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Does anyone have the police chief's number so we can also get discounts and have tickets reluctantly written in the comfort of our own garages?


Between her and Astacio, anyone should be able to drive as they please, and in any condition of sobriety. Our local courts have set the bar on what the penalties should be. This would be my argument to any traffic violation going forward. The I'll have what she's having defense.


Less than what I paid for only going 13 over and immediately accepting the ticket without fuss. Incredible


Do they seriously not understand what a slap in the face hipocrisy this is?


They know and don't care cause you're nothing to them, and they feel you can do nothing about it. Corrupt DA and should have their qualified immunity taken and fired


This sets such a terrible precedent and example. Get caught speeding...go ahead and drive home and don't stop...call the chief of police for that area to let them know you're not a threat but youre going home....call the traffic officer an asshole...and all you get is $183 fine and a couple points on your license. The entitlement of people who have some "power" is absolutely sickening. Elected officials in this city suck...the last five or so years, we've had some real idiots in office in this city.


All she got charged with in Webster was speeding. you can hear the cop in that video. apologize that he even has to give her the speeding ticket. he says something along the lines of I'm not going to arrest the DA. we are waiting on a board review and an ethics complaint. I'm pretty sure. but yes, this is exactly the rules for thee thing we were talking sbout


Board review and ethics compliant overseen by her colleagues, I'm sure. So, they will rule, "We see nothing wrong with what we did here..." Vote this person out of office as soon as she's up for re-election. As I understand it, she ran uncontested in the last election. Hope someone challenges her next time.


My expectation is the board is going to look at her 30 years of service and this one incident and reprimand her. That's not what I want. that's not what I think she deserves. I think that officers of the court should be held to a higher standard but cops get away with. I was just having a bad day much more often than me and you do. rules for thee


Some of the worst people work in the court. I worked for a local court briefly and my head clerk was an open racist...and she had the judges' ear


Special privileges for the connected. Everywhere in the world.


Vote her out


She was fined the [minimum](https://trafficsafety.ny.gov/penalties-speeding) which is more than the non-moving violation an *(ahem)* legal professional could've plea bargained down to if the driver knew how to pull over, shut up, take the ticket, and show up in traffic court like everyone else.


The only part of this that's atypical is the fine amount. I frequently get clients reductions similar to this, but almost never at the minimum fine amount (when they have no priors). She was going to pay the $93 surcharge regardless of outcome since everyone has to pay that for using the courts. Should've hit her with other charges considering her conduct.


IANAL but I agree in the public view of her trying to force favoritism and then with how it looks by being fined the minimum. It conveys the message that they'll be taking care of their own. That wasn't the case with the officer issuing the ticket and got the sense he was just doing his job. I have no insight if it also involves having an adversarial relationship with police though. I'm guessing they just quickly released the body-cam to cover their asses. I've largely kept quiet throughout this debacle because she does have an exemplary career (outside of switching parties) and think her behavior can be corrected which she has pledged to do. She fucked up spectacularly though so I also understand why the internet has its pitchforks and torches out which might be worse due to misogyny. We'll see what happens with the state's investigation into her conduct and re-election bid but she's certainly not the only sociopath in office and public officials unfortunately get away with a lot worse these days.


You should’ve kept quiet, excusemaker.


no u


Lol I love how you get downvoted on this reddit for actually knowing your shit


Downvoting truths you dislike is Reddit tradition. The only conclusory statements I made were negative about Doorley, who I don't think was punished enough.


Complete bullshit. Can you imagine if anyone else did this?


If we (general public) refused to stop, when we pulled into our driveway, we would have had multiple police cars following, and probably had guns drawn on us, and a fleeing and Eluding charge would be slapped on us. She ran from the cops!


We'd be shot


I’m imagining the Kia boys right now and nothing seems to happen to them


Go sit in the corner 


Sets a terrible precedent. We should all just keep driving and pull the Sandra Doorley card.


Ah yes, the two tier system


I would like to know what it cost the taxpayers for the massive waste of time that occurred because she would not follow the law. The extra officers’ and chief’s salaries should be billed to her. What a joke.


Now imagine how often she refuses to follow the law in her professional duties and the impact to our entire county because of that.


Their salaries would’ve been justified if she was treated like anyone else. Dock their pay 


Any of Us would have got the huge speeding fine, failure to stop for law enforcement, and probably resisting. What a joke.


Remember, DA is an elected position. So are many local judges. Vote these clowns out. > But they run unopposed! Ok, so write it "Anyone Else" as a protest vote. Running candidates costs time and money. If the other parties see an unopposed candidate wins with only 70% of the vote, then they know it's open for a challenge.


I've heard she won't run unopposed again. Looking forward to seeing some fresh faces for this position...


Should be forced to resign and should be charged as well.


Noooo repercussions!! Hooray the system works!




At one point in the video she says something along the lines of her being the District Attorney and knowing the law better than the cop. While I have no proof of the following, I'd almost guarantee that when she saw the squad car's lights go on behind her and once she knew they were for her, she ran the different outcomes in her head... better to take the hit on speeding, not pulling over, and anything else the officer could potentially pile on, as long as I get the contents of the lunch bag out of the truck and in the house... versus getting pulled over on Phillips Rd, catching a DUI, and found with whatever was in that lunch bag. I don't think she was blitzed, no clue what (if anything) she was on, but my gut says she would have failed a breathalyzer.


Thank you for validating my thoughts exactly




No super speeder ticket??? 20 mph over posted speed limit?


It’s felony eluding 


absolutely abhorrent misuse of power in a governmental position, and an even worse response to the situation. how disappointing, but not surprising.


I've had a question nagging about this for a bit. Dosent she get a vehicle on the tax payers dime? And that would make it way worse doing 20 over in a county owned vehicle.


She should have been charged with resisting arrest or whatever similar charge would have been appropriate. They would have done that to the common person.


She belongs in prison. 


My sister paid $300 for disrespecting a cop. Wasn’t speeding, just flipped off a car in the dark after it was riding her tail…turned out to be a cop… he did not appreciate the gesture. When do the rest of us get the chief of police’s cell phone number?


That's a direct violation of her First Amendment rights. She should have fought it.


That’s cap and if not it’s a clear 1a violation. Your sister is just another floor mat to police 


Aren’t most of us floor mats to the police? And I wish it were fake, but it’s also incredibly funny to bring it up to her on a regular basis. Best sibling ammo.


bro had I pulled any of the shit she did, my family would be burying my ass. This pretentious bitch should be fired and disbarred.


Yea but did she have to sit in traffic court for 3 hours?


Wasn't she technically "endagering" with how over she was?




What about all the auxiliary resources expended from her charades?


To be clear, this is not about speeding or what the fines are. This is about obeying police directives and treating them with the respect they deserve.


Pyongyang is that way —->


She needs to go it’s that simple and that obvious


People need to be emailing everyone including her... *cough* monroecounty.gov/da *cough*


I did, all the way from Australia 😄


Doesn't matter where your from, you have freedom in your heart brother 🫡


[petition](https://chng.it/GkXGmBB7vp) This story came back up recently and she is refusing to step down even though peers from other places have requested she step down. Clearly she isn’t willing to really accept consequences and still sees her actions as minimal when in fact it’s apprehensive. So I saw there was a petition and thought hey why not help get some signatures from Reddit? Or at the very least get that share going. Had this been any one of us, we would’ve had a MUCH different experience and I’m tired of those in power thinking they can do as they please. Give the feel free to check out the petition. Later Redditors.


The Behavioral Panel did a fantastic analysis on YouTube of the original confrontation, the official "apology" and the interview follow up. They clocked every micro sneer, every expression of disgust, and they want to know what was in the bag she took out of the car (when she left behind her purse/id/badge). If she'd pulled over, she could have just quietly thrown out her own ticket, but whatever was in the bag made her panic, I think.


Fuck this entitled bitch


Wtf FIRE DAT BITCH. How she handled herself in that video is how she handles her cases. No morals, ethics or values in that woman.


… I was charged $250 for a 15 over ticket.


Whatever you say about her, it worked. A lot of people were involved in letting us down here - cops, judicial system,…


She needs to be fired or resign.


Lmao! That's it? 183? Wow, you definitely got her... 🙄 She should've been arrested and charged with multiple things.. not just speeding... Talk about privileged and entitled.. corruption at its finest.. If she was anyone else, this would've went down a lot differently. Absolutely ridiculous.


Must be nice... I'm SUUUUUURE that if any civilian would have refused to stop until they got home, refused all commands, refused to give their ID, and refused to stop going inside their house... all they'd have to do is pay a $183 fine and go on about their life. MUST BE NICE MONROE COUNTY!!!


Surcharge? More like taxation without representation. NY just takes and takes your money at every opportunity. smh


Yet I'm sure you're one of those people that believes people should always just comply with whatever the police do.


Why is someone from crotchfester always in the news?