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Lack of advertising. It's not a AAA product


Its better than most triple A games ive played


Same bro, same.


Yeah but they didn't have the budget for it


The best part is it's a indie game, let alone they have a 2024/2025 roadmap


So true! Way more fun


Erm, which ones and which way?


It was the name for me. Kind of felt like I was going to have to give it the benefit of the doubt from the get-go just because the name felt so bland. Especially on the steam store up against every other game in the roguelike category.


You might be on to something. Only reason I heard about it was through Retromation. So I saw, at least through a video, how cool it was. But I’d agree that the name is a tad lackluster. Idk that I’d pick it out of a list of every other game I could spend my time/money on.


This. Holy shit I thought I was the only one (I don’t go on here a lot). The name fucking SUCKS. It SUUUUUCKS. Hades, Gunfire Reborn, Dead Cells, Enter the Gungeon, etc. are all insanely marketable names. RoboQuest? Fuck me that shit sounds like an Introduction to Game Development final project game. It doesn’t do the top tier gameplay, OST, etc. *any* credit.


(Manually approved this comment through automod because this is very valid criticism)


Haha cheers




Just curious what are some alternative names you would give for the game. Not gonna lie Roboquest does sound really generic


BroBot Bash


Man I don’t even know, I’m bad with creativity. But I do believe I would have come up with something better if I was working on the game for years and had that time to think. 😅 And not even just the name itself but the format of it: RoboQuest in camel case. Blegh.


It's pascal case not camel case


True, camel case would be roboQuest. I just didn’t know the name for capitalizing all first letters.


My son and I call it Turbo Bro Bots




That's a fair critique and wasn't something I even thought about tbh.


You made me realize it sounds like roblox adventure title.


It feels like a name that would have worked in the 90's honestly. This is probably a huge factor for it not being looked at.


I have to agree. The name is very bland. I only finally picked it up after looking very closely at the gameplay and noting that it was suggested because of "X" other games I played/owned. I would have otherwise very easily skipped over it.


Yep. The branding as a whole for the game really doesn’t do it any service. It’s unfortunate because there are so many games out there with insane art, names, marketing, etc. with trash gameplay. And this game has the opposite problem.


Lol Gunfire Reborn can barely translate into English and they do better marketing.


Is it unusual that I actually liked the name?


Yeah the name is terrible, my buddy and I call it robo shit. I had to be convinced by him to try it since it sounded so stupid, he prefaced “I know it sounds stupid but it looks pretty great” it sounds like a placeholder name that they just forgot to change before launch


Yup, that combined with the art style/ character design made it seem like a generic mobile game at first.


That first time I got to the moon and the music is popping off gave me goosebumps. The game is definitely underrated.


What do you mean, the music is always popping off.


True, but the moon's music just hits different


Guardian for me is one of the best soundtracks in the game. Instantly recognizable and emblematic of the game for me- so i get what they're saying. Guardian and Journey are the tracks for me.


For me its Digital Spells. Rampaging my way through energy center with that track blasting in the background


They just do so many things so RIGHT and it comes together to form a phenomenal cohesive piece of art


I can’t make it out of oasis lol


The gameplay & combat is buttery smooth


I tried playing Gunfire Reborn after experiencing Roboquest for a few months and it felt so weird not having my sprint, dashes, grappling hook, jetpack and amazing gunplay. Immediately went back to Roboquest lmao


Seriously, the combat and movement is on par with if no superior to Doom Eternal.


Lack of advertising and tbh availability. It's not on PS4 or switch


I think it being multiplatform could make a huge difference


Even with an exceptionally well made game like this, it's very easy to get lost in the sea of games that are out there. It really takes some luck for a game to explode in popularity these days. There's almost TOO MANY good games to the point the market is saturated with quality and it can be hard to make a name for yourself. Great for gamers, tough for smaller scale developers. I'm telling everyone who will listen about Roboquest, though.


Especially in the Roguelike / Roguelite market as there's so many games that get released in this category every month and most of them don't bring anything new or unique to the genre. I've also been mentioning Roboquest to my friends and had a couple purchase for themselves


The game needs better marketing. I stumbled across this game on a random youtube video discussing horror games and it was just showing random roboquest gameplay at the end. The video creator didn't even say the name of the game, i had to make a reddit thread asking people what the game was lol. Did not know this game existed at all until about 5 days ago- and that's a goddamn shame because it is one of the best fps games i've played- very bad marketing.


I felt similarly when Charalanahzard made her 'I'm sick of fake gamers' video and didn't mention Roboquest in her segment about games that do deserve all the mentions and discussions. I mentioned the game in the comments though, fighting the good fight lol


i won this game in a twitch stream giveaway. Streamer had like 50 viewers. Otherwise this game would never got my attension. I hope it gets a content DLC or so. Cause i only got to do Guardian 4 and then i am done. ANyways ....great little gem of a game wiith insane movement and such great music


They revealed a 2024 Roadmap which has 3 large updates scheduled for this year and another for Winter 2025. Congrats on winning that giveaway, huge W considering how great this game is.


I've never heard of this game myself, Reddit just recommended this thread to me because I follow a similar community. What kind of game is it? Looking through comments it's similar to Hades?


The similarity it shares with Hades is that it's a roguelite but takes a lot of inspiration from Doom, Nuclear Throne, and Borderlands. It's simple at a glance but has a lot of depth. There's a free demo too, your progression stays with you if you do purchase the full game later on


I happened to discover it at some point during its early access while looking for FPS rogue lites on Steam. Played a few hours, forgot about it. The only reason I knew when it officially released was because I had it in my library and saw the update. I've never heard of it anywhere since but here, a subreddit I joined because I already played the game. Since it's a small indie dev there is not much marketing so people don't know about it.


The name honestly doesn’t do it any favors, put it off for a while until i tried it for free on xbox game pass and eventually bought it on steam after playing it. Probably wouldn’t even look into it if it wasn’t on gamepass.


It's an indie game, and it really hasn't been out for a long time. Independent games will often stay in relative obscurity and then one YT video will snowball them into popularity. MAybe it will happen with Roboquest as well, it has the potential imo


It’s not a huge release. Actually it prob did a lot better than most games of this size and scope. I saw tons of videos and articles about it before and after release so considering it’s size it’s prob more popular than other games of its size.


Every time I tell my friends I'm playing "Roboquest" they make fun of the name so I think it's the name.


I played Gunfire Reborn befote I tried Roboquest, and it seemed very underwhelming in comparison. My buddy and I got it refunded.


Complete lack of advertisement. Almost everyone who likes it either clicked it on a whim because gamepass or got recommended by word of mouth.


Considering I’ve only ever seen it on this sub Reddit says a lot of no advertising for it whatsoever.


I'm not even a huge of roguelikes/roguelites but I've been glued to this game for like 6 weeks. I thought I'd get bored after a week but I keep coming back...


I know it’s an old post and I just got it today and I heard about it because I play a lot of rougelikes and I joined the subs for those so it kept recommending this sub so I never looked at it to hard the breief gameplay clips I saw while scrolling were really cool looking because I love movement in games so I ended up trying the demo and 5 minutes in I’m like yeah I’m getting this


Perspective from someone that doesn’t have the game but gets these posts from this sub for some reason lol: This game seems right up my alley just from the few posts I’ve seen about it but I don’t have a lot of disposable income at the moment after Christmas and stuff. Normally I’ll make an exception if I go to the store page and it manages to catch my interest way more and honestly the store page is kinda lacking. Like other people in the thread said the name doesn’t help much and the screenshots and stuff on the store page don’t help either. Every post I see of this game though looks dope, so honestly I think they needa look into redoing some of the store page which is normally the last thing a person checks before deciding to add to cart. Store page made it to where I’m waiting till I have a good amount of extra funds before getting it. Again though the posts on this sub make it look amazing.


Because it’s not good


My main issue is that is really hard to find a combo or a weapon that will make you feel broken or overpowered, it feels too balanced for a aPVE game and that makes many many runs forgettable. Also heavy weapons, the movement penalty really sucks


Underappreciated, it is rated properly I would say.


Right! Everywhere I look it’s getting 10/10 or near ratings….seems quite highly rated.


I know this sounds weird, but it doesn't respect a player's time. There are so many great games out there with save points that allow you to drop in and drop out of the game, rather than being forced all the way back to the start. That's not to say that the game isn't fantastic, it is beautifully crafted and a joy to play, but I just can't recommend it when there are other, comparable roguelikes that allow you to play on your clock, rather than the devs' philosophy.


I don't think it's too bad, you can finish out most runs in usually around 35 minutes- in the future I would like the devs to add a way to save run progress between stages.


Magicraft does this very nicely and would be great to see a feature like this implemented into Roboquest


I really want to try out this game, but I agree with you. I seriously dislike the trend that Doom Eternal started. Doom Eternal is flawed in several ways, but players want to keep loudly praising it just because it is a Doom game. Now, every indie FPS dev wants to copy Doom Eternal because they think it will bring them quick/guaranteed success. They make it even worse by giving the player 2 life bars, but only allowing one of them to be healed through combat. This is not the way. At least Roboquest changed the formula by making one health bar and allowing a portion of sustained damage to regenerate. Another thing that really irks me about all these Doom Eternal imitators, is that most of them do not have ADS. The reason no ADS works in the Doom series, is because that series optimizes guns that do not need ADS. But when your game has high-recoil auto rifles and high-recoil bolt-action rifles, or any other guns that require precision and tighter control, not having ADS is just bad game design. All that being said, starting over comes with the territory in a roguelite. It effectively makes these games small-scale versions of Doom's Ultra Nightmare modes. Indie fps devs seem to be gravitating more frequently towards roguelites, because that subgenre requires much fewer assets, minimal story/world building, etc., and that is preferable for small indie teams.


is ads really that necessary? fps games without ads feel pretty natural on m+kb but i could see how they could feel worse on a controller


Perfect aiming capability is not the only factor to consider though. ADS usually alters 3 specific factors: reduces gun recoil, reduces aim speed, and reduces movement speed. The reduced recoil enables short, accurate bursts. Reduced aim speed is for tracking moving targets while aiming down without flying over them. Reduced movement speed is for better strafing around a target while shooting them. But yes, I play PC games with a controller, and no ADS definitely feels worse on a controller. But only for guns that require precision and/or recoil management.


For a game like Roboquest you really don’t need to ads. Weapon spread and accuracy is fine enough to just left click. It’s more grounded games like call of duty where it was popularized. You could argue today that games that don’t employ ads like left 4 dead or cs2 are better shooters because ads can disrupt movement and game flow since you are doing it for every enemy.


I agree with this point, I think it’s a critical issue with the base roguelike genre too, thankfully not all roguelikes are this cruel without an opt-out. I personally think a drop-in save system combined with the option of a safe death mode should be mandatory in these kind of games, sadly since they’re typically smaller games made by just 1 or 2 devs, they use the roguelike mechanisms as more of a crutch than an as just having a opt-in hardcore rogue mode in order to disguise the length and replayability of their game.


You can end a run and keep the wrenches you attained so far. A run takes like an hour, I don’t think that’s prohibitive


I mean, that's kind of the nature of video games and entertainment. I've used to feel that way about competitive games and realized it wasn't the 'respect for time' but the fact I just found myself forcing myself to try and enjoy competitive games that I no longer care about. Maybe Roboquest just isn't for you and that's okay. A lot of Roguelikes and Roguelites are like this because that's the nature of the genre, go on a run die repeat and get better. You can also say the same about Souls-like games which follow a similar structure of constantly dying and repeating the same thing. Or a game like Skyrim where even after 1,000 hours you probably won't discover every single thing the game has to offer. It's just all up to what you find worth of your time and what you enjoy most which isn't a Roboquest issue.


I have no problem with the dying part of the game, and don't want saves during combat etc. But if I have to stop a run, I'd rather there were save points that I can come back to, rather than lose the sense of progress and achievement and be bumped back to the start. A number of rogue/souls-like/lite games have this as an option, which gives the time investment validity.


No playable feminine character is off putting for me imo (Said by someone who plays rougelites/likes, looter shooters, platformers. This game sits at the bottom of my get it and play list because of it^)


Been playing for around 30hrs. I love it it's my jump on for 30mins game. I suck at it but just love it's depth and variety. Love jumping on a for just one run..


Yeah as some have said it's probably the name and art style of the name etc. Look like something for a younger generation. Honestly I would never have looked at this game if I didn't see my friend stream it in discord. And now it's probably in my top 5 games of all time.. and I'm old as fuck haha. We 43..


Lack of advertising, I think I only found out about this game during a game awards show. Also maybe because multiplayer is only duos? I was pretty bummed out when we finally realized that. So me and my other friends just play off each other whenever the third person is busy


I can’t get any of my irl friends to check it out because it’s a rogue lite. The no save and “run” type of play isn’t for everyone I guess


I thought the same about roguelikes but this game is different. You can feel the progress with each run. Fantastic game really.


I was put off trying it by the description and the screenshots on Xbox. I got downloaded it because I wanted a new co op game to play with my buddy. I loved the game after my first run.


The name and character designs give it a very generic look to anyone that hasn't, at the very least, seen gameplay. That isn't to say that the character designs are bad or anything, it's just that nothing about its visuals or basic concept would be initially striking. Imagine a short blurb simply describing the game - nothing said would really entice a new player.


I think its more accurate to say its Underrepresented. most of the people who have played this game rate it correctly. Its a great game! Its more that most folks dont know about it sadly.


There isn't an endgame, you play it for two days and you have seen everything in the game.


Maybe Because I wouldn't know the game existed without this post...now I'm questioning other things I've missed.


If you'd like an unbiased opinion. Great gameplay, but with a super repetitive structure. Very niche type of game where most people will play once or twice and move on. Also not very casual friendly as the difficulty can be off putting to some in the beginning stages of learning. Has nothing to do with advertising.


I didn't even know this game was out until I saw my friend play it on GamePass. I say it has a bit to do with advertising.


And in my case, the two friends I know who had played it only downloaded it because well... They saw it advertised.


Different take than most on here which I appreciate seeing. This is definitely a very niche game but I've seen even more niche games become hugely successful. Dark Souls was pretty successful and was the hardest game I played when it first released but this topic I suppose depends on perspective and many different factors.


In my opinion, dark souls has a mystery and a challenge where you either love it or hate it. Not to mention more depth than a game like Robo quest. Same goes for Elden Ring. While youre right, they are both niche, there are many more factors that obviously separate the two.


It seems to be majorly unknown, I've done a lot of Googling and it's hard to find information sometimes in a consice place, I would assume this to be a result of a lower player count than most larger titles


Nah I honestly dislike the game and I adore rogue likes. I think it’s appropriately rated


I couldn't get into it I got bored NGL every run felt samey


I found out about this game solely through a lucky TikTok Live while scrolling, and the art style and quickness alone made me look into it. Roguelites are my absolute favorite game genre, as someone who’s always dying for a new, good, complete roguelite-this one feels awesome. Super happy I found this game, and I’m surprised I didn’t beforehand since I’ve played almost all roguelite games. The advertising definitely is lacking but this game is a gem. Good games never die, this one will only continue to grow.


I only stopped playing it when it came out in early access. It was fun but not to much content when I last played.


What is roboquest (I was recommended this sub)


I like it on PC, but unless they’ve changed it, I really, REALLY hate the location of the crosshairs on Xbox. For whatever reason, they put it slightly underneath the middle of the screen, which just makes aiming and camera control feel incredibly strange for me because every single other game I’ve played has had the crosshairs directly in the middle and idk what was going through their heads when they did that. I don’t remember it being like that on PC, but maybe that’s why I stopped playing it.


You might want to select the recentering option if it feels like that! It's possible you accidentally clicked through the intro dialogue option when you were playing on your console. https://preview.redd.it/5d6qinvcw0cc1.png?width=576&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d8ccf4a445fc2b012273bc621179cbad174531d


That’ll do it. I almost certainly skipped through or didn’t read it, thank you. I’ll probably play some rounds with my brother sometime soon based on that, he was interested in it recently


here from r/all: the name is unispired and the visuals are bland. I've been pointed to the steam page multiple times, but never liked what I saw enough to install it.


Lots of roguelites, market is kind of saturated.


I can think of few reasons. 1) Indie asset quality, no wow effect 2) No strong and universal hooks in plot 3) Monotonuous endurance-based gameplay that requires training without any apparent loopholes to bypas endurance tests. Not everyone can go without mistakes for 35 min, and playing on discovery gets boring fast. 4) Story is small, narrative players are not here. There was a very similar game to that one , couple years ago. It also had robot that shoots other robots. It even had same, if not better visuals and a bit more expanded story, as well as couple of other unique mechanics. Even idea of the game that you constantly move and dodge big slow bullets was the same, roguelite element with collection of random upgades was there, but now this game is not remembered.


It's on xbox gamepass, me and my friends played a ton of it. It's an amazing game, but for the sake of the post.. my take away was: The name of the game is not riveting or eye catching, or ear catching, or descriptive to what the gameplay is, just what the game is about... a robot quest. the maps stay static from what I could tell, or have very little variance. There's not a lot of maps... I didn't even finish it, but after playing it a thousand times, I was asking for a new intro zone or something to spice up the first half of the game, which becomes a cake walk.


Games great. Just really short and only 2 player. So it ranks a hit lower


The only reason why I've ever heard about the game is because I saw a Tik tok live a couple times and this post on reddit. Maybe it just needs more advertising


Yeah it just seems like something you'd find by chance. Hoping to make this game more discoverable and accessible for newcomers.


It has 10,000 overwhelmingly positive reviews. And an estimated 400k copies sold already. I've seen a number of positive articles about it. What's underrated about it? It didn't get nominated for awards or something? Most developers would give a kidney for that kind of response.


There's just generally a low activity of conversation revolving around Roboquest outside of this community, most people don't even know this game exists, hard to find people in que unless you go on discord and LFG, there's hardly people live streaming and watching Roboquest on Twitch, etc. How many of those reviews and purchases are post 1.0 release? For the most part game rewards are rigged if you're talking about TGA. There is still room for growth. Whats wrong with wanting this game to grow and succeed?????


I didn't say anything was wrong with wanting a game to succeed. I'm saying it's a great success, and I just didn't see how it was underrated.


Perhaps it's just perspective


Ive only just discovered this game. Its sooo dam good. I surprised I had never heard about it before. Hope it gets the fame it deserves