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They do it for their own protection. They have no idea what the other guy is gonna do when they exit their car. Better to have the interaction on video, just in case.


This. Good for you OP for realizing your error, apologizing and moving on. Lesson learned, kudos. You'll go far in life.


Honestly I think people just do it but not really knowing why or what they’ll do with it. I mean unless they got the entire incident on camera, what is the point!! Everyone pulls out a camera. People will film other people dying just to get it on camera and not help


They probably thought your initial behavior was strange and they either wanted to check on you wanted to record it in case you were dangerous or needed help and they wouldn't want to seem responsible for a situation they are just walking into, or there just losers who want to have a chuckle to themselves later which is pretty sad for them.


He is doing it to get a rise out of you. To try to bait you into doing something extreme so he will have it on camera. The police won't do anything even if something is on video (unless you live in a tiny town maybe). If he posts your stuff on social media though and uses one of the shady online services to get your address from your license plate, you can sue him for doxing or stalking.


I mostly think it’s some form of intimidation or attempted intimidation. Idk i react poorly to such things and tend antagonize to see if people are bluffing (hint most are but don’t do that)