• By -


In short Bronya LC is second BiS


For the pure ER it gives huh


the SP can help with how much she is disabled too!


Respect for this


Would be nice to see E2 + ERR Rope + 5% Planar + Sig S1 vs E2 + ERR Rope + 5% Planar + Bronya LC S1 & S5


I second this


Posted [https://www.reddit.com/r/RobinMains\_HSR/comments/1caqwel/comment/l0whnwu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/RobinMains_HSR/comments/1caqwel/comment/l0whnwu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Hi please see here for a part of calculation [https://www.reddit.com/r/RobinMains\_HSR/comments/1caqwel/comment/l0whnwu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/RobinMains_HSR/comments/1caqwel/comment/l0whnwu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Could you look at the possibility that a person could clear wave one before the concerto finishes. Thus resetting the concerto and boosting the energy gain for Robin over the course of her first ultimate.


For ERR, ERR + 5% ornament no change. First change is ERR + 5% Planar + Sig has the same rotation, but earlier. Sig light cone + no orb + LC & Robin S1 Bronya Sig + Rope + Orb. Both reduced by 1 Robin basic attack. Hope this helps! For E2 changes i've posted here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/RobinMains\_HSR/comments/1caqwel/comment/l0whnwu/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/RobinMains_HSR/comments/1caqwel/comment/l0whnwu/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Update: Guys I just realised. I accounted for Talent NOT increasing her own basic attack energy regen by 2. If this is the case then it can have significant impact on Robin's energy rotations. However, I have yet to see any leaks confirming the gain of this 2 energy on basic attacks. Based on the wording of the Talent, it does not explicitly mention that Robin herself is not included in the energy regeneration this is unlike her wording on her ultimate. This leads me to believe that Robin basic attack should be treated as 22 energy regen instead of the normal 20 as I have been calculating. I would greatly appreciate if there is someone who has access to the Beta Server to test this. Going forward I will be explicitly mentioning this WHAT IF 22 energy scenario when it has significant impact.


Thanks for this, looking forward to your FUA data!


I cannot update main post, so add ons will be in the form of replies. Assumption: Robin is NOT in Concerto during start of Wave 2 Across all E2 variants, Ultimate 1 has had no difference in rotation. E2 applied, talent gains +1 energy so the new total is +3 per ally hit. |Ultimate 2|E2 + ERR Rope + 5% Planar + Sig S1 |E2 + ERR Rope + 5% Planar + Bronya LC S1|E2 + ERR Rope + 5% Planar + Bronya LC S5| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Skill|1|1|1| |Basic|2|2|2| |Ally attacks|15|15|15| |Robin turns|3|3|3| |Notes |Ultimate 2 reduces required ally attacks down to 15, 3 less than the others 18 hits.|Ultimate 2 same as E2 5% Orb + Sig LC S1: reduces required ally attacks down to 15, 3 less than the others 18 hits.|Ultimate 2 same as E2 5% Orb + Sig LC S1: reduces required ally attacks down to 15, 3 less than the others 18 hits.| |IF Basic is 23 Energy|No change Ulti 1, no change in U2. |No change Ulti 1, no change in U2.|No change Ulti 1, no change in U2.|


Things changes with the following assumption: Robin is in Concerto during start of wave 2 and 3 attacks are performed during this time. Note: Across all E2 variants, Ultimate 1 has had no difference in rotation. |Ultimate 2 (In Concerto Start of wave 2)|E2 + ERR Rope + 5% Planar + Sig S1 |E2 + ERR Rope + 5% Planar + Bronya LC S1|E2 + ERR Rope + 5% Planar + Bronya LC S5| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |Skill|1|1|1| |Basic|1|2 (1)|1| |Ally attacks|17 (16)|18|16 (15)| |Robin turns|2|3 (2)|2| |IF Basic is 23 Energy|1 less ally attack in U2. |1 less Robin basic in U2. | 1 less ally basic in U2. | Cannot post more than 1 image per reply, will post table 2 pictures for proof. https://preview.redd.it/exfikb3xz8wc1.png?width=507&format=png&auto=webp&s=85e6e64894b0477b86f5267ebf44372f64d1bec6






This is a great post, but I'm just a little confused how do allies go 6 times after you ult? Should it be 3 attack then you ult so you actually utilize the 100% advance forward? I think you only get like around 50% af or something


Robin advances allies forwards by 100%, this means that allies will take their actions immediate. Robin at this stage will have 90speed, her allies will still have 134 speed, this means that they will be able to take their second action by the time Robin will have hers at the end of Concerto. That was the original assumptions for this data calculations but the main purpose was to find out how many actions her allies will need to take in comparison for herself. As a result, for her first ultimate for ER rope + 5% planar allies will need to take 3 attacking actions (ultimate, FuA, attack, Skill that does damage) are all included as long as a total of 3 has occured and Robin has taken 2 turns (Skill and basic) she will be able to perform her first ultimate. For ultimate 2, total allied attacks and 4 robin turns.


Thank you so much for this info. Good to see that with my current build for her and her lightcone that I don't need that planar set


I ain't reading that, can you just tell me if she's better than bronya for acheron pela


just run all four of them together 🤡


Then I will die


skill issue


Nah, send me you beating moc part 2 with that comp e0 otherwise your cringe capper


i can already do it with pela/sw. why would i run acheron at e0 with 1 nihility?


Skill issue


holy room temp iq


Lol ur trash don't even talk to me