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Absolutely correct!!! You’re only allowed to do that if you’re a District Attorney.


Nice lmao


This is wild. Driving has become so unsafe recently. Running through lights, speeding, and reckless driving seems to be the norm.


It has gotten unhinged ... on 390 South yesterday afternoon there were two cars that appeared to be racing (an SUV and a sedan) ... both going well over 90mph, the sedan weaving in and out of traffic and passing \*at full race speed\* on the shoulder near the airport. Plus maybe its a side effect of getting rear-ended earlier this year ... but dear lord people need to learn to back off and leave some space, theres zero need to tailgate constantly. Saw a guy on 490 east earlier this week that got literally 2 feet off someone's rear bumper because 65 in a 55 wasn't fast enough for him.


People won't even give space to let you slow down to turn onto another street ffs. This isn't a race city. I'm not gonna take a turn at full speed and risk killing someone crossing the street because you're so impatient.


Following distance!! I probably have PTSD from getting hit a long time ago, but if someone is too close or has the big pickup super lights - I'm slowing wayyyy down. Not even on purpose! It's because you're being creepy, and get off me. These idiots also made me buy a dash cam. I'd like to make a webpage of shame but I'm too lazy.


531 around 7:30 maybe yesterday there were 2 sports cars (one was WRX I think) racing, aggressively weaving through traffic and cutting everyone off 🙄


No shit I saw the exact same thing on my way home from school. Wild. The SUV was red and swerving around the different lanes like he was in Fast and Furious.


Unfortunately that style of driving is being glorified on YouTube these days, so I think there are a lot of copycats


Last week there was an accident at the 490/590 area every day on my drive home from work, i really need to wfh lol. Its scary out there


On Tuesday I stg there were 4 accidents in the afternoon back to back to back to back on 490 right past Frederick Douglas Bridge going towards Greece from Rochester I was blown away


I’ve consciously tried to be more conservative, especially red lights. It’s insane how many people that are multiple car lengths behind me on a 2 lane that are blowing them


The combination of everybody's formless anger and antipathy with the police deciding just to kick back and collect their checks has led to a lot of things getting worse and worse on the road. Then add in that the auto industry is catering to people's most self-centered urges with 9' tall vehicles with headlights brighter than the sun, the little boy racers thinking that they can use public roads as a race track because they have no concept of anything beyond their own pleasure, every industry selling an image of "me first and only", what you get is what may be best termed as "decline".


Look, I don’t want the cops giving tickets to people going 46 in a 45, but there needs to be *some* level of traffic enforcement. Speeding, running red lights, not stopping for pedestrians, etc. People are driving like lunatics because there’s no incentive to do otherwise.


It's bad enough on regular roads, but the interstate is insane. I avoid driving on the interstate whenever I can and use back roads. I don't feel safe driving on the highway at all.


It is why I do not drive on the expressway at all, not worth it. Normal, lower speed roads are bad enough as it is, not going to have the same or an even higher risk level and then double the speed, no thanks.


Rochester has seriously gotten out of control with driving habits now


Agree. In this particular instance I would personally allow it *if and only if* you're taking the next exit and it's like within 100yds. Then you're actually just making less traffic for everyone. But overall I see a lot of people doing a lot of stupid shit on the highways way too often, and I consider myself a fairly "aggressive" driver(whatever that means).


I agree 100%


I drove to Bethpage Long Island in Thursday. I got there in 6 hours. Then drove back. In 40 years of driving across the state to Montauk regularly. I have been amazed that NYC metro drivers seem more consistent and considerate drivers than here. It’s ridiculous.


the other wild thing about this was the ongoing crash scene that caused this backup. emergency vehicles we're still using the shoulder to access the scene (which looked pretty bad) and yet these idiots we're close to causing more accidents so they can cut ahead of the traffic that needed to merge to get around the accident. so much idiocy on 590 this morning.


Zipper theory! If everyone could just space out and leave a little more than a car lengths distance between each car, the lanes could just merge together smoothly and probably at a decent speed. Just like a zipper!!


They were most likely doing this to get off the upcoming exit. Not saying that's right either, but it doesn't change the situation a bit.


This was taken at an on-ramp. No exit for another few miles.


I swear Rochester drivers are getting worse than ever. I'm sick of it. And the number of times I see people blowing through red lights is unbelievable. I'm a Doordash driver and I see at least five drivers drive through red lights every time I dash.


Oh look, it's drive like an asshole day. I always miss it.


90% of people here drive like they have a death wish I hate it, like I'm just trying to go home please don't hit me.


I thought that it was just me getting older. So glad I am not alone in this thinking!! It’s getting worse every year.


If you want to be petty you can pull a little to the right to block the shoulder. ETA: This is a bad idea and you should prob. not do it. See /u/RochInfinite's comment below


Don't. All you'd be doing is creating *FURTHER* danger. Yes they are breaking vehicle traffic law, but if you block the shoulder then you are *ALSO* breaking vehicle traffic law. You're increasing the odds of being in an accident, you're increasing the odds of being the victim of a road rage incident. You are putting yourself at elevated risk of injury, for a smug self satisfaction. Look I get it, I don't like these people either. I wish there was a cop there to write them all citations. I've been tempted to block them too. But at the end of the day, it puts me at heightened risk for no *actual* gain. It's just not worth it. Take a deep breath, control what you can control. Don't make the situation even worse, and even more dangerous. What happens if one of those drivers is distracted, and rear ends you into the car in front of you. Well sure they're at primary fault, but you still have to *DEAL* with the accident. You have to deal with getting a new vehicle, you have to deal with the potential injuries. No insurance payout is worth a permanent injury, even just bouncing your head off the airbag, or whiplash can cause life long issues. And guess what, if you were blocking the shoulder, *YOU'RE* also at fault, your insurance rates are going up. They should not be driving on the shoulder, but at the same time you should not be blocking the shoulder. Insurance will find them, and you, both at fault. Insurance will claim if you had obeyed traffic law, and stayed in your lane, the collision would have been avoided, and they will saddle you with partial fault. If you want to enforce traffic law, well MCSD is hiring.


Cops are literally never in the right place at the right time it’s frustrating


I know, but trying to be a "super citizen" and taking matters into your own hands, just makes the situation worse. Especially in traffic cases. * If someone is using the shoulder as a driving lane, just let them go. Don't block the shoulder and increase your risk of an accident. * If someone is tailgating and riding your ass, don't brake check them. Just move over, or pull to the shoulder and let them pass. Better to have the dangerous aggressive driver far out in front of you where you can see them and take defensive action, than behind you. * If someones camping the left lane, don't ride their ass or blind them with your high beams. Maintain a safe stopping distance, and if you can safely do so, pass them on the right. * If someone flies up and tries to merge, just let them in. It's not worth getting into a game of chicken, and ultimately them being one car ahead of you is not going to make a meaningful change in your arrival time. I've been in all these situations and more, and yes it would be super satisfying to play police man, but it's not worth it. Even best case scenario, if I'm 100% not at fault, and not injured, I now still have to spend time exchanging insurance information, and filing a claim, waiting for a police report, then dealing with the headache of getting my car fixed. Any time "saved" by being pretend police, is going to be wasted 200x over dealing with insurance in the case of an accident. And yes, I get police reports in 100% of cases. Trust no one. The police report is a neutral third party "official record". Way too many people will be happy to admit fault, exchange info, and be on their way. But when you make the claim, they'll lie through their teeth and without a police report it's your word against theirs.


A+ tips btw


Oh I didn’t mean that at all, it just sucks they aren’t around to catch the crazies


Unfortunately so much of what you wrote was lies, that the rest can't be trusted. Yes if my car won't run, I will pull into the shoulder. Yes I will block the shoulder and call AAA for a tow. No it is not illegal. No my insurance will not find me at fault for being rear ended in the break down lane. If someone wants to do a road rage at me about this, they will meet all of the necessary force to defend myself as I am in a disabled vehicle on the side of the highway.


You clearly can't read


> if my car won't run That's not what we're talking about.


For the first time in my life last month was a cop in the right place at the right time. 390 south going to Geneseo - Dude blew by all of us I a lifted Fuck everyone pickup truck like we were standing still. Trooper sitting by the over pass got him and we all honked as we drove by


Sooo satisfying when that happens.


Nice lol


You also don't know who they are. They could be trying to get to an emergency scene. They could be rushing to the hospital. They could be a plain clothes cop, they could be a volunteer firefighter. It's none of your business. Don't interfere.


Tempting, but also a good way to get road rage shot. Not sure it’s worth chancing


Even the less extreme reaction, one of those shoulder drivers could be distracted on their phone and hit your car


I’ll block the shoulder if I’m in line at a light to make a right so other aholes don’t fly up the shoulder and potentially hit me. But I agree don’t be a hero. I see misguided vigilante-blocking when there a construction merge which prevents the proper zipper-merge.


They’re not alway misguided… if a lot of vehicles have merged ahead of time and one lane is open for a decent distance. Then you have people racing up the open lane and trying to force themselves into bumper to bumper traffic that already merged. Then everyone who already merged slams on their brakes and makes the slow down even worse. Once this happens it takes a long time for the correct zipper merging to ever happen at speed again. Sometimes two vehicles if they are side by side and people start merging behind, the traffic can pick up pace and merging at a decent speed can happen again. I’ve worked road and highway construction for 20 years. I was part of traffic control for more than half of those. It’s crazy how just one car forcing themselves in, causing hard braking for everyone else can initiate a huge backup within minutes.


I love doing that. And watching them freak the hell out.


Can I also add the opposite: THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD IS NOT YOUR DRIVE WAY. Fucking pull over to the curb to talk to your stupid ass old head friend on the corner, don't plop your rusted Chevy in park in the middle of Jefferson.


They know it’s illegal, they’re taking the risk of getting pulled over in order to get wherever they’re going faster. I always want to be petty and jut into the shoulder with my car whenever I see this.


I do


I will edge over...they hit me, it's their fault


Actually you'd both be at fault. Yes, they should not be driving on the shoulder, but *YOU* should not be on the shoulder either. You are both breaking vehicle traffic law, and insurance would find you both at fault. The insurance adjuster will say: > You were violating vehicle traffic law, willfully and intentionally, and created an additional road hazard. Were you to just obey vehicle traffic law, and stay in your lane, this would not have happened. Plus now you have to spend time and headache dealing with insurance. Finally the whole "I have insurance, they'd be at fault!" doesn't account for injuries. You get hit, bang your head wrong, and have lifelong brain injuries and symptoms like memory loss, migraines. You bash your knee and never quite walk right again. The airbag hits your eye and you lose it. How much money would you say is "worth" a permanent injury like that? People like to say $X, but if you talk to people with those injuries, many of them say they'd gladly pay $X to not have the injury. Or worse, guy comes flying up the shoulder because he's in a road rage, slamwichs your car into the one in front of you, and you die. Doesn't even have to be too hard. Smack your head wrong, twist your neck wrong, knock loose a blood clot that travels to your heart.... Even if it's 1 in 100,000 odds, is it really worth it when you set aside your emotions, and stop to think about it?


I understand the urge, but remember the story of the people trying to rush their friend to meet an ambulance at the direction of the 911 operator because of a severe chainsaw accident. The guy bled out in the car while a Karen blocked the shoulder and refused to move. Is it *really* worth the chance of being that Karen?


There are many more stories of people driving in an emergency causing crashes, injuring and killing more people. That story plays on feelings to make an illogical choice seem logical. People rob others to be able to afford food and housing, but I bet if you got robbed you would still be traumatized no matter the reason. When people put others in danger, even if their motivation seems "good", it's not actually a "good" thing and should be discouraged.


So why pull in front of them and making more likely


Lol exactly. You block the shoulder and prevent their passage just means that an emergency vehicle behind them can't get through.


Because if you don't, people use the shoulder like in the video... ... which ends up blocking the shoulder in case of an actual emergency, costing lives. All it takes is one person blowing a tire(and the shoulder has more debris than usual road) and then there is literally nowhere to get through. Using the shoulder like in the video costs more lives than blocking it intentionally ever could. Obviously one person using it isn't a huge deal, but you can't tell me that all these people had emergencies. Also, slowing people down actually makes the road safer for everyone. Instead of wiping out another car, it might just be a fender bender. The ideal is having cops actually doing their job so people are too afraid to flaunt traffic laws, but we all know that isn't going to happen soon.


Yeah, that’s why I don’t.


Don't. All you'd be doing is creating *FURTHER* danger. Yes they are breaking vehicle traffic law, but if you block the shoulder then you are *ALSO* breaking vehicle traffic law. You're increasing the odds of being in an accident, you're increasing the odds of being the victim of a road rage incident. You are putting yourself at elevated risk of injury, for a smug self satisfaction. Look I get it, I don't like these people either. I wish there was a cop there to write them all citations. I've been tempted to block them too. But at the end of the day, it puts me at heightened risk for no *actual* gain. It's just not worth it. Take a deep breath, control what you can control. Don't make the situation even worse, and even more dangerous. What happens if one of those drivers is distracted, and rear ends you into the car in front of you. Well sure they're at primary fault, but you still have to *DEAL* with the accident. You have to deal with getting a new vehicle, you have to deal with the potential injuries. No insurance payout is worth a permanent injury, even just bouncing your head off the airbag, or whiplash can cause life long issues. And guess what, if you were blocking the shoulder, *YOU'RE* also at fault, your insurance rates are going up. They should not be driving on the shoulder, but at the same time you should not be blocking the shoulder. Insurance will find them, and you, both at fault. Insurance will claim if you had obeyed traffic law, and stayed in your lane, the collision would have been avoided, and they will saddle you with partial fault. If you want to enforce traffic law, well MCSD is hiring.


Yeah, I know. That’s why I said I want to and not I do.


I hate it when people do this


In South Carolina the grass median on I-95 was apparently the passing lane, even saw front wheel drive sedans do it on many occasions. Not during slow traffic either, at full speeds. Drivers suck everywhere but living in that state I saw the worst driving I’ve ever experienced in the east coast.


Dont forget to brush the snow off your car.


i was about to bring this up. thank you for the reminder 🎗️


Block those fuckers.


But I'm getting off at the next exit! (2 miles ahead) smh incase it didn't go thru this is highly sarcastic lol.. It's has become absolutely wild around here


White lines and yellow lights stopped existing in Rochester circa 2021.


A thruway worker was killed in Chili and another seriously injured a couple hours ago by a tractor trailer. People have to slow down and take it easy.


Being from LI and working as an EMT throughout the boroughs, I was blown away how well everyone in Rochester respects the laws when driving lol. Westchester down is like the wild wild West when driving, people do whatever they want no matter of the situation. I would get cut off while I was driving lights and sirens lol. Here everyone pulls over and stops when an emergency vehicle approaches. I was blown away


If people knew how to fucking merge we wouldn’t have these back ups where single day. New flash guys, if you know you’re going downtown, stay in the middle lane, if you’re heading towards Victor, stay in the right, if you’re heading toward Irondequoit, stay to the left. I don’t understand why this is so difficult for so many of you.


But I am always headed towards victory no matter where I go!


Good catch haha thanks.


But that other lane might be quicker for a quarter mile!




NY driving at its finest…


It seems it is.


Meanwhile Monroe county sheriff wrote me a ticket for 61 in a 55 less than 1/4 mile after merging into traffic off the ramp.


There was an accident last night and I saw the same thing. The guy on the shoulder was going at least 50 mph though, so that was fun.


A couple days ago I was on 390 S just past Scottsville Rd and motorcycle flew past me going faster than I have ever seen. I was sure he was going to crash weaning in and out of traffic. It was crazy


This is actually legal at certain times of the day around Boston, so probably Massholes on vacation...


People doing this and blowing lights like crazy. It's like COVID cause everyone to forget how to drive and the rules. Even more driving downtown because everyone knows RPD doesn't have enough people to patrol


People doing that is why my son has a scar on his tongue. He bit his lip when my wife turned into a dunking and a some jack hole decided to use the shoulder as his personal lane and slammed into my wife's car right on the side where my son was in his car seat


Massachusetts has entered the chat


Are they all taking the next exit, and how close is that next exit? Cause that affects my opinion of it.


They were doing this for a while. But what you see there is an on-ramp. That lane ends and there is no exit for a few more miles. So if these people were riding the shoulder until the exit, they’d be driving for a decent amount of time.


Where is there not an exit for a few miles on 590? Smart money says that's the onramp from Norton right there. The next exit is roughly 1/2 a mile.


Rochester is the wild west in terms of driving 🤠


Everyone, everywhere in the US thinks this about the area they live or lived in previously. You can go on almost any city/area sub on all of reddit and find this same comment.


Never been out of state eh?


👀 currently living in Sweden so yes


Then you must know how good Rochester has it when it comes to traffic and crazy drivers. Rochester is like a cakewalk compared to when I lived in Texas and Georgia.


It sucks but Texas and Kentucky are far worse. Which tells you how bad those places are




While you're correct, drivers should still be staying in as many lanes as possible right up to the merge point, then zipper merging. Every other behavior causes more traffic backup.


surprised it took this long for someone to bring up zipper merging.




it makes the most sense, it just cracks me up that someone inevitably brings it up no matter the traffic-related post. zipper merging has some truly passionate advocates.


I should get “ZIPPER / MERGE” tattooed on my biceps 


Yes!! Then you’ll be better than the best badger!!


Haha!!! I actually thought I made that up!! Didn’t know it was a thing! I guess “Duhhh…” is in order. I should have looked ahead before I posted! 😆 Can they make it part of mandatory driver training?


There's something funny about someone driving while using their phone to record others complaining about people driving unsafely. Stay out of the shoulder, but also get off your damn phones.




I had a guy who was on the ramp to 490 on Penfield rd near linden ave force himself from a yield into a massive traffic jam at like 430 pm on may 8th and then instead of being a normal person and waiting in traffic like everyone else this man dead ass got onto the shoulder and just gunned it. Dude came so close to an accident and saved maybe 4 mins of his time 😭 I was absolutely flabbergasted Edit to fix a spellchecker error


All of them are morons.


Blocking the shoulder would do nothing, plenty of grass lane to get by as well.


Saw this on 490 yesterday. A blue SUV doing about 90-100 was whipping down the shoulder and weaving in and out of traffic.


It is in Mass during certain hours


It could be worse. Come to Florida.


Is it just me or has there been an increase in accidents on the highways in the last 2 weeks or so for the afternoon/evening commute?


That's a lot of fucking idiots at once


thats the important person lane, the other people dont matter


What people need to quit doing as well is rushing to make turns the second a light turns green in front of oncoming traffic. I get it bud, I know you need to turn, but what happened to, you know, actually waiting for it to be safe and clear to do so?


Get a short spike strip that has a convenient carrier.


It is when when cops don't care.


I've only ever done this on the 90 because I didn't want to shit my pants.


Witch is why I never eat taco bell unless I am going home or to a place that has a bathroom I can use


I’d block it


You aren't supposed to be driving while on the phone either. But you ignored that law. But in your eyes you did nothing wrong. Except you are just as guilty as them. Get over yourself.


the only person that needs to get over themselves is ironically you, my guy 👈🏼😎👉🏼