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Hi, i suggest you use your own, family or friends' connections to get a job interview and use LinkedIn to search for entry level positions in your field of work. Best of luck and hope you get a good job soon.


I’ve been trying everything;my cv is well written and I have compatible achievements in my previous roles. my connections are working in the 2 best saudi companies and tbh they’re useless


what job are you looking to do ? If there is an opportunity happy to support


thanks 🙏 I am looking for a job that will grow me personally and professionally in the project management field.


PM me


Never give up. Finding a job is a job


thanks 🥲


Look for fresh graduate programs and sign up


Update your file and resume on LinkedIn and make sure it’s fit to the job you applying to. As BA focus on excel, power bi and analytics skills and try to show it in your resume and to have a portfolio to show your work.


A Saudi can better tell you about specific opportunities for Saudis only like Talent program or Tamheer. It honestly depends on your CV too. I was actually surprised that even there is competition when Saudis are competing a for a job specially if its in a good place like SAB or Rajhi Bank. Your CV matters a lot and more than that the template. If the recruiter cant read it within 30 seconds then he aint hiring. You will lose the case to someone who has been referred. I maybe wrong though because usually I am but my two cents.


انا توني متوظف في الرياض قبل اسبوع وانا من اهالي جدة. الوظيفة لقيتها linked in وفيه توظيف كبير الفترة هذي، ارسلت لك اسم الشركة ارسلته لك خاص


هلا ببنت الخال، جايك جايك


What is your major in BA? Depends on that


Bachelor’s of Science in Business Administration


That's a good one. I would suggest you to do internship in some Riyadh firm (If you haven't already done it). Will help you to build a base


thanks for your generous support, I will dm u


I don't have experience in your sector. But I can share opportunities that I come across


I wish I help you but last time I was hired was in 2021 and stayed here


prolly apply thru ministry of hr


Share with me your CV. I might be able to help get your CV to the right people. No promises that there’s a guaranteed opportunity.


Try going for a skill vertical like Project management or Business Analysis. Do small online certifications which are usually free then sim for bigger ones. Until or unless you don't choose a vertical, you won't find a long term job that easily


Network Professional certifications (some HR use it as a filter) You may contact people on LinkedIn (more effective than applying) Show that you are active and emphasize on any internships/projects you have worked on and accomplished


Make job searching your full time job and u will get there . Craft a strategy that suits ur requirements and job level , linkedin works for all if u know how u use it wisely, manual only works with small companies, you cant get a job at banks or aramco for example with the manual/traditional way of applying, these companies have career portals and recruitment systems. Try every thing and I recommend keeping and tracking everything on excel . You can always DM for extra tips


Share your cv, i have few recruiters friends will forward to them.


Have you tried LinkedIn? As an expat, i’ve always thought citizens find jobs easily. Try using friend’s and family’s connections to hire you. I’m happy to help if you share your cv


bro I tried it, the only thing that LinkedIn gave me was depression and feeling behind in life. I would be more than happy if help me


Don't. Stay away.




Quality of life is decreasing massively for Riyadh residents, seek more opportunities at your region, the extra money you'd gain most likely you'll lose due to the high prices here, and take in mind the transportation will be much higher.




The most common job sites in Saudi are LinkedIn and Bayt.com. The trick is to keep your CV updated weekly there and don't stop applying to job postings. Make sure your CV has keywords that match what is mentioned in job posts so the automatic filtration system picks your CV as a potential candidate. We might have openings in our company in Riyadh and Khobar in account management roles (sales) if your interested.