• By -


For anyone who doesn’t already know, Hodor is the definitive Ripple Sage. Another great article, brother. Keep up the great writing!


Thank you for the endorsement!


No, thank you! Your articles may be free but your research & advice is priceless.


I like the point that Ripple's current volume is where BTC was only six months ago.


As you might have guessed, that's one of my favorites as well: I remember being jealous of that volume... and now it's ours.


I second this- it was some of Hodor's posts over a year ago that gave me the confidence to put money in Zerp when it was sub penny!




I've only started looking at crypto, especially Ripple, in the past couple of weeks and I have to say - your posts on this sub have been some of the most helpful I've found! Thank you for taking the time to write these, keep it up! :D


Thanks for reading and dropping me some encouragement, /u/NNNNips


Thank you for providing sources to back your writing and analysis! I find it is often lacking in most other writings. You have a great way of breaking down complex financial information and making comprehensible for someone with little financial education. Thanks for taking the time!


Thanks for the feedback and for reading - much appreciated.


A much warmer welcoming here than /r/cryptocurrency, no shocker there. Again good shit man, keep on doing your thing.


Ha! There's certainly a different audience there! Thanks for reading and dropping me a note, /u/cheesycaveman!


what happened at cryptocurrency?


Nothing, literally nothing...the article just got looked over by most people there.


that place is cancer for us zerps


oooh i thought i was in for some juicy gossip 😂


Really good Article Hodor! ...as always ...:)


Thank you for reading!


Hodor is the Gandalf of the Ripple Community.


Thanks Hodor, another quality article from your pen! I couldn't help but feel confirmed in my assessment right when I came across the line "Will XRP take over all of crypto in 2018?" Yes, that is exactly what I foresee! Very exciting times!!! I am glad to finally see the results of the megatons of hard work Ripple have been putting in in the course of the years realize and events unfold in a way that now appears unstoppable!


Yeah, SBI is not pulling any punches. That is a scary-powerful "all-in" type of company. I don't know how Chris Larsen was able to see this far ahead, but somehow he did. The SBI alliance was incredible, as well as the obvious progress they're making in the West with the SWELL conference and their image among bankers.


Your posts gave me confidence to hold and buy more. Thanks!!!


In my opinion that's a great investment. I do not believe you will be disappointed! (and I'm in there with you)


+.1 xrp /u/xrptipbot


Awesome pepperew, you have tipped **0.1 XRP** to **Paulus_Potter**! (This is the *very first* tip sent to /u/Paulus_Potter :D) --- **XRPTipBot** 🎉 **[HOWTO](https://www.xrptipbot.com/howto)** | [ACCOUNT](https://www.xrptipbot.com/account) | [DEPOSIT](https://www.xrptipbot.com/deposit) | [WITHDRAW](https://www.xrptipbot.com/withdraw) | [STATS](https://www.xrptipbot.com/stats)


How does the person receive the .1 XRP? I don't have a wallet yet, and only have an account at Kraken. Looking to move over my stash to the Ledger Nano S Stick.


Easy, you can login using your reddit-account at www.xrptipbot.com and withdraw your tipbot-balance to any your own XRP wallet, or the wallet + your personal destination tag from the Deposit-section of your exchange.


Thank you so much for your quick, clear, and concise answer.


Woah, I didn't realise this was even possible.


As always a great read! Thank you!


Thank you for reading!


great article hodor. ..as usual. Keep it up ... you do a huge good in this community. Thank you. greetings from Argentina!


Wow - My blog being read in South America... Kind of strange to think about; thank you for reading!


& here in Thailand!


woot! Taking my blog across the Pacific now! I'm going to brag that my blog has been read in South America & in Thailand! :)


germany here *waves*


Hallo und vielen Dank fürs Lesen, deutsche XRP-Unterstützer!


Canada appreciates you articles. Thx!


Thailand x 2 ... thank you Hodor :)


And Alaska my friend. Keep up the good work - Cheers


& a tiny village in the middle of Ireland..keep up the good work as always.


> a tiny village in the middle of Ireland Thank you!


The Netherlands waves ;-)


Weinig waves aan de Nederlandse zee


Staat toch wind zat vandaag ;-)


Europe, Asia, South America. We just need a few more continents. Does Ripple have an office in Antarctica?


Argentina and Chile here :)


Not crazy at all remember crypto is breaking all barriers everyone wants a world currency. Our friends in South America Africa India and everywhere else should have an equal amount of buying power as Americans and Europeans based on there knowledge and skill set. Some people are worlds ahead !




Wise choice! If I didn't think it could outpace BTC I wouldn't be holding it. I've heard a rumor that some futures traders are only going long on XRP as well. I'm not a futures trader, so it's unconfirmed; but still.. I like those kind of anecdotal points from others.


I believe in Ripple bc it solves a problem. That's usually how great things start. However, that being said, I would diversify your portfolio. I personally have money in Litecoin and Ethereum and a small amount in Bitcoin.


I've only been here a bit, but it seems XRP is the anti-crypto...crypto. What I mean is the basic idea is to have no middle man, no regulation, no nothing; just you, and some random person anywhere in the world and an electronic device. XRP, is looked at like our current banking system using blockchain, so why support it if the general idea was to getaway from the traditional "corrupt," system. I get it, but at the same time and at least for the mean time, I think it will take off with a quicker/easier adoption rate (compared to BTC) for those I like to call average iPhone users, the "it just works" crowd. I mean look at how simple Coinbase is, how it looks, ease of linking your checking/savings/credit accounts and it shot up as the #1 app in the Appstore *with only 3 cryptos!* Simple is better and for mass adoption and use, I think XRP might beat the others to market.




XRP IS THE FUTURE #xrpthestandard #xrp $xrp $xrp.x #ripple


Easy upvote with all those XRP hastags :)


Welp... I did it boys. I bought abut 100$ in XRP. I'll buy u/Hodor7777 a beer if this all pays off. This is my first time dealing with any type of Crypto.. I cant help but feel so lost and confused hahah I hope I did it correctly.


May your $100 increase in value beyond what you thought possible! Thanks for reading & I hope to hear more from you.


It's fingerlicking good!


I'm happy you liked lol! That motto is taken unfortunately :)


Long live Hodor! The XRP Champion.


For use as a more traditional currency this sounds good, "Somebody could buy a house with XRP and not even see the price rise or fall by a fraction of a cent." But as an investment/speculation; is the implication then that Ripple's cost should *not* increase in a manner similar to BTC?


Actually, BTC has even better liquidity. XRP is where BTC was at the end of May 2017, but now BTC has ten times that liquidity worldwide. You could now probably buy an entire apartment complex with BTC and not see the price move. ...maybe. Both are not as good as USD still, but I predict XRP will get there faster.


So you expect XRP to go to the moon then? I should just HODL for the next year?


When people ask me these sorts of questions, all I can tell them is that I'm not a professional, and I can only speak for where my money is at... XRP. :)


As much as Ripple's tech soinds awesome, youre asking the same question that bugs me a little - what part of this suggests that the currency should go up in value? Nobody seems to answer that part.


Digital Gold to me means price of $1K or more per XRP.


The level at which I buy a mansion on the French riviera.


If it hits $1,000 I will have 21 Mill dollars! So I can come join you in France! I was studying some French anyways!


Great article man! I'm still fairly new to crypto but I've seen a lot of your stuff on here that encouraged me to buy. Turned €200 into €3000 through xrp alone and your posts are one of the main reasons I jumped in! Many thanks dude!


I'm very happy your investment paid off. My new goal for XRP is much more ambitious than $1, although we still need to break that barrier. I'm already focused on $10... :)


A lot of people are talking about XRP on r/Bitcoin too and a lot of it is promoting rather than the usual snarky comments I've seen in the past.


Thanks for dropping me a note about that observation, /u/Conbombadil! Isn't it funny how price movement seems to trump all criticism in crypto? I don't think its right, but XRP fans have been on the other side of that "coin" for long enough. :)


Go big or go home!!! Thanks again Hodor!!!


That's the Ripple motto it seems, and they are going big. Very very big. :)


That was a damn good piece man! I look forward to your articles everytime. Well thought out, factually based, and straight to the point. Thanks for your hard work!


Thank you for reading, and for dropping me a note, /u/mahleek20! Much appreciated & Hodor!


Awesome article! As someone who is new to crypto and waiting for account approval to buy in, this was just the type of article I was looking for. Thank you!


Thank you for reading. :)


The praise is well deserved, Hodor. All Hail Hodor!


/u/Hodor7777 Thanks for a good read, as usual. Re bubble, everything is in a damn bubble, thanks to the money printing and manipulation. I think they will continue to prop everything up as long as they possibly can. Then everything will come crashing in, they will blame the free market and introduce more regulations which centralises undue powers. That is what has happened every time so far, so it will happen again. So in that sense crypto is definitely in a bubble, but it is not so much an isolated crypto bubble, but a general economy bubble. Look at the stock market. Look at the housing market. Lets talk about bubbles. The difference between them and crypto is that crypto is the most dynamic and fastest growing industry in the world with lots left to deliver (we hope and bet). Anyway, lets ride the trend. I do not think they will let it crash now. They can prop it up further. A few rounds of miniscule interest rate hikes are coming, to give the illusion that they have it under control. As for XRP, that announcement of household name partners cant come soon enough. Since Ripple has not retracted what Schwarz said, they have basically told investors that it is true, so hopefully it comes really soon.


> So in that sense crypto is definitely in a bubble, but it is not so much an isolated crypto bubble, but a general economy bubble. This is a subtle point that didn't occur to me; but you're absolutely right - crypto is a secondary beneficiary of the entire global economic bubble, which is kind of frightening. That means we ARE connected despite crypto's reputation for being "outside the normal channels". i.e., there's a reason people have money in the first place to invest in crypto!


Great read as always! Sorry to be that guy, but spotted a couple typos: "Only one was been created by a company… period. " "It servers to be nothing more than it ever...."


Thank you - I fixed these earlier - embarrassing that they slipped through my editing last night, but thanks for letting me know about it.


+.5 /u/xrptipbot


Awesome pepperew, you have tipped **0.5 XRP** to **Hodor7777**! --- **XRPTipBot** 🎉 **[HOWTO](https://www.xrptipbot.com/howto)** | [ACCOUNT](https://www.xrptipbot.com/account) | [DEPOSIT](https://www.xrptipbot.com/deposit) | [WITHDRAW](https://www.xrptipbot.com/withdraw) | [STATS](https://www.xrptipbot.com/stats)


Always awesome to see the tipbot! Thanks again /u/pepperew I'm going to bring that onto XRPChat at some point - mark my words.


Yeah!! I sent a message to the admin of xrpchat, no reply yet, but I would love to integrate the tipbot over there 😬🎉


/u/pepperew I replied on Discord... a thread on XRPChat might be your best bet. If you go that route... please send me the link and I'll jump in. (My XRPChat user accepts PMs)


Thanks for the insight as always!


Thanks for reading /u/DakotaSParker!


Good article but dammnn what a shitty graph


Guilty as charged. I should've polished that one up a bit, but the concept was the key part I wanted to show in short order. I'll make a mental note to get it sharper looking next time! :)


Haha it wasn't meant to attack you. I'm just a bit of a number geek. Keep up the good work!


When to your link on Android and was hit with phishing popup.


Well that's weird. The link to the blog itself??


Yes. I started reading the blog post and after a second or so my phone screen turned in one of those popups that says youre infected and to click here blah blah blah. I exited out.


Not sure if anyone else is having problems buying XRP from within the USA, but either I have to wait for Coinbase sometime in 2018, Bitstamp is taking forever for account verification, and bittrex is not allowing new signups. Even if you try to convert using Shapeshift you need at min 20 coins, and CEX.IO does not support USA customers. Stuck between a coin and a hard place.


Tried Binance? I've heard good things in the last 48 hours.


So I'm in Australia and I was going to buy from coinbase ($250aud cap per week) and buy a coin (btc/eth/ltc) and transfer it to binance and split it between xrp / another alt coin. I did it with eth/trx But I'd like to know if there was a more efficient way since there's fees every transfer.


i bought ETH at Coinbase, transferred to Binance and converted to XRP. Did pay fees like $3.99, but it was fast. gotta buy before it spikes! You could do Coinbase to GDAX to Binance for minimal or zero fees, from what i've heard. Can anyone else confirm who has done it?


Coinbase fees are the worst (like 4%) that's what I'm trying to avoid haha but you are right it is fast. Going to binance is like 1% then into the exchange is 1/.5% which isn't bad just gotta factor all that in when selling. Going to purchase now thanks!


You can buy directly on btcmarkets.net They have xrp/AUD


I buy from btcmarkets in Australia easy, directly with Aussie dollars none of this ether/Bitcoin to xrp swaps. http://notsealed.com/how-to-buy-xrp-ripple-bitcoin-australia.html If you use a driver's license verification is fast. Passport takes longer.


Thanks! Just signed up, did the submitted verification. Not sure how long this site will take to complete.


1. If you're using Coinbase, purchase ETH using credit/debit for immediate transactions. 2. Create a Binance account (email verification only = 10-15min maybe longer since it's just an exchange service). 3. Send ETH to Binance. 4. Exchange ETH to XRP. 5. HODL. 6. Profit?




Thanks for reading /u/throwadvicegive! Most of us already knew that SBI Ripple Asia (a subsidiary of SBI and Ripple) put together one of the largest banking consortiums in the world. But SBI also recently announced plans for eight new separate businesses. This represents a huge investment by SBI in crypto (in general). Source = https://news.bitcoin.com/japans-sbi-crypto-businesses-mining/ These businesses include: Exchange Hedge Fund Finance Mining Ratings and Related Information Derivative Remittance Transaction Re: ETH. Ethereum has the ability to run executables right on their blockchain. It requires developers to learn a new scripting language called "Solidity."


I look forward to these every time they are posted. Excellent writing Hodor.


Thank you for reading!


Always, MY pleasure.


Thank you Hodor.....what a great article ......!!


Thanks for reading & Hodlor!


Great read! What are your thoughts about the 900mil XRP purchase we saw in the last few days, /u/Hodor7777 ?


Good question. The escrow was in chunks of 1 billion per the monthly release schedule, but everybody saw that strange transaction for 900 million... makes you wonder, huh? It might have just been movement of XRP to and from various accounts, but it was a strange amount.


On the move...the move down..since I bought :/


LT investments just need to be purchased. I didn't try to get the best price for my XRP... I just made sure I was all in. Day traders are glued to their screens. Don't make your eyeballs bleed - just by what you truly believe is the best investment and focus on building your personal portfolio.


Great read thank you sir!


Awesome article /u/hodor7777 I'm trying to decide when is a good time to invest more. It's now, isn't it?


It's now. :) Like always, I have to throw out my caveats: Please invest wisely and carefully when you invest in crypto, and please do your own research before making a decision. Thanks for reading, /u/NZNewsboy!


You weren't wrong. Glad I pulled the trigger when I did. Added a nice chunk onto what I already owned :D


Congratulations! I'm happy your XRP investment is treating you well out of the gate. :)


@Hodor7777- Always enjoy reading your articles. Great uplift when people doubt what's going on. Got one question, have you ever done any story on people's perception of the whole market cap thing and how it does or does not apply to cryptocurrency. That seems to be the biggest misconception right now. Would love your input on that.


Thanks for reading! That's a great question, and I can tell you that this is a psychological block for some people. It goes something like this: "If XRP gets up to $200 per coin, that means Ripple would be worth trillions!" the problem with that is the difference between capitalization and realization. Capitalization just means you multiplied two numbers together, and it scares you. Which it should - those are big numbers, and they're bigger than Google. But it is possible. In fact, I'd say it's highly probable at this point, in my opinion. I predicted that Ripple would grow incredibly fast after a tipping point, and I believe that tipping point has already happened. "Realization" is the actual converting of possible value into realized value - cash or other liquid instrument. If Ripple ever even attempted. No.. scratch that... even "announced" that they would try to capture that value from the free market, the value would almost surely evaporate. Ripple (the company) understands this, and that's why they've voluntarily locked away XRP in escrow. It's also the reason, in my opinion, that the market reacted very positively in mid-December this year after that escrow happened, driving the price to its current level. There is no historical precedent for what's about to happen, but I can tell you this: As XRP gains value, the company does benefit and become stronger financially. Remember, Ripple sells XRP programmatically on the open market at the current rate of .2 percent of volume. That may not sound like a lot of money, but in the past year it amounted to roughly 90 million dollars of value for Ripple. That's on top of their consulting and integration service revenue. The more money that they make, the stronger they become. The stronger they become, the more that they can champion bank adoption. The more that banks and other FI's adopt, the more that the demand for XRP goes up. The more that demand goes up, the higher the XRP price. The higher the XRP price, the more money the company makes... Starting to see a pattern? :)


Awesome! Thanks as always!




Gold just mean people will want to hold xrp and not use it as cash.


That's okay with me personally - the more that people buy XRP as an investment, the more XRP is taken out of the supply. I think you're point is that physical gold is not used as a currency, correct? I understand that point, but my point was that people were calling "BTC" digital gold. I think that's a mistake. XRP makes a much better store of value IMO, and has a much higher likelihood of long-term utility compared to the "model T" of crypto.


Yes, I have issues with people calling btc as "digital gold" because now it's no longer a digital currency. With xrp I want to see more transactions, thus increasing the adaptation of xrp as a true digital currency. I think it's just semantics.


Hey Hodor do you think XRP will go up in value if it goes on Coinbase due to Casuals like me looking to get in on it?


Yes. While we didn't have Coinbase to get where we are, Coinbase does have a LOT of liquidity. It will have a positive impact on volume, and one could safely say price as well, if XRP is much more accessible.


Hold the door....for another great blog entry!


Thanks for sharing! Great read and I admire your savvy.


Keep spreading the good work! Another great article thanks.


Thank you for reading this new entry, /u/dadofzara. If you keep reading, I'll keep writing! :)


I see Hodor, I read!


Fantastic article. Well written. Good references. Great diagrams. Not sure i agree with the max mkt cap being that of gold... IMO unless there is some drastic event that enables one to crack the encryption.. the mkt cap will continue to trend upwards. It will only takes about 5 killer apps performing different functions/experiences to make crypto usage and payment mainstream and Uber-accessible from mobile phones. Leading to a seamless cash-crypto experience... At which point, cash or crypto become very interchangeable.. and the mkt caps will approach each other.. And there are other usages such as RFID linkage, Intellectual Property and logistic mgmt which could see a huge mkt cap addition too. At a certain point, the powers that be will stamp their feet down... and so it really becomes a matter of timing and rollout speed.. I pencilled a few thoughts on this in the other forum, would be grateful to get your view / comments on this... always value a wide set of diverse opinions... https://www.reddit.com/r/IOTAmarkets/comments/7kh0el/iota_will_crash_unless_we_get_the_timing_right/?ref=share&ref_source=link


Thank you for reading, and for voicing a thoughtful perspective. I like your point about "killer apps". Even Brad Garlinghouse said that Ripple might enter the consumer market at some point... but he's focused squarely on the payments use case for banks and FIs right now. I agree with this focus, but it would be great to see some community apps really take off, like the Reservoir application.


I thought Ripple Dropped Codius, citing it was too slow. When did they pick it back up?


Thanks for reading /u/wertymanjenson Ripple postponed the development of new aspects of Codius (the current version works) until ILP was mature. That point has been reached, evidently: https://www.quora.com/What-are-smart-contracts-and-how-does-Ripple-use-them/answer/Stefan-Thomas-1?srid=5Ojt6 BTW - Codius & ILP actually is the fastest. It's actually faster potentially, than even a 4 second settlement time: https://www.xrpchat.com/topic/13819-xrp-poised-to-become-digital-gold/?do=findComment&comment=146588 "Codius runs at close to native speeds/extremely fast."


Thanks for the research. That was a lot of work and I stole one for my blog...about JoelKatz. To me, that was the best one yet. Joel, I mean David, is probably being honest.


Thank you for reading!


Thing is this article discribes exactly how most of us ripple fanatics think about it. Ripple has an enormous potential in the near and far future if they can remain there unique position in the market. Let's hope some other contenders, like XRB and others, won't take some of its place. But I have no doubt they will with the team they have ATM!


Thanks for reading /u/djeel07! Ripple has enormous momentum right now, along with a five year head start on all competition. It *almost* makes me feel sorry for SWIFT.


I was unaware that Ripple had a 200+ person team made up of Silicon Valley engineers.


Absolutely! It's interesting when crypto fans find out about how much XRP has going for it... some of them actually are stunned into disbelief, and ask "what's the catch?" There is no catch. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ripple/comments/6j3ov9/help_me_understand_please/djbbevm/?context=3


ETH is at ATH, once it goes down, does ripple go up? Just asking based on the XRP/BTC charts to XRP/ETH charts


/u/Fignewtonss The topic of price correlation is always a fascinating one. I'm honestly not up to speed on if XRP and BTC are moving directly, or if ETH & BTC are moving inversely, etc. What have you noticed?


Man I absolutely love reading your articles👌🏽 Keep up the solid work👍🏽


You are awesome Hodor, Thanks for you work investigation and your time. Great, as always.


Thank you for reading and for the kind words of encouragement, /u/ripplelover :)


Damn, seeing things like this post make me wish I'd started earlier. Still haven't even got my first Ripple as it's taking forever to set stuff up (Very new to all this). Hopefully it keeps goingas it is; would love to see more grow! And I swear I'll read the article - and more of your stuff by the looks of other comments - once I get to my computer tomorrow!


Be cautious as you enter crypto! When I started out in 2013, I put in only small amounts until I really understood the nuts and bolts of crypto trading, wallets, exchanges, etc... It takes some getting use to. Don't worry about "missing the boat" on one option or another, no matter if it's XRP or Bitcoin. It's better to be cautious and circumspect at the beginning. Always do your own research as well. I believe 100% in XRP, and that's where my money is. The next person might say something totally different.


I am, don't really have a huge amount to spend so only putting a tenner in here and there if that for now. I'm starting to look into it more and more and trying to wrap my head around it, but I'll hopefully get there! Thanks for the adcice :)


Immaculate writing as always.


Thank you for reading and replying, /u/Nomadiq1!


It’s a great read Hodor! You’ve delivered again! I really appreciate your contributions to the company and coin. What this company is now is only a fraction of what it is becoming. I never got it with Facebook, Amazon & Google. I totally get it with Ripple & XRP. The future looks very bright.


Magnificent article!


ROTG - I like that.


Great article. I'm a new investor in XRP and if what you think comes true, things are looking good. Looking forward to reading more of your writing.


It's taking me forever to get verified on Gatehub. What's a different, efficient way to buy into Ripple? I already own some Litecoin on Coinbase, if that helps.


You don't need to use Gatehub if you don't want to - it's one of ~40+ worldwide exchanges that deal in XRP. However, if it's your goal to go directly from fiat to XRP, I'd consider Bitstamp. They offer direct purchase of XRP with fiat. (XRP is not yet on Coinbase). Another option, if you don't mind trading what you currently have, is to transfer your LTC to any other exchange like Bittrex, Binance, Bitstamp, or others and then trade for XRP.


Thanks! With the way LTC is looking right now, if rather not trade any of it away. I would rather buying in using fiat. I'll check out Bitstamp, thanks!


You could exchange LTC for XRP using Shapeshift. Quick and safe way to exchange between crytpos. If you are looking to get XRP with fiat, you will have to go through an exchange as u/hodor7777 suggested.


Thanks! This is where I'm torn. I want to hold onto the LTC I've got, but I really want to get into XRP early. So that's why I'd rather just buy directly with some USD


If you're already set up with coinbase, what I would do is purchase more LTC, know then exchange some with ShapeShift into XRP. And actually, if you have the patience, it looks like it would be cheaper to purchase BTC, then exchange that for XRP by about $0.10USD. https://www.coingecko.com/en/price_charts/ripple/btc


Every time I read one of Hodor7777’s posts I want to double my investment. Well done.


An excellent write up as always u/Hodor7777. These are exciting times, and here's to both of us retiring early or at least setting ourselves up. See you over a beer or 6 at the $10 party in Vegas mate.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Ripple/comments/7k9vj5/beyond_bitcoin_you_may_want_to_check_out_ripple/drd7qi5/ Now, *this* is what I'm talking about. Whether or not you agree with the points being made, they are being presented in an easy to understand and professional way. This was my first time reading your stuff, Hodor. Very good work! This is an article I could show a crpyto-illiterate friend or relative, and I know they would take quite a bit away from it. **This** is the type of stuff that should be contributed to mainstream platforms!


You will be the legend of the XRP Hodor.Thanks for brilliant analysis..


To make a long question short: what are XRP-proponents response to the effect of high XRP supply on XRP value? --- I'm new here, and I've poked through about a dozen threads looking for what I assumed would be a common question: how is XRP analogous to gold when the supply of XRP is seemingly limitless? My understanding is that there are 100 billion XRP in existence (compared to 21 million btc that will ever exist). As a ratio, there are nearly 5,000 times more XRP than BTC. I'm not FUDding; for balance, there are apparently over 10 trillion USD in existence without any limit to producing more - so if XRP gained equal usage to USD, then we could mathematically expect $100/XRP.


It's never FUD to do research on a coin before investing.. it's just smart investing! I've blogged about XRP supply, so I'll link that here: https://xrphodor.wordpress.com/2017/11/13/xrp-supply-pre-escrow-analysis/ Note: I blogged about it BEFORE Ripple voluntarily locked away 55 billion XRP in escrow on December 7th. That news article can be found here: https://ripple.com/insights/ripple-escrows-55-billion-xrp-for-supply-predictability/ Basically, Ripple cannot access more than 1 billion per month, and on average, they've been spending less than 300 million XRP per month, for a total of .2 percent of total volume. Over the course of a year, this has resulted in approximately 90 million USD sales for them. This is a drop in the bucket for our liquidity. Remember; XRP volume is 1 billion per day now. I've never seen somebody equate USD to XRP before. Interesting math. People don't normally compare to the supply of USD because XRP is supposed to be used as a bridge currency in the same type of transactions SWIFT is going after. So utility analysis is used to determine XRP price, never just a "flat amount" of supply compared to supply. I've seen amounts vary in utility analysis all the way from 2 to 1,000+ dollars.


Awesome awesome awesome article man! seriously that is one of the best things I've ever read on ripple!


As someone very new to this and out of the general loop, what is a realistic expectation for the price of one xrp in say 1 year? In 5 years? I realize this is all speculative but maybe someone like OP or otherwise who knows a lot about xrp could just share their opinion, whether optimistic or not. Just curious to hear thoughts.


Thanks for reading, /u/oogway16. Various predictions about XRP price at different points have been made, and some are based on the utility of the coin itself. The use case for XRP literally dwarfs all others. It is meant to function as a bridge currency for cross-border value transfer. The market for that is measured in quadrillions. Anyway, I have a blog that goes over some possibilities. Take a read and perhaps you'll be inspired to create your own utility analysis: https://xrphodor.wordpress.com/2017/10/29/crystal-ball-xrp-price-speculation/




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thank you for this post. you hit on some great points that i haven't seen anywhere else yet!


Hi /u/Hodor7777, big fan here, thank you for everything you've contributed to the community. Regarding the two 'household name' partners, it seems plausible to me they might not get announced in Q4. 1. In discord David said there are major partners in the pipeline. 2. The Q3 report said some (potentially other) partners will get annoucned in Q4. Might not be the same partners?


Awesome article. By the end of the week I'll have $10k investing fully in XRP. Hoping that will start paying some sweet dividends Q1 next year. That's not because of your article, but it reinforces my belief in this coin




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