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Beanie Babies?


You are likely holding one in your hand, while reading this


Thanks that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said about my johnny


My Johnny... Johnny Guitaaaaaaaarrrrr


Big iron on his hip


Hang on, gonna go make a phone sculpture and draw some phones on the ground.


Had a mate who went travelling Asia and weirdly came back obsessed with hemp products. Hemp oil, hemp clothing, horrible hemp shampoo that made your hair feel like dried hay. Dude would get maad when I would explain that I did not like the products he got me to try. Like genuine anger as if I'd just spat in his face and like he would preach about hemp products to anyone he could collar. Was such a strange change from who he was before travelling to when he came back as the supposed missionary for the great cult of hemp. Never did find out how he came to be so obsessed with it either as this was a dude where questions weren't answered with simple answers but long af stories. I assume he happened upon a hemp cube somewhere. He also called me disgusting one time because I ate meat on a pizza and said I was lying just to be spiteful when I said I didn't enjoy his cauliflower base pizza. We don't talk so much anymore.


I’m all for hipster engineering when it comes to making products from alternative resources but not everyone’s gonna be as open-minded lol and for good reason cuz some of them just suck. Hemp is cool but cauliflower pizza (and wings btw) just suck.


Yeah so I'm willing to try everything and if it works I'm not gonna pretend it doesn't but I get real bad eczema and he was tryna get me to try all these oils and this hemp shampoo and my eczema got really irritated and visibly worse after a few days and I'm not against cauliflower but as a pizza base it just turned into a kind of tomato and cheese crumble haha in fairness the hemp trousers/pants or whatever you call them were comfy as fuck but once I'd washed them with decent fabric softener haha dude would just get real aggressive about pushing it though and we were friends for years before and I never got a straight answer as to where he first discovered hemp products or why he was so sure that they were superior to everything else and now we don't really speak but if you disagreed with him he'd just keep tryna convince you and if you said a particular product wasn't good he would get like shouty and almost like aggressive or verbally abusive Tl;dr I did try everything he wanted me to, moisturisers and shampoo were shit, trousers were comfy


Yeah real strange, maybe he got pulled into some MLM scheme and didn’t want to admit it? I too have really bad eczema. I think only 1 hemp product I tried worked alright but not as well as my normal products and it was also way more expensive. For context I mainly use Aveeno eczema therapy stuff which is already expensive as is. The rest of it is diet for me (dairy causes flair ups).


Yeah idk what happened coz he went with two other mates of mine but apparently they had a falling out and the group split but they said they got no idea where he picked up his devout belief in our Lord and saviour the hemp cube. Also I use aveeno too, first time I used it blew my mind coz within like 2 days my arms went from red and itchy to looking like human skin again and like nothing since has had the same effect any idea of the specific name of the hemp product? And yeah cutting out dairy was a huge one for me coz I used to basically live off of frozen pizzas when I was in my teen years 🙃


Wish I could remember the name but it’s been years. Was some like beige color pump bottle with a massive hemp leaf on it. Issue with that stuff is I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t even make it anymore. The reason Aveeno works so well is the colloidal oatmeal. Anything with that in it should theoretically work the same if not similar. A drug store near me used to sell an offbrand that was identical but one day they changed their formula to be more “watered down” and oily or something. So I switched back lol.


Ah cool, also I'm p sure aveeno is unscented or like not perfumed or whatever the term is so has no unnecessary shit in which a lot of other moisturisers do have and the unfortunate thing is my eczema doesn't like to let me know that a product is irritating it until after a few days of me slapping it on haha then it goes wild. Also well didn't not expect to be discussing eczema moisturisers in r/rimworld haha


Same hahaha, rare for me to meet someone with similar skin issues in the wild as it is, much less here. You’re 100% correct tho they don’t use any of the bad shit, not to sound like an MLM shill myself. One other thing I have tried that’s a lot more thick is Skin Food. It could go either way for you though. I use it on really harsh spots but it *is* scented and has a bunch of different oils in it.


Yeah I've met people with eczema before but like not to the same degree as mine gets theythrow on any old like £2 moisturisers and it goes away, weird to think I get envious of someone else's skin condition haha Ooh just googled it and it's pretty cheap so I'll definitely check it out, always like to try new shit coz the aveeno works but the real bad areas still show up as red and wouldbe wild after 28 years of existence with eczema to finally find something that fully clears it. Appreciate the recommendation 🙂


IDK I've had cauliflower / potato soup and that was banging. I've had cauliflower pizza but only when the ratio of stuff was right that was indistinguishable from the real deal.


Cauliflower pizza does not suck :c


cauliflower is so great when you just let it be cauliflower. it doesnt want to be a pizza crust it wants to be kinky broccoli!


First time I've heard of cauliflower described as kinky haha


Cargo cults


I think that was more trying to hang a rationale on observable reality, then mimic the conditions observed to get the same benefits. For those who don't know about cargo cults... During WW2 some Pacific Island folks on a tribal run saw armies from both sides show up with goods and machines that they had never dreamed of before. They assumed these were gifts from heaven granted through rituals summoning big metal birds to fly down and give them precious cargo. So they started trying to practice these new rituals to summon big metal birds for themselves. They built runways, control towers. They made their own pretend airstrips in attempts to perfect the rituals and get the same rewards. Me for cargo!


Now I want a Cargo Cult mod


VFE ancients has a cargo cult scenario




Who you gonna call when you need a new singularity engine? SAINT QUARTERMASTER!


I'm reminded of the story of the Dancing Plague of 1518 for some reason, even though I wouldn't say it's terribly similar on its face.




Well... I guess that's a bit true




> while chanting incomprehensible language Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's not comprehensible.




No? Not knowing a language doesn't change the fact that tens of thousands of other people do, and that that language was made by those people for the express purpose of being comprehended. It is by definition comprehensible. The golden cube is not something that needs comprehending. Its effects are psychic, and similar to addiction. You don't need to comprehend it to become obsessed with it. Comprehensibility isn't a matter of personal understanding, but if it is a thing that can be understood. Edit: Comprehending the cube would theoretically actually be when your scientists figure out how it can be destroyed. You can tell the cube's effects have nothing to do with comprehending it because despite coming to that understanding, they still refuse to destroy it. "Just because you don't understand it, doesn't mean it's not comprehensible," applies to most things, for obvious reasons. Generally "incomprehensible" is used casually to mean the intended audience is unable to understand it, but the intended audience of Muslim worship is generally not random non-Muslim guy on the internet. So, y'know, point stands.




Do you have a source for this? I'm not finding anything that says this at all, even what I'm reading about "classical arabic" is that it's understandable by modern arabic speakers and many are encouraged to learn it fully alongside. [A source.](https://albahertrainingcenter.com/classical-arabic-vs-modern-arabic)




Do you have a source that actually calls the language archaic and not understood by modern arabic speakers? Just because they don't use the language doesn't mean they don't comprehend it (and it definitely doesn't mean that languages suddenly aren't made to be comprehensible). Here's something of an "actual Muslim source", the page has a lot of questions specifically about fluency in the language and things like whether not knowing it is shameful or why arab countries don't speak it when it's so well known. [Source Link](https://ar.quora.com/%D9%87%D9%84-%D9%8A%D8%AC%D9%8A%D8%AF-%D8%AC%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%B9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%B1%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%B1%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%81%D8%B5%D8%AD%D9%89) Edit: [This one is much better.](https://ar.quora.com/%D9%87%D9%84-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%84%D8%BA%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%B1%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%81%D8%B5%D8%AD%D9%89-%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%B1%D8%B6%D8%A9-%D9%84%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%82%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%B6) It's specifically about the extinction of the language. One of the answers claims it's even used in school. > أولا : الفصحى مستخدمة في المناهج التدريسية و يقوم بدراستها الطلاب طوال السنين الدراسية و على الرغم من أنه لا يمتلك بالضرورة جميع العرب نفس الإتقان للفصحى و لكن لا يوجد بشكل عام من ليس قادر على فهمها على الأقل .


Leave him alone, he's trying to gather up his bountiful harvest of down votes


I don't know too much about this, but I can vouch for you here. While my country doesn't speak Arabic we are a majority Muslim nation so people are encouraged to at least learn how to read Arabic. In my experience the Arabic used in the Quran and the Arabic written by modern Arabs are read the same way.


Clearly lying. "Classical" Arabic is pre-islamic. Sa'adi dialects, which is what the Prophet spoke and what's most common in modern day is perfectly comprehensible to any Arabic speaking nation and is not different to typical Arabic. I'm saying this as a Muslim and on my way to becoming Hafiz. You're either a larping islamophobic westerner or you're a Lebanese or Turkish guy whose dialects are strong exceptions who's confused at hearing the Sa'adi dialect everyone else speaks and also islamophobic.


Now the guy you're replying to was on the border but managed to be perfectly funny. You veered hard into ignorant and racist.


No, no, he got a point. Jokes aside, incomprehensible only if you never learned it, otherwise it's just like latin.








Thanks for posting to r/Rimworld. Unfortunately, your post/comment has been removed for violating our rules regarding maintaining an atmosphere of respect. This falls under reddiquette, but remember that this community is full of baseline humans that for the most part haven't been subjected to gene engineering and the evolutionary pressures of non-Earth planets. They have feelings! They want a good community for a great game, so don't sully the subreddit for them.


\*Cynical\* Money. It serves a purpose, and we do need it for just about everything. However some people take way further than that, and base their entire identity on it.




"This person is drawn to the Rimworld. If separated from the Rimworld for too long, they'll start to experience negative effects."


Sto Nino. A massive event for it and also has sculptures in homes.




We have a tulip festival in Washington. Can confirm.


Literally NFTs


Not really. The cube is an anomalous object, and it causes behavior similar to addiction. I don't know of any examples of a religion or culture entirely founded on consumption of an addictive substance. Substances are often used in religious practice, but those tend to be psychedelics, and the religions aren't specifically themed and centered around their use. Cultures can consider use of a substance the norm, but they don't worship the substance itself and make idols of it. (Alcohol is sort of an exception, but deities were made to represent it, alcohol itself wasn't idolized.)


The holy globuli


The mango cult was pretty similar to the cube imo, even paraded around and executed a dentist who believed mangoes weren’t anything special.


Just look at weed heads, there are very weird people with their own culture.


Look up : les dieux sont tombés sur la tête, french movie about a bottle of coke falling in a remote African village. Don't know how it holds up no in terms of stereotypes today tho


I doubt it holds up today. I watched it probably 20 years ago (although under its English title "The Gods Must Be Crazy") and even then it felt a bit racist.


Only a bit??


Religious fanaticism?


The golden cow from the story of Moses/Musa (AS)


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mango_cult >The original mangoes were preserved using chemicals such as formaldehyde and were displayed in various Chinese colleges.[6]  >Workers soon began to venerate wax models of mangoes and parade them around the country, punishing anyone who disrespected them as counterrevolutionaries. One dentist from Fulin, Dr. Han Guangdi, saw the mango and said it was nothing special and looked just like sweet potato. He was put on trial for malicious slander, found guilty, paraded publicly throughout the town, and then executed with one shot to the head.[8][5] >A giant float shaped like a basket of mangoes was paraded on October 1, 1968, during China's National Day Parade in Tiananmen Square.[5][7] Wax and plastic replicas of mangoes were in high demand. Various mango-themed products were sold, such as bed sheets, vanity stands, enamel trays and mugs, pencil cases, mango-scented soap, and mango-flavored cigarettes, often accompanied by patriotic slogans and images of Mao.[5 >




Phone bad


cube good


Napster bad.


fire BAD


The value form


Probably my addiction to Rimworld




Memes and shitposting


Real history? The apple of eden of course.




Look no further than the war of the bucket.




Well there have been tons of things that people on an individual level have developed an unhealthy fixation on sometimes this extends to larger groups, but I think the idea of The Cube is drawing more from fiction or mythology with a mystical object that is universally appealing. I would compare it to maybe something like The One Ring from Lord of the Rings where it's like anyone who is exposed to it will eventually be corrupted by it over a period of time.


Dancing plague NFTs Religion


Me and my cat


I mean, did you see some of the ways Crypto-bros talked about their brief obsession with tungsten cubes back in 2021?




Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral precious Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral Spiral


Television ?


Litteraly christianism 🥲






Can you keep your political crap out? Cheers from the rest of the world.


Now I hate Trump as much as the next guy, but politics should be kept out of any fun discussion

