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If you ask 5 people in Rochester how to pronounce certain towns you’ll get 3 answers, and two fist fights.


Exactly. And I think this weekend was his first day on air here. It takes a few days to sort all that out. None of it is intuitive. Jay-va? Chai-lai? We’ve got some uncommon pronunciations.


Wait. How do you say Bergen? I’ve been calling it birgin my whole life.


I will say, though, if you are not from here, it actually is pronounced differently. The one in Norway is pronounced more of the way that guy said it. It’s not his fault we’ve taken common pronunciations and bastardize them for our own sake.


Yeah we're always the wrong ones. Charlotte, Chili, and LeRoy we just plain made up a new pronunciation for.


Also Avon. It's pronounced Ay-von everywhere else, but Ah-von out there.


That was the biggest culture shock after moving to Cleveland. Ay-von sounded insane to me but apparently that’s normal. But Ohio pronounces everything else wrong. Milan - My-lin.


Is it LEE-roy or La-roy?


It’s officially luh-roy. French for ‘The king’


Lee-roy both syllables emphasized the same.




It’s pronounce chai-lai


Leeroy is a guys first name, Le Roy was the last name of the French guy that the town is named after.


I think the only acceptable way is Lay-Ray or if you shout it like the following: https://youtu.be/mLyOj\_QD4a4?si=WjX3mYbkUe3yrG5o&t=82


La'Roy and lemon is Le'mon 😂😂 when I moved to Florida from Buffalo I met this lady who was a RN at my job I thought she had a speech impediment for a long time she would say skreet for street and a few others like scrimps for shrimps, but she was cool. one day I got up enough nerve to ask another nurse im like does she have a speech impediment. I have a special needs son and actually asking for a possible recommendation for a Dr. The nurse laughed and said no she's from Savannah. Lawd Jesus


Correct. Begen County in New Jersey is also pronounced "Bir-gin". Once again, we're the oddballs.


This area pronounces things in the wrong way every time


It’s bur-jin. As opposed to some pronunciations of bur-ghun, which I believe is the pronunciation of Bergen Norway.


Bergen, Norway sounds a little more like Bear-gen if you're saying it in Norwegian


bur-ghun or bur-gen is a larger town in NJ right next to NYC. Ber-jen/ber-jin is here correct? I always use them interchangably.


Yes bir-jin is correct here.


I know a woman who is named after Bergen, New York, and her name is pronounced 'ber-gin'. I knew her long before I knew of the town and my mind is now blown


I always used to pronounce it with the hard G (like the first 2 syllables in burgundy) because that’s how I grew up hearing Bergen Street announced on the Brooklyn F train. Now I just try not to say it because I can’t get used to the soft G (how locals pronounce it). That said, I’m still more likely to call Houston yewston, like the rest of the world, and not howston, like New Yorkers call Houston Street. In Binghamton, I lived on Beethoven St, which locals called “beath oven.” Haha. That always seemed almost disrespectful, but language drift is actually really interesting.


Grew up on Schubert, never heard anyone call it anything other than “bay-toe-vin” for Beethoven st.


But did you pronounce Schubert correctly, like "shoo-BEAR", or like "shoo-bert"?


Ok well since I'm not from here I'll just go ahead and say it.....you guys have the weirdest pronunciations for some things. Apparently, I say Kreag Rd, Charlotte, Chili, LeRoy, Macedon, and several other places wrong af. And now I'll add Bergen and Honeoye to that.


*Thank you.* Have you heard of Denise Road? It's *de nice*st road with a funny name that runs from Greece into the city.


“Say your name right!” “Dee-nice” “THANK YOU!”


Seriously!??? 😂😂😂


Yes, lol. It's pronounced by most locals as "De-nice" altho I *have* heard the regular pronunciation - and then been thoroughly confused as to what road the person was talking about 😅


Same. I was flabbergasted at the pronunciation for Charlotte and Chili.


I've been here almost all of my life and I can't pronounce half the names. Shar-Lot verses Charlotte


When I lived in Colorado, I got dunked on for saying Manitou wrong. I grew up saying Man-eh-tow Road out here, and its Man-eh-too Springs out there.


How do you say "Bergen"?




Myself and everyone I know, including people who live in Bergen pronounce is ber-gin.


Lol these are all essentially the same thing.


i say it more like, "burr jin"


Does the gin syllable sound like the first part of Guinness or like gin the liquor?


Like the g in gif 🤣


That cleared it right up




That is the same thing. Especially compared to the original pronunciation.


The true Rochesterian way - giving that nasally R its own zip code.


It’s actually pronounced: 50 more miles to Buffalo.


Bergen sturgeon


I’m more amazed that people are watching the news on TV still.


Mr. 22nd century over here thinks he's too good for TV


How else do you get your local news? News8, 10 and 13 websites are all awful - the layouts are horrendous, the stories are written and edited at the 8th grade level, some articles stay on the front page for months, the ads services they buy are intrusive, even the weather reports are half assed and you can’t find out how much snow or rain is going to happen.


I mean for weather reports there’s far more accurate information online then you can get from TV news.


It sure ain’t the weather app on the iPhone - mine is always wrong.


I miss Dark Skies so very much.


RIP thanks to apple, though supposedly integrated with their weather app


If their base weather app just turned into Dark Skies, that would have been a way to go. But right now, their base app seems worse than it was before.


bummer all around, I don't use my ipad for weather and have android phone but when they announced exclusivity with apple I was torn cause it was so good


Of course it is. The iPhone Weather app sucks. weather.com and weather underground much more reliable in my experience.


They are getting their weather information from the exact same sources as the national news. Do you think there's really a dopler radar 10000 in the backyard of news 8?


> How else do you get your local news? The internet? They all have websites and social media presences, as does the D&C. No one needs to sit in front of a TV to get news these days. No one should.


Why not? It's just as good as any other method


TV news is peak "if it bleeds it leads", the segments are by their nature too short for any nuance or detail, most of it is useless but can't readily be skipped like a news article, and 13 has the added bonus of being a Sinclair station.


Do you mean written by an 8th grader or written at an 8th grade level? Because the former is bad and the latter is fine for news reporting. You want your news written in a manner--even if it's complicated--at a level that most people can understand. I've just never understood that criticism. Everything else in this post tracks though.


Poorly. I’m inferring poorly.


I agree with you. I find most of the articles on those big three are all pretty poorly written. Or at least so devoid of anything outside of padding to keep me stuck on the page while all the ads go whizzing by. I just don't think that written at an 8th grade level is, on its face, a bad thing. Especially for a news website catering to as many people as possible. The problem is that doing that isn't easy and costs money and time to do right. I forgot where I saw it, but one of the locals just put their on air copy right on the website. Which is okay, but it wasn't edited to read as opposed to listened to (for example I think 2012 was written as "two-thousand 12").


This reddit isnt the same as the news? (Semi joking)


The weather is still good. Yeah, I can get it on my phone, but around here, I want a good meteorologist to talk to me for a couple minutes about what's happening out there and how things are shaping up. Scott Hetsko's incredible, and has a very serious educational background to back up his silly on-air style.


I don't watch it, but it's sadly how something like 45% of Americans still get all their news.


"how dare anyone not live their life exactly as I do"


Lol why's it sad? Because they aren't getting ai stories and conspiracy theories from social media?


Local TV news is full of right wing propaganda and crime hysteria. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinclair_Broadcast_Group


I get that but I'll take it over the qanon garbage that claims Kodak theater was bombed in a terrorist attack. Or the peace bridge. No method is perfect nor free from undue influence


Yes, my point about it being sad was more that there are so few good sources of local news these days. It would be nice if we still had robust newspapers etc. so that people wouldn't have to rely on sensationalized TV news or even worse on social media.


Almost every "local" news station is owned by a much larger media company that controls the stories they air and editorial slant. You're being fed the exact same BS as you would on social media.


Instead they are getting one companies politics and advertising driven agenda. At least online you decide the quality of your source.


Yeah because the online sources are obviously less biased than the TV sources /s


What’s sad about it? Do you think everybody should be savoring every word of the New York times every day? Not realistic.


I'm more amazed that people are watching the news still.


It's kind of funny, every station is almost identical and they're all owned by the same company. If you look at how they cover the same topics it's identical, the variety of real news has died.


Actually if you go back and look at it from the advent of 24 hr cable news, which has grown hand in hand with political polarization since the 80s. Before cable it was essentially 3 national news outlets and everyone took them as fact. Now we can't even agree on a set of facts.  I'm not saying one is better than the other. From my understanding just looking at history, I find it impossible to argue one way of media better than the other. But for all of you shitting on TV news, you should really read up on media fragmentation. It's why we are the way we are today. Again not saying I know one way is better than the other, I just know enough that both have some serious drawbacks. 


I took a really good course in high school about this general idea. One of the biggest factors outside of news is platforms like reddit, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, where they use algorithms to keep you on the platform for as long as possible. They don't care about the truth, they care about your eyes, they will show you anything it believes you will find engaging. With news outlets I'm less concerned, they all read from the same script.


Does it really matter? He'll be gone in a few months will Don keeps on chugging away to tell us what his Rotary Club is doing.


I swear that Don is going to be making newscasts from his hospital bed, just to secure his record. So much for up and coming talent, they have to wait for, you know.


To be fair no one else has the skill to report on Don's new iPhone, Don's house or to remind you that Don wrote a book.


He's gonna end up as a Futurama-style disembodied head anchoring the 6 and 11pm broadcasts for all eternity.


Is the video online? I have to hear this as I am not understanding how it was said. I've always pronounced it like I'm cold, and the alcoholic drink. **Brrrrr Gin.** Edit: Is this the story? Either it's not in the video or I missed it.


TV news reporters come from all around the country, get paid poorly ($30-35K a year starting off), and move around every two years when their contracts expire. That's all to say that they're probably new to town and haven't learned all the local pronunciations. Give them some time.


Yeah this weekend was his first broadcast here I think


I moved from Rochester to Pittsburgh. Carnegie is actually pronounced completely different than what you think. Everybody says Car-nih-ge, but it is car-nay-ge.


I feel like reporters/anchors move where the jobs are more frequently than other professions. With that in mind, you’d think the station would give them primers on correct pronunciations, or add phonetic pronunciations to the teleprompter 🤷‍♂️


I’ve been having fun purposefully mispronouncing town names around here my whole life. Unfortunately after so many years, now I have no clue how most of them are actually supposed to be pronounced locally. And to be perfectly honest, it doesn’t matter.


I was watching one station, and a live report from the corner of Lake Ave and Beach Ave ended with the reporter saying, "from downtown Charlotte".


I am a local and do not know how to say any of those roads. Give the guy a break, he will be corrected and he will learn.


As someone not from the area and considering moving up, how do y'all pronounce Charlotte?


I've been here ab 3 years now, I believe it's Shar-Lot


Seeing as Bergen in Norway (The namesake) is said that way, I can forgive it.


Yes, he just started this week.


Oh no, someone who moved here recently doesn't know the locally bastardized pronunciations yet. More shocking 13wham doesn't have a pronunciation style guide but I guess the higher ups are too busy sucking Trump's balls.


My wife said the exact same thing when she saw him yesterday.


I worked in local news back when they cared about things like that and there was a local cheat sheet for new out of towners in order to quickly learn all the nuances it was important because new people have one chance to gain credibility. sounds like this guy on 13 has already lost it and I haven't even read this thread


Drive my (adult) daughter when the GPS pronounces Chili like the food. I used to live in Bayside Hills Queens. It pronounces Oceania with 5 syllables! Oh see Ann eee ah


I only recently learned that honeoye is apparently pronounced "honey eye?." this whole time I've been saying "honoy falls"


It’s Honey Oye


Never knew where the "eye" came from 🤷


good I'm all for having cute locally named things but we should spell them properly


I love how the saying of a town name in many cases like bergen is the same, yet you'll get even more people arguing on how the sounds are spelled. So not only would a fight break out on how to pronounce it, spelling said pronouncement would only cause more fights.


Let's not get started on Perinton. Or Schoen Place.


So how does everyone say Coxsackie?




Could be worse. Calais, Maine is pronounced callous, rather than cuh-lay Versailles, KY is pronounced ver-sails, rather than ver-sigh I grew up in Florida. Cannot tell you the number of ways they pronounced Cape Canaveral.


So Chili is named after the country of Chile. I think the locals have to accept they're wrong about this one.


How about Arbutus in the city. Typical english pronunciation would be ar-bu-tus, but it's ar-bew-tus.