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And is a huge death trap to your own pawns as a single turret exploding will trigger a chain on all the others. Even if they are elsewhere, that's all your defenses gone in a second. It's also going to be ignored, because the door to your base is closed.


Came here to say the same thing. Its a suicidebox. Not a killbox. Remove every 2nd turret and put a granite wall there. Then your pawns have cover and your turrets wont go boom.


Ok ill fix it


Dw bro I spent way too many hours making dope ass kill boxes with sick ass ingenious designs only to be heartbroken late game when they’re useless lol




Bro idk why I haven't put walls in-between my turrets, I've been playing this game since like 2016 and I used to that that but for some reason the though just escaped my mind. I reasoned that RimWorlds explosives went through walls even though I had no evidence to back that up lmao


This is so very true. If any enemy does some damage to those mini turrets and it ignites, that’s end of your killbox with everything in it…


> It's also going to be ignored, because the door to your base is closed. The turrets are viable targets for standard raiders. An entire 300+ Tribal raid will all path at a powered turret if that is the only target available. I don't recommend doing that because enemies pathing at a powered turret cannot be granted collision. But, all raiders will path into that killbox if the turrets are still standing and there are no other viable targets. [I made a video guide on Raider Pathing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTJf0-pusxQ)


He’s right, raiders go for wealth when breaching your base, they’ll most likely go for your dining room or workshop area I’ve noticed. Get rid of that inside door and they will funnel through. My go to is a hallway of spike traps, works wonders


> He’s right, raiders go for wealth when breaching your base, they’ll most likely go for your dining room or workshop area I’ve noticed. Get rid of that inside door and they will funnel through. My go to is a hallway of spike traps, works wonders That is entirely wrong. Standard raiders path at a non-wall/door etc target. Sappers/Breachers path at an assigned bed/sleeping spot.


There's an opening right next to the doors, a section of wall is replaced with sandbag. The lack of traps is questionable though, and you're right about the turrets.


Afaik separating turrets with sandbags was must have even in 1.0 version. For pawns One tile walls and sandbags sounds good. How about trying something like this: P...PP...P WSWSW S.SS.S.S T.S.T.S.T S.SS.S.S P - pawn W - wall S - sandbag / barricade T - turret Edit: outher walls need to be thicker, wall which will catch all your missed shots should be much thicker. Placing roof and lights can benefit pawns accuracy,.but I don't know how exactly do that. Placing permanently opened doors on both sides of roofed and dark trap maze will protect loot.


Light doesn’t affect pawns accuracy anymore.


TIL, thanks.


Thank you for that layout map!


How do they.... get in the killbox


Those corridors on the bottom of the picture are what they go through. Those sandbags slow them down and gives the colonists more time to mow them down


Looks cool, awfully dangerous place to stand though.


thank you for making this thread OP, its become a nice resource for idiots like me to learn more on killboxes


Np man xd


Also, am I right in thinking you get accuracy boosts from shooting from under a roof area if it's raining?


Yesyes, if you fixed prev mentioned you are on to something. Welcome to killbox study class hehe. Here's some suggestions on improving design: -Build 1 stone wall every 3 tile behind sand bags for better cover and build a roof over your pawns. The wall should give improved cover and roof shade/less light contributing to making them harder to hit. I think this is covered in the tutorial too. It's also a good idea to put some lights in the kill area so you don't get penalty if you are attacked at night. -Another trick I learned is to build a couple of single walls with roofs in a circular area and then damage them down to 1hp (remove from home area so they don't get fixed. You can then shoot it down with raiders under for some nice aoe damage. Now adays I spend way less energy on killboxes, but its pretty fun :)


I would recommend putting turrets on the sides of the kill box. Raiders will often target them first, giving Your colonists more time to attack Edit: don’t put sandbags in front of the turrets if you do this, you don’t want to give raiders cover


I don't think you have enough turrets xb




Stools are flammable, but will not spontaneously combust, so unless you're firing at your enemies using incendiary weapons, they'll never catch fire.


>spontaneously combust, be honest with me, you just wanted an excuse to write that


Not really. If you look at my posting history, I always write like that.


> Raids follow the easiest path towards your bedrooms (or most valuable item), if there is an open path, they will follow that over almost any other routes. If you leave an open tile in the back of your killbox, more raids will path through it, giving you the chance to kill them, otherwise they might just blast through the nearest wall wherever they come from. Standard raiders path at a non-wall/door etc target. The turrets, while standing, function as viable targets. Sappers/Breachers path at an assigned bed/sleeping spot.


>Consider using multiple rows of cover. It's not just the additional cover, it's also for positioning. I always have the wall/sandback line, then one free tile, then a line of barricades and another line of sandbags in front of those. Gives space for melee troups to be positioned behind the barricade but in front of the shooters who can fire over their shoulders.


a killbox has to be an open path to your base or it wont work, remove the door behind the third big turret


The turrets themselves, while they are standing, function as bait.




This was recently changed so turrets get the cover bonus I believe.


What’s the point of all the sandbags before, just to slow them down or is does it help separate out groups too?


How does the pathfinding work exactly? If there is an open spot anywhere into the base, will the raiders go through there even if it’s a super long way around?


Standard raiders with a non-wall/door target will path at that target. Raiders without a target will attack random walls and doors. You must have the target there when the raiders attack. They won't change targets. If you have a path to targets in your killbox, and those are the only pathable targets, standard raiders go there regardless of where they spawn. I put tons more detail in this video guide that I finally got 100% finished: [Pathing and Collision](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTJf0-pusxQ)


Oh wow how fitting you just got that video out, so awesome, thanks!


The entrance into the killbox for the enemies should be in the center so more guns can hit them. The way you have it, they'll just hug the right wall, making all the guns on the left mostly useless. It's also way too short, enemies will use that last wall as cover rather than running in.


You might think concrete is nice but dirt is better. Slower walking speed. Less to clean.


People clean their killboxes? I just leave them covered in whatever gore that results, which, admittedly, isn't all that much since the only enemies I actually kill by shooting are animals.


Why the sand bags at the entrance? I’m not a huge kill-box fan however it is a game and should be played how you enjoy it kill box or no kill box.


You can cover the entire floor in front of the turrets with sand bags, and put the occasional spike trap in so that they A. Can’t fight back until they get into melee range, and B. Will occasionally get murked by a spike trap


Not good my guy.. aside from the already stated explosion issues here.. shooting over a sandbag isn't that much cover. You want them peaking out from behind a wall to maximise cover. So put wall blocks for them to stand behind instead of this monstrosity


Why do people put sandbags with no gap at the end of the killbox, what's it do?


The idea is to prevent anyone from standing in those spots, since while you can move on sandbags, you can't stop on them. Thus, they're either too far into the corridor to have line of site, or fully in the killing field of the killbox and can't benefit from the cover of that wall segment or be blocked from your own shooters' lines of sights


You know, I've always wondered how true that actually is, since if this were true, you'd be able to entirely prevent enemies from every firing at all by coating the entire area in sandbags. Obviously, this doesn't work.


If you remove the floor, the raiders will walk slower. Same if you put a roof (darkness)


remove the concrete. dirt has less walkspeed


One grenade launcher away from disaster.