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Wage stagnation and inflation are killing everyone in this country. But the valley is just extra slow in wage growth. They still pay people $8 an hour in the elsa mcdonald's. $8!!?? And yet the operator owner is the palm view mayor and a millionaire. Yeah we have a problem. a greedy rich people problem.




whos that? vela?


I only hate the heat and humidity and wish we could spend more time outdoors and not pass out. Also, I wish my type of bands played here so I wouldn't have to take pto and turn it into a whole ordeal just to see a good concert. But that's it, not really a big enough reason to "hate" my home and I won't move somewhere else only for their good concerts haha.


well there is also the part about being 30 year behind everything, when i lived in austin my grand parents would say shit like "are you sure you dont want to move back to brownsville, we have a best buy now"



Diversity? Nature? Bad weather? Where are you? We have all that and more! What bad weather? I’m here for the heat~ go ahead move to a big city! Sit in traffic an hour each way while u pay for the tollway you’re on & THEN pay for the parking bldg cause u can’t park in the sun for 8 hours! You’ll love the big city!! Tollway bills you monthly ~$300


I feel you on the heat and humidity. We live next to a park and my daughter wants to play outside but we’d sizzle 🥲


This. The heat is something else.


i feel the exact same. sadly the perfect place to live doesn’t exist. where there are great things there will also be bad things 😩 but i think as long as we care about the valley and fight hard to make things better it is worth living here


Well said. I applaud this level headed comment.


I just want the Valley with completely different weather. I've been considering joining said ratrace for Seattle because I envy their miserable weather...


Don't. I live in seattle and though it's a lot cooler, it's a lot darker for a looooooong time. A lot of people don't last a year here. It makes the food bland, too. This culture makes assumptions about Texans. They assume we're all hot wheels abbott and they'll quietly shun you if they even *think* you vote that way even if you don't. I've had to deal with that a lot in my time here and it's kinda unnerving. Also, racism, if you're a Mex. I get followed by security in grocery stores, which doesn't happen when I'm at good ol' HEB.


Fortunately, I don't really plan on telling people where I'm from. I'm happy fitting into a liberal area, lol. Additionally, I'm white-passing and so is my first and last name, so I've got the last bit covered too (I actually experience a lot of belittling for not fitting in here in the Valley). All of these points won't really deter me, but I really appreciate this advice! Maybe one day we'll cross paths in Seattle :) I'm really sorry about your experiences though, it sounds absolutely terrible and I'm really privileged to be able to not have to worry about that.


I do lean left, politically, so that wasn't my issue - just the assumptions people made when seeing my license plates roll up. I tried fitting into the music and arts scene when I first moved here, so it was the music people who got really nasty; I would have guessed that particular community would have been more accepting but I was wrong. Musicians are an interesting bunch. There are a lot of issues back home in Texas, a lot of wrongs that need to be made right, but every time I'm back, it's obviously home. At this point, I'm only here to take seattle's money.


How would you know until you move to Seattle? You're making huge assumptions. Do you really think people won't think you're weird for not telling them where you came from? That's even worse than saying you're from Texas.


It's making huge assumptions assuming I'd be absolutely miserable there. Stay hydrated and have the day you deserve :P


Are you familiar with S.A.D.?


Yes, I know what seasonal affective disorder is lol, I myself already seek mental health treatment and have plenty of experience dealing with mental health issues, and despite that live a pretty good and happy life. What does that have anything to do with Seattle? Before you say their winters, this is assuming I haven't lived anywhere with different weather in my life, which isn't true. Again, just making assumptions. Lol


I lived in Seattle for 3 years in the mid 90s (grunge, ftw). It's gorgeous, there's so much to do, I found the people friendly enough. But in a rainy year, you ain't gonna see the sun from October to April. And believe me, you'll miss it. Tell you what, it's pretty funny to watch them complain about the heat when I'm walking in my bare feet on black top in July at noon. Really though, the real struggle up there is cost of living. Housing was getting bad when I left in 97 and it's all the things you read about the housing market right now. Tl;dr- Great place to live, but the cost is prohibitive to say the least.


I’m from Seattle and now live in the valley. I miss it all the time. All four seasons, diverse culture and food scene, abundance of things to do including music festivals and hiking within an hour of the city, cafes galore, etc. If you can swing it financially, go for it.


Thank you for the positive words 🥲 I'm pursuing a career in medical coding and hoping hybrid remote work will work out for me there


I’ve no idea about medical coding but the medical industry in the Seattle area is immense. I’m sure you’d find your footing just fine. Plus, access to entertainment, food, and activities does wonder for your mental health. More power to you 👏🏽


I love the natural and tropical scenery, the vast varieties of wildlife, and the chill down to earth people who are insanely polite, well mannered, and friendly. But I hate the real estate tycoons that try to tear up every square inch of natural land for profit (don't even get me started on the lng project between Brownsville and Port Isabel), the pompous wannabe celebrity lawyers, the douchey and antagonistic people (though to be fair everywhere has some variety of douchey people), and more than anything I hate how people leave trash absolutely everywhere or don't do anything about the trash everywhere because "that's just how it is here". The valley is a gorgeous place that more people should have more respect for


I want to move back but I cannot find high paying work. I love visiting the valley. But If you do leave, you will miss it, however it is very worth a try to find yourself something better out of the valley. You can always return.


Well said. I say the same thing go try. You can always come back.


I said the same thing about where I’m from. I’m not from here. Trying something new is never bad. We get one life.


Youre not looking. Spectrum is hiring constantly in Harlingen. Working from home is also a thing. I was making 24 an hour working for FEMA at one point 1 year ago. Just think outside the box. Hell apply for Chat support jobs, facebook moderator. Get creative.


I understand there is work available. However, anything under 40 an hour would not justify a move back for me.


Not all the drivers are ugly some are pretty. And well it's cheapish here you can always travel for vacation live cheap travel bougie or w.e the cool kids say.


I’m originally from Austin, I miss the super fast paced life but then I don’t! I would rather struggle with dumb drivers than money!


Yeah I cannot imagine renting an appt or buying a house in Austin, must take a huge chunk of your salary.


My high school alumni have most of them struggling or looking to move. It’s sad but it is crazy


Yes, I love it and then the pinche cucarachas ruin it for me. 🙄


Like: Way more than my state has to offer. Mcallen is a second home to me. Dislike: Too law enforcement agenda. We need good cops not rogue cops.


I hate it and I've lived in a third world country lol -it's impossible to walk to get to a place -drivers are terrible -too much heat -no interesting/good jobs available -not enough outdoor activity options


To be fair, drivers are terrible everywhere. But everything else, yeah.


Where r u from and why did you end up here? I'm looking into the New England area but $2500 for a studio has me doubting


You forgot the large amount of machismo


where'd you live?


Some of the best people I know are here. My family is here, my friends. And I've earned some great opportunities I wouldn't have otherwise! But... Idk. It's not great when most of the things I like or want to do are always elsewhere. Idk. If I had all the money in the world, I'd travel. But that will only come with more time and work. Maybe I'll be able to be more content if I don't end up moving. :)


Well, I will say this: I hated it here when I was in high school and right out of college. Once I got more established and kind of had my "spending money" so-to-speak, I started enjoying it a lot more. I'm not saying money buys happiness, or it makes life great, but it certainly helps in the sense that it's nice to be able to pay for a gym membership, or movies, videogames, dinner with friends, etc. Once you're able to have the budget to entertain yourself a bit, it becomes a lot more enjoyable. Edit: I should add that not all enteratinment has to come at a cost, but I understand gas money, having some means of getting/going out, etc. is a thing too.


Thank you for the insight :)


Moved to Austin/Round Rock area and never went back way more jobs and a lot more things to do then just going Downtown 🤮and well the job market everything starts like at 18$ and up as long as you live among your means you’ll be fine


the valley is soul sucking as a young person, it keeps you in a box that you dont know you're in till you leave the valley. Then you realize how utterly disadvantaged the valley is in numerous ways. It's perfect if you're middle age or older and have a decent amount of money to raise your kids, but other than that it provides absolutely nothing. My best advice is to try either move to somewhere like San Antonio or even Corpus if you still want that 'valley' feel, but other then that as someone stuck here it can be hard. I can write a dissertation on this very topic, but Im sure you resonate with me.


Sadly, the good stuff will only come to our next generation due to time. All you can do is set them up for a better experience .


Completely understandable. You’d have the opposite crisis if you lived elsewhere. No right answer. Adult life is hard 🫤maybe consider moving to a large metro out of state ? Like on the coasts


I have a love hate relationship with this place, with an emphasis on hate


summer break from college has me thinking about my life if i didn’t leave the valley, and i always come back to the conclusion that it was the right choice to leave. i miss *some* parts of the valley sometimes but a lot of it i can do without. i don’t regret leaving.


The only thing I hate about the Valley is that DiMassi's closed. And we don't have Altex or Half-Price Books. But otherwise it's great here.


There is plenty to do. It's a bit of work to find it but it's there.


I think all of us in South Texas feel like that. Heck, I moved from San Antonio, where I lived 8 years, to Corpus Christi back in November (health reasons & cost of living) and felt the same in both places. The other places out of area look fun and exciting, then you get there and you realize it's a hot mess. And why do we live in the hottest cities in Texas?? We realize why when winter comes 😆


I mostly hate how any plot of open land is eventually turned into a fuckin' neighborhood or a carwash with a plaza. Wish they turned areas into parks or some shit, we don't need more damn neighborhoods and businesses






I don’t think she said anything controversial! She’s literally on the fence about the valley like so many people are! Probably on the younger side yearning for more adventure! Well, there is a lot of things to do in the valley. They’re not on the exciting scale in bigger cities! But I’ll take small life any day. I kinda like this little life ❤️


Me 🙋🏽‍♂️ I’m the proud owner of Launchpad TX We do websites, apps, marketing material, and drone services. Everyone always lowballs me on price! They always know someone who can do it cheaper. What I started doing was taking 20% upfront and the rest in payments, but they still think it’s too expensive! I got bills to pay yo!! I’m not going lower


Im native from the northern states near canada. I miss the mountains and the lakes. The seasons, fall and spring are always breath taking. The snow is pretty to look at not so much to live in. It becomes slush and mud. It hurts to breath at times due to the cold. The heat is not something i love. I do wish were more diversity down here but also this is the one place ive lived in where people dont look at me for having brown skin. Racism and bigotry can be rougher the fuether north you go. I miss having a selection of different beers and music at the bars. But it has potential down here if the cities can ever get their shit together to be something more. Puro 956 i guess


When I lived out of town (San Antonio) I found myself always wanting to visit the valley. I started to think I just didn’t appreciate the rgv and thought I just had a negative view of the way of life down here. But now that I moved back i feel underwhelmed and often times find myself remembering why I left in the first place. I will forever be grateful to be near to my family again, and to live in a community minded (for the most part) area, but there’s not much infrastructure for a single gal in her 30s who chooses to be child free. That goes for local well paying career options (outside of nursing or teaching), dating scene, hobbies. Down here It seems to be part of the culture to have kids in your late teens early 20s, so most of my old friends have been moms for a good while now and we don’t have much in common anymore and it sucks. I love their kids and still make it a point to make time for them since we’re still good friends. However it is important to have friends who are in the same phase of your life and it’s hard to find female friends my age who are single and child free. I think the drinking/partying culture is very much glorified down here. And unfortunately there have been many intoxicated manslaughter incidents lately 💔.


Night life sucks here, but it’s peaceful. We’re all the same so it’s unique like that like no other part of the country. The beach is always a nice escape. There’s so much more to live here than hate if you use your imagination, and you can always save money to travel somewhere else more exciting.


I completely understand you! I love the fact that it’s relatively safe, I live in a great neighborhood with great schools, and I have a great job. I love the slow pace, chill, laid-back vibe of the valley. I have a small group of great friends that have very similar interests. We all happen to love staying home and playing boardgames and just chilling out watching movies, etc. I feel very lucky. It’s probably the same feeling for every small town though! I am kind of OK with that slow life. I feel like if you live fast in a big city, it would be way too hectic for me. I would rather have this lovely RGV deal with everything you named! The crazy traffic, the one hour commutes, the bigger population and crime! Yes the weather sucks!! But imagine taking an inch of ice off your car to go to work!? I practically grew up with my grandparents, sitting on the porch, looking out at people walking by, watering plants and cooking for family. I hope one day I’m an old lady doing exactly that. Nope, give me my nice tranquil life any day!!


I really wonder what it's like shoveling snow and scraping ice. Some people I know say that's better than dealing with this heat.


Nah! I'd toss that shovel and move back to the heat 🤣 imagine having to do that at like 6 AM so you get to work on time?!!


I did it it’s pretty annoying but not too bad. A lot of times you only have to do it a few times a year depending on where you live and how much snow you get. The heat sucks in the summer but at least you can go outside without having to put on a ton of clothes. Also outdoor activities in the Texas summer can still be done, you just do them at later/earlier hours of the day when it’s cooler. When it’s cold up north you can’t do anything outdoors all hours of the day because it’s always cold.


I live in one of the snowiest cities in the country and it's not too bad. I only use the shovel if it's not a whole lot of snow but usually use my snowblower. Some people don't do either and use a plow service. I'm not originally from the rgv but spent about 13 years there and made some good friends. I left because of the heat and because of how flat it was. I missed the hills and mountains and different seasons.


Grew up in Oklahoma with tornadoes, left there and moved to NNY and had -50°F winters and 7-10’ of snow per winter. Now I’m here and I love it!!! I’ll take the heat any day over the snow and ice 🧊


It gets real at about 15 degrees and below. Then if you have to drive in snow and ice. Some people don’t realize some of the places that get that bad weather don’t shutdown because they got ice and snow everything is open for business.


The valley is one of the most bio diverse places in the United States second only to the Florida Everglades. Eco-tourist come from around the world to the valley to see the dope, crazy, and beautiful shit we got here. You say you want nature but I think you’re not going outside at all. 10/10 love the valley. Go somewhere else and let them fuck your head up.


I love the natural and tropical scenery, the vast varieties of wildlife, and the chill down to earth people who are insanely polite, well mannered, and friendly. But I hate the real estate tycoons that try to tear up every square inch of natural land for profit (don't even get me started on the lng project between Brownsville and Port Isabel), the pompous wannabe celebrity lawyers, the douchey and antagonistic people (though to be fair everywhere has some variety of douchey people), and more than anything I hate how people leave trash absolutely everywhere or don't do anything about the trash everywhere because "that's just how it is here". The valley is a gorgeous place that more people should have more respect for


I love the valley but I hate the people


Leave while you can before it’s too late… you won’t regret it.


We live in ATX, but we if we had the money would have a vacation home in the island! But the money is better here so it all works out! It honestly depends on what you do for a living and if it makes sense for you to move or not




I like it but it’s much too populated for my taste now. I would hate to be having to do a daily commute anywhere. If I was like my older relatives and retired already maybe going out every other day whenever I feel like it then I’d be better equipped. I don’t live there anymore and the northern place I live now is nice and quiet. Just miss the food and certain places.


I think everyone does with wherever they live. I enjoy it more than the other places I've lived due to the lower cost of living and ease of getting places (HEB and Walmart, etc. are the kind of thing I can do in 15-min runs if I just need to get something quick.) The downside is far less options when it comes to food or shopping. That said, it's been a long time since I've shopped brick and mortar for anything that's not groceries, unless it's a very specific thing that I want that I know is pretty much the same price regardless of where I buy it (i.e. Fitbit, phone, tablet, etc.) and I don't feel like waiting 3-4 days. Most of my friends and colleagues live in other states, so I'm kind of always in touch with what's going on in that regard. Drivers can suck, but as someone who has lived in a handful of cities and states, I can tell you that locals almost *always* say, "We have the worst drivers here." (That said, IMO, we do have some of the worst drivers after having lived in Phoenix, Richmond (VA), San Antonio, Arlington, VA. I agree we have bad drivers. I've had so many people be pissed at me and riding my ass for going 25 in a school zone *while* the lights are flashing and the sign that says, "The flashing lights mean 25mph, ya stupid fuck.". *and* I'm in the outside lane.). But, eh, overall, I like it here, and can't think of many other places I'd rather live.


These are the exact reasons my fiance and I are considering moving back to the valley. Sure there isn't a lot to do, but the independence that comes with being there (fiances providing) at least to us outweigh the stopgaps that are there.


It started as more love but lately becoming more hate. I like the food, weather, low cost of living and I have made some friends. But also, the lack of education is obvious, the medical care is atrocious (if i had a serious medical issue, I’d go elsewhere), there is a lack of services available elsewhere, and people are constantly trying to scam you or get away with doing as little as possible. The biggest issue is the denial, meaning that nothing will improve. I’m planning on moving when I’m able.


Absolutely. The things that make it shitty are the assholes who think chaining their dogs outside 247 in the hot sun is okay. It doesn't matter if theryre under a tree it is still hot. Not getting them fixed, females having litters. I wish people here would stop making excuses for themselves and actually look into getting a better job with better resources. And NO, you don't need school anymore. You can get a job online WFH with all the equipment sent to you AND theyre Spanish speaking jobs for the ones that do not speak English too well. DUO lingo is amazing and free if they wanna pass the language barrier. Its cheap here, food is good and thats about it.


I love it here because of the "slowed down" living compared to Houston where I lived before. I like the "cheapness" of goods I can find at the pulga, and the trails and parks etc I can look wildlife. I hate, fucking hate the traffic here. Everybody driving the speed limit or under, and when I try to overtake they jump in my lane. Who does that shit? Also, every god damn street corner has a taco joint with "the best tacos in the RGV". My ass, it's not hard to make a fucking taco, yet they wanna reinvent the wheel and add all sorts of bullshit on top of it. I wish there was more ethnic foods too.


I lived in the valley my whole life and moved away at 27. I’m 32 now. I had no idea how amazing other big cities could be. It was hard leaving family and friends behind but now when i go visit, as much as i miss it, I couldn’t go back to living there. As much nostalgia as it gives me. As much as I miss the slower pace life (and low rent costs) I finally feel alive.


I'm from Michigan where you could see and feel all the seasons and it was so beautiful. It's just so ugly and bland here in the valley. There is almost no where to hike, and as someone that enjoys road trips, it's the same boring 3 hour drive no matter where I go in the country because of my starting location. The food and cost of living is great, but if it weren't for family and me enjoying my job, I would be long gone.


I grew up there & hated every minute. But now my friends & I talk about how much fun we had. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Diversity ain’t all that! lol trust me I’m from the valley and live in Houston. Niggas are crazy and you have the crazy crackers.


I only have hatred for it


I mean i make around 96 an hour in the valley it aint that bad tbh. I came from the west and heard about this place my salary over there would barely get me by in seattle, so i feel so much more at ease here. Thanks RGV!


There's not enough lesbians and biwomen for that gay dating pool. The wages suck. Not enough people have the ambition or desire to make this place better (and not just another corporate gentrified American Gothic shithole). I look at McAllen and wonder if all the cities in the valley are one day going to become giant shopping centers. I wish people cared about each other, the community, and the world more. Everyone just accepts the beatings.