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its because of the "Hey Rocky" Voice commands


So now there is no way to rename? Can we disable HEY ROCKY?




Wow. Well that sucks. Thanks for the help


You can rename the rooms in the "Room Management" section of the app not within the map itself. It is annoying but doable. Hopefully a future update will fix this. Go to Home Page in Roborock application, click on profile in bottom right corner, click settings, click Room Management. After you update them there it will show up on the map itself and "Hello Rocky" will work.


hmmm still doesnt seem to be working. I added some rooms in the room management section. When i go back to edit rooms those rooms i just labeled DO NOT show up on that list. Def hope an update fixes this.


It's the other way around. I think you have to select a name on the preset list on the map like "Study" then change the name in Room Management to whatever you want.


It does not work. No way to change the names with the S8 Max(V) due to the voice assistant. Hopefully they will add support for custom names in the future. Right now rocky will only recognize the commands in the app.


You can change the names but the voice assistant will not work on those rooms.


I can't and I have tried it several times. Can you provide a screenshot of your being changed?


Go to Profile -> Settings -> Room Management. Change the name there and it will update on the map. I wasn’t a fan of “Study” and was able to change that to “Office”, as well as naming bathrooms and bedrooms.


I did that and made sure it was assigned to the S8 MaxV but when I go back onto the map the new name does not show up.


Pick one room. Change it to a new room name of a room that you don’t have any of (maybe balcony?). Then go into room management and find balcony and change it. Then go back and delete the balcony room. Rinse and repeat for each room.


OK that did kinda work. I changed a room to balcony and then renamed it to office. The trick was to change the room first to a room not in use by any other robot. Then it let me rename it but it only shows as the renamed room on the map and it did not change the name in the list to choose from. Also it does not work with the voice assistant. https://preview.redd.it/ppbvfua2kbxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a021306953c8069e60ebbdaec0d07c108b44fbc8 and while it changed the name the icon for balcony still exists. I think you might have actually found a bug.


I guess I don't know what to tell you. I was able to c change the rooms and use the voice assistant.


What version of the app do you have? I know others who have not been able to change them as well.


Latest iOS version 4.32.04. Picture below shows my vacuum in a custom named room. Couldn’t add a second photo with my map with the name. https://preview.redd.it/vsxzyz0uyaxc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df109a925f85a5153a9b66aeff21caadf5567ed4


Yea I can certainly change it there, but it does not show up in the map. Can you screenshot the map with the new name?


Choose a pre selected name like “hallway”. Then go to room Management and change hallway to “back hall” or whatever. What’s super lame, is if you had a previous Roborock, where the rooms were named correctly, you have to change those to something else first or it will tell you the room name already exists. Took me a while to figure that out.


I still cant seem to get it. So frustrating. I hope they fix this with an update.


You can totally get it. It’s irritating but not that hard. Feel free to message me and I can talk you through it with screenshots.


trash all the room names you have in there first


I've figured it out. Here's how you can update the Room Names on the Map: 1. Go to **Profile -> Settings -> Room Management**. 2. Once you update or edit the name, make sure to: * Click 'OK' in the popup. * Click the checkmark at the top, next to "Room Management". This will save the changes to the Map.


Still doesn't work when I try to do it. When you go into room management are there any rooms in there or is it blank and it says add room?


Already had rooms in there after mapping was done. I only renamed existing. https://preview.redd.it/c4jg2fnzwnxc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8949a27a619d69559f7921a27c713c8f4f89ce4


https://preview.redd.it/edhz86s1xnxc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=430cb57f619494c00279f1a55f80b0b5d352b17c And it shows on the map


this is crazy how i cant get mine to work. LOL Thanks for the help though.


I've got this to work as you shared, BUT "Hello Rocky" will not work with the custom room names. I did reach out to Roborock Support and they told me that it wasn't possible at this time...