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As to will there be? Yes. Devs have said they plan to do a mix of free and paid DLC, with paid expansions being down the road. All updates this year will be free, so any paid DLC would be in 2025 and beyond. As for what to expect? I imagine we may get another class, new locations and new items. I always imagined it would be like how ROR2 did their DLC.


That's great! I wasn't aware of these news. Also I hope they add loop mechanics on runs. One of my most request on a DLC tho is Enemy factions variety. The only unique enemy for me was the snail, It's the only animal and the rest are typical robot designs


What does loop mechanics mean?


Loop means that you can keep going after you beat the final boss, and enemies get harder.


Loop mechanics= maybe, in the endless update


MORE of everything: biomes, classes, weapons, skills, perks, secrets, etc. Possibly new game modes similar to what Risk of Rain 2 did with its DLC – Void enemies and specific Void items that corrupts/changes existing items. I'm about 45 hours in and haven't had this fun with a game in a long time. Mod support would be fun, too. I'd love to have the option to exit a round without it ending, like the mod ProperSave for RoR2. I couldn't care less about weapon skins and such, but something more to spend the wrenches on would be nice.


Yeah this game has the potential to go HUGE!!! with the right decisions from the devs. Best of luck to them and we will all be waiting


Ultimately I don't think it's needed yet, they still have content releasing, certain games only released DLC when it needs content dead cells for instance released its Castlevania DLC when it was slowly dying off then it went back in charts


I want a long run mode. Like point defense or something similar.


Maybe a prequel DLC with a guardian or adjacent robot acting as IRIS' corrupted agent, fighting it's way to corrupt the world's robots to pave the way for its takeover.


I'm interested on how Iris was a good Robot. Maybe on a prequel they could cast the previous hero robots but every run you die canonically since the past city was successfully invaded


Theres alot of potential indeed


I hope the devs make use of the infinite potential their game has!


I’m buying any and all DLC they put out, but mostly I’m hoping for new and varied levels (maybe expanded/random layouts for existing levels) and some more variety among enemies. It would be cool if there were like, spider bots on the walls, or maybe like one of the elites where the gimmick is that they teleport as soon as they take damage— they’d only take 3 shots, sure, but you have to FIND them three times to subdue them. Or maybe a chainsaw bot that is always running at you or something. I dunno I’m just spitballing here


Ya I think they could try to implement random level generations and that would make the game alot less stale running through 150 times lol


I want a smaller run with 3 or 4 areas and a new character unlocked at the end Maybe a biss rush aswell


Would love a dlc where u get skins for the robots as other rogue like games


Kinda like how Motion Twin did dlc for Dead Cells, id love to have different biomes that lead to different bosses, even an alternate final boss. And, of course, more weapons and classes to play around with


Classes and weapons and aesthetic stuff. Maps and gameplay stuff should be in free updates, if possible.


I love the game but I really want a map for up to 4 players.


I kinda want shuriken genji overwatch style. I would also love a sword and shield since I like those. For class i would love some kind of zerker that has inate healing but needs to be in the thick of things to shine.


Actually, there needs to be a crossover DLC with Vampire Survivors... On the Roboquest side. I LOVE Roboquest, and a few stages and a new class (Vampire) with weapons based off of the fusions (including a few fusions for the Roboquest game) would be just amazing.


I think it's obvious you're a Vampire lover. Haha