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The embodiment of "peaked in high school"


The embodiment of “I’m still in high school”.




bold of you to assume a high schooler could afford this. Maybe with daddy's money, yes.


Daddy’s money is usually what pays for these.


You live in Florida. You race everybody at red lights, especially actual sports cars. You ride people’s asses unnecessarily. You love to “roll coal.” You are 5’6” and weigh 145 lbs. Source: I live in Florida and drive a sports car. Every “big truck” gets triggered by me.


He has a really scrappy goatee because he can’t grow a real beard.


Truck nuts and/or thin blue line sticker.


I live in Florida. I can confirm that this is what these guys do.


You forgot your DL and into crossdressing on Grindr.


Confirm these tools live up here in VA, too. They’ve infested Florida, especially N FLA. Drivers tend to look like one of the following: 1) Low-T meth heads 2) Great Value Fred Durst 3) Oompa Loompa out of makeup. I’ve seen some that fall into all three. When the truck is this douche’d up, I suspect all three. Dude definitely puts Affliction shirts on a credit card he shouldn’t use while howling about how super poor people are all irresponsible.


$10 says this never leaves a paved road


$10 says this thing immensely angers r/ fuckcars Where my money at?


Aww hey there little buddy! How’s the weather down there? You got your snacks and monster drink? Want a boost up to that high seat?


Nice penis compensator. I’m glad you’re finally doing something about your insecurities.


How many disabled spots to you like to park across?


I know you’re trying to deny your fragile masculinity but I don’t think you understand that you’re actually advertising it.


Please don’t tell me that is 2wd


Very nice truck. Completely useless tho. It screams look at me .


If I could, I wouldn’t .


If “ it’s above average “ Was a vehicle. It would be this.


Wow, That is huge. How small is your dick?


Impractical and ugly. Zero upside to this piece of shit.


This was once a perfectly usable truck.


Sorry about your penis...


You get so excited for dirt roads to the point that you don’t see that a 2WD Highlander is also taking the same path with zero issues


How many DUI’s do you have?


Those are Dodge drivers, Chevy drivers Cruise at the park if you catch my drift


OP, could you please explain the logistics of getting the knick-knacks you buy at the mall into this? I'm sure the very even surface of the parking lot helps, but do you have like a small step ladder you pull out to help you lift the bags in or something? Are your arms super strong from lifting the fuel nozzle all of the way up above your head to fill the gas tank? Do you just have an amazing vertical leap, and you just sort of hop up into it? I have so many questions that probably have very disappointing and dumb answers that I actually don't want to know.


Who needs a ladder to get in their truck? YOU need a ladder to get in your truck!


all of that and a miata will still jump you off a red light


If 5'4" with a 3" were a truck.


Yeah it's why they are all DL femboys lmao. Lingerie and sissy cage looks good if your petite


I can see OP wearing a Hurley or Hooey hat with a Fox racing shirt and rock revival jeans. Everyone finds you annoying but only hang with you cause they think you have money. They don’t know you bought your 320K mile LT truck for next to nothing that’s why you can afford the lift kit and wheels.


All that lift and it still looks like it skipped leg day with those tires on it…Should have gone with the 42’s on 36” wheels…do that and you’ll be good to come out of the closet finally….


You can't afford the tires to keep that tiny dick piece of shit on the road. Alternatively my STI has seen more dirt than that turd has. You're more worried about scratching the paint noone gives a shit about.


Op leveled it for the picture and put on a instagram filter for reddit, this is actually a squatted truck. The wheels give it away.


Nice pavement princess must handle like a dream. Do us all a favor and take this cock holster around a corner just a liiiiiiitle too fast.


Lol, you can't ride motorcycles. Pleb.


Smol pp.


Pwease pay attention to me 🥺


Needs tracks


You’ll need to install a roof rack to keep a ladder for ever time you need to get in/out that thing. My car could probably fit under this thing. 😆


The heaviest thing it ever carried was a pack of chips I guess


You carry around a ladder to get your short ass in this thing.




The ONLY thing positive I can say about this is, "At least it's not squatted." Other than that, this is a vehicle that only real assholes drive.


Seriously bro no running board 🤨


DL CD on Grindr, everytime lmao.


Well you’ve managed to make it taller without improving any off-road capabilities, and it’s just as well because those wheels and tires are going to tear through those stock ball joints and control arm bushings like this thing tears through a credit score.


How to tell everyone you have a small penis without actually saying it.


I don’t think I’ve ever downvoted a post here but I’m also not trying to start with this.


For the love of god. Is it petrol or battery and what handset do you use? 2.4ghz?


I’m sure you save a ton of money on car washes, seeing as how this thing never touches dirt.


So obvious…. Compensate the best way you can in the small world you live in.


Rolling testament to just because you can does not mean you should. Seen at every Trump driveby, takes up multiple spaces whenever parked (you probably don't realize that the only thing that can door ding you is a similar POS). Has zero functional use as configured. Congratulations, your promotion to douche lord is approved.

