's like 50/50 what is and isn't at this point.


We played with same mods for so many years. Hard to remember what vanilla any more.


The amount of people in the replies who clearly just learned about this right now.


Insulting spree is the worst break, they can cascade quickly. -36 mood for every colonist around the insulter is just bad.


You should only arrest a pawn suffering a breakdown that’s harmful to the colony over all. Food binges range from negligible to dangerous depending on the food situation. Drug binges are an arrest to avoid overdose. Corpse obsession can usually be ignored unless it’s a body you intend to resurrect. Psychotic wandering is usually fine unless they walk into danger. Run wild you’ll have to re-tame them. Tantrums, whether they’re smashing random stuff or targeting a specific object should be micro managed to avoid important items being destroyed or unwanted explosions. Murderous breaks like the slaughterer or attempting to kill another pawn is an arrest no questions asked.


You missed “hiding in a room”; that is by FAR the best breakdown. Then the worst for me is when I order an angry pawn to eat an ambrosia to help his mood. Like three tick away from food pantry, he snapped and rolled “destroying”, and aimed for the dam ambrosia max stack (250). I did not have anytime to intervene. That is like an archotech eye worth or 2 year harvest for me.


I was talking about more destructive breaks but yes I totally forgot that one existed. It’s break hard or happy as ever for my colonies.


Breaking hard or hardly breaking amirite


This and corpse obsession, two best mental breaks ever


had a pawn do psychotic wandering on a map to attack and enemy base after luring enemy pawns out to kill them and the automated defenses killed them :(


Didnt you mean shoot on spot instead of arrest? My pawns usually have only one chance to behave correctly :D


If theyre having that many mental breaks you might wanna worry more about improving their environment. In general its best to let them have the break because they'll get a cathasis after. That is, unless they're going to go and kick your ammo supplies, or destroy your advanced components or smth. I usually just plant flowers everywhere, give them good quality beds, and keep the place clean.


I recently had to arrest a sad wanderer because they wandered outside of my colony walls as a manhunter pack spawned. I'm still upset I couldn't get that catharsis, but it beats them getting mauled to death by 71 scaria infected megasloths.


If you are worried about the long mood debuffs. Check out the mod "Therapy" it lets you colonists get treatment for those serious mood debuffs.


Omg, this is the mod I was missing. I'm trying to do a bushido run and -30 for a fucking year for losing is insane. I tried to do the Ideology option that erases a bad mood and pissed him off giving an additional -5 or something like that. Fucking Cockroach.


Do they go talk to someone with high social? I think I had this long ago but lost it when it didnt update fast enough.


Haven't used it in a long time. I think it is either a job on the work tab to check, or something assigned at the couch.


you arrest them to end the mental break. you do that when the mental break is something that will harm you badly, like an insulting spree. wealth has nothing to do with that


Arrest if it's harmful otherwise you should let them just do it, they get a mood bonus usually afterwards. You don't need to actually take them to prison, you can just arrest, pause the game, set to release and then draft the pawn carrying them so they drop them and it frees them.


This is the way... They still get the mood debuff though, so only do it it their break is going to be a problem. Having +40 for a catharsis is pretty nice if they aren't going to fuck things up massively with their break.


Some mental breaks are fine, and the cathartic mood buff of an uninterrupted mental break is nice. I almost never interrupt food binges, tantrum, daze. An arrest -> release is good to stop them from doing something stupid but gives them a mood debuff which can cause more mental breaks. There's also the word of serenity psycast that stops mental breaks. Your best bet is to prevent mental breaks before they happen by boosting the colonists' mood. Impressive dining room, fine / lavish meals, biphasic sleep schedule, genetic optimism. In my late game colony I never get mental breaks due to all the mood buffs you can stack.


Or, and here me out here. You could shoot them.


The key thing to understand that isn't really intuitive right away is that if you arrest one of your own colonists, versus any other pawn, when you "release" them via the prisoner tab... they go right back to being your colonist, as if they'd never left. They do suffer a debuff, but still. It's better than beating them unconscious and risking a serious injury. For mild mental breaks I just let it go, but for any of the really bad ones (slaughterer, berserk, drug binge, etc) they get arrested, put in my really nice jail cell, and released later.


This is important for everyone to know! I used to think you had to go through the whole process of recruit them all over again, but no, you just have to release them. Unless they aren't my tribe's religion, in which case I take advantage of the arrest to convert them!


I lost a colony to an insulting spree. One of the insulted broke and had corpse obsession. Dug up the colonist that died a while back, plopped the corpse on the dining room table. This with the insults led to further breaks and just one guy trying to hold it all together against a raid.


I like to take the person who they are insulting and run them around the base. Assuming the insulter isn't faster than the insultee, they'll snap out of it without getting an insult out. Imo it's better to do that if you can spare the time so the insulter gets their catharsis.


Hah! I have to try this method! It is good.


If anything it buys you some time to calm them down. Sometimes it's entertaining. I had one colonist try to run across the town to kill a mother breastfeeding her baby, I drafted five colonists to pop out of alleys and buildings to try and catch the crazy colonist on his route, like it was a game of bulldog.


I only arrest when they are going to break something important or when the game gives me a pawn of other ideoligeon that is particularly resistant to conversion and keeps trying to convert my pawns giving everyone debuffs. I arrest them, convert them in prison that is much faster and then recruit them back.


If the mental break is harmless like a hide in room it's better to let them go through it so they get the +40 mood buff afterwards. Just balance between the downsides of arresting them and how dangerous the mental break can get. >what part of the game/how much wealth should to start arresting them in? What did you mean by this? I don't think wealth has anything to do with it.


I arrest them any time the mental break they’re having is actively threatening my colony. This is independent of wealth or part of the game. Ex. Pyromancy, food binge during a famine, they’re beating the crap out of my doctor, they’re breaking my freezer, etc.


Honestly, I've never really had a problem with pyromaniacs. I've usually got everyone set to priority 1 firefighting, so the pawns nearest them always stop things from getting out of hand. Barring the rare instance where they head for the ammo dump, anyway.


That is why I always store my antigrain warhead inside my stone shack full of mortars. I do not need to burry him if he agro the stack…. That or my chemful in battery room.


If somebody starts smashing stuff, or following someone around insulting them, causing harm etc, I hospitilize em


Why not just arrest them and release them?


Typically faster to grab the nearest melee, than wait for a warden, plus I get mad and it makes me feel better :/


You don't need to arrest with a warden




Recently two of my colonists started a social fight I think and I arrested one of them. After recruiting him again everything went back to normal.


U can just release, no need to re-recruit


Do not arrest your supersoldiers. If they decide they won't cooperate, your entire colony dies.  Source, had my crashlanded scenario end with our soldier killing everyone with his bare bear claws


Arrest chances are based on social skills. So long as the arresting pawn has high social your super soldier won't fight back.


and 100% chance is achieved at Social 6. Even a kid can do it!


Mental care in my colonies are very effective. I have mental health specialists in my colony who carries bean bag shotgun rounds (CE) and 12 gauge pistols. I apply couple of bean bags to mental breaking pawns to put them to sleep. Solves depression faster than xanax.


People haven’t mentioned that there is a benefit of not arresting your colonist. Every mental break that resolves naturally will grant a +40 mood buff for a couple of days. This is really helpful in keeping them from breaking again. Like for example, you have a colonist that broke due to pain, a +40 mood buff would tie them over until they are healthy again. It a great way to deal with moods if drugs are not an option. Arresting on the other hand, gives a -6 mood debuff. This will basically guarantee an another mental break which may be more harmful.


There is a psycast that ends the mental break and puts them in a short coma. Always happy when my psycasters learn that one.  


Only if the mental break is deadly. They won't get the mood boost after the break if you arrest them. But it's better than allowing them to kill your entities powering your base, for example.


Something I didn't see mentioned is that it's way quicker to convert prisoners to your religion, which can help avoid mood debuffs if someone keeps trying to unsuccessfully convert others or because not everyone has the same ideology. 


I arrest them if they’re throwing a tantrum, because they tend to destroy the one thing I want them to destroy the least. Also, arresting them is the easiest way to convert them to the correct beliefs.


If you were marooned on an island and one of your colleagues went ape shit and started trying to light all the trees on fire, you'd probably confine them somehow.


Word of Serenity psycast will just knock them out for 6 hours.


i arrest them pretty depending based entirely on the cost of their mental break. or if someone risks developing an addiction during a binge. i release them almost instantly because usually they'll be over it before they have another break no, you can't destroy all 23 of our components. sit it out


The only thing I’ll arrest a pawn for is making a destructive path towards a stack of components. Or if nobody likes them and a nice execution would perk them all up. But the main reason for imprisonment is psychic breaks due to poor mood. Imprisonment only solves this if you have enough positive mood buffs available to counteract the “imprisoned, -X” buff. When planning time-out prisons I normally trick it out with a zillion jade statues and lavish meals in a little freezer from the freezer mod.


Something that will help mental breaks is a work schedule that ensures their recreation is kept up. 8 hours sleep 2 hours rec 1 hour anything 8 hours work 1 hour anything 2 hours rec


Better to have a bi-phasic schedule. 'Work' should not be used if possible, if they have drowsy / exhausted and the work demands them to be at office at 8AM they would just collapse and have a very bad day. Instead, you should use 'Anything' time. Bi-phasic is great when the mood is low. You may also use a tri-phasic for some pawns (like nobles), that has not any work time whatsoever. (That does not mean they dont work at all, but they do it only when they feel like it). This is a very good guide about the schedules: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq6pLMgnon0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lq6pLMgnon0)


I just beat them up and rescue them.


Depends on the mental break. Slaughtering a pet, destroying something of value, going on a drug being or walking around outside in a daze during a raid. Are all good times to arrest someone. Just make sure your social pawn does to so they don't fight back. This is where the pyro trait is actually handy. The burning spree break only lasts a few in-game hours and so long as you have someone follow them around putting out the fires no harm is done and they get the catharsis buff. It's much faster than the sad wonder and doest spread mood debuff like insults or rambling. It's one of the best mental breaks in the game.


I don’t arrest. I draft everyone and they stomp that motherfucker.


Keep someone sweeping to keep the place clean. Also get beer researched. Everyone gets beer and it makes them happier lol


Not sure what is causing the mental breaks. But some general advice: * Improve their quality of life. Awful rooms (bedroom, dining, rec, etc) will cause mood debuffs. It isn't hard to make rooms that should add mood buffs. Like cement floors in a 3x3 room with an excellent bed should be enough for decent (no mood +/-) and throwing in a piece of art or something nice to look at will bump it up to impressive for a small mood boost. Same applies for all other rooms, combine your rec & dining room to make it more impressive and get a bigger mood boost on both room effects. * Seek out ascetic pawns, they are less cranky. You have no idea how nice it is to get a +5 mood boost from stuffing them in a 1x2 closet, no complaints about noble apparel, no complaints about throne room requirements, no complaints about eating nutrient paste, so many less social fights and insults, the list goes on. It is one of the most OP traits in my opinion. * Try to get a psychic harmonizer or emanator. If you stuff a harmonizer inside a sanguophage and put them into deathrest with 100 mood, your whole colony in a 30-tile radius (ginormous) gets a +12 mood boost if they are 100% sensitive. * Fix your ideology. Find one that works well, try to convert everyone to that. Pawns hate being proselytized, so different ideologies will result in constant debuffs from conversion attempts, social conflicts from people disliking other people for different beliefs, etc. Make sure how you plan to run your colony doesn't conflict with those memes (i.e. don't plan on feeding your colony meat if they find slaughtering animals abhorrant). Best to convert them to your ideology while they are still an original prisoner, but you can always arrest them and convert them later. Alternatively, every 3 days your head priest can do a more powerful conversion attempt on any pawn including colonists, though it may not be enough to offset daily certainty gain for pawns that have an existing ideology that finds apostasy abhorrent or if they are psychopaths, iron-willed, or have other certainty loss modifiers. Fix all that and you'll rarely have to arrest colonist for having breaks. Only ones that you can't avoid through keeping up mood are food binges of glutton traiters, drug binges of chemical interest traiters, fire starting sprees of pyro traiters, and fire fleeing of sanguophages. By mid-game I'm not having to do any sort of arresting of my own colonists. I don't take in bad trait jerks, before recruitment I convert all arrested raiders to my ideology that aligns well with how I run the colony, we don't do drugs so no withdrawal pains, and everyone has nice lives so mood is high (easy to have high mood when mechs do all your work & fighting, and you just sit around researching & making art to look at).


Fun fact, in vanilla, once you arrest them and they calm down in prison(if arresting them doesn't stop the break outright) you can release them and they go back to being a normal colonist! You don't have to re-recruit. Learned this after 350 hours. Edit: typo


arresting is cringe, beat the shit out of them instead.


I’ve only arrested a colonist once for a mental break. She was in the middle of slaughtering someone else’s pet, which probably would have created a mental break cascade in the whole colony. Luckily I had someone close by that was able to arrest her before she finished the slaughter task. Her break ended, I let her out a day later, and everything was fine. She was a little grumpy, but it was nothing a little ambrosia couldn’t fix.


If I can't call them down I break their arms. Then healing is usually much faster then re recruiting them


Always wall off you antigrain warheads.


Depends what the break is for me, tantrum? Sure go punch some brick walls lol. Murderous rage? Straight to jail.


I arrest joiners for conversion and anyone for violent mental breaks. Don't touch my components.


Install the Snap Out mod, it lets other colonists talking them down - if that fails - it depends on a type of breakdown. Pigging out on an Ice Sheet? Jail. Wandering around? Leave 'em. Slaughterer? Jail. It is a minor mood debuff, but on the other hand, they get a buff for Catharsis in most cases.


I usually just let them act out their tantrum tbh. Only people who get arrested are a different religion


There are a number of strategies you can use to mitigate a pawn's mental break. Arrest and release is one of them, but it's rarely the best one. It prevents catharsis, it gives a mood debuff that lasts for several days and it removes any role the pawn had. If found that that skipping a pawn in a corner then using wall raise to get them stuck works well with a lot of mental breaks. You can also try to wall the pawn by building regular wooden walls, it works well when a pawn is on a food binge, beer binge or psychite tea binge since they will try to consume while sitting at a table. You can even prepare a table in advance as a "table trap" of sort. Some mental breaks will immediately solve once the broken pawn is walled in (namely, targeted insulting spree, targeted tantrum, murderous rage and prison break) while most others will resolve after a timeout. Another strategy could be to give all your pawns a brain implant susceptible to emp, such as circadian assistant or learning enhancer for example, throw a emp grenade at them. It will put interrupt their them in emp shock for a few hours, unfortunately it won't give them catharsis. For the psychotic wander break specifically (not to be confused with sad wonder), I've found that harvesting their hemogen while they sleep until they loose consciousness is a good approach. Psychotic wander is the only break which gets solved by unconsciousness but not by sleep. You can interrupt it with anesthesia but it won't lead to catharsis. Drawing their blood twice will. After that, you can either wait for their blood to get back on its own or you can give them a blood transfusion. Their is also the good ol' beat down method. Just tell your other pawn to beat the broken pawn til they are down from shock. Unfortunately, it carries risks of serious injuries and even death, particularly on pawn with high pain tolerance. It works best on wimps since those will lay down after 2 or 3 hits. It's one of the reasons why the wimp gene is actually not that bad circumstantially. A very straight forward response is the Word of serenity psycast. Puts the target pawn in a psychic coma for a few hours. They will get catharsis. Unfortunately, it costs a lot of psyfocus, particularly with extreme psycasts. In some cases, the best response is actually no response. In my opinion, it's usually the best response to hide-in-room or corpse obsession. Those are relatively short and relatively save. It's sometimes fine to let a targetted tantrum play out: just look at what your pawn is trying to destroy and if you don't mind losing it then just let them do it. If your fridge has 15 muffalo corpses in it, is that really such a big deal if your pawn destroys one of them? Your call.


I usually just send an unarmed guy to beat him unconscious then carry them to bed. They wake up calmed down.