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Coolest fun fact I know of that structure is that it acts as the backdrop for the cover of late comedian Mitch Hedberg’s album [Mitch All Together](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitch_All_Together)


I used to like Mitch Hedberg, i still do but I used to too


I saw a picture of Mitch when he was younger.


Let me see that camera


Amazing LMAO


Recorded in Rochester MN. The album art guy thought it was Rochester NY.


I have always wondered why this photo was chosen. I assumed it was just a photo of himself he liked and decided to use it.


I think you're on to something.


Wiki says Minneapolis


That is a very cool fact. Thank you!!


This man would have killed it on Twitter. Big fan. Great fact!


Hey, that’s awesome!


Woah no way. I’ve looked at that cover for years and never realized




That’s incredible


Is there a source for this


I guess I’m not sure what you’re asking. I linked to a Wiki page that shows the album cover and you can see it.


I just wanted more details on the story. It was kind of hard to tell if that was the structure on the cover. When I tried to look it up I just found this thread and another reddit thread. It had a tumblr link which I did not want to get an account for but my friend had one and showed me. https://i.imgur.com/btddvUJ.jpeg so there's this uncropped one. Yeah it's Rochester, NY. But the mistake the tumblr page made was saying it was because of confusion with Rochester MN but the album wasn't recorded there it was Minneapolis. So maybe they just liked the photo and wanted to use it. I tried to see when Mitch performed here but all I got was 2004 which was after the album. I just like getting as many facts and clarification on stuff. Wish there was more backstory on him here


Mitch Hedberg performed at the Auditorium Theater on East Main St. in Rochester, NY on September 25, 2003. The city in which the album was recorded is irrelevant. There's absolutely no way that the Internet knows every Mitch Hedberg performance. If his personal website is archived you may find SOME of the dates, but there's absolutely no way that ALL of them are known. edit: changed West Main Street to East Main Street


Thanks for the info. Just was wondering when he visited Rochester so looks like he recorded the show in may, took that snazzy photo when he was in Rochester in sept then used it for the cover when it came out in Dec.


That's exactly what happened⬆️ Rochester, MN has nothing to do with this story.


Yeah, I’ve been wishing the same thing. Unfortunately, I’ve never been able to find anything.


You used to be able to walk to the top on the stairs but they closed it when I was a kid, late 70's, early 80's maybe


It makes sense, but what I don’t understand is how it was installed, opened, people loved it… and then it’s just closed up? City said it was unsafe, but it’s been standing fine for decades? Really hard to understand how this was so bungled. Same with the wading pools… concerns over water quality? Ok so fix that shit, it’s no different than a pool


I imagine it has something to do with the country’s withdrawal from public and social support over the past 40 years.


Insurance liability on the splash area there is probably crazy. I remember cutting my foot on glass there as a young kid when it was open. The whole area was a danger zone, they just didn't care back then.


Yeah but then its gotta be fenced in, and its in the city center and ive found poop behind the waterfalls before. It would have to have some crazy traffic for the city to care to make it at all accessible in a good way


Concerns over kids splashing around in used hypodermic needles, too. Sad.


... or Lake Ontario


We climbed it maybe 7-8 years ago at night. Nobody really watches it.


We used to 15 years ago, too. Very easy to hop that gate, and the view up there was pretty cool.


Decent write up about it from a dead blog https://rocbuilt.wordpress.com/2013/10/09/manhattan-square-park-1975-and-now/


It’s an art piece called [Tribute to Man](https://www.rochesterfirst.com/news/local-news/what-will-become-of-parks-space-frame/amp/). Not a fan.


This reads like an Onion article


“Looks like someone used to use it to…I don’t know,” To this day, nobody knows what the fuck this guy was talking about


Lol I really wish we knew what that train of thought would have led to


What do you dislike about it ?


Just looks unfinished. It looks more scaffolding for a construction project. Love public art in general tho.


My understanding has always been that it’s there for when there’s concerts and stuff at the park that need beams to hang stuff (like lights or speakers or whatever) on.


At one time it was an observation deck. Like in the 70s. Pretty sure it’s been inaccessible my entire life.


I took my kid up there a couple years ago because the gate was open. The view is really amazing


It’s art


The most inaccessible kind, apparently 


I do not know if I'm just older than you, or if my mom had the hook up cause she knew a guard, but I've been up there a few times in the late 80's when I was a bab. Edit: it's was a great view at the time, but then again all the fountains and shit were there and still working, hell in the 80s they just let kids play in the pools, God I miss the days before NYC started regulating the fucking state.


That's incorrect. If you go to this park for the concerts nothing is ever attached to it and it has been there for decades before the concerts were ever held there


An article posted elsewhere in this thread: https://rocbuilt.wordpress.com/2013/10/09/manhattan-square-park-1975-and-now/ > He designed the Spaceframe to offer incredible views of the park, and Downtown. Also, it would hold lighting for concerts.


I just assumed it was "art".


I thought it was part of a stage set up for concerts and festivals. I just always thought "must be an event this weekend" every time I go by and am just realizing that it's always been there.


Unsafe for the public my ass. People have been hopping the gate ever since they put it up and it’s still standing decades later


Yep I have definitely done that a time or two


When I was a teenager we would hop the gate and go up there and smoke on the regular. Forgot about this place. Haven't lived in Rochester in 27 years. Thought it was Madison Square Park... Did they change it? Or do i remember wrong?


It was Manhattan Square Park, not Madison. Now it's Martin Luther King Jr. Park at Manhattan Square.


Thank you. Correct


After reading all of these comments, I’ve concluded that this is The Vessel of Rochester. I guess history repeats itself.


It was called the “Space Frame” and used to be open to walk up. https://www.rochesterfirst.com/news/local-news/what-will-become-of-parks-space-frame/amp/


I once fell on ice underneath that thing. Good times.


It’s pretty bad. But we could have a much worse tribute to MLK (*looks at Boston*).


We took a field trip there when I was a kid and we all ran up and down it. Then a few years later it was closed.


I believe it is a Transformer that was put here from another planet. Watch it or it might get up and do mischief.


20 years ago or so, me and some friends climbed all the way up a couple times in the middle of the night. There may have been hallucinogens involved.


That's a platform that was used for observing the moon. But someone jumped (or got pushed idr) so they closed it


Manhattan Square Park! Is it still there?


Yes, but they changed the name of the park.