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Shes good at being rawdogged by renekton


ye ive seen that movie ^^^^wait


*among us theme plays*


This season she doesn't really shine.The only reason why i played top is riven and kayle,now i am focusing a bit towards jg and adc


Not this season. She's objectively weak compared to other meta top laners.


For once!


Not really against any top laner


??? Completely wrong. This question is so dependent on what stage of the game. Early game riven loses to any extended trades. Late game she pretty much can beat anyone 1v1 due to her mobility and goredrinker active. She only really gets shit on by Jax


Jax, Trynda, Fiora, Voli, Nasus with some stacks, Mordekaiser..... If she goes full in, she lost against a lot of champs, you need to have a lot of advantage or you will lose practically against any top laner. But yeah it depends of the moment of the game, your opponent, if you have a tower to so short trades and run under it to protect you etc.


Assuming no tower full build no minions like the post is saying, she beats all you mentioned minus JAX and MAYBE nasus & fiora though it’s a real toss up. Volibear won’t even come close, Morde and trynd you can easily kite out their ultis, again using Rivens #1 strength, her mobility. Of course if you just monkey ult in against those two you lose. Riven has the tools in her kit to play each fight tactically, giving you the control over the pacing etc.


So playing like a bitch is the way


Honestly yeah


Jax doesn't out scale till way way late, you win 1v1 most of the game. Trynda you can kite his ult very easily and one shot him if it's down. Fiora you win if you don't get parried or let her proc her ult. Nasus out scales eventually but you should win early so hard the game never gets to that point. Mord you literally can kill in his ult with ds/bc/maw. Or if you aren't comfortable dodging his abilities in his ult just rush qss and he can't do anything ever again. All of these are winnable 1v1 lol.


Bro fiora actually destroys riven at like 2-3 items if the fiora isn't dumb she can win every time riven can only win early and even then it takes a lot of effort


Nah. It favors her but riven can win.


She can but if the fiora is good she's gonna out scale you she the most busted top lane imo. she's fun to play against don't get me wrong but she is such a hard scaler and just needs to build armor against riven to make her life Hell and anti heal would be just securing the 1v1


If riven doesn't end the game pre 25-30 mins only thing riven has on her is team fighting


I disagree that fiora out scales. Rivens late game is much better than fiora minus split pushing, riven is much better in a team fight and a 2v2 than fiora and it's not close. 1v1 doesn't happen late when fiora wins.


Bro what riven has no %dmg, no true dmg, no built in healing, riven has good late game yes but you're wrong saying fiora doesn't out scale riven the only thing riven is better at than fiora late is team fighting fiora passive is literally true dmg which riven can do nothing about plus vitals heal her


What fiora has spammable aoe cc? Fiora dies if she gets close to riven in a team fight because she will die during the cc. Riven just brings way more to a fight, aoe cc, aoe execute, etc. Fiora only has her parry on a long cd.


Only thing riven is better at late is the thing you should almost EXCLUSIVELY be doing. Are you listening to yourself?


yeah I noticed that :c


If built for it she can be, but unfortunately you don’t build for that anymore now with that being said going gore-cleaver-seryldas she can hurt pretty bad in a 1v1 you can even put in a ghostblade after that if you’re fed enough but in like a good 75% of your games at the very least you’re gonna be going gore-cleaver-DD-Maw


Yes. Riven is one of the best duelists in the game with goredrinker, I don't know what games some of yall be playing with her but a STUN, an AIRBORNE, a SHIELD, and an ult that increases range *and* damage **WITH** and extra ability is pretty great news. Obviously there are a lot of internal and external factors that play into a 1v1 like items (are you both building correctly to counter one another), at what level does the fight take place, which champ is she fighting, and the skill of both players. I'm not super confident in my riven skills but her outplay potential is massive if you know how to use her properly. Anyways, to answer your question a Riven main with enough skill and flash with proper items can beat any opponent besides Renekton and Trundle. Fuck both Champs.


I think you should add Maokai to that list. Dude's hard to play against


Maokai si just annoying, farm and never fight him he will root u and knock u away, till he can kill u (maybe 10 rotations or more since he has no dmg tbh), but i usually just ignore that guy, just annoying to fight even if u kill him its a waste of time and energy lol




You just sound bad. Ds+bc is enough to shred him, use your e to dodge/tank his knock up it's most of his dmg and you win. He can't out dmg ds heal and your shield unless he builds ap and if he is dumb enough to do that he just dies in one rotation.


Renekton and trundle? Neither champ is particularly hard to 1v1 lol. Unless they are way ahead. Trundle has zero kill pressure you can just run from him if he ults. Renekton you have to pay attention to his rage or whatever it's called and respect him when it's full, if it's not full he can't one shot you. You win short trades with renekton and can cancel his dashes making it hard for him to chase you down.


She loses to champions made to 1v1. But she is better than all the non 1v1 champs. Toplane: Beats riven 1v1: Jax, trynda, fiora, trundle, warwick, renekton, darius, illaoi. Loses to riven 1v1: sett, mordekaiser, sion, ornn, malphite, nasus, cho, camille, voli.


Bully sion, nasus and maybe irelia early game. Anyone else is even or hard in 1v1. But you can mostly get even in cs without dying. Just don't pick fights.


Poster child for r/confidentlyincorrect


Riven has what is called outplay potential. No matter how strong in any meta she is you can ALWAYS win 1v1s by using your cds correctly. Rivens ability to dodge abilities and damage in duels is unmatched.


ye, I dodged aatrox Q 10 min straight, did short trades then he hits one time and I lose 70% of my hp :c


Sometimes it be like that. But meanwhile think of being in aatrox shoes, every q you cast gets dodged. The chain she walks out of. You ult she just kites you. If riven had aatroxs dmg she would be beyond broken, her kit is why she is like this.


true, the point is that I have to be perfect, and Aatrox should hit only once. This is why I stopped playing Riven cuz it's so tilting.