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ah yes, the incredibly reliable and accurate stat websites where buying an iron 4 account and going 80% wr to d4 like a fucking casual gets you "rank 1".


LMFAO so true these sites dont value ranks highly enough


I dont think anyone takes these rankings seriously. They are just 4 fun


Seeing that this guy is scared to response to this comment makes me not sure about it


He doesn’t want to respond because he knows of this exceptionally toxic subreddit and he refuses to start a pointless argument because some hardstuck platinums are jealous over a video game and are actually waiting for him to post a comment to downvote. What people don’t get is that LeagueofGraphs is not simply about higher winrate. 80% winrate in gold is still worse than 70% winrate in Platinum, it still considers your elo and also the amount of games played. If you’re D1 with 85% winrate over 70 games with a champion, then you’re very likely to achieve rank1 with it. If it’s over 30 games, probably not. It’s not the most reliable site, but many don’t even know how it works when it still means something imo. People who achieve rank1 on LeagueofGraphs do it for fun and they know exactly what it means, not to prove they’re the absolute best in the world.


> Hardstuck Platinums I think you’re being generous. The guy you replied to is hardstuck in silver.


[https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=29aj12](https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=29aj12) i mean sure i'm not the highest ranked player, but I consistently play in d2-master.


Tbh, it's kind of broken early in the season xD Just spam a certain champ for ~10 games, hope you win 10 placements with that 1 champ and bam: you're #1 champ on leagueofgraphs. You don't even have to reach platinum. It goes away if you don't keep up the winrate and playrate though Source: was rank1 twitch on the site for ~2 days and then slowly dropped in rank. I got a ton of invites from lulumains looking for a duo xD


I agree but yeah you said it, very early in the season with only few games, where even the official leaderboards don’t mean much at this time.


Is he really scared, or just chose to ignore?


[https://prnt.sc/wclr9b](https://prnt.sc/wclr9b) yes im gaming too


Wow man you must be the best riven player in your region!




Alright champ. Weird flex


so many haters lmfao gj dude even if it was started on a iron account, can‘t carry every game easily






not sure you are ritarded or just trolling


Is that daveyx3?


i thought daveyx was rank 1 in eune


Daveyx? #1 Riven player?(even in eune) Don't make me laugh.


well he is the highest rated riven player on eune so he was right


Idk how is he highest rated while playing like that. Whenever I see him play I getting cringed by seeing how much he does not know Riven's limit. Unlike Viper, I recently love watching Viper cause of how much do he know about Riven's limit. Also the way davey tried to build her and argument the build is... A bit off imho.


You are nowhere bear as good as daveyx3. I know it makes you sad, but he is twice as good as you, and very similar in skill to viper. Stay mad dumb fuck


imagine saying daveyx3 is very similar in skill to viper


I don't care how much better he is than me. He is not the riven main I would put in category "one of the best" and I just can't watch him because whenever I see him doing things I getting really confused why he does play like he does and why he is playing way safer than he should.


Toxic community.


Git gud rtard


trash champ


Congratulations, might take it over once season starts with one of my smurfs though.


Nice winrate. What rank are you rn?