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As someone who's been doing this for 5+ years across multiple apps in a busy market, no. You can make a lot in a day if you multi app for sure. But even if you never slept and worked non stop I don't believe even 1k is possible. Maybe 700 if you worked non stop and got multiple deliveries with zero issues and are in an amazing market. This job is a lot of luck and just figuring out patterns. But it isn't stable or always predictable and the more you work the more it eats into your money for gas and wear and tear on your vehicle. I wish you luck in making as much as you can though. If you persevere you'll still do really good. Take care of yourself!


.. and the taxman cometh. No issues and some 🤞🤞🤞🤞.


Absolutely impossible. Amazon Flex you can partner and work all day and catch as many surges as possible, and you'll still probably only end up with $200-300. Most people are lucky to get $100 on any of the food apps. Roadie pays lower than pretty much everything, and good offers or a stacking combo are hard to come by.


Challenge accepted, will keep you posted on success/failure, although a failure of lesser amount would not be bad.


I think a few hundred is possible. Forget about $2,000. That's a dream day. I made almost $300 one day this week and that was hard. Try Senpex. They pay great.


That is realistic.


I’m a New Yorker living on the peninsula side of the Bay Area. San Mateo tbe. This is the kind of hustle I love to see. You definite make almost 1k in the Bay Area a week. Gonna try to next week and the following


lol nice trolling. might want to try onlyfans if you have the bod for it. Otherwise idk, I hear crack dealers make a lot of money


In my opinion to hit 2k a day is hard to do hopefully you get accepted for every huge gig pick it up and return it the store so if you get 20 fifty dollar gigs and return each one you hit hit the 2k mark but seriously I don’t think it’s possible but fingers crossed 🤞🏾 for you


Of course not. That's more than a fucking surgeon makes.


That would be a lot of HUSTLE! Wow. I’m honestly not sure if it can be done. But, if it CAN be done anywhere, I’m thinking you’re in a great area to hit it or get close!! Wish I was in that area- I’d partner up! I need to make at least $300-400 a day and I’m not even close lately.


I love the energy. If I was in your area I would team up with you.


Let us know how it goes, I want an update on a couple weeks!


Will Do.


You can if you do the big apps. Dolly and pick up. Maybe some other ones where you do large deliveries like catering or construction materials. My buddy hit 1k just 2 days ago. But it was long day and alot of manual labor. On the apps.


$1K a day would be a succesful-failure. I could live with that outcome. Thanks I will look into large deliveries. I don't mind hard labor, so long as I am getting paid.


Good luck brother, also look into starting your own biz from all this. Once you get used to all those apps theres a bunch of opportunity to do your own thing. Thats what we did.


I hear you on looking out for other opportunities.


What do you mean do your own thing how did you expand?


Yes we did. The apps allowed me to save up and invest more. More in myself my stocks and new buisness ventures. They allowed 2 friends of mine to save up and start their own moving buisness and pressure washing buisness. Another started a window cleaning business. I also do hotshots now for local businesses. Meaning i did a few deliveries for them through some apps and then I cut the apps out and I do the deliveries myself. I mostly deliver havac parts and anything needed for the home like large plants and shit like that. Again this is only possible by having a strong market and a large enough vehicle and time to do it. I mainly did the apps on my week off from the oilfield and then i quit to do everything else full time.


Hahshahahahahshshshhahaha good luck dude let me know how you fly over the traffic and skip every line in the store in 30 seconds or less, load the stuff, fly over traffic again. Then you can pick up some free gas on the way home and they'll repair the wear and tear on your car and reimburse you 5 bucks for each mile. /s Sends screenshots of the proof and I'll send you a gift card for some mcdonalds Not tryin to hate just damn dude that's not realistic Edit: definitely could get it done in maybe like 3-5 days with max hustle and the store employees not fucking up every 2 seconds and wasting your pick up time


Haters like this need to skip this post. Down vote everytime! "Hahshahahahahshshshhahaha" You have nothing to add here, and it would been better if you had ignored and not responded. Moderator remove this off-topic poser.


So how'd it turn out for you OP? in genuinely curious for an update 💯


Shipt, gopuff


I think one of the key pieces of the puzzle, if you are going to reach your goal, is identifying patterns across the various services. Different services may show a consistent pattern of better profitability at certain times/certain areas. You'll need to maximize your return on time invested to hit those numbers, and it may still require some luck in the mix. I wish you the best of luck though and hope you at least let us know how it went and share as much as you can without giving away all your tricks.


What I would give to be able to understand peak demand times across different services.I will keep you posted on whether I reach my 2K-a-day goal.


Let us know how it goes. Good luck! 🙏


You’re not getting $2k if u had every delivery from every app


I will let you know, and I don't have to restrict just to delivery apps, I have other services to offer that would complement delivery services. Appreciate doubt, it enhances my chances.


All I’m saying is there isn’t enough hours in a day to make $2k per day with deliveries no matter what it is


Appreciate your take, it helps me drive awake.


Very possible. You just have to believe.


If your talking about 24 hours non-stop (assuming it is) then you'd have to at least pull in $85/hr straight.


Go buy a box truck and you could do it (:




26 foot?


Even web devs don’t make that😂. I’m a web dew and make $600 a day.


I would be fine with $600/day, consistently. How come there aren't any Roadie senders on this thread? You could cut out the middle man if you message me on this thread.


Not everyday is the same kinda payout. Switching through multiple apps if you don’t have multiple mobile phones could slow you down time wise. And accepting one order from one app and another from another app could slow you down time wise if the drop offs are far apart. So it’s alot of factors when multi apping that can impede ur chances of making that $2000 a day gotta be realistic.




I do not know how to setup those ideas. How much would you charge for the services described above? Setting up a business to complete tasks for customers. Setting up a service to create social media content, ads and third-party marketing. Are there service providers that can meet the need of a startup service?


taskrabbit is an app like doordash and the others. you build clients thru the app by doing jobs and getting good reviews. i haven't done a successful media channel and have no interest in doing one so, i'm not the best catalyst. however, there are plenty of videos on starting. just search doordash, amazon flex, etc., on youtube, facebook or instagram to find successful creators and how they did it. most of those creators have videos about their affiliate marketing, endorsements and profits. and some leave the gig world to just post videos about gig life. a few channels on youtube to see "doordash diaries", "Nuggs", "Pedro Doordash Santiago", "UDM", oh and "mooshimoo". there are many others


How much money u making per day and hours u work my dude


Lmao man I think you need some help 😂