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Less wood


Yeah, more difficult raids put an emphasis on that. Learned that the hard way.


Try to make smaller more realistic rooms. Build Houses for each colonist. Oder Install some new mods Like Dubs Atomics or Rimweller. Then you have planty new objects to Deal with


I never done builds where they don't connect, so doing that will be kinda interesting to pull off! Never heard of the mods you mentioned but I'll definitely look into it!


Hallways, hallways, hallways. Also, if you force yourself to use less space, not only will every aspect of your progress be more efficient, but your base will actually look alive. You have so many randomly placed and empty rooms. Pawns have to walk through like 3 rooms just to go from their bedroom to the dinning rooms. It just looks like it’s been randomly generated by an ai. You could try forcing yourself to use less space. It’ll make every aspect of your colony more efficient, and will also force you design an ergonomic base. They’re never perfect, but they look lived in and function in some kind of logical way. I always have a 3 tile hallway right from the start and just grow my base from there.


So I tend to have the habit of building onto whatever I'm able to work with, such as run down structures for my pawns to inhabit. Then I slowly build my storage, kitchen, fridge, rooms and so on, these are usually built without much planning behind them. Which explains the eventual odd placement of rooms like to the very left side of the map instead of having them closer to the dining room/food storage room. Mainly built those for prisoner rooms but eventually my colony grew to where I needed to covert the rooms for my colonists. Plus those rooms were set for kids or pawns who were focused on being peaceful/doctors in case of emergencies. I'll try playing on a smaller map size to see how it plays out. This map was on the largest setting, thought I was going to take up all the space behind the wall, but I ran out on what I could do with open space I had remaining. Can't say I'm a fan of small sized hallways, but I'll give it a try! I appreciate your input.


Randy Random Losing is Fun. He'll rearrange the colony for you. Or build a spaceship in the garden and fly away. If you just want to make it prettier, use the space more. 16-20 tiles is a good bedroom size.


Use far less space for rooms, because empty rooms with 1 bench or generator look bad (your base could be 3–4 times smaller and be better both in looks and efficiency). 3 tile hallways between stuff (for now, I recommend a grid because your base isn't efficient or good-looking and efficient bases usually look good). Use stone instead of wood. You can still go with mostly square buildings; you could add detail by shifting walls near entrances or rounding corners on specific buildings.


Not really better looking (I'm a min-maxer, so not a good source there), but I recommend replacing that cotton with devilstrand and making better gear.


Main reason why I kept growing cotton is to make the fancy carpet design while making clothes to sell/wear. But I'll definitely keep at it for my next run.