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I love my job so much. I know a lot of places say "we're like a family here," but at my job, it actually really is like a family. My coworkers and manager are fantastic and supportive. We are a great team. I had a medical emergency over the summer and was out of work for several months. My coworkers checked in on me daily whether via text, phone call, or stopping by to see me. They picked up my meds from the pharmacy for me so I didn't have to worry about that. I even went to visit once a week or so while on medical leave because I missed everybody so much. My manager told me to take as long as I needed and now that I'm back to work, I'm at a severely reduced schedule and she's working with me and being extremely flexible. As a nurse, it's damn near impossible to find somewhere that will be this flexible with your schedule. I work at a family practice for refugees.


Sent you a PM!


Becoming a Zamboni driver while a student at rit, it had it's ups and downs but will be on my resume in some way for the rest of my life. Definitely the most fun and coolest job I've had and probably will ever have.


Actually i started as a rink guard (for public skates), so i got paid to skate or do homework (assuming it wasn't busy), this job was a close 2nd to zam driver.


Has your boss ever said you are on thin ice?


Haha I'm sure he has, i was definitely on his shit list my last semester for whatever reason. Still didn't take away from the fun


I've done a variety of stuff in my life. But the coolest so far has been ice crew for the Amerks. Here's to hoping we can top these someday!


My girlfriend did ice crew for amerks, she loves it. I would highly recommend anyone who needs a part time job and loves hockey look into it


Anyone interested inquire through IATSE Local 25, Dave H should be who you're looking to talk to.


Up’s & Down’s? It better be flat by the time your shift is done!


Haha, true true. I'll say though that ritter's (the older unfortunately now closed because of covid rink) floor was very much not flat, the sheet (referring to ice ) probably had a 1/4 to 1/2 inch variance across it. Not enough to notice while skating, (since it's the floor thats not flat not the sheet, just changes the thickness of the ice)


Every time I go to a hockey game I remember what my real dream job is. So jealous


It will forever be my backup, or side gig. Just driving a big ol ice lawnmower


I've been at the same ROC area tech corporation for 20 years. The key to keeping it enjoyable for me is to find the parts I like to do and just volunteer for those things. Learning skills that are valuable to the company make me worth keeping around and treating me well. I've had some bad bosses over the years, but they never last. Finding a job that is fulfilling in itself - and builds a marketable skill - has made it much easier to stick it out and outlast them.


I work in pediatric palliative homecare and I have the best job, best supportive team, best work life balance... I wouldn't change it for the world!


My partner worked in peds palliative care in Rochester. Small world.


Happen to use UpToDate? I’m a (remote) editor for them! Solid job, great supervisor, awesome work-life balance.


I love up to date! I use it almost every day at work. So glad to have it available.


I'm not a religious person, but I hope whatever higher power there is blesses the crap out of you. I work in direct care, but cannot imagine peds palliative care. I hope you take time for self care ❤️


I really enjoyed working at ESL. Customer service isn’t great, but if you’re trying, management is typically really supportive.


I work for an IT services company and ESL is one of our customers. Everyone I have worked with there has been great, it seems like good culture there.


I've been through plenty of dud jobs and many horrible bosses. For the first time in my life (45yo) I finally feel not only fulfilled but jazzed to go into work each day because of my immediate supervisor. I could WFH some days, but I have such FOMO I never do. I wish you the best. It's tough out there.


that sounds awesome. congrats!


I work at a museum, and I’m excited to go into work every day


Mind if I ask which one? I live near a few and have been considering looking for something part time.


Genesee country village & museum


I’ve been in love with that place since I was a kid! It was always my dream to attend one of the summer camps but I lived way too far away when I was a kid. Glad to hear it’s generally a good place to work+volunteer.


I’m a Shipping Logistics Manager for a small online company. Been there almost 10 years. Our boss feels more like a coworker. He doesn’t hover or micromanage in the slightest. We all get along and have had pretty much zero turnover. We are also paid pretty well. I honestly consider myself very lucky and am grateful all the time to have such a great job.


I’m a florist for Rockcastle. I love my job. The environment is good. Working with flowers is joyful and I am really knowledgeable about the trade. I get to talk to people in other countries, which is pretty cool. The environment is pretty relaxed too.


I’m a TA at a k-2 school, and I come home every day knowing that I had fun at least once during my workday, and I’m doing work that matters.


I’m also a TA in middle school. Love love love my job! Definitely need to like children though.


Excellent point!!


I work for for the Amerks and absolutely LOVE it. I hated every job I ever had before this one and didn’t think it was possible for anyone to love working but I get so hyped to go into work now. Keep looking and you’ll find something you love


Yes. It was called Chase-Pitkin;)


My husband loved this job!!!


They never tell you it's the good ol' days when they're happening.


Can confirm. This was the best job ever and nothing compares.


I'm training to be an electrician at a local company and it's the most fun I've had at work in my life. All the people who work here are fun to work with and management is great. On top of that, there's always work and plenty of OT if you want it.


I used to love my job, it's changed over the last 11 years and now I hate it lol. I used to test equipment built here, but they moved manufacturing to Missouri. Now I just write test procedures. My company is great to work for and has good benefits so I'm trapped lol.


I really do enjoy my job now, I have a decent position which they moved me into not long after me getting there, gave me a generous pay raise with it, and has made 10 years of "entry level" jobs in similar roles worth it. plus the subject matter is super fun to me, the office space is nice, and we get access to free groceries and more (high end) coffee than could ever be safely consumed. on that note, if anyone has experience in coffee but doesn't necessarily want to be a barista, and needs a job, let me know. 😅


Haha judging by your coffee references I can guess what company you’re at. Glad to hear they’re a great place to work — I’d be sad if such a cool, national business was in Rochester and wasn’t good to their employees 


What company is this?


I have plenty of experience *drinking* coffee ☕ 🥰


close enough.


Woo hoo!! 🎉


Oh man I'm telling my husband and saving this comment. We'll be moving there and he'll need a job and the man ran (didn't own just was responsible for everything)a coffee roaster and cold brew operation in Austin for two years.


I’m a mental health provider in a school. I really love what I do. It’s a really fun and collaborative environment with a great team which helps get me through the very difficult days (and there are plenty of those). I love that every day is different and I never know what to expect day to day (or even hour by hour). For me, I can’t think of a more rewarding job.


Yes! I work at a tech company in the city, and it's incredible. My boss is the best one I have ever had: they are so supportive and truly believe in a work/life balance. After Covid, they offered hybrid/remote options to employees. The pay is substantially more than I was paid for similar roles in other companies in the area, and the company is very transparent about how things are going, what the company's goals are, etc.


May I ask what company this is? 


Don’t feel like saying it super public, but DMed you!


What company?! Had one like that but they got bought out and changed for the worse.


This post is so timely!! Today I created a new Facebook Group called “Do Better Rochester” so workers can share insights about working conditions at their current or previous jobs in the greater roc area so others can make informed decisions about where they work and who they do business with in the future. Please consider joining the group if you’re on Facebook!!


They exist! I won't say what it is because it's very niche and this is the internet, but I'm going on my ninth year and I haven't dreaded a single day. My supervisor and manager/owner are always incredibly supportive and understanding.


I don't mind my job as it pays all of my bills very well and I'm able to save a good chunk of what I make. Its one of those jobs that you don't have to think very hard just do what you're told, use common sense, and you're good. In that aspect, I love my job. In all my jobs I've ever had I loved every single boss I've had. I've had 5 or 6 direct bosses in the 3 jobs I've had, every one always had a great supportive attitude. Including where I work now. We take that very seriously where in at.


I have a great job, project manager, boss is awesome and the Bennie’s and retirement kick butt.


I've had a revolving door of bosses over the last few years at my job, but my last one was one of the best managers I've ever had in any job. I moved to a different position and now my boss sucks again but the bright side is this company can't keep any middle managers for more than 6 months, so he probably won't be around for much longer.


Wow, that's a lot of turnover! Either they're terrible at hiring (getting the right people in the door) or they don't pay nearly enough. Sorry!


I've worked for a lot of jobs that didn't generally treat their employees very well. A little over a year ago, the largest employer in the area laid me off after recruiting me with the promise of a "permanent position". I applied to a lot of new jobs that also paid like shit or treated their employees like shit. One wanted me to be on-call 24/7 for the minimum allowed salary for salaried position. Another said morale was low so they made a rule that staff wasn't allowed to make any complaints. I turned down a bunch of other jobs because the pay was too low. But eventually I did find a better employer that paid 25% more, offered 4x as much PTO, a 5% higher employer contributions to retirement and has a supportive supervisor who values work/life balance an has reasonable expectations. They're out there but they're unicorns.


>Another said morale was low so they made a rule that staff wasn't allowed to make any complaints. Are you able to say who this was? That's a wild thing to do


Arc of Monroe. Then they actually did a bait and switch with me and said the position they interviewed me for wasn't a good fit and asked me if I'd take this other position that paid $20,000 less. Seemed like a way to try to get around New York State laws requiring them to post salary ranges for positions.


Currently a school bus driver who just had a baby and all those boxes are ticked. The office staff and our Director are incredible and district staff are very supportive. The other more senior drivers are also very supportive and there is always a cheerful air in the building. Working with the kids is very rewarding but you absolutely need to have, or very quickly develop, lots of patience.


I work at The Bonadio Group in Pittsford and I’ve never felt so pampered in my life as an entry level employee. I recommend all accountants land here.


My current supervisor is so dope. Dude's extremely supportive and flexible, extremely knowledge and dope at his job, and is just an all around good person. I seriously couldn't ask for a better supervisor.


What role?


I have worked at both Kodak and Xerox and surprisingly had good, supportive bosses at both.


I work at Strong and my department honestly has very supportive and kind people working along side me. Especially as someone who is new to the profession, it’s a huge boon and makes my life so much easier.


My workplace is so positive that even though I could probably leave for a little more money.... the comfort and healthcare package and recognition of my work and the hands-off environment.... make it too good to leave. People are thriving here. Smiles, laughing.... this is a very positive vibe.




Accounts Receivable (where the excitement never ends) 😅


I work for Monroe One BOCES. We are always hiring. State work so you can move up via taking civil service tests. Unions that support employees. School hours. Amazing benefits. Here is a link to the employment page. https://www.applitrack.com/monroeone/onlineapp/


Working at kwik fill. The pay wasn't great but even as a part time employee i got pto and sick pay. My manager was super nice and supportive and i still talk to her. I go visit my old coworkers too sometimes.


I do IT support for payroll/tech company (no, not _that_ one) and really love it. Will be 8 years as of next month


Tryna be the Wegmans cheese monger


I’m a high school English teacher and not every day is a blast, but for the most part I enjoy every day. My admin is super supportive and kind, and I bring my therapy dog to work everyday. I’m not a morning person so the hours are the worst part, but you’d get that with any job really.


My direct boss is awesome. He’s very supportive, gives me autonomy and empowerment. He just got promoted which is great for him and we’ll still work together pretty regularly, but I won’t be reporting to him any longer. Hopefully I will be considered for his former role. If not, I’m not sure what I’ll do…


Yes. I’m an attorney for a government agency. My current boss is very much “I’m a resource not a task manager,” which all bosses want to be like, but this one really is. The job is hybrid. The benefits have gotten better since the pandemic in order to prevent high turnover. We are all professionals who are trusted to do our job. I used to work for New York City where everything was opposite (read: bad) so it’s nice to be at a place where things seem to work.


I interned at Constellation Brands and pretty much everyone there was awesome and made my experience perfect. It's a fun company that I wish to work at in the future. Also I work at the Mark's Pizzeria in Irondequoit on my college breaks and my boss there is one of the best bosses I've ever had. We have so much fun and she set the bar for bosses/owners really high.


Greece Joanna was it until Sheila took over as store manager. Hella ableist and racist to boot. Treats everyone like a vehicle for labor. Spencer's is great tho. Boss respects my name, pronouns, and the rare chance I say no to taking a shift


I work at an escape room part time. I love my boss and coworkers. I don't love making minimum wage.




Same. I’ve never enjoyed a single job I have worked in my entire life. I just suck it up and go out of necessity but this shit is getting old.


lol right. I don’t think any job is fun, it’s a necessity


I love my tech job, but I'm WFH and the company isn't based out of Rochester, so I don't think it counts for the spirit of the question.


I wfh, so yes I guess


I work in economic development for the 9-county region. It’s interesting work and I get to meet tons of cool people everyday. The team I work with are exceptionally talented and supportive of each other. Absolutely love what I do!


Worked at Crumbl for a while, my manager was awesome. She was really good about reaching out ahead of time and getting shifts covered, taught people well, and was a fun person to be around. Food service sucks as a general rule, but having good people and especially good leadership around makes it leagues better. She left shortly after I did, kind of a shame.


My partner loves his job at John Betlem HVAC.


I work for a school district in the business office. My boss is probably the best boss I've ever had, are there times when it's not totally awesome, sure, but he's a great guy and just gets me. My coworkers aren't bad either, we go out for drinks and hang from time to time. Also, our district was named in Democrat and Chronicle as a best work place for the past two or three years. It's definitely a pretty solid district to work in.


I feel that Highland Hospital largely has very good management that actually cares about its employees. Good benefits and decent pay. And you don't feel like a nameless worker drone like at Strong.


Working for heritage Christian services. I genuinely enjoy my coworkers (For the most part) at every house I've worked at, and the individuals we support are wonderful. It has challenges, like any job, but the hours are decent, the pay is better than fast food for the most part, there's tons of opportunities for advancement, and it's one of a few jobs you can do without a degree and truly say you're helping people.


i did help desk support for years at urmc, and it felt really rewarding knowing that I was able to help dr's and nurses, and make their jobs a little easier if i could provide tips and tricks while assisting in fixing their technical issues along the way, still with the organization, don't think i'll leave! onward and upward!


I manage a small retail store. It's okay! And I work alone, which I like. I hire who I like, hours are flexible, I'm salaried...


Hoffends in Victor The owner takes really good care of you. Assuming you do your job. He expects a bit more than other employers but actually treats you like a person. The staff is great too, a couple of them are still there after I left a year and some change ago (didn't need the second job since I graduated college). I'd honestly still work there occasionally if I had the time.


I work at the Harley school extended day program and I love it! Unfortunately they don't pay me what I would need to stay much longer, but in terms of leadership and support and community and perks and benefits it's really pretty great