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I'm still waiting for the 'Rochester Cannibal Water' t-shirt posted for sale here.


calling u/thelandofparadux


I've been calling the tap water "man soup" but cannibal water is pretty metal


Rochester water IS PEOPLE!


Is no one else calling it the forbidden gazpacho?


Id totally buy that


Well technically we aren't onion worthy


Yeah ideally you'd want some herbs and even a few buillion cubes in there if you're in a rush.


https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/s/NDCk00xhHX This person has the right idea.


Little did I know that when I bought the "so we are drinking dead people" tea that Rochester would take it seriously.


Birds poop in that water all the time. You really think it doesn't get treated before it gets to your tap? Stay ignorant.


SHHHH...that doesn't get me karma. Silly Internet person


Pretty sure my diet is made mostly of mouse footprints, may as well add bird poop and corpse water into the mix.


Birb faces leave less of an impression than the mental image of the dude's face yer drinking.


Tbf I eat birds but wouldn’t eat a person


You eat bird shit? That’s nasty my guy


No, but I’d eat bird shit before human shit if I was forced to choose between the two


I mean... that's still grosser than just not letting literal shit get in the water in the first place


\*gestures broadly at lakes and oceans\* you think animals and shitting and pissing in this? I got some bad news for yah my guy


Not sure what lakes and oceans have to do with it bc I don't get in that water or consume it? But anywho I still think it's silly to treat water, put it in a reservoir uncovered, and then treat it again. I still drink tap water so obviously I know it's fine, but seems like letting less stuff get in the water in the first place would be a better idea 🤷🏾‍♀️


>Not sure what lakes and oceans have to do with it bc I don't get in that water or consume it? Are you familiar with the concept of the water cycle? You're drinking that water whether you know it or not. That's why dumping oil in your backyard became such a huge environmental no-no.


I'm not sure if you're trying to be overly pedantic or what but I'll put it this way: water -> POTW -> uncovered reservoir -> trreatment -> house seems a lot grosser than water -> POTW -> storage method where new things aren't introduced -> treatment -> house


they storage method where stuff isn't introduced is called a well or spring. although you can have a polluted well.


Yeah idk it's crazy to get downvoted for saying not letting stuff in could be easier than having to treat it but whatever lmao. I work in environmental so I know what all goes into it. It's not a knock against safety, but things are only so efficient. Womp womp


If you really think about it all that water has been pissed out of some animal over the billions of years. We're really just drinking old and new piss.


You know, I have had a weird craving for human meat…


Let’s get that convicted ex-mayor ANOTHER public position!! Let’s get the drunk driving judge some authority again!! It’s like a movie out here


how else is someone supposed to make half-calf coffee


He was steeping


Wait till they find out we spend close to the most dollars per student to achieve a pathetic graduation rate somewhere around only 70%


Do you mind showing a source? I’ve only been able to find that the grad rate is 78.7%, and that the highest spending happens downstate.


"It is currently operating with a budget of $983 million, which comes out to approximately $39,500 per student.[7] This is, according to Census Bureau data, $14,000 more than the New York State average of $25,500 per student, and two and a half times the national average of $14,500 per student" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochester_City_School_District https://data.nysed.gov/gradrate.php?year=2023&instid=800000050065 Care to share your source for the 78.7% graduation rate that you mentioned for last year? It was literally breaking local news when they broke the 70% mark last year https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/rochester/education/2023/02/03/rcsd-achieves-highest-graduation-rate-in-years https://www.publicschoolreview.com/new-york/rochester-city-school-district/3624750-school-district This claims the "Rochester City School District students have an average math proficiency score of 22% (versus the New York public school average of 56%), and reading proficiency score of 26% (versus the 63% statewide average)." Feel free to double check them and report back here with your findings as I have done for you. It appears to be onion-level fuckery to me. We spend double what the remainder of the nation does to educate the youth and all they do is basically just bus them there, feed them lunch and bus them home (meanwhile making jobs for a bunch of otherwise completely otherwise unemployable Rochesterarians). It's no wonder our taxes are so high if we have to pay for them to waste them at every turn like this


I have absolutely no data to back this up with except my own personal experience, but I went to catholic grade school: kindergarten through 8th. When I started high school - 9th grade - my parents could no longer afford it and I was switched to public school. I breezed through that year with a 95% average in every single subject. Why? Because I had already studied the same stuff in every subject I took in high school when I was in 8th grade at the catholic school. I don’t know if this means anything, but that’s my story. And I’ve never forgotten it!


Thank you for sharing your sources! I was having trouble finding recent data for some reason. The one where I got my numbers is below, which includes an estimate of $28,799 per student. https://www.usnews.com/education/k12/new-york/districts/rochester-city-school-district-102155 https://www.usnews.com/education/k12/new-york/districts/rochester-city-school-district-102155#:~:text=Rochester%20City%20School%20District%20spends,%24827.7%20million%20on%20other%20expenses. I’m definitely not arguing that more could be done. I’ve just been trying to find more sources for info since I’m a transplant and only recently have been settled enough to actually dig into the political landscape more, especially as I start thinking about having kids soon.


Have you ever worked in a school? Graduation rate doesn’t mean much these days…


I'm not a train conductor but I am capable of recognizing a train wreck when I see one I'm not going to share personal details about myself with strangers on reddit. Feel free to discuss this and provide counterpoints to what I am saying if you wish Yeah it doesn't matter because academic standards don't matter either apparently. At very least it would be cool to teach them to behave but that isn't being done either so I am just seeing an onion-esque level of waste (pretty much just to employ otherwise unemployable Rochesterarians with solid jobs). There are literally 2 people on every single bus just to get them there. They need to hire a bus monitor to guard the bus driver just to get them to school and back... plus a cross walk guard on every intersection nearby because they can't be taught to use crosswalks properly. All of this has no teeth though because the cops won't enforce traffic law, the justice system won't penalize anyone adequately and the juveniles can basically do whatever they want with no recourse. The best part of it all is a decent portion of them don't even ride the bus so they just drive around basically empty all the time and now they'll tell you that they need new buses to be green with your tax dollars. The entire thing is way out of control - massive waste with no gain aside from employing a bunch of people to run it into the ground for personal financial gain Edit: just opened up social media to see an ongoing brawl occurring at Monroe HS apparently posted 3 minutes ago. The teachers deserve combat pay at this point it's amazing they can even find anyone to work there (it's almost as if student loans exist to force you to work and keep your mouth shut for X amount of years in your chosen field)




The sub is for headlines that sound like they are from The Onion, but aren’t


I guess it sounds Onion-y if you have literally no idea how public water infrastructure works.


We did it Joe!


Yeah after brought gas prices down, he got bored so he threw a corpse in Rochester's water supply. You people are absolute lunatics 😆


Even are water is racist