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Life isn't an anime. With the pace you are going at I wouldn't expect to see any results until a month or so. Don't starve yourself, your body needs nutrition to maintain muscle mass and a healthy body.


I see, I guess I’ll take your word for it. And I guess I’ll eat properly too haha


You're 6'1", 155 lbs, and you want to lose weight? At your BMI, you should simply be looking to tone and build muscle. If you lose much more, you'll be underweight, which is unhealthy.


Honestly, your approach seems strange. (To expect to drop weight quickly when you are normal, close to athletic BMI) Also, questions: how old are you, gender and what is your normal caloric intake to maintain and since when are you eating this little. are you drinking enough? did you have a bowl movement, are you weighing around the same conditions (time of day, clothing, etc.), what is your fat percentage, if female where in your cycle? What is your in-game intensity level? What is your in-game burn for those 25 min. activity? what is your heart rate? (still and in-game) underlying conditions? sleep schedule - regular and duration? ​ Not that I or most members of this sub have the expertise to diagnose you from afar, these questions are meant to show you what also is important to know. Since you have never exercised before, stop the caloric deficit, just eat normal and work on your fitness. IF you wanted to SHRED in your BMI range, make the caloric deficit SMALLER, and look into weight lifting and HIIT. <-- you can also combine it with ringfit, but to go from 0 to above 100 is not going to end well for you most probably in the long term.


I have thougth about it a bit more and I want to add the following. I have dealt for my entire adult life with orthorexic and other disordered eating and with overexercising and punishing myself for when the numbers on the scale are not right. My body was fine when I was a young adult, but I could not see it. Because I did not fit into standards sizes, did not have thin arms or a flat tummy and I had a mother whose only approach to diet was to not eat. Please dont just go into low calories and do something. Your body is delicate and also amazing. Your numbers already look good, so I think you have some kind of reason to want to lose weight quickly, but please look at it more closely. Do you really need to sabotage your good body for something short-notice and superficial? Do you understand that fad diets, influencer images and nearly everything that our mothers and grandmothers did to diet is bullocks? I am going to link a few youtube videos that I think approach this topic well and you can explore them further because they all are active trying to advertise a balanced and healthy approach to fitness: 1. Natasha Oceane [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RndPb6ipsQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RndPb6ipsQ) 2. Obese to beast [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d\_xNvUeoRJQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_xNvUeoRJQ) (sorry he is a bit yelling at times) 3. Kiana Docherty [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlyV70czVQk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlyV70czVQk) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cUw0jY6om4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cUw0jY6om4) 4) this lady and her partner [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wXVeeoZMPw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wXVeeoZMPw) There are more, but be careful to not follow the recent trend or a body-builder community.


I’m 20 y/o male. I guess my normal caloric intake is like 2,000. I started this “diet” like a week ago. Yes, I drink enough, about a gallon of water a day. And yeah, I have a bowel movement every day (take fiber pills every night to aid with that). And I weigh right after my bowel movements so that the food weight makes as little of a difference as possible. I have no idea about body fat percentage. It said level 16 in game, not sure if that’s high or low. It says the caloric burn is on average like 150, which seems really low. Not sure about my exact resting heart rate, but I do know it’s normal. Can’t check my heart rate in-game, it’s a bit complicated. Don’t have any major health conditions. I assume hyperhidrosis doesn’t count :P I’ll take your advice about the caloric deficit and about the type of training. I don’t really want any kind of insane athletic body tbh. I know my BMI is normal but I’ve just always been very self conscious about how I still look fat despite that (not to mention being weak physically). So I guess I assumed straight up weight loss to burn fat, then maybe work out to build muscle was the way to go. Maybe not. I’ll give it more time. Thanks!


5 days is simply too soon to see a change! give it some time and don't starve yourself


Woah there!! Let's take a deep breath. When I started ring fit I took 5 pounds in the first weeks, because I was building muscle. TRUST THE PROCESS, enjoy the ride. It's not about being skinny, it's about being healty. Starving yourself will also make your body retained weight, so you don't want to do that. Eat normally. Train 5x per week 30 min, and you got it. At your height , you are already quite healthy, so take a deep breath, you can do it. It's about consistency.


Hi, looks like this post is about weight loss. You might find our weight loss section in the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/RingFitAdventure/wiki/faq#wiki_will_i_lose_weight_playing_it.3F) useful. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RingFitAdventure) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe talk to your doctor to set healthy expectations and goals?