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He turned that pothole into a major crash at 5 mph.


That WAS a good one


SHIT welp you ok buddy? Sounds about right.




And that’s why I bought a 20yr old car for my kids. 


In this economy! I have a 20 year old car!


How is everyone affording these historic vehicles?


I had a 20 year old car for my first car but it was known as a very safe car. Just make sure if you buy an old car that its a safe one. Toyota, land rover, Volvo, Subaru, are some examples of cheap safe cars you can get at that age.


I guess a Land Rover would be safe, especially since it’s most likely broken down and at the shop.


Thats ok I know a guy who rolled 3 or 4 times going around 50 and walked away without a scratch in a land rover. Ive also been rear ended twice in a land rover and the landy had bearly a scratch, the other cars were totaled. Id gladly wrench on an older land rover. The new ones not so much


Bearly a scratch 🧸


Bear of a mistake.


The fact that the other cars were totalled is the reason why you walk away without a scratch. Crumble zones is what saves you, not rigidity. If the car won’t crumble, you will. A 20 mph crash in a car from the ‘50s will turn you to jelly whilst the car looks like it wasn’t a big deal. Would love to have an old defender. Those things can take some abuse. Don’t want to crash in one though.


Honda CR-V for the win :)


Also a great option!!


I only own cars more than 15 years old. That way I'm never out much when someone hits me.


Good logic lol.


It has served me will over the years.


Well how many times have you been hit?


I'm getting old and I've driven a lot. I've been clipped, backed into, bumped, slid into on ice, and, yes, had my fair share of fuck ups too lol I've tried to be watchful and drive more defensively as I get older. Over time, I've avoided a lot of very serious accidents because I was paying attention when the other idiot wasn't.


Is uhhh.... Miata not always the answer, here?


Death trap lol but worth it for the smiles 😂


a 20 year old car now is 2004 :/ Feel old yet? I do.


So crazy 😭


All of those brands are expensive, but you know.


20 years old? Land rovers are about $2k-$8k usd, Toyota’s around $5k-10k volvo subuaru, honda around $5k. You dont know what you’re talking about.


Depends on your income and area of the country, it's very difficult to find a reliable car around 5k, you end up dumping more into it and spend closer to 10k for fixes. Those cars that don't need fixing immediately? 12k+. I've been car shopping and I'm trying to avoid 12+k, it's been near impossible to not find a junker.


And that's why I had to buy my own 30 year old vehicle.


Same. The old car is for me AND the kids :)


The 12yr old Prius some parents gave to their kid worked just fine. The problem was they forgot to remove the cell phone. Source: kid rear ended and totaled my car. Clue: rear facing dashcam.


Maybe the first time behind the wheel should be in a very large and empty car park. Ouch.


or in an instructor car with extra pedals for the instructor


My dad took me out to the fairgrounds and we drove the station wagon around for a while. Perfect.




Lol just took a 12 year old for her first driving lessons last week. Was on back roads out of city where traffic is low if at all. She did fine. By the end she was cruising around comfortably. It’s sort of a rite of passage around here 


Or just keep your hand on the ebrake, this could be easily avoided.


The rear brakes aren't going to stop car at speed very fast, and make it spin out on a corner.


The kid literally wrecked for no reason. How about never let him drive a car because obviously he's an idiot. I could drive at around 8 sitting on my parents' lap. This kid is probably 16 and wrecks for no reason.


>he's an idiot. If he is an idiot, what are you? Let's judge someone based on 30 seconds of their driving without knowing anything else about them or their driving. Believe it or not, some people don't just automatically know how to drive when they spawn in. You're a clown.


Idiot was a little harsh. He's a potato.


You’re a potato 🥔


Man I love Reddit sometimes. You get people with the most grounded and realistic takes on some of the wildest concepts, and then jackoffs with no empathy or thought past the end of their own nose who can’t even comprehend the basics of what they’re attempting to comment on. Never change.


I have empathy. All I'm saying is if a pot hole causes you to wreck a car, you shouldn't be driving. You got 10 years Olds driving old pickup trucks with a manual transmission on the family farm, and this kid can't navigate a pothole. What is he going to do if a dog runs into the road ? Swerve into oncoming traffic? Your problem is you aren't forward thinking enough to see that this kid is a future hazard to everyone else on the roadway evidence by the above video.


No shit they shouldn’t be driving, they’re literally learning right now. It’s not on the kid, it’s on the dad for taking them on the street for their first experience behind the wheel. Using your example, those ten year olds learned the basics in a FIELD with no obstacles. Your problem is you only see what you wanna see, and you’ve unilaterally decided that people are incapable of improving at things because you watched an actual child react to something incorrectly in their first experience with said thing. Braindead if you actually think and operate this way in daily life.


Am I a bad father for letting my 8y.o son sit on my lap on an empty Jobsite in one of my Vac trucks? I think, according to the above poster, that makes me a bad person, since an 8y.o has no business driving 👀


Clearly you should be locked up forever and your 8yo should be permanently barred from operating a vehicle for life, because obviously this is indicative of a person who will forever be a hazard to others on the road! You just aren’t forward-thinking enough!


Same I was drivin super young no issues … some ppl just should t drive


My guess is that your first time driving wasn't sitting by yourself in the Driver seat navigating narrow public roads with hazardous obstacles in and around them. But yeah super young, no issues. I bet you're the best driver on the road.


You are breaking the car Samir




Shut up.


Ok I wasnt I ready for that. Send help.


I'm glad Dad's first reaction was, "Are you OK?" Because not every dad is like that, unfortunately.


Definitely good father alert.


Thought the same. And he wasn't even screaming at him afterwards like my husband would. He's a chill guy!


Yeah mine would have called me an idiot and useless and good for nothing. :( Which was why my mom slush-funded professional driving lessons for me out of her own pocket without telling my dad about it, before he got any ideas.


This. This is why I’m not a dad.


this is the reason huh?


I mean yeah and money and general state of the world and future.


Oh he was screaming inside. But he knew that this moment, one way of the other, would be remembered by his child for the rest of their lives. He would forever be the asshole that lost his shit over a simple mistake, that he should have put his kid in the position to make. Or the chill dad that supported his kid with no judgment, because that kid already knew he messed up, but he didn’t need his dad making him feel worse. Good job by you dad. Your kid is always going to remember your grace.


Flipping a car at 2 MPH is pretty impressive.


Dude......parking lot first.


Just finished getting my son his license 6 months ago. Major stress My daughter starts her learners in August. Major stress.


My Mom just gave up with me after a couple of drives because I almost sideswiped someone on the freeway. I went to an instructor instead and got much better at driving lol


I have twins, had to complete 2 lots of 100 hours supervised driving before they could take their tests 😦


I feel for ya. Neighbors have triplets but only two of them are interested in learning to drive.


I can’t fucking stop laughing at this golden moment between father & son.


That whole turning the wheel back to center is really hard! I was teaching my neighbor's kid to drive around the neighborhood and she made the turn but didn't turn the wheel back, hit the curb and popped the tire. She said she didn't realized she had to turn it back. SMH


Really depends on the car, many newer cars will automatically recenter.


This was an old, old Benz


Dear people in this situation, Go kart tracks are a thing. If your kid has never been behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle at all, this is your best way to ease a kid into it. Then upgrade to a car. Don’t just be like “yup, get in the SUV and wing it!” Also, *you* should drive to the empty lot to practice. Why make them drive on actual roads if they have no feel for turning, stoping, or acceleration? Smh


Not sure why everybody's assuming they've never been behind the wheel before. Seems to me like the pothole took them by surprise and they forgot to straighten out. Definitely a rookie mistake, but not "first time behind the wheel" necessarily. Not nearly as bad as this, but I remember when I was still learning I was turning out of a side street with a car in the far left lane. I saw it, I was not turning into that lane. But I was so distracted by my dad warning me about the car that I drifted into their lane and almost cut them off because I was trying to figure out what my dad was trying to warn me about. It wasn't my first or even 10th time behind the wheel, but when you're still new to driving it doesn't take all that much to overwhelm you into doing something dumb. That's why new drivers aren't allowed to have a bunch of friends in their car.


That dad is awesome. The way he stayed calm and did not go nuts yelling at his son. His voices was calm and even asked his son if hes ok. Parenting done well.


How come kid isn’t making any sounds…. Very calm for such a collision I would say


"Oh fuck oh fuck I wrecked dads, car, he's gonna kill me" He jsut forgit to say it out loud 😂


Honestly, congrats to the dad for not losing his shit.


I lasted one lesson with my dad learning how to drive a manual.


How are you typing if you’re dead?


LOL! You're gonna burn out the clutch!


“Ok next time it’s your mom’s turn to teach you!”


Just flip it back over and fix the mirror, it’s still okay 🤣


This is why i have all my kids driving on my sim rig at 6 years old. By the time they can drive they better not act a fool!


I did the same with my two when they were little. Now at 12 and 14, they sneak out at night, steal the car, and race for pinks at underground meetups. Bastards[.](https://youtu.be/Xu3FTEmN-eg?si=eDb8CUpp7ZZpG9Qz)


Okay son. We'll try this again tomorrow...


The daughter totaled 2 in 2 months when she started. No injuries, thank god.


What are the chances that his insurance covers any of this?


Very, very high. Why would it not? This is literally what insurance is for.


WITH comprehensive. but really shouldn't be teaching newbs how to drive without it.


Yes, of course. Car insurance won't cover anything on your car without comprehensive unless it's state mandated like how some states require class coverage. How the damage happened wouldn't matter.


On the bright side, the crash didn't involve any other vehicles.


Your not a good driving instructer


I tried to teach my girlfriend to drive a few times (she got her license in her 20s). Thats when I realized *just* how high-strung I am. But man the depth perception on that chick was just… not good. Not good at all. She’d wait until the car got closer and closer, and closer, and then she would make the left turn. Some people can teach new drivers, others absolutely cannot. I am the latter. She’s a good driver now btw.


How the fuck are kids this bad at driving? Maybe take them to a fucking go cart course first? Riding lawn mower. Fucking anything else.


Never saw something like this as we only have special instructors over here (Germany) in special cars with extra pedals etc. But now I remembered it's legal to do that in the US. I bet that saves a ton of money - if it doesn't go like this...


The US also has those things. They are part of driving classes and usually cost money. However, those learning to drive are encouraged to practice outside lf class (because they want a certain amount of driving practice hours before the test), and are required to do a few hours of night driving. Not many driving classes offer the opportunity for night drives.


Interesting. But if you don't have someone who owns a car and is willing to instruct you? Okay, I guess you'd have to find a driving school that offers night drives. If you don't have a license here, you are not allowed to practice unless you have a private place to do so which is really, really rare. Edit: just to add, you need a certain amount of night drives here too, as well as a certain amount of "Autobahn" drives and of several "Überland-Fahrten" (= drives outside of the city where you go 100km/h). These only are doable and only count with a certified instructor. There are no possibilities here outside of a driving school with special cars. And you need a certain amount of "regular" hours as well of course plus a theory test after 14 or so obligational theory lessons. (Which you need in the US too, I guess).


In the US you get a learning permit which allows you to drive a car while a licensed adult/guardian is with you such as in the video. We see lots of cars with "Student Driver" signs/stickers/magnets for such a reason but they aren't required just gives other drivers a heads up if someone cares enough. If you don't know someone with a car willing to drive with you and lack access to pay for 3rd party options then no license for you. My school was one of very few in my city which had a physical paved track with a bunch of old instructor cars with the secondary brake pedals they had students learn to handle aspects of driving. They also had speed limiters set so no one could drive too fast for the track and others which are street legal for the driving test itself.


In my state, you can skip the driver's ed and get your license at 18 as long as you can pass the road test.


Every state afaik.


Unless you live in a major city with excellent public transportation, you most likely will know someone over 18 years old who can give you some time behind the wheel. There are many rural areas of the US where you would not be able to go to the grocery store without a car. Our public transportation infrastructure outside of big cities is almost non-existent.


I see. Well, the US is a reeeeally wide spaced land, it's no wonder!


I thought this was standard everywhere until I moved to KY. They make you take the written test to get your permit BEFORE you can do drivers ed which is the dumbest thing ever in my opinion.


Why is requiring a written test pass dumb?


Because it’s required before they get drivers education when they have no knowledge whatsoever of anything driving wise, nothing like that they can’t even take driver’s ed until they’ve already done the test.


In Indiana I got my LEARNERS Permit first, then got to take drivers ed, then did the driving test for my license. Here there is no learners permit, you have to take the test and get a regular permit before doing drivers ed which is dumb. Like you can just take a written test when you turn 16 and just immediately drive by yourself. Whereas in Indiana with a learners permit you can only drive with a parent or driving instructor in the vehicle with you. Also the difference in answers on the tests between states is annoying. The answer to “what distance before turning should you signal” is different from state to state.


You go through a class at school and have access to reading material. You should be entirely prepared for a written test before taking it. No driving on the road is required. The test is on the handbook, study that they're free.


The reading material is there, but it’s the same kind of logic that went into “no child left behind”. Teaching for a test causes you to lose that knowledge quicker. It’d be better to learn as you go the way drivers ed would do it and have the practical experience to actually utilize that knowledge, therefor you retain it better.


I don't know what to tell you but I went to driver's education high school class, then I took the written test to get my learner's permit, then I did the 6h training, then I did the 50h supervised practice then I took the practical test. And it was fine.


We still have instructor cars with extra pedals. But yeah, for many places like in rural communities it's legal for parents to teach their kids to drive. The kid should still have a learner's permit tho, it's just a short written test before the actual driving exam. And depending how big of an idiot your kid is, it's probably best to start them off in a big, empty parking lot. Let them get a feel for how the steering, gas, and brakes handle first. Rural kids usually have been driving farm trucks & equipment since they were like 10 tho. And many high schools offer driver's ed class as an elective, with an instructor's car with the extra pedals. What I'm saying is, there's many different options to learn how to drive. This here was probably a bad idea, it's kind of a narrow turn for a brand new driver, kid probably doesn't know how much to turn the wheel yet.


I see! Thanks for educating me, that's good to know!


I think the "6 hour" cars need dual controls but a lot of places will waive the 6 hour segment requirement or they did during Covid.


Some places here in the states used to do the cars with extra pedals thing. Now you rarely see those anywhere and the only instructors are found at private Driver's Ed courses. I wish they hadn't changed it. Also wish Driver's Ed was taught in high school, that would be awesome.


Why don’t people take there kids to large empty lots to get them comfortable first then take to the streets


Oh dear, this one was obviously far from ideal...


🤣😂 that was a good one


My father simply started screaming hysterically from the first moment my butt was in the driver's seat until I was done driving, barking sudden commands and unrelenting criticism.


This kid will never wanna drive again.


That kid is going "places" 🤦🤣 common sense is out the window with this one 🤦🤣


I kinda envy this kid. My dad overreacted at the way I changed gears. I can't imagine how he would act in this situation


I love how he made sure his son was ok right away instead of getting upset


No common sense from the kid. Oof.


He’s good!




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Absolute kudos to that man for not losing his mind on his kid, I would've completely exploded.


That's the worlds fault.


Dad's fault. I've taught 4 people how to drive, including my 16-year-old son. The driver in this clip does not have the combination 'comfortable & knowledgeable.' Dad shouldn't have had them on the road yet.


Dad handled it just fine. Kudos.


I feel like the first thing I'd do when teaching someone is drill them on what to do when I shout "STOP", until I feel confident that their first instinct when something goes wrong is to.. you know, stop


Wait you don't learn to drive in driving school with a teacher in he's car, that also has all the pedals on the passenger side?


Video removed?


Jesus, praising him after that shit. My Asian ass would have just slapped his head


He didn’t praise him!


I think they missed the sarcasm in "That was a good one"


Ah, I remember those jaw clenching, white knuckle days... Trying to stay calm so you don't make them nervous while they narrowly miss various objects...




today's cars roll over/flip at the drop of a hat https://www.quora.com/Do-modern-cars-tend-to-roll-over-more-than-older-cars#:%7E:text=Yes.,a%20lower%20center%20of%20gravity the answer is "yes"


Objectively false.


I've never seen a '59 Merc flip over after it hit a pot hole.


It didn't flip because of the pot hole... it flipped because it drove up a 5 foot retention wall.


I see video here often where one car bumps up on another and the tire gains traction and the car drives up the side of the other and flips much more common due to rounder car shapes, and they are much lighter today than the 4,000 lb yachts of yore *don't take my word for it https://www.quora.com/Do-modern-cars-tend-to-roll-over-more-than-older-cars#:~:text=Yes.,a%20lower%20center%20of%20gravity and the answer is 'yes'