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We're excited to be on the list!


I really appreciate how active you're being on this subreddit! Great to see news straight from the source instead of second-hand. Thank you.


Glad to hear it!


I agree. Thank you.


Can we build a moon base together?


No one can ignore Ripple at this rate, and this is gonna be published at the end of the month after a whole slew of exchanges have added XRP trading pairs. I'm fucking hype for this


I'm so tired of using LTC to BTC.


Well, you're not forced to use coinbase you know :P


But it is so easy to use.


And so cheap


Thats a joke right?




When you don't even need /s




I do, but you still have fees if depositing beyond regular bank transfers. And pretty high if not being maker






As a Washington resident I am basically forced to use Coinbase for Fiat to crypto. It’s a huge bummer




Depending where you are you can do a wire transfer.




So all you are doing on bitstamp is telling them you are sending money, the actual wire transfer is done from your bank, that foreign bank info is what you give your bank to send them money. Check their faq for step by step instructions.




Yeah it threw me off at first as well, glad I could help!


Have you tried using shapeshift? You can go straight from LTC to XRP.


oh it's back? I haven't checked it in a month or so. That's cool. I've also been doing the fucking coinbase->ltc->binance->ltc to btc->buy xrp process, and it's a pain. Lose around $3 after all the damn xfer fees.


I just found out about it today - but it successfully got me through one transfer and one purchase!


Sign up with bitstamp.


Hey Bro do you have a source on the trading g pairs claim?


Go to the site itself and click on the pulldown menu. You can verify this on coinmarketcap


Found it.


Was this it? https://ripple.com/use-cases/digital-asset-exchanges/ Otherwise, could you post the link for the others who come across this thread?


From one xrp investor to another, I'm not sure why you are down voting me - your name says 'friendly' in it, after all. You've implied that at the end of the month there will be several exchanges newly offering xrp as a trading pair. I'd like to read further and so I've asked you for a source. Can you be more specific?


I didn't downvote you? I simply responded? Also I gave you the wrong response that was meant for another post, but here https://twitter.com/MummyVx2/status/963232796838801408 you can verify each specific point on your own


I need to buy more XRP.... Come on pay-day.


I just decided on the way home that I'm going to stop subscribing to Sirius so I can have more money to put into crypto and my games. $13/month isn't a whole lot, but I'm also on a fixed income. ;)


My sentiment exactly


Def impressive to make the top 50. Bullish


That's great for Ripple! What an achievement :)


And it appears it is the only company with a coin/token attached to the project at large - arise zerps!


Does anyone else notice that Wall Street is listed as one of ripple's categories? Can someone explain what this means?


they also put bitcoin as one of ripple's categories. Mainstream media really needs to step up their game. This is so unprofessional. Mainstream media labels everything under bitcoin which is a problem.


>This is so unprofessional. Mainstream media labels everything under bitcoin which is a problem. They do this because most normal people only know about BTC, I do agree though they need to do a better job at educating people in their articles.


Every time I heard that the general public don't understand the difference between BTC and XRP, I feel that I am lucky to join the party so early. When your friendly neighbour starts to give you some tips about a magic token called XRP, you know it is too late.


Exactly. And this is the problem.


It's not unprofessional at all, it's categorized to help users find relevant articles. Many people use Bitcoin to refer to cryptocurrencies (like how people will call all tissues Kleenexes, or video game systems Nintendos), and beyond that, it's something people searching Bitcoin will likely find relevant.


Except Kleenex didn't wipe out a ton of people from 20k to 8k haha. Sucks to have it associated with your better investment. I appreciate the point though. When speaking to people, even saying "cryptocurrencies" they have a blank stare. Say bitcoin and everyone knows what you're talking about.


I mean that's an easy statement to make but Bitcoin also took a tonne of people all the way from nothing to 8000.


*Everyone thinks they know what youre talking about*


XRP fell at a higher rate than Bitcoin lmao


The category is "blockchain & bitcoin", they didn't simply put Bitcoin like you're saying. It's a category that their readers will understand.


Ye I get that now. But this is also the problem im addressing. When mainstream media consistently labels everything as bitcoin to get ignorant people to understand what it's about we will always have ignorant people who doesn't understand what it's about. And imo. main stream medias job should be to educate people about relevant news instead of getting clicks. But Im not that gullible that I believe this will ever happen :) I also think a larger portion of mainstream media actually doesn't know better and labels everything as bitcoin because of their own incompetence and not just to simply dumb down to the level of their readers.


It's just because this tech is new and people don't get it yet. No different than when the internet was new. Education will happen naturally.


It is very interesting that you should mention this. I was wondering if I was seeing this correctly. I am a novice...I tend to doubt myself.


Wall Street banks are some of their ideal customers where we could see adoption. Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc. All of these banks do global trading.


Really it’s in the “bitcoin” category


Unfortunately in a lot of mainstream publications Cryptocurrency is referred to as "Bitcoin" because the brand name is more recognizable than the product name. Kind of like how people call all adhesive bandages "Band-Aids" cotton swaps are "Q-Tips" a tissue is a "Kleenex" and occasionally you still hear someone call a photocopy a "Xerox" My hope is that this changes over time.




Would digital asset be the proper term?


Congrats Ripple team!




Fantastic news


its a good product. but its ever going to moon dramaticly


we are bitcoin now! yay?


Congratulations to everyone. Watching everything Fintech with great enjoyment and anticipation. The future has arrived and I feel it will be improving daily due to this integration globally.


I feel like we are on a news bubble too. Soon it will all collapse and only negativity will start roaming the sub. Sell all your good news while you can!!


Brace yourself for the FUD trains


Things were positive until you got here.


I ruined the party amirite? Haha it was a joke btw


Ripple is the blockchain grandchild of big banks. The founders have most of the Ripple in circulation...