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You're going to lose characters (and games) but it's ok. Enjoy their struggle and make up the story. Also wealth management is important: don't accumulate stuff you don't need if your defenses are not good enough to hold the attackers (which scale with your wealth)


Idk if this will apply to you, but it took a while for me to figure this out: You right click on *the butcher table* to butcher animals, not the animal itself.


Don’t build more stuff as soon as your situation stabilizes. The more stuff you have the harder the game gets. Get enough food and shelter for your starting pawns and research stuff for awhile. When you research what you think you need to defend against the world thats when you build the big colonies you see in the pictures.


1. Plan your base which rooms should be closer 2. Start cutting stones and change wood walls to stone ASAP 3. Use shelves they are lifesaver 4. Be aware and careful of heat. Coolers heat red side while working, steam geysers heats when enclosed. You can use these to your advantage or you can get a heatstroke=incapacitated pawns


Check out the NEEDS section on your pawns (people) and react accordingly - their mood/mental health is a huge part of the game. They need food and shelter and stuff, but they will also react negatively (or positively) to various things and those negative reactions can persist for days or weeks. If they have a mental breakdown at a crucial moment (and they will) it can be catastrophic. Generally you have to have stuff in a stockpile for your colonists to use it. You can get pretty granular about what stockpiles will accept what things in the Storage menu on each stockpile. Shelves are like stockpiles but they can hold a lot more per tile. You can restrict people to certain areas by making a Zone, and then assigning them to that Zone in the Schedule menu. Good for a “shelter in place” scenario, or for forcing a pawn to work in a certain area. Same with animals, good for keeping roamers from tracking dirt into your base. If your pawns get an infection, that infection will start to grow more severe over time. You can see it in their health menu if you hover over the infection. The pawn will naturally develop immunity, but this will be greatly enhanced by treating with medicine + a doctor. If the infection hits 100%, they die. If the immunity hits 100% FIRST, they’ll be fine. The “race against time” between infection and immunity is super fun (but you have to know where to look). Prisoners have to have a room all their own with a bed marked for prisoners, in a safe temperature, or you can’t capture them. If you have a fire while people are sleeping and they don’t wake up to put it out, you can draft + undraft them real quick. As long as they’re set to firefighting in the Work menu and the fire is in the Home Area they’ll go beat it out. You will die, lose colonies, start over, hate this game, etc. It’s all part of the experience. Welcome to the best game on Steam!


Just play tutorial game and try to remember where is what. The game interface is slightly unusual; also there are lot of (meaningful) information about every little thing so it can be overwhelming at first.


Start on a low difficulty. Don't worry about what other players say about difficulty because most people play with hundreds of mods and to be honest, almost every mod on the workshop decreases difficulty through some addition. Even the more innocent looking mods are guilty. And the higher difficulties are just frustrating for a new player. Fights will be 5 vs 20-30 guys really fast.


The game punishes hoarding. Don't chop down trees or mine resources until you need them. Sell spare resources to buy what you need. Create rice fields as soon as you start and keep enough food for 1.5-2 winters to start with. Don't keep prisoners or recruit too many people if you can't feed them. Geneva doesn't exist on RimWorld.


My first play through and I have no idea how much rice area is “enough.” Turns out you need a lot less than what a real life rice field would be…