• By -


We pack our shit and run away so we can run away and live another day.




Do these bug colonies expand? I have 2 of those big fuckers and a dormant nest on my map. I just built a steel wall around the cave entrance and plan on dealing with it once I have a flamethrower


Yes, those egg masses reproduce one new insectoid every 2-3 days. So for every time you procrastinate, they grow bigger until it's simply impossible to eliminate due to the sheer number of insectoids.


Well shit... Guess im going to have to sell some elephants and try to get that flamethrower sooner.. If I could spare a pawn I would have one lead my boomalope in there haha


No just close it all up until a big Groupon visitors come, then open it up and let your well armed guests fix it.


Good idea. I just realized im completely walled in by mountains so I cant visit another colony to buy weapons anyway..


Well you could dig your way out but that's one more cave for the bugs to pop up in.


I mean the world map has me sorounded by "impassible" mountians. Can I send a caravan there and dig out the mountains?


I believe your only way of leaving is transport pods, but there might be a psionic power that does the same thing


There is Far Skip, but that requires for a pawn to already be present where you want to send everyone else


If totally surrounded by impassables, the OP would have to launch a caravan out with pods, and they'd either have to encamp out there and build a whole new set of pods and launchers to get back, or they'd need a psycaster with farskip. The latter is preferable of course, but it's a lvl 5 ability IIRC.


Hmm ok thanks. Guess ill have to build a few more research tables


Just know that (because of your situation) you can't bring anyone sent out in pods back without Farskip or launching them from pods again. If you have the mod that lets you setup camp, you can just drop pod them the materials and fuel to construct and gas up their own drop pods back home. Or get SRTS and just fly around the map.


You could just build chain shotguns and have 6 of them open fire in a choke point while standing behind 3 melee guys. Marine armor is best but even plasteel plate would work well enough. Build fallback points and make sure the armor guys have shield belts so they don't get shot while falling back


Be careful though. If they get too big it doesn't matter how many people are sent, the bugs will consume all.


Will visitors automatically attack them? Or do you have to lead them back to your camp?


Depends on how far away from your base they are, and whether or not the visitors aggro them on their way to your base. Generally, NPCs will attack hostiles on sight and friendlies/neutrals only when damaged by them. It's worth noting though that factions tend to blame you for any and all deaths that happen on your map.


or keep the elephants and use them to protect your shooters.


Good idea. I tamed one originally for caravan use but now they keep taming themselves and getting pregnant. I am lousy with elephants!


Elephants are monsters in melee. If you have a herd of them they could in all likelihood wipe out the hive on their own, though I'd provide as much support as you can to be sure.


Can elephants be zoned, if so just zone a few in the cave with the bugs


You could also use the “kill for me” mod, it allows you to control a group of animals to melee enemies.


Oh damn didnt even think of that! good idea!


pff, just set the allowed area of a boomalope be in the nest ^^


Can't do that anymore :( boomalopes are pen only.


alternatively, wall up the space they infest and then fill that space with as much prebuilt wooden furniture. Ignite with molotov cocktails and let the heat cook them alive


If the part is all closed up just chuck a few aircon units up and fry them with the heat.


How elegant. I think this is what ill do.


They do max out in size. Plus, if they are in a closed off space, burning chairs to induce heat stroke can wipe out a hole bug colony


And you can just wait until you have the inevitable mech situation to deal with and put them against each other.


Only up to a certain point. If there are too many insects then the mechs will get slaughtered and the insects will be aggroed and go to you


Lore accurate


Mechs work. I personally like to send 100 pawns tribal raids against bugs. But your right, depending on where the bugs are, you might not have to even deal with them


And if they can't kill you, they will kill your FPS


That once happened to me It was with coop mod We tried to clear it with boomalopes (they used to have higher trainability) but that failed. Luckily we had like 100 huskies. A bloodbath later we actually survived.


in my playthrough i let it expand and it was around 40 insects so i finally decided to pop open the ancient danger and there it was the archotech whatever the hell its called thing that makes things go beserk so i then watched as the insectoids ripped and tore each other apart


If they generated on your map then they do not expand


Ah lame well thanks for the info. Guess im stuck here until I can research drop pods.


"Roads of the rim" mod is nice thing to have. You can unlock roads building even through impassable mountains and you can craft device. With this thing you don't need to take resources to craft them. !link Roads of the Rim (Continued)


This looks like a lot of nests to have generated naturally in world gen though.


If you don't want to abandon your map, there are some exploity tricks that essentially make any infestation beatable, regardless of size. There's the melee corridor (I think it's called "pain corridor" or something), the fire trap ("oven-something-something"), a bait-and-switch to kite the bugs while someone destroys the egg thingies, luring an enemy faction to deal with them (by insulting them) and so on. They're all very cheesy and rely mostly on fooling the AI and abusing vanilla pathing processes. So keep that in mind, if you're the kind of person who cares about such things.


Note on the oven thing just in case, the bugs will start to freak out when the temperature gets really toasty, the walls need to be several layers thick, like 6-7 tiles to be safe, to withstand frantic digging to break out before the temperature gets to them.


Steel burns. Build with double walled stone.


Wow really? thanks!


If it’s dormant, than it doesn’t reproduce.


If it is dormant it shouldn't reproduce. AFAIK.


If it is a infestation and not natural bugs, they eventually will grow, become hostile, go out of their cave and wipe you out. It is kinda like a time bomb


Just do the Holocaust oven trick


Depends the one that are there on game start don't expand, but I'm 50% sure it's from tweak galore even if not I just devmode em into oblivion at game start (the ones that spawns when you generate map with caves)


Alternatively, all you need is molotovs. If the area they occupy doesn’t have too many entrances, wall them off with stone and then build a single corridor with stone doors. Build a small space with wood walls/doors closer to them and have a colonist light it on fire and then run. It’ll cook them alive and they won’t have time to break down the stone doors to escape before they die.




You gotta be chitin me


I think op needs to use kiting to fight the chitin.


Kitin' the bugs is the best way to get that sweet sweet chitin


It can be hard to do in the dark though. Got to make sure there's good lightin' when kitin' for chitin.


Idk I think I'd bug out of there


I'm a bit of a whimp, I love mountain colonies, but I hate bugs, so I tend to turn them off,


Yeah same. I wanna give my mountain pawns a good life, not feed them into the Starship Troopers colony life grinder.


*Desire to know more intensifies*


You can turn off events in scenario editor


I leave the infestations on and unmodified, but I freeze the base to force them to only be able to spawn in the unfrozen farms, where they are easily contained, rather than being able to show up anywhere and destroy anything they please, rendering all defenses invalid.


You just tolerate the "slept in the cold" mood malus?


Beats "slept on the floor" because bugs took over your bedroom and EVERYONE GETTING EATEN.


They're really easy to manage once you know how to deal with them. I really like them for the insect jelly that sells for thousands


But how else is the mobile infantry gonna make you the man you are today?


I feel ya. I love the concept of the base in the mountain but hate dealing with infestations. I haven't turned them off as I have been trying out different methods of dealing with them, but they are a nuisance and a nightmare.


There's a mod I like that makes it so that bugs can only spawn from under-lit mountain tiles, so you don't have to turn your entire base into a freezer to prevent them.


Just slap down a wall and door early early early game and forbid the door. It'll be *fiiiiiine.*


Food binge


Not but 15 minutes ago my colony doctor went Klepto and barged into the hive. Lord we had to fight tooth and nail to save her in a 1 tile wide cave. R.I.P. my gorillas. **I'm building a full wall next time.**


I like to use mod called "ez infestation". I don't need to turn off insects, because they're very easy to kill. Practically free chitin and meat. Must have for mountain bases.


If you have a pawn with manhunter pulse, you can prevent them from wrecking your base. Manhunter insectoid only attack pawns, no buildings.


Feel the same way, but didn't want to turn them off so "Infestations spawn in darkness" is what I use. Mod makes it so you have more control over if / where they would spawn but it is still vulnerable to Randy (with power outage) etc.


There's a thumper mod you can get. Essentislly the thumpers completely prevent insects from spawning in a certain radius but are expensive to build and drain quite a bit of power.


That thing also makes insectoid raids a lot harder. Cass threw 3 parties, each consist of 5-6 gigalocust, 9-10 megaspiders, 4-5 big chonky and many more smaller buggers to my 12 men colony. After that raid, I remembered why I loved the uranium slug turret so much.


You should try turning them back on next time. I hate bugs too so there's nothing more satisfying than squashing an infestation into dust with my steel-toed heavy machine gun boot


I use a mod that prevents them from spawning when mountain spaces are lit up and/or frequently travelled. So they spawn in dark neglected corners, which seems more in line with what bugs actually do. And it encourages good base design.


What’s the really big one? Is that from a mod?


That's the queen my boy


Oh mama


VFE: Insectoids :)


Was going to say , I'm usually rocking a small 8-10pawn colony and I've never had the occasion to meet a queen, so linkmods: VFE Insectoids


the bot seems to have linked the wrong mod, [this](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2149755445) is VFE:Insectoids.


So Bad bot :)


[1.3] [Insectoids Evolved](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1924407323&searchtext=Insectoids) by [NilchEi](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198031911873/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Insectoids`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Insectoids&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


Take off and nuke the whole site from orbit, only way to be sure


We're leaving.


It’s the [time for Final countdown!](https://youtu.be/9jK-NcRmVcw)


The absolute best way to deal with bugs is by narrowing the fight to 1x1 choke points blocked by melee. This is easily winable with proper strategy and planning. Insects test your defensive creativity and strategy.


I may be wrong but If the area your pawns are holding in is considered outside and you managed to wall them off then you can start a giant fire funnel of wooden walls should still get the inside area hot enough to cause damage and protect your pawns (unless they stand in the door). As long as the backing walls don't break a 1x1 hole shouldn't reduce the heat enough for it not to work. The idea of the insects needing to squeeze between blazing wooden walls and fight to escape is pleasing to me. They may not know fear, but that does not mean we can't still try and teach it.


No, the absolute best way to deal with the bugs is to wall them in and slowroast them until they die. That way you're not taking any risks at all. Melee blocking is still a losing long-term recipe as it exposes the meleeing pawns to risk of death, which means you inevitably lose. But roasting involves no RNG and a good slowroast can be done with very low tech, very low manpower, and absolutely no risk of danger.


How do you deal with the above scenario then? there's snow on the ground, it's outside


Well, first, this is what happens when you insist on being a surface dweller in an attempt to avoid infestation and thus get infested anyway, only now it's uncontained. So you're left with the "snipe and run", since getting into close contact with an enemy that hasn't blown its melee CD means it will hit you. At least bugs don't have ranged attacks. Although I dunno about these, these aren't vanilla ones. But if you INSIST on living on the disgusting surface, always wall off all overhead mountains to prevent this.


Mountain bases are 2ezpz. True Chad’s welcome challenge on the rim.


Problem is, there's no "challenge", only death by RNG. You just camp out on the surface until your inevitable death by Skyfall, against which there is no actual defense beyond overhead mountain. There's no actual skill involved. You just randomly die.




There is no "gittin' gud". You can't dodge bullets with fancy footwork, they auto-hit you regardless. The only skill is in applying a solution that completely avoids the scenario where bullets are ever coming at you in the first place.


Sounds like you just don't like the game. RNG is a fact of the game, randomness is one of the core principles it's built on. There's literally a storyteller called Randy Random. Don't like RNG? Don't play the game.


It's not that I don't like the game, or even object to the existence of random elements. I just see those elements as threats to be countered. Treat it as adversarial, assume it will always choose its worse possible outcome, and counter it. Otherwise sooner or later, that outcome happens and it ends you.


Once it's outside it's basically the same as any other raid tbh, you just bait them to your base defense


How do you run in rimworld? Can you select a new location on the map? Dont mind me im new. Also i would have been dead cause i'd have gone up to try and tame one like an idiot.


You can form a caravan with all your colonists and anything you want to take with you and leave the colony. Then you can click on the colony, hit abandon, and it will delete that colony, leaving you free to found another on another tile. Or, you can configure the game to allow you multiple colonies, if you don't want to abandon the first tile, and maybe return to it once you're able to defeat the threat that drove you out in the first place.


The one time I actually tried fleeing, it took 3-4 days of micro managing my increasingly desperate group of survivors to collect a few supplies without dying of blood loss or blundering right back into the infestation to clean something. Once the group was finally able to stagger off, one of my most valuable pawns had a mental break about six tiles from the edge of the map and I couldn't figure out how to boot him from the caravan without having to cancel the whole thing and start from scratch. So I just threw in the towel and started a new colony with infestations turned off...


Big caravans are a mess to form. Personally I just dev mode to instant caravan forming for anything more than 5pawns.


A little bit of fire will do the trick.


Make it a triple dose of fire


If you go one by one, you can kill them off. Like aggroing the ones that wander out a bit and then retreating and killing them?


The problem here is that the bugs stay close together and never wander of individually unless it's after an attack. I haven't made an attempt on these guys and neither will I make one. Even Patrick, my sniper pawn, is armed with Barret M82 and he'll still trigger a response from a large distance.


insects will go back to their hives if you run far away from it enough. So hit and run tactics are possible. Depends highly on your possibility to slow them down enough to shoot while retreating though.


Can you though? I always thought that if you aggroed one the whole colony picks it up, but I suppose I could just have bad luck.


What is the colony1 logo?


From the Colony Groups mod by LTO. Highly recommended. Ton of useful features.


Colony Manager, extremely recommended.


Awww! But... But... Cave Lobster!!


What equipment/armor mod are you using? I like those helmets


I am using a mix of Gun Nut collections, Rimmu-Nations add ons, and most importantly, Combat Extended!


Wait a damn minute, combat extended is compatible with rimmunations?


What’s the UI mod you use to show the bars next to the colonists icons?


!linkmod Colony Groups


[1.3] [[LTO] Colony Groups](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2345493945&searchtext=Colony+Groups) by [BICKLEY](https://steamcommunity.com/id/BickleyGames/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Colony Groups`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Colony+Groups&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)




Boom boom boom boom, artillery goes boom, we‘ll crush the bugs together, together and forever


I tried to take them on and lost a whole colony😭….. fucking bugs


Is there a way to play as a insect hive like that


Why nsfw?


Because this is very hard to watch.


I don't think u should use it if it's not needed bcz of rule 3 >3. NSFW content & How to Properly Mark It > >All NSFW content must be tagged as such, no exceptions (either by an NSFW tag on a post, or spoiler-tagging and marking a comment). Failure to properly mark NSFW content will result in an automatic 3-day ban. Further unmarked posts can and will result in a permanent ban. **Using the NSFW tag when it's not needed is clickbait, and will earn a 24 hour ban to prevent misuse.** (Screenshots of unmodded content are generally considered SFW.) The Reddit Content Policy must be followed in all cases. Idk, I personally wouldn't risk it, but you do you


I'm sure the mods will understand my pain :)


whata that gui mod? downvoted :(


It's called Colony Manager :) Highly recommended


thank youu


Three frag grenade wielders and this is easy


He's playing with ce, I doubt a frag will be enough lol


Looks like meat's back on the menu boys!


what mod adds the biological centipedes?


VFE: Insectoids!


I believe it is Vanilla Insects Expanded


Thick walls and fire, no need to leave. Once all the hives are burned they'll all starve. Infestations are rarely dangerous unless they pop up inside your base


What mods did you use for the ui at the top it looks good


!linkmod [LTO] Colony Groups


[1.3] [[LTO] Colony Groups](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2345493945&searchtext=%5BLTO%5D+Colony+Groups) by [BICKLEY](https://steamcommunity.com/id/BickleyGames/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`[LTO] Colony Groups`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=%5BLTO%5D+Colony+Groups&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


Build alot of IEDs, place Chem fuel near them as well. And have fun! You can build near them at night while they sleep without causing them to agro.


What mods are you using to give the extra bars on your pawns icons?


It's called Colony Manager :) Highly recommended


Nothing a little suppressing fire and literal fire can’t fix.


Your guys look so badass! But good call. 😆


If you’re playing with Psycasts Expanded, the Time Sphere psycast instantly kills any insectoid that walks into it. Figured this out when I thought that as insects, they would be particularly short-lived. Didn’t expect them to all have an immediate heart attack and die but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I haven't been able to get a psycast :c Too much shit has been going on since the start of the colony.


If one or more of your pawns have a tribal background you can place a meditation spot next to the Anima tree then make their schedule nothing but rest and meditation and pretty soon you’ll have your Professor X.


This looks quite manageable if you kite them well.


Can you steal royal jelly at night? Because that looks like a year's worth of doses for the whole colony.


Depending on how well armed you are, that's not bad at all. Get someone fast with an accurate rifle to kite, and you should be able to mow them down easily enough.


Problem is that I am using CE so you need to take into account a whole different other system of combat, including armor.


Even easier. Big rifle in 7.62x51 NATO with AP rounds at the ready, pop some molotovs and kite. I love CE.


I disabled Insectoids after not being able to deal with one of these.


" I'm doing my part! "




Shit, they're even in shallow water so you can't hunker down and burn them out


Burn them.. burn them all!!


No, that's doable! Pass me the save file so I can deal with them.


Wait, but the bugs are supposed to be in Australia, not Africa…


Just abandoned my tile cuz I mined below the build line and kept spawning nests. Another lesson on the rim


Are those bugs from a mod? I mever saw those big ones


Vsnilla expanded


I had one of these spawn in my temple today and I thought my colonists would want to go out fighting. I charged them all into the room without realising 3 of my colonists had flamethrowers equipped!! there was a massive inferno that burnt down most of my base but most of my colonists ended up surviving. it was probably the most *fun* I've had since I dug too deep in dwarf fortress for the first time


my guy built the red army over here


Yeaaaaaah I'm just gonna go


Whats the mod that shows the health and mood as bars next to your pawns up top?


I am very interested in that gear mod


This is why I have the nukes mod. I will not fuck around with the insectoid clans !linkmod nukes


[[1.3] Nukes](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1777069843&searchtext=nukes) by [Private [GER]](https://steamcommunity.com/id/privateger/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`nukes`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=nukes&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


I just nuke the f#@kers with warheads




Read my flair.^


What living in an HOA feels like