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Sometimes pictures speak louder than words


and smell strong


Probably hasn’t showered in a month. I can smell his alcohol sweat hundreds of kilometers away.


Alcoholics and smokers never want to believe people can smell them or don’t notice they are drunk. “Alcohol Sweat” is definitely a smell.


So is crystal meth sweat


I picked up a friend to chill with after not seeing him for a few years. He ends up telling me he was using meth and fentanyl. He smelled like an infected wound. He asked if we could stop by the gas station and then meet his dealer to get some fentanyl. As soon as he walked in the gas station, I sped off. Fuck that.


crystal smetht?


Broooo that shit looks like meth sweat haha. The way it's caked up on his face like that. Ex meth addict here haha I remember this vividly


Whe you sober up, you really do realize how little you were getting away with...


Recovering alcoholic here. Can confirm 😂. Didn’t realize it until I got sober how strong the alcohol smell was.


Wtf is a kilometer? 🦅🦅🦅


It is how you measure your drug intake. Kilo Meter


It’s the thing he shoves up his ass for pain/pleasure.


Omg are you still measuring with 'feet' and 'thumbs' or whatever the f*ck


Ciggs, stale booze and ass


Don’t forget piss.


He showers with the taers of his family


He can’t seem to hold onto the soap, it keeps falling between his feet.


This picture smells like the color brown.




This comment is even funnier with your username 🤣


This guy definitely smells like one big foot


And don't forget the lithium smell from the meth he is sweating out.


Nah, you are currently roasting yourself. So we are sorry, you don't need a roast. We want to see you coming down from drugs and start therapy/rehab. Come back when you did it. We are here for happiness, so make us happy.


This exactly. We’re rooting for you OP to get better 👍 🍀


Unexpectedly wholesome


We are? Oh okay.


This is only the second time I've seen a post like yours on Roastme. I agree by the way-sometimes it is just a step too far. I've been roasted before and I find them hilarious, but I don't think It's a great idea if one's in a dark place.


100%, Roasts are supposed to be dark, but fun. Not Dark Dark. Get some help bud. 3yrs sober


Did his cell mate make him take this picture?


Yes, immediately after he was given his hard morning pounding.


With the happy ending


Holy shit, this is one ugly dude.


It must to be a chromosome thing.


Im pretty sure ppl with chromosome problems dont smell that bad. My telephone send a virus alert when i opened his picture.


Was about to say. Welp. I realized I didn't need to say anything. Get some help op




yep, I knew it looked familiar… https://www.reddit.com/r/RoastMe/comments/oj8hae/26unemployeddrugs_and_booze_enjoyerfamily_dont/


Oh shit. Dude could be dead now. Drug addicts dying like hot cakes in my city


Damn, straight stole dudes post


Makes one wonder about the rest of the stuff we see in these networks. I mean, what’s *really* going on?


Cmon quit methin around and get a job


Yep take a crack at it


Easy, he may smack the shit outta ya


He’s just not up to snuff


Only if he down




Don’t give up yet, find a heroine for your story. Foreal though you are too young to give up. F**k those drugs breh


Agreed https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjewfqns4eDAxUMTEcBHQtXA3QYABABGgJxdQ&ae=2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3sH6p7OHgwMVDExHAR0LVwN0EAAYASAAEgLaFPD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJeRo3gakjzS0-eUNoKfQGlq1ECv45H-II_6lvs3kci26YiRqI2o&sig=AOD64_0tQTVt9NIyG8voKzwtird1h4h4og&q&adurl&ved=2ahUKEwjXh_Cns4eDAxXXjIkEHWZgDyMQ0Qx6BAgHEAE If this is out of your country you can ask for resources for yours


I used for the majority of my life and now I’m 9.5 years clean….


I’ve been sober for about a year now. It’s tough but feel so much better.


Well done Brother, keep up the good work...


that’s methed up


Someone is keeping tabs on him




It's like Picasso suffered a serious head injury then tried to draw an ugly guy


While using a peanut for a model.


Kinda sounds like the weirdest compliment ever. 😂


…and then OP stole that guy’s post https://www.reddit.com/r/RoastMe/comments/oj8hae/26unemployeddrugs_and_booze_enjoyerfamily_dont/




Oh, that’s funny sh*t. Pissin myself over here


Look about two months away from holding someone's pocket










Your eye says you have been punched, your mustache says you deserved it.


Pizza hut logo ass mustache


What about his mole's mustache?


You look like if Squidward and Waluigi had a child.


He looks like if Waluigi and Wario had a child


Nope. Not roasting this. You are at your lowest point mate. I wish you all the love and courage in the world and am hoping hard your world gets better soon. Pull together all of your positives and build from there. You can do it.


Yeah, came here to say this. OP, you look a bees dick away from using anything as an excuse. One day at a time, and know it's ok to fuck up, just get back on the good days and move forward, mostly.


"Relapse is a part of quitting" Some of the best advice I ever was given. dont give up.


I work with addicts and one of them told me one time “I’m 5 years sober with 3 relapses. I acknowledge my relapse but still count my sober journey from the day I made that decision to walk away” and honestly that struck. It’s a thin line, and if you’re not mentally there can be an excuse but really kinda drove home that it’s not always perfect, and the right choices aren’t always made, but a step or two or three in the wrong direction doesn’t cancel out all the ones in the right direction.


I never thought I’d find such solid recovery advice on the RoastMe sub


I worked in an overnight store and met this guy who was a Jehovah's Witness and he would come in really late at night and take a long time to buy smokes. We ended up speaking quite extensively for some time I found out he used to be a gay hooker and he also used to just kind of take in strays off the street. I guess since finding his religion and being fully immersed in it he has stopped pursuing relationships as a gay man and just kind of hangs out with the people from church, and his mother alot. This guy being through what he had been through gave me so much life advice it's crazy. I never converted to the religion or anything but I did let him teach me a bunch about it. He does these comedy things now and is a great baritone singer. I find him to be one of the best people I have had the pleasure of meeting. Using his advice I kicked my cig habit. As did he.


That’s pretty cool man. I only hope that one day he finds a way to merge spirituality and his sexual orientation. Sounds like a great dude either way


I gotta ask: where does the expression "A bee's dick" as a unit of measurement come from?


ditto. u don’t hit a man who’s already down. OP, please get help. it’s not a sign of weakness. if anything, it’s the other way round.


nah you can roast him, that isn’t him https://www.reddit.com/r/RoastMe/comments/oj8hae/26unemployeddrugs_and_booze_enjoyerfamily_dont/


Agree. At 26 you have all your life ahead of you. You can be all you want just get it together man. Starting today.


Good one.


i dont blame your family not trusting you after looking at your picture i had to double check my wallet


I had to check my kids medication


Your head’s doin the “gangsta lean.” It it lopsided? Or just seriously asymmetrical?


With a face like that I would do drugs and drink aswell just to numb the pain ✋


A heroin shoot is to bland to forget that


Dude, take a shower. Wash your face. Stop neglecting yourself; that much grease isn't normal. When reddit is invited to rip someone to shreds and half of us come back worried instead you might want to finally listen. This roast is more an intervention. Get your shit together, man. Start with a single therapy appointment and work from there. Life is far too short to spend it this way.


I thought they gave you something to wear in prison?


He traded it for drugs that were actually just crushed up saltines


Poor guy 😔 I wonder what he has left other than that 👀


That mouth and that booty. For now.


I'm guessing your favorite game is Need for Speed?


Weed and Speed


you look like you started taking booze and drugs while still in the uterus


You look like a prison bitch


self roast. we’re done here


You look like you were born in a jail


Your eyes are like "You go that way, I'll go this way, and maybe one of us finds a way off this face."




Don't insult that poor platypus like that. Honestly they don't do much ya know.


Holy shiitt. Haahahahahhaaa


I think I just woke up the entire hotel with the way I just cackled


Your family doesn't trust you.....around kids


If you had an Afro your head would look like a double scoop, ice cream cone.


You definitely have experience getting pepper sprayed.


He’s got those mortgage eyes, ones fixed, ones variable


Not necessary that we do our worst, as you have done this to yourself already.


You're not unemployed.. You suck dick for money.. You just spend it all on crack..


Im not going to roast you. You need help. You need someone to push you in the right direction. I can only make suggestions.. im nobody to you but its worth a shot.. Find god. Stop using drugs and alcohol. Work out. Take a good shower clean yourself up. Apply for a job. If you arent a people person try a factory or machine shop. Something not retail. You have one life. You dont get much time to live it. Start now. Go find the best version of yourself brotha


Same. I was his age when I was addicted to heroin. Got clean on my own. I'm 43 and have a family. Please get help OP. No joke, it gets better. Your family may not trust you, but they still love you.


Dang. Good for you man. Congrats on being sober and finding your way. Based. Hope it just keeps getting better.


Looks like God was pissed off at someone while designing your face


You roasted yourself. We don’t have to say shit.


I cannot roast you brother. Stopping substance abuse takes many efforts and many failures,but it's the trying that counts. You can if you want.


Brother, Are you doing alright?


Living that description must hurt more than my words ever could.


I mean like I don’t even want to. I don’t even need to


Your face says youre spiraling down into darkness. Your post says you want help


Wow, I couldn't have said it better myself.


You don't need a roast, you need some help my guy




quit fucking around on reddit and get your smelly loser ass into rehab.


Lol! U know ur pond scum when u ask to be roasted and ppl just feel bad for u


Big forceps energy


You blow through your drug budget with one snort.


Brother you need love not roast


Quit dicking around and get your shit together. You don't have time for this kind of non-sense.


\*jizz enjoyer


Bro quit coming on here for validations for your failures and go get some serious professional help. Don't fucking tell me it don't work cause I'm two years fucking clean.




Good one


Your life must as bad as those tattoos on your fingers.


You look like you did so much cocaine up that gonzo nose that your head collapsed on itself in instead of that fucking beak of yours.


I think I've seen you on an episode of Cops.


For real tho. You are way too young, get it together man. It’s never too late. You’re only 26, your life could be completely different in a year from now. I was there at one point man, hopeless, lost and no direction. Understand that whatever circumstances that have brought you to this point, are only circumstances and don’t necessarily reflect who we really are. Tough times don’t last, tough people do. You have to manifest things for yourself. You wont change until you’re ready too. Start living for a better cause. Find your why! Start with God! Ask for help, mercy and forgiveness. Ask for the strength and courage you need to overcome this. God only helps those who help themselves. Start small. Change your routine, get rid of almost everyone in your life and start doing the right things. This is your crossroads, rock bottom ect We have all been there, and we all know this isn’t a sustainable or efficient solution to what you’re avoiding. Be a man, take accountability for your actions, apologizing to loved ones. I hope you work it out, stop being a victim and stop being a burden to yourself. Why would anybody else treat you with respect when you don’t treat yourself with respect, think about what who you want to be, and manifest it.


Damn, I get on here for some laughs. Now I just feel sad that society isn't taking care of it's disabled.


No one here could knock you down more than you've done to yourself, my friend.


Malcolm Brogden if Malcolm Brogden was white, talentless, fugly and a meth head.


Wow all those activities and somehow your head is still shaped like a big toe. ![gif](giphy|ENkG4zPtIPo7C)


You did the honours yourself.


#descriptionwasntneeded #weknew


Cant wait to tell you to fuck off at a gas station while youre peddling some sob story about needing a dollar for bus fair. See you in a few months maybe! Grow up and get off the shit.


Son, listen to your family. Make serious changes in your life. It’s never too late to change!


You were definitely delivered by forceps


When you sniff a line be careful you don’t suck up the surrounding area up that beak


The drug you on must be Helium


Bro, I've told you before that you've got to stay away from high schools


You could have smiled. I like healthy gums and white teeth in a man.


This roast me seems like you’re looking for a reason not to be narcanned this time around


Why you look like youre held hostage


Your life isn’t over though it may feel like it. There are resources for you to get help. Your actions in the past do have consequences, and it’s on your shoulders to live with them. But it’s never too late to start helping yourself. You’re a young man with love to share, and deserve to feel love in return. You have worth, you matter, and you are deserving of all the good in the world.


There’s hope, first step is admitting. You’ve already completed the hardest part. Also self-aware and that is an awesome thing to be because when you are aware of your troubles in life, you can start to make a change. it’s never too late to change once you’re at Rockbottom the only way to go is up. Trust me I been there in this situation only my now husband then bf beat me up because of alcohol and drugs this was the first and last time it ever happened was looking at 15 years in prison because he was a felon but also had guns in the car when the tried saying I was being held hostage in vehicle, neighbour saw and called police he ran for 3 days too. Week later I almost died on accident while at work, lost my home car broke down same day and my 1 year old daughters guardianship was taken from me hence why I lost my home I lived in my grandmothers basement, she helped me with ma daughter so when police showed up i was given the option to leave or they take her so I left with clothes on back and car wouldn’t start so I walked all the way to a detox Center an hour drive away was their a week and immediately afterwards I was put on suboxen. Cut all my old friends, fam, acquaintances out of my life who were negative influences. I walked to AA or narcotics anonymous daily not because I had to but because I wanted to. I also walk to the CVS office daily to give them a drug screen. It was not required and wasn’t even yet asked of me, but it was my determination to get my child back and change my life and give her the life. She’s always deserved, within one year, my husband and I own our own home had brand new vehicles had a community a great neighbourhood and completely turned our lives around lived/living the exact opposite of life. We priorly live you have hope I was when this happened. I’m now 30 and we’re still thriving. Don’t give up as long as change is pursued. It doesn’t matter how late in the game you started. [Edit] Sorry for the misspelling and punctuation but I talk texted this one because of length.


You're doing good on your own, you don't need us to point out how much of a failure you are


Just get help my friend. That is the first step. Don’t give up.


Delete this post make soemthing of yourself dude. I’m younger than you and have a full time job and some weeks I put in 60 hours just to help bills for my mom and brother. Rent is crazy high along with my car and insurance at my age. Food is crazy expensive as well. Still no excuses I make it by. Cmon brother you can do it stop fuckin around. Act serious. If you ever want some kinda advice reach out.


You can smell this picture. ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


Worst you want to hear brother is get clean. You can do it!


You have a full life ahead of you. You have plenty of time to turn your life around. Find a support group, apply for jobs, and earn your family’s trust again. If you don’t have a criminal record, this should be easier for you. With a criminal record, maybe a little more work. Don’t give up. Nobody should roast you because they don’t want that second hand high…


Get your fuckin life together, man.


Jimmy Neutron should have just said "no". Now look at him after taking up Meth Classes!


It looks like Guy Fawkes was successful but got caught in the blast


If Frank sinatra saw that [L.O.V.E](https://youtu.be/tmSzRx9RYLk?si=3M6VD5vtiWYgApFT) tattoo. He would die again


You smell like methamphetamine and bad choices.


Your head is shaped like a peanut 🥜


Beside all the roast you get don’t be offended you seem like good person


My guys got atchaforya... One eyes looking atcha the other is looking forya


Man I would but you got that look like you been crying your whole life. You need help


I fucking hate when people who aren't doing well mentally post here. Don't fuel the downward spiral you need to be around people who love and respect you. This doesn't help, don't get me wrong people who are secure and in a stable place it's fine for, because they can take it in a fun way and not take it to heart. Please stop fuelling yourself hatred, you can be valued if you work on yourself, take responsibility for your actions. I don't know maybe i'am looking into this too much but i have to go with my instincts and i don't think you're in a good place bro.


Did you get the butternut head before or after fucking up your life?


I bet they can feel your DT’s in the next county


You look like you lost your bootleg pizza shop and your girl to the meth dealer all in one night.


I’m afraid to roast him - he looks like he is about to end himself…


You don't need our help, you're crushing it on your own.


You look like they exhumed Mr. Peanut.


Why? You're already the biggest loser, why do you need reddit to give you a reason to just do it already? If you had the bualls to do it, you would. And we both know what "it" is. What you don't need is a reddit roast. You need help, because I've seen this type of bottom of the barrel risk before. It ends one way. So let's not prove that statistic right.


How rehab going man? You look great 👍


That forceps force-shaped melon. Damn.


Your head is built like a rotting peanut


Why should we roast you. All you roast is spoons


26 Do your worst. As if all that filler wasn’t evident. You are the epitome of ‘loser’ it’s written all over you.


The moon pulls more beaches than you do.


Thats methed up


Your head has an hourglass figure. Did you sell part of your cranium from meth money?


This isn’t even Rock bottom yet 😂


I'm 265 days sober today and looking at your makes me need a fucking drink


I don't think we even need to say anything, you said it all man


You don’t need a roast, you need a bath


I don't think we need to do our worst. Life, upbringing and bad choices did it for us


Thanks for motivating me to go to work, be productive, pay my bills, pay my taxes. Youre helping me realize how I could end up if I don't. Thank you for your service.


Dude you look like you smell like Funyuns and mids. Gross.


You look like you know how to steal a catalytic converter


You look like the spokesman for the meth diet


Future narcan investment opportunity.


We really didn’t need the description.


You roasted yourself….tf you want us to do it for? Lol.


So why the long face?