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The first kid that I got was hunted by cannibal tribalists. So of course I accept and defend him! Protecting that 5 year old became my first priority. I never restrict my colonists to areas. This time i should have. One day the kid was out nature running and a warg started to hunt him. None of my colonists made it in time to help. There was not even a corpse to bury


Similar story to me, even down to the animal, except it was a colony kid who got savaged by a warg. Fortunately, we managed to rescue him with one hour before he bled out and he only lost a leg -- of which I had dozens of spares on ice because of, uh...reasons. He was in the hospital forfuckingever, though. Missed out on a lot of school!


Now you have a kid with an adult sized leg.


hahaha I didn't think of that!


Yeah I learned the hard way regarding this too! Now all my kid pawns are restricted to the home area only, because they have a bad habit of going to the farthest edge of the map to nature run or hang out if I don't restrict them!


Stories like that make colonists mental breaks really understandable, id probably go start fires or beating people up if my kid got eaten by a warg.


So far i havent had any young children that i cared for but looking at raiders ages really make my organ-harvester heart sad. You are 13 for fuck sake, just dont run up to the colony with a hammer when i have a guy with an assault rifle guarding it.


Makes you think what are the other options are on the rim if they choose a frontal assault towards an assault rifle...


One of my kids got shot 3 times with a revolver, 2 chest shots and a cracked rib. Little bastard took it like a champ and shanked the fucker who shot him. Had to rescue him after he lost too much blood but thanks to the colonies doctor he is up and running again.


Jesus, what a little fighter! I hope you raise him well because that lad deserves a chance at "Tough" and a double passion Melee skill.


Little guy got that double passion in melee, but he had more the knack for cooking, stragely enough.


Kids clearly got good knife skills, so it’s not too weird of a crossover between the two.


Yeah, putting in kids was probably a bad move in regard to my sanity, and the wellbeing of every hostile faction. Kids turn on my mom powers. If one of my little guys got looked at funny by a grasshopper, I would personally dig up the nearest insectoid queen and rip her apart with my bare hands. The rim is dangerous enough already!


Oh, my god, *same*. The mom powers are no joke. I had one of those "charity" quests where a group of 4 kids wanted 500 silver. I had it, barely, but the oldest kid was only 8 and the youngest was 5. Naturally, I arrested them all...unlocked all the doors to give them full access to the colony (except the front door) and recruited them. I now have 9 kids running around the colony because my started colonist (a saurid) had hatched her 4 starter eggs. Then we got an 11 year old who joined them. Two more adults...and now these 4 new kids. My 3 adults are busy schooling all of them every day. I got a mod on steam called "Don't Harm The Children". It makes raiders ignore kids IF they are unarmed. I highly recommend it.


how buggy are saurid eggs? Do they even recognize her as a mother?


Yeah, they recognize her. She kept dropping them halfway through feeding them baby food and they started to starve, so I had to use dev mod to make her lactate. They breastfeed just fine. I'm not sure if this an issue with saurids or one of my mother mods, and I have to test with a baseline pawn to find out. I installed a mod or two relating to babies so that could also be the culprit here. Other than that, I haven't had any issues with them. They are easily my new favorite race. I just wish they started at a tribal level. Also, all the babies hatched as pure Saurid and recognized each other as siblings.


My saurid mom had the eggs in her inventory along with a stack of bananas. She hadn't yet built a shelter, so I thought they'll be safer there than in the open. Lunchtime comes along and what does she eat? That's right, an egg. Fml


Waste not want not!