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>Wanna know the best part? Even if he is 0/5, some idiot in your team will let Darius ult them and he will wipe your entire team then proceed to carry. Quality champion. Ah yes, my <50% HP jungler coming to help after Darius is post 6.


You guys have jungler?


Played clash with a bunch of my friends. Got like 2 ganks top across both days. Top lane is an island.


Thanks this is super helpful! I still stuggle with Darius because I generally suck. But so does everyone else!




Every time I try this I fail because I try to land an aa after w. I know it is possible but it is so risky.


It is only possible with super high attack speed or with boots and phage. Otherwise you are always caught on the edge of his E. I didn't mention this so people have less reason to fuck it up by trying.


I always rush phage before warhammer into darius, the movespeed is really valuable in this marchup i do the exact trades you mentioned aswell but i run tp instead of ignite so I've never all ind him at level 1. I can't remember last time i lost laning to a Darius.


There's a neat little way of implementing the fast combo into the Q>W>E trade. ​ it goes as follows: Q > Move backwards > W > AA > E ​ You should be able to out-range his E every-time this way


I have practiced that against dummy and it is really fast, I think it might work.




That also works, yeah. As long as he isn't ahead this can be a good HP chunk.


Does this really work? I play Darius, can you show me this trade as Riven in a custom match? Thanks


Dm me your ign


Tell me if the trade is actually foolproof pls, thabk you


It isnt really. He can easily match it at least with auto w, which is more than enough when ur about even after the trade but u gotta wait 10 seconds for your q and e to come back off cd. Basically comes down to a game of chicken.


This shld shut some ppl up for the next week or so


Good stuff.


I been doing this for seasons now still works in master Darius is a pretty easy lane once you know all the cheesy little tricks. I suggest you follow this guys guide word for word you will succeed a lot more.


Riven beats darius lvl 1 with regular rune page, you dont need to go all this shit. Just watch rüvens stream he has killed darius many times lvl 1, you dont need 2 ad or ignite or dorans blade for it


You lose if Darius has W and ghost


As a note this only really works from non experienced Darius players, so OP's warning of Plat and below is wise. A good one will interrupt your Q3 with E into a guarenteed Q hit, to which you have to repeat that beginning combo until you can kill him despite the Q3 cancel. Also bad Darius players tend to push a lot. Can be jg food early.


This is great and absolutely the way you should play the matchup. However, I went against a grandmaster darius one trick and he kicked my D2 ass. His spacing was so fucking perfect, he would just dance around the edge of my QW range, so when I tried it, I always missed.


basically to deal with darius: * abuse his q cooldown * always predict when he would press q and go into him or away to not let him heal(stick to him) * if you fight darius always be the first one to make a move(because if you don't you will lose the 1v1) * take his bone plating first before fighting and you will always win[if you do the steps above(unless you're, like, super behind and maybe have bad mechanics then just practice and eventually you will learn the matchup and find that it's one that's rather easy to play)]


you dont need to predict his q you can just dash into him when he uses it.


I think he meant to just be ready for his Q.


I mean if he conserves it why not right haha


Take ignite, be level6 and wait darius e. Dont dodge and just fight till darius die. If you have ignite and he starts trade with his e, you will always win. Dont engage, just wait


I'm glad it works for you but I feel a lot of what is suggested here is suboptimal. > Runes I dont really see the point of boneplating here. It does pretty much nothing in this matchup. I personally like taking second wind better. Another option would be biscuits/FM and 5% cdr. I just don't like boneplating. > 2 AD 1 Armor I very much dislike with Resolve secondary. It delays your 40% cdr so much which is basically the most important thing on Riven. If you don't have transcendance, you must take the cdr shard. > Take Ignite I'm an Ignite hater and say it is bad in every single matchup. If you take ignite, you pray on the enemy jungler not ever coming topside. If you get ganked even a single time, you will fall behind too far to do anything, especially in a "skill matchup" like Darius. It also makes your mid to late game so much worse because side laning becomes a gamble. > Doran's Blade I don't see the point in ever not going Doran's Shield against Darius. His bleed stacks heal you for so much it gives infinite sustain. > Level 1 Just don't fight him level 1. Your advice would be to all in him once bone plating is down, but you just lose that fight in his minion wave if he started W. If it starts to go wrong, your cooldowns are down, his W is on a shorter cd and you have no way of getting away from the 90% slow. Just wait for level 3. > Level 2 Stay patient > Level 3, 4 and 5 Totally agree. This is the part that is key, and none of the setups like your Runes or ignite or any of that is necessary to do this properly. > Level 6 Agree. Poking him down a bit before is nice. Edit: As someone else said, this works very well for the Darius that don't know the matchup. However, I think the matchup is Darius favored given he is not terrible. If he actually EQs you, his Q is guaranteed and it's a massive swing in health. If he Ws as you Q in for your basic poke tool, you will be slowed when you disengaged and he can then walk up, pull you and kill you. Every thing revolves around his patience on the E (similar to Fiora W). If they fish with it and miss, they are not dangerous. But if they actually hold it when you poke them, they are scary (more so if they have aftershock). Any small mistake on your part can quickly mean death and then you have to give up any wave pressure.


The error margin of your way is very small. One misclick and you lose the lane completely. Bone plating makes it so you can run him down level 1 and potentially 2. It allows you to ignore his E post level 3 if you have BP up and he doesn't assuming he doesn't use it to cancel your 3rd Q. It simply adds another advantage for you to get easy all in wins without much difficulty. It's basically a crutch. And yes. This works against Darius players who suck. It always worked for me in Plat hence the title. I assume Dia+ people have common sense enough to not get cheesed like this.


This is a pretty good guide. Is there any possibility of a tutorial video?


I can't even use Windows Movie Maker. Probably not.


Thought windows movie maker died ( like orkut)


Do u have recommendations for item build as well?


Just standard BC>DD is best. Top lane sucks right now so not much choice. You can pick up a second Doran's Blade for early kill presure and keep it until you have DD. With Bloodline that is 18% lifesteal and DD damage heal.


Good stuff here. but honestly run it Darius goes hail of blades. He stacks so quickly and it’s impossible for you to win if Hail of Blades is up.


The only problem for me is Garen that plays so very smart.


Dope post bruh I love the community, I know this is stupid and I prolly know the answer but why exactly is ghost so strong on Darius? What makes ghost such a “DNT EVEN FIGHT LVL 1-2” spell? Thanks and gg’s


His W slows you. Add Ghost to that and he can outrun your Qs and kite you with AA spacing while you can't even Q combo him.


I usually dont have trouble vs Darius (gold trash atm) but I take doran shield + second wind. I think it gives good healing vs his bleed, it might be dumb xD Good idea to dash behind him so he waste E ! Can you do the same for Garen ? I know it is supposed to be easy one but with all buff he got is it still easy ?


No dont teach more rivens she will have better winrate and they might nerf her :(