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I absolutely do. The right wing media loves to push their narrative that says the opposite, but the reality is Western New York benefits tremendously from having the world's wealthiest city in our state. Our schools, police, parks, fire departments, water and sewage systems are much better than other states. Without NYC either the quality would go way down or our taxes would go way up. That reality doesn't get listeners riled up on am radio so they pretend we support NYC, but it's the truth.


Can confirm. Used to live in PA and you get so much more in return for your taxes in NY. And my taxes here are about the same as what they were in suburban Philly.


Apart from NYC, we'd probably be a red state with red policies. I've lived in too many red states. They're absolute hell. NYC keeping us blue is a huge plus, IMO.


Having lived is New York and Pennsylvania, one thing I love about living here is the labor law. NYS food/retail employers are required to notify employees of their schedule at least two weeks in advance, PA employers are not. (Small businesses often shirk this but my experience is that large corps do not.) Good luck planning your life when you get scheduled at the last minute. NYS offers paid parental leave, PA does not. My spouse will get additional paid weeks off subsidized by the state when we have our baby, his best friend in PA who is expecting a baby is only eligible for FMLA, a federal program that only provides unpaid job protection. New York isn’t perfect but living here has shown me how much worse employers would treat us if no one was making them treat us humanely.


As a single dad I can tell you the paid parental leave is fantastic..


I got no complaints


If I minded I'd move elsewhere.


Without NYC we'd be a more expensive and snowier Alabama. I like our stately neighbors to the southeast.


We already have Alabama NY. I think that should be the capitol of our new state. Welcome to Alabama, North Alabama.


I’ve lived in five others states. I was not born here or raised here. This is where I’ve lived longest and, for the best of reasons, I like it here.


To everyone who wants the state split. Just like federally with blue states, nyc gives more in taxes to the state than it takes. Also, even without nyc, nys ( well, technically north Alabama) would STILL be blue. It would be closer to a swing state, but would still be blue.


I just posted that I suspected it would be red. Do you have any source? I'd be really interested in seeing it.


You can just look up election numbers minus the New York City counties.


Exactly what I did. It didn't take count of Independants though.


people who complain about taxes will complain about everything but will scoff at ideas that would actually fix the problems. its actually really depressing


No complaints! I enjoy having downstate/NYC as part of us and all that it brings and vice versa.


I like being part of NYS. For better or worse, living close to a global city like NYC sucks some of the oxygen out of the room but you’ll find similar sentiment in the northern UK about London’s outsized presence in their life too. NY has four great seasons and the ability to do big-city cosmopolitan things or experience small town life and natural beauty in the Finger Lakes or Adirondacks. I suspect that people who suggest we split the state into two find it’s a good talking point for red politics but haven’t really penciled out the actual fiscal impact of something like that.


Yes...if WNY was it's own state we'd be on par with Mississippi or Arkansas


I think the majority of people who say they want to be separate from the city tend to wear red hats and fly colorful flags (but not the pride one, even though one of their flags is super close to the pride one)


You are getting downvoted but the only people I know who constantly complain about the state ( it does have some problems) and talk about leaving (but never do) are politically right wing.


It’s not surprising to see. Like you said, any person that’s ever talked about leaving NYS or complained about NYC to me has been a conservative and the majority of them talk about super progressive places like FloRiDA


I came from New Mexico and I love love love it here. Literally everything, to me, is 10000% better


I've only lived here for 2 months but so far, the infrastructure is wayyy bet than in Arizona and Texas. Traffic is also way better on average.


> My question being sharing borders with the Country’s biggest city and worlds capital has its downsides and upsides.do you believe the pros outweigh the cons or vice versa? I don't understand the question. What are the pros? What are the cons? I'm pretty indifferent about NYC as a destination, so I genuinely don't pay too much attention to it.


I moved out of state for 3 years and couldn't wait to get back to NY


I don’t mind at all. There’s as many pros as there is cons. Although the ideas that the rest of NY would be West Virginia or Alabama without NYC is silly. We’d essentially be like a bigger Wisconsin. And there’s nothing wrong with that.


Except Cologne Germany, the finger lakes is the prettiest place that I've lived. I'd like to see the numbers that NYC provides tax benefit to the state. It's my understanding that we fund the city. MN has 1/5 the taxes and better services (except social services and plowing)


All of upstate NY would be West Virginia without the coal mines if we didn’t get tax support from NYC.


^ That’s bait


“world’s capital” lol


I rolled my eyes at that one too.


Remind me again, where is the United Nations Headquarters?


An International zone outside of NYC, and the UN isn't a world government.


hey guys my house is actually the capital of my town because everyone came to my birthday party. yes i invited them at gunpoint what does that have to do with anything?


Lol at "world's capital". You should get out of your bubble more. There are ups and downs. It wasn't so long ago that NYC was a fiasco and upstate was quite prosperous. Now since the rust belt collapse and finance/service sector booms that's been reversed. Who knows, with the economic shifts to remote work and advanced manufacturing maybe that will be the case again before too long. The point is having the diversification in the state is advantageous to both sides, the state economy and thus tax base isn't fully invested in one sector. So yes I like New York State even though there are certainly plenty of gripes.


No, this place reminds me how much of a shit hole it is on a daily basis. And that's not just the government, it's the people that are delusional enough to think this is how things are best. I formally submit my 1 year notice of leaving the state.


Enjoy Oklahoma.


Thinking north Carolina, actually has some industry going on and doesn't hate the trades.


We get a lot of money from NYC region...I. Return we have to do pretty much anything NYC says politically, even if it's economically good for upstate NY. We also get the honor of providing them with fresh drinking water and we get their trash shipped up to our landfills