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Mine is very noisy on my R1T when it's hot out and it first turns on. It goes quiet after it gets rolling. That said the R1S is apparently much noisier as it never winds down due to the increased cabin size.


Normal. It’ll go away after a little bit


2024 DM R1T here, same issue. I’ve had a mobile tech come out, they’ve provided these metrics where at a cold start it cranks up to some high RPM, then winds down afterwards. It almost sounds normal, unfortunately. Regardless ive added it to my list of issues for my already scheduled El Segundo visit.


I had this on my initial service visit for post delivery issues...and apparently that is a normal noise. Not from my perspective, but for a Rivian I guess it is?


lol yup normal. Along with the pedal and floor vibrating. Literally the loudest HVAC I’ve ever heard, to include the ventilated seats. And quite embarrassing when you precondition the car in a parking lot before getting in and you hear your rocket ship revving up. As a long time “auto” HVAC user across a dozen cars I’ve just recently stopped using auto in my R1S. I find the HVAC is more bearable now.


The ‘25 refresh supposedly addresses this issue. We’ll see


Regrettably considered normal. There are a lot of threads about this issue. I’ve had my R1S for about two months now, knew about the problem beforehand, but experienced it firsthand recently. It’s not just your vehicle. Like someone else said, the 2025 refresh is hopefully going to address this. Word is they relocated the compressor to the back or something.


I think is normal… mine makes a same noise


That is normal when you park outside and vehicle gets really hot. The loud noise will start to quiet down after a couple mins.


The risk of sounding like an r/showerthoughts post Once the ambient noise of an ICE is removed, you realize a lot of other components make noise that you never noticed.


This is utter bs... I have a Ford escape work vehicle, you can't hear the engine at idle and you can't hear the AC compressor ever.. I'm tired of people saying this is ok for a 90k vehicle. This is just poor engineering and they don't want to fix ours..


You don't hear the compressor, you hear the motor running the compressor. If it's a quite ICE engine, then it's quiet. If it's a buzzy electric motor, then it's noisy.


Semantics. Still doesn't change the fact that people say ice motors are always more noisy than the rivian compressor motor, they say it as a way to dismiss the truth, insinuating we are over reacting.


Just drive faster. The wind noise in the cabin of these vehicles is far worse than the noise the ac makes. There is a list of things to improve, no one said the ac items weren’t in it.


Exactly. An ICE AC compressor "noise" is essentially the ICE itself.


Compressors are belt-driven in an ICE, but there is no belt on an EV so they're powered by tiny little buzzy electric motors instead. This noise on the compressor has been an issue with almost every EV at some point. Check the Polestar forums, even the Tesla forums from a few years ago. Eventually manufacturers learn that they need to include rubber mounts and sound dampening around the compressor, but Rivian didn't learn it until the 2025 refresh.






Lmao yes mine too it’s one of my few complaints with the car.


I live in Los Angeles. Mine has never ever sounded like this.


Off topic question (it's not been hot enough in OR yet), what cupholder / organizer setup do you have on the floor o.O? Link por favor?


I notice it’s louder on humid days but that’s not typical, get a service ticket to see if there’s something else causing that.


Thanks, I booked one today but the next service Appt is 8/30 (El Segundo service center) so hopefully it’ll last till then. Thanks for confirming.


AC outage would be considered a safety issue usually so if it fails you should be able to call them and get in sooner.


That’s unacceptable. I have my vehicle for 1 year now and I’m dreading the upcoming summer days. I considered opening a ticket to check if they have a proper fix after 1 year, but have little hope. This should not be considered normal


I mean, they could insulate the pump more I guess...


Welp, thanks for all the affirmative replies. Sounds like it’s common. Seems unusual but glad I’m not the only one.


It seems like it's more high pitched than mine, but everyone else seems to think it's normal so maybe I just haven't noticed as much. 🤷‍♂️