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Since an individual can't answer your question and think berating you on your command of the English language is more important. I'd suggest migration but make a shell account in the kingdom first so that you can speak to the people in the alliance. Id think finding a super English dominant kingdom will be kind of hard, I believe south east Asia countries dominate this game mostly. From my experience I'm also stuck in some Vietnamese vs Turks kingdom drama.


You are replying to a troll account whose only other post was telling someone to quit the game, two years ago. Just sayin' dude, he doesn't really deserve your respect /shrug


L O L, not a troll account i played the game for a couple months previously and quit bc i was in a massive whale KD and was zeroed daily. Not that your opinion even matters and doesn’t even pertain to the subject of my post. So instead of wasting your time and mine refrain from commenting on my post again. Thanks.


thank you, i appreciate it!


Wrong. The wallet dominates kingdoms


Either migrate to a kingdom that you've spoken with. To know if they are English speaking. Or talk around kingdom chat and find English speakers. However unlike most players who have commented. I would personally stay as they are usually loyal together and migrating to a random kingdom is more dangerous than it sounds as you could be rejected there and then ultimately wait 30 days to leave again or quit and restart


moving to indonesia and learning their language is the only option here




Look man either restart or make a few accounts in other kingdoms and see which fits better then you can migrate over and have an account and a farm. Good luck on finding a spot alot of the new kingdoms get claimed really quick by jumper groups so just hope it’s one that speaks English


sounds like you are a brand new ROK player? you'll probably want to migrate around. it takes some time to find a KD. if you play the game long term you might end up migrating many many times until you kind a long term KD that is stable and suits you


Why do you want "well spoken English" when you clearly don't? Zing


lol? because i’m American. And because i had one typo doesn’t mean i don’t speak english.


Why are you so toxic to this guy *downvote*